def remove_patches(directory=None):
    # Get the current branch
    current_branch = get_current_branch(directory)
    # Ensure the current branch is valid
    if current_branch is None:
        error("Could not determine current branch, are you in a git repo?")
        return 1
    # Construct the patches branch
    patches_branch = 'patches/' + current_branch
        # See if the patches branch exists
        if branch_exists(patches_branch, False, directory=directory):
            if not branch_exists(patches_branch, True, directory=directory):
                track_branches(patches_branch, directory)
            error("No patches branch (" + patches_branch + ") found, cannot "
                  "remove patches.")
            return 1
        # Get the parent branch from the patches branch
        config = get_patch_config(patches_branch, directory=directory)
        parent, spec = config['parent'], config['base']
        if None in [parent, spec]:
            error("Could not retrieve patches info.")
            return 1
        debug("Removing patches from " + current_branch + " back to base "
              "commit " + spec)
        # Reset this branch using git reset --hard spec
        execute_command('git reset --hard ' + spec, cwd=directory)
        if current_branch:
            checkout(current_branch, directory=directory)
    return 0
def upconvert_bloom_to_config_branch():
    global _has_checked_bloom_branch
    if _has_checked_bloom_branch:
    # Assert that this repository does not have multiple remotes
    if get_root() is None:
        # Not a git repository
    track_branches(['bloom', BLOOM_CONFIG_BRANCH])
    if show('bloom', PLACEHOLDER_FILE) is not None:
    if show('bloom', 'bloom.conf') is not None:
        # Wait for the bloom.conf upconvert...
    if not branch_exists('bloom'):
    _has_checked_bloom_branch = True
    info("Moving configurations from deprecated 'bloom' branch "
         "to the '{0}' branch.".format(BLOOM_CONFIG_BRANCH))
    tmp_dir = mkdtemp()
    git_root = get_root()
        # Copy the new upstream source into the temporary directory
        with inbranch('bloom'):
            ignores = ('.git', '.gitignore', '.svn', '.hgignore', '.hg', 'CVS')
            configs = os.path.join(tmp_dir, 'configs')
            my_copytree(git_root, configs, ignores)
            if [x for x in os.listdir(os.getcwd()) if x not in ignores]:
                execute_command('git rm -rf ./*')
            with open(PLACEHOLDER_FILE, 'w') as f:
This branch ('bloom') has been deprecated in favor of storing settings and overlay files in the master branch.

Please goto the master branch for anything which referenced the bloom branch.

You can delete this branch at your convenience.
            execute_command('git add ' + PLACEHOLDER_FILE)
            if has_changes():
                execute_command('git commit -m "DEPRECATING BRANCH"')
        if not branch_exists(BLOOM_CONFIG_BRANCH):
            info("Creating '{0}' branch.".format(BLOOM_CONFIG_BRANCH))
            create_branch(BLOOM_CONFIG_BRANCH, orphaned=True)
        with inbranch(BLOOM_CONFIG_BRANCH):
            my_copytree(configs, git_root)
            execute_command('git add ./*')
            if has_changes():
                execute_command('git commit -m '
                                '"Moving configs from bloom branch"')
        # Clean up
        if os.path.exists(tmp_dir):
文件: config.py 项目: vrabaud/bloom
def upconvert_bloom_to_config_branch():
    global _has_checked_bloom_branch
    if _has_checked_bloom_branch:
    # Assert that this repository does not have multiple remotes
    if get_root() is None:
        # Not a git repository
    track_branches(['bloom', BLOOM_CONFIG_BRANCH])
    if show('bloom', PLACEHOLDER_FILE) is not None:
    if show('bloom', 'bloom.conf') is not None:
        # Wait for the bloom.conf upconvert...
    if not branch_exists('bloom'):
    _has_checked_bloom_branch = True
    info("Moving configurations from deprecated 'bloom' branch "
         "to the '{0}' branch.".format(BLOOM_CONFIG_BRANCH))
    tmp_dir = mkdtemp()
    git_root = get_root()
        # Copy the new upstream source into the temporary directory
        with inbranch('bloom'):
            ignores = ('.git', '.gitignore', '.svn', '.hgignore', '.hg', 'CVS')
            configs = os.path.join(tmp_dir, 'configs')
            my_copytree(git_root, configs, ignores)
            if [x for x in os.listdir(os.getcwd()) if x not in ignores]:
                execute_command('git rm -rf ./*')
            with open(PLACEHOLDER_FILE, 'w') as f:
This branch ('bloom') has been deprecated in favor of storing settings and overlay files in the master branch.

Please goto the master branch for anything which referenced the bloom branch.

You can delete this branch at your convenience.
            execute_command('git add ' + PLACEHOLDER_FILE)
            if has_changes():
                execute_command('git commit -m "DEPRECATING BRANCH"')
        if not branch_exists(BLOOM_CONFIG_BRANCH):
            info("Creating '{0}' branch.".format(BLOOM_CONFIG_BRANCH))
            create_branch(BLOOM_CONFIG_BRANCH, orphaned=True)
        with inbranch(BLOOM_CONFIG_BRANCH):
            my_copytree(configs, git_root)
            execute_command('git add ./*')
            if has_changes():
                execute_command('git commit -m '
                                '"Moving configs from bloom branch"')
        # Clean up
        if os.path.exists(tmp_dir):
def import_patches(directory=None):
    # Get current branch
    current_branch = get_current_branch(directory)
    # Construct the patches branch name
    patches_branch = 'patches/' + current_branch
    # Ensure the patches branch exists and is tracked
    if branch_exists(patches_branch, False, directory=directory):
        if not branch_exists(patches_branch, True, directory=directory):
            track_branches(patches_branch, directory)
        error("The patches branch ({0}) does not ".format(patches_branch) + \
              "exist, did you use git-bloom-branch?")
        return code.BRANCH_DOES_NOT_EXIST
    # Create a swap space
    tmp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
        # Get parent branch and base commit from patches branch
        config = get_patch_config(patches_branch, directory)
        parent_branch, commit = config['parent'], config['base']
        if commit != get_commit_hash(current_branch, directory):
            warning("The current commit is not the same as the most recent "
                    "rebase commit. This might mean that you have committed "
                    "since the last time you did 'git-bloom-patch export'.")
            return code.PATCHES_NOT_EXPORTED
        # Checkout to the patches branch
        checkout(patches_branch, directory=directory)
        # Copy the patches to a temp location
        patches = list_patches(directory)
        if len(patches) == 0:
            debug("No patches in the patches branch, nothing to do")
            return code.NOTHING_TO_DO
        tmp_dir_patches = []
        for patch in patches:
            tmp_dir_patches.append(os.path.join(tmp_dir, patch))
            if directory is not None:
                patch = os.path.join(directory, patch)
            shutil.copy(patch, tmp_dir)
        # Now checkout back to the original branch and import them
        checkout(current_branch, directory=directory)
        cmd = 'git am {0}*.patch'.format(tmp_dir + os.sep)
        execute_command(cmd, cwd=directory)
        # Notify the user
        info("Applied {0} patches".format(len(patches)))
        if current_branch:
            checkout(current_branch, directory=directory)
        if os.path.exists(tmp_dir):
    return 0
def trim(sub_dir=None, force=False, undo=False, directory=None):
    # Get the current branch
    current_branch = get_current_branch(directory)
    # Ensure the current branch is valid
    if current_branch is None:
        error("Could not determine current branch, are you in a git repo?")
        return code.NOT_ON_A_GIT_BRANCH
    # Construct the patches branch
    patches_branch = 'patches/' + current_branch
        # See if the patches branch exists
        if branch_exists(patches_branch, False, directory=directory):
            if not branch_exists(patches_branch, True, directory=directory):
                track_branches(patches_branch, directory)
            error("No patches branch (" + patches_branch + ") found, cannot "
                  "perform trim.")
            return code.BRANCH_DOES_NOT_EXIST
        # Get the parent branch from the patches branch
        config = get_patch_config(patches_branch, directory=directory)
        if config is None:
            error("Could not retrieve patches info.")
            return code.COULD_NOT_GET_PATCH_INFO
        # If sub_dir is set, try to set it
        new_config = _set_trim_sub_dir(sub_dir, force, config, directory)
        if new_config is None:
            return code.COULD_NOT_TRIM
        # Perform trime or undo
        if undo:
            new_config = _undo(new_config, directory)
            if new_config is None:
                return code.NOTHING_TO_DO
            new_config = _trim(new_config, force, directory)
        if new_config is None:
            return code.COULD_NOT_TRIM
        # Commit the new config
        set_patch_config(patches_branch, new_config, directory)
        if current_branch:
            checkout(current_branch, directory=directory)
    return code.OK
def trim(sub_dir=None, force=False, undo=False, directory=None):
    # Get the current branch
    current_branch = get_current_branch(directory)
    # Ensure the current branch is valid
    if current_branch is None:
        error("Could not determine current branch, are you in a git repo?",
    # Construct the patches branch
    patches_branch = 'patches/' + current_branch
        # See if the patches branch exists
        if branch_exists(patches_branch, False, directory=directory):
            if not branch_exists(patches_branch, True, directory=directory):
                track_branches(patches_branch, directory)
            error("No patches branch (" + patches_branch + ") found, cannot "
                  "perform trim.",
        # Get the parent branch from the patches branch
        config = get_patch_config(patches_branch, directory=directory)
        if config is None:
            error("Could not retrieve patches info.", exit=True)
        # If sub_dir is set, try to set it
        new_config = _set_trim_sub_dir(sub_dir, force, config, directory)
        if new_config is None:
            sys.exit('Could not perform trim')
        # Perform trime or undo
        if undo:
            new_config = _undo(new_config, directory)
            if new_config is None:
                return -1  # Indicates that nothing was done
            new_config = _trim(new_config, force, directory)
        if new_config is None:
            sys.exit('Could not perform trim')
        # Commit the new config
        set_patch_config(patches_branch, new_config, directory)
        if current_branch:
            checkout(current_branch, directory=directory)
def test_track_branches():
    tmp_dir = mkdtemp()
    orig_dir = os.path.join(tmp_dir, 'orig')
    clone_dir = os.path.join(tmp_dir, 'clone')
    from subprocess import check_call, PIPE, check_output
    check_call('git init .', shell=True, cwd=orig_dir, stdout=PIPE)
    check_call('touch example.txt', shell=True, cwd=orig_dir, stdout=PIPE)
    check_call('git add *', shell=True, cwd=orig_dir, stdout=PIPE)
    check_call('git commit -m "Init"', shell=True, cwd=orig_dir, stdout=PIPE)
    check_call('git branch bloom', shell=True, cwd=orig_dir, stdout=PIPE)
    check_call('git branch upstream', shell=True, cwd=orig_dir, stdout=PIPE)
    check_call('git branch refactor', shell=True, cwd=orig_dir, stdout=PIPE)
    from vcstools import VcsClient
    clone = VcsClient('git', clone_dir)
    clone.checkout('file://{0}'.format(orig_dir), 'master')
    output = check_output('git branch --no-color', shell=True, cwd=clone_dir)
    assert output == '* master\n'
    from bloom.git import track_branches
    track_branches(['bloom', 'upstream'], clone_dir)
    output = check_output('git branch --no-color', shell=True, cwd=clone_dir)
    assert output == '  bloom\n* master\n  upstream\n'
    output = check_output('git branch --no-color', shell=True, cwd=clone_dir)
    assert output == '  bloom\n* master\n  refactor\n  upstream\n', \
           output + ' == `  bloom\n* master\n  refactor\n  upstream\n`'
    track_branches(['fake'], clone_dir)
    output = check_output('git branch', shell=True, cwd=clone_dir)
    assert output.count('fake') == 0
def test_track_branches():
    tmp_dir = mkdtemp()
    orig_dir = os.path.join(tmp_dir, 'orig')
    clone_dir = os.path.join(tmp_dir, 'clone')
    from subprocess import check_call, PIPE, check_output
    check_call('git init .', shell=True, cwd=orig_dir, stdout=PIPE)
    check_call('touch example.txt', shell=True, cwd=orig_dir, stdout=PIPE)
    check_call('git add *', shell=True, cwd=orig_dir, stdout=PIPE)
    check_call('git commit -m "Init"', shell=True, cwd=orig_dir, stdout=PIPE)
    check_call('git branch bloom', shell=True, cwd=orig_dir, stdout=PIPE)
    check_call('git branch upstream', shell=True, cwd=orig_dir, stdout=PIPE)
    check_call('git branch refactor', shell=True, cwd=orig_dir, stdout=PIPE)
    from vcstools import VcsClient
    clone = VcsClient('git', clone_dir)
    clone.checkout('file://{0}'.format(orig_dir), 'master')
    output = check_output('git branch --no-color', shell=True, cwd=clone_dir)
    assert output == '* master\n'
    from bloom.git import track_branches
    track_branches(['bloom', 'upstream'], clone_dir)
    output = check_output('git branch --no-color', shell=True, cwd=clone_dir)
    assert output == '  bloom\n* master\n  upstream\n'
    output = check_output('git branch --no-color', shell=True, cwd=clone_dir)
    assert output == '  bloom\n* master\n  refactor\n  upstream\n', \
           output + ' == `  bloom\n* master\n  refactor\n  upstream\n`'
    track_branches(['fake'], clone_dir)
    output = check_output('git branch', shell=True, cwd=clone_dir)
    assert output.count('fake') == 0
文件: trim_cmd.py 项目: 130s/bloom
def trim(sub_dir=None, force=False, undo=False, directory=None):
    # Get the current branch
    current_branch = get_current_branch(directory)
    # Ensure the current branch is valid
    if current_branch is None:
        error("Could not determine current branch, are you in a git repo?",
    # Construct the patches branch
    patches_branch = 'patches/' + current_branch
        # See if the patches branch exists
        if branch_exists(patches_branch, False, directory=directory):
            if not branch_exists(patches_branch, True, directory=directory):
                track_branches(patches_branch, directory)
            error("No patches branch (" + patches_branch + ") found, cannot "
                  "perform trim.", exit=True)
        # Get the parent branch from the patches branch
        config = get_patch_config(patches_branch, directory=directory)
        if config is None:
            error("Could not retrieve patches info.", exit=True)
        # If sub_dir is set, try to set it
        new_config = _set_trim_sub_dir(sub_dir, force, config, directory)
        if new_config is None:
            sys.exit('Could not perform trim')
        # Perform trime or undo
        if undo:
            new_config = _undo(new_config, directory)
            if new_config is None:
                return -1  # Indicates that nothing was done
            new_config = _trim(new_config, force, directory)
        if new_config is None:
            sys.exit('Could not perform trim')
        # Commit the new config
        set_patch_config(patches_branch, new_config, directory)
        if current_branch:
            checkout(current_branch, directory=directory)
def remove_patches(directory=None):
    # Get the current branch
    current_branch = get_current_branch(directory)
    if current_branch is None:
        error("Could not determine current branch.", exit=True)
    # Ensure the current branch is valid
    if current_branch is None:
        error("Could not determine current branch, are you in a git repo?",
    # Construct the patches branch
    patches_branch = 'patches/' + current_branch
        # See if the patches branch exists
        if branch_exists(patches_branch, False, directory=directory):
            if not branch_exists(patches_branch, True, directory=directory):
                track_branches(patches_branch, directory)
            error("No patches branch (" + patches_branch + ") found, cannot "
                  "remove patches.",
        # Get the parent branch from the patches branch
        config = get_patch_config(patches_branch, directory=directory)
        parent, spec = config['parent'], config['base']
        if None in [parent, spec]:
            error("Could not retrieve patches info.", exit=True)
        debug("Removing patches from " + current_branch + " back to base "
              "commit " + spec)
        # Reset this branch using git revert --no-edit spec
        current_commit = get_commit_hash(current_branch, directory)
        command_spec = spec + '..' + current_commit
        execute_command('git revert --no-edit -Xtheirs ' + command_spec,
        # Update the base
        config['base'] = get_commit_hash(current_branch, directory)
        set_patch_config(patches_branch, config, directory=directory)
        if current_branch:
            checkout(current_branch, directory=directory)
文件: remove_cmd.py 项目: 130s/bloom
def remove_patches(directory=None):
    # Get the current branch
    current_branch = get_current_branch(directory)
    if current_branch is None:
        error("Could not determine current branch.", exit=True)
    # Ensure the current branch is valid
    if current_branch is None:
        error("Could not determine current branch, are you in a git repo?",
    # Construct the patches branch
    patches_branch = 'patches/' + current_branch
        # See if the patches branch exists
        if branch_exists(patches_branch, False, directory=directory):
            if not branch_exists(patches_branch, True, directory=directory):
                track_branches(patches_branch, directory)
            error("No patches branch (" + patches_branch + ") found, cannot "
                  "remove patches.", exit=True)
        # Get the parent branch from the patches branch
        config = get_patch_config(patches_branch, directory=directory)
        parent, spec = config['parent'], config['base']
        if None in [parent, spec]:
            error("Could not retrieve patches info.", exit=True)
        debug("Removing patches from " + current_branch + " back to base "
              "commit " + spec)
        # Reset this branch using git revert --no-edit spec
        current_commit = get_commit_hash(current_branch, directory)
        command_spec = spec + '..' + current_commit
            'git revert --no-edit -Xtheirs ' + command_spec, cwd=directory
        # Update the base
        config['base'] = get_commit_hash(current_branch, directory)
        set_patch_config(patches_branch, config, directory=directory)
        if current_branch:
            checkout(current_branch, directory=directory)
def import_patches(directory=None):
    # Get current branch
    current_branch = get_current_branch(directory)
    if current_branch is None:
        error("Could not determine current branch.", exit=True)
    # Construct the patches branch name
    patches_branch = 'patches/' + current_branch
    # Ensure the patches branch exists and is tracked
    if branch_exists(patches_branch, False, directory=directory):
        if not branch_exists(patches_branch, True, directory=directory):
            track_branches(patches_branch, directory)
        error("The patches branch ({0}) does not ".format(patches_branch) +
              "exist, did you use git-bloom-branch?", exit=True)
    # Create a swap space
    tmp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
        # Get parent branch and base commit from patches branch
        config = get_patch_config(patches_branch, directory)
        parent_branch, commit = config['parent'], config['base']
        if commit != get_commit_hash(current_branch, directory):
                "commit != get_commit_hash(current_branch, directory)"
                "{0} != get_commit_hash({1}, {2}) != {3}".format(
                    commit, current_branch, directory,
                    get_commit_hash(current_branch, directory)
            os.system('git log')
                "The current commit is not the same as the most recent "
                "rebase commit."
                "This might mean that you have committed since the last "
                "time you did:"
                "    'git-bloom-patch rebase' or 'git-bloom-patch remove'"
                "Make sure you export any commits you want to save first:"
            warning("    'git-bloom-patch export'")
            error("Patches not exported", exit=True)
        # Checkout to the patches branch
        checkout(patches_branch, directory=directory)
        # Copy the patches to a temp location
        patches = list_patches(directory)
        if len(patches) == 0:
            debug("No patches in the patches branch, nothing to do")
            return -1  # Indicates that nothing was done
        tmp_dir_patches = []
        for patch in patches:
            tmp_dir_patches.append(os.path.join(tmp_dir, patch))
            if directory is not None:
                patch = os.path.join(directory, patch)
            shutil.copy(patch, tmp_dir)
        # Now checkout back to the original branch and import them
        checkout(current_branch, directory=directory)
            cmd = 'git am {0}*.patch'.format(tmp_dir + os.sep)
            execute_command(cmd, cwd=directory)
        except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
            warning("Failed to apply one or more patches for the "
                    "'{0}' branch.".format(str(e)))
            print(">>> Resolve any conflicts and when you have resolved this "
                  "problem run 'git am --resolved' and then exit the "
                  "shell using 'exit 0'. <<<")
            print("    To abort use 'exit 1'")
            if 'bash' in os.environ['SHELL']:
                ret = subprocess.call([
                    "/bin/bash", "-l", "-c",
/bin/bash --rcfile <(echo "if [ -f /etc/bashrc ]; then source /etc/bashrc; fi; \
if [ -f ~/.bashrc ]; then source ~/.bashrc; fi;PS1='(bloom)$PS1'") -i"""
                ret = subprocess.call("$SHELL", shell=True)
            if ret != 0:
                error("User failed to resolve patch conflicts, exiting.")
                sys.exit("'git-bloom-patch import' aborted.")
            info("User reports that conflicts have been resolved, continuing.")
        # Notify the user
        info("Applied {0} patches".format(len(patches)))
        if current_branch:
            checkout(current_branch, directory=directory)
        if os.path.exists(tmp_dir):
文件: branch.py 项目: po1/bloom
def execute_branch(src, dst, interactive, directory=None):
    Changes to the destination branch, creates branch and patches/branch
    if they do not exist.

    If the dst branch does not exist yet, then it is created by branching the
    current working branch or the specified SRC_BRANCH.

    If the patches/dst branch branch does not exist yet then it is created.

    If the branches are created successful, then the working branch will be
    set to the dst branch, otherwise the working branch will remain unchanged.

    :param src: source branch from which to copy
    :param dst: destination branch
    :param interactive: if True actions are summarized before committing
    :param directory: directory in which to preform this action

    :raises: subprocess.CalledProcessError if any git calls fail
    # Determine if the srouce branch exists
    if src is None:
        error("No source specified and/or not a branch currently", exit=True)
    if branch_exists(src, local_only=False, directory=directory):
        if not branch_exists(src, local_only=True, directory=directory):
            debug("Tracking source branch: {0}".format(src))
            track_branches(src, directory)
    elif tag_exists(src):
        error("Specified source branch does not exist: {0}".format(src), exit=True)

    # Determine if the destination branch needs to be created
    create_dst_branch = False
    if branch_exists(dst, local_only=False, directory=directory):
        if not branch_exists(dst, local_only=True, directory=directory):
            debug("Tracking destination branch: {0}".format(dst))
            track_branches(dst, directory)
        create_dst_branch = True

    # Determine if the destination patches branch needs to be created
    create_dst_patches_branch = False
    dst_patches = "patches/" + dst
    if branch_exists(dst_patches, False, directory=directory):
        if not branch_exists(dst_patches, True, directory=directory):
            track_branches(dst_patches, directory)
        create_dst_patches_branch = True

    # Summarize
    if interactive:
        info("Summary of changes:")
        if create_dst_branch:
                " " * 22
                + "- The specified destination branch, "
                + ansi("boldon")
                + dst
                + ansi("reset")
                + ", does not exist; it will be created from the source "
                "branch " + ansi("boldon") + src + ansi("reset")
        if create_dst_patches_branch:
                " " * 22
                + "- The destination patches branch, "
                + ansi("boldon")
                + dst_patches
                + ansi("reset")
                + ", does not exist; it will be created"
        info(" " * 22 + "- The working branch will be set to " + ansi("boldon") + dst + ansi("reset"))
        if not maybe_continue():
            error("Answered no to continue, aborting.", exit=True)

    # Make changes to the layout
    current_branch = get_current_branch(directory)
        # Change to the src branch
        checkout(src, directory=directory)
        # Create the dst branch if needed
        if create_dst_branch:
            create_branch(dst, changeto=True, directory=directory)
            checkout(dst, directory=directory)
        # Create the dst patches branch if needed
        if create_dst_patches_branch:
            create_branch(dst_patches, orphaned=True, directory=directory)
        # Create the starting config data if it does not exist
        patches_ls = ls_tree(dst_patches, directory=directory)
        if "patches.conf" not in patches_ls:
            # Patches config not setup, set it up
            config = {
                "parent": src,
                "previous": "",
                "base": get_commit_hash(dst, directory=directory),
                "trim": "",
                "trimbase": "",
            set_patch_config(dst_patches, config, directory=directory)
            config = get_patch_config(dst_patches, directory=directory)
            if config["parent"] != src:
                warning("Updated parent to '{0}' from '{1}'".format(src, config["parent"]))
                config["parent"] = src
                config["base"] = get_commit_hash(dst, directory=directory)
            set_patch_config(dst_patches, config, directory=directory)
        # Command successful, do not switch back to previous branch
        current_branch = None
        if current_branch is not None:
            checkout(current_branch, directory=directory)
def import_patches(directory=None):
    # Get current branch
    current_branch = get_current_branch(directory)
    if current_branch is None:
        error("Could not determine current branch.", exit=True)
    # Construct the patches branch name
    patches_branch = 'patches/' + current_branch
    # Ensure the patches branch exists and is tracked
    if branch_exists(patches_branch, False, directory=directory):
        if not branch_exists(patches_branch, True, directory=directory):
            track_branches(patches_branch, directory)
        error("The patches branch ({0}) does not ".format(patches_branch) +
              "exist, did you use git-bloom-branch?", exit=True)
    # Create a swap space
    tmp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
        # Get parent branch and base commit from patches branch
        config = get_patch_config(patches_branch, directory)
        parent_branch, commit = config['parent'], config['base']
        if commit != get_commit_hash(current_branch, directory):
                "commit != get_commit_hash(current_branch, directory)"
                "{0} != get_commit_hash({1}, {2}) != {3}".format(
                    commit, current_branch, directory,
                    get_commit_hash(current_branch, directory)
            os.system('git log')
                "The current commit is not the same as the most recent "
                "rebase commit."
                "This might mean that you have committed since the last "
                "time you did:"
                "    'git-bloom-patch rebase' or 'git-bloom-patch remove'"
                "Make sure you export any commits you want to save first:"
            warning("    'git-bloom-patch export'")
            error("Patches not exported", exit=True)
        # Checkout to the patches branch
        checkout(patches_branch, directory=directory)
        # Copy the patches to a temp location
        patches = list_patches(directory)
        if len(patches) == 0:
            debug("No patches in the patches branch, nothing to do")
            return -1  # Indicates that nothing was done
        tmp_dir_patches = []
        for patch in patches:
            tmp_dir_patches.append(os.path.join(tmp_dir, patch))
            if directory is not None:
                patch = os.path.join(directory, patch)
            shutil.copy(patch, tmp_dir)
        # Now checkout back to the original branch and import them
        checkout(current_branch, directory=directory)
            cmd = 'git am {0}*.patch'.format(tmp_dir + os.sep)
            execute_command(cmd, cwd=directory)
        except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
            warning("Failed to apply one or more patches for the "
                    "'{0}' branch.".format(str(e)))
            info('', use_prefix=False)
            info('', use_prefix=False)
            info(">>> Resolve any conflicts and when you have resolved this "
                 "problem run 'git am --resolved' and then exit the "
                 "shell using 'exit 0'. <<<", use_prefix=False)
            info("    To abort use 'exit 1'", use_prefix=False)
            if 'bash' in os.environ['SHELL']:
                ret = subprocess.call([
                    "/bin/bash", "-l", "-c",
/bin/bash --rcfile <(echo "if [ -f /etc/bashrc ]; then source /etc/bashrc; fi; \
if [ -f ~/.bashrc ]; then source ~/.bashrc; fi;PS1='(bloom)$PS1'") -i"""
                ret = subprocess.call("$SHELL", shell=True)
            if ret != 0:
                error("User failed to resolve patch conflicts, exiting.")
                sys.exit("'git-bloom-patch import' aborted.")
            info("User reports that conflicts have been resolved, continuing.")
        # Notify the user
        info("Applied {0} patches".format(len(patches)))
        if current_branch:
            checkout(current_branch, directory=directory)
        if os.path.exists(tmp_dir):
文件: release.py 项目: isherman/bloom
def open_pull_request(track, repository, distro, distro_file_url=ROS_DISTRO_FILE):
    # Get the diff
    distro_file_url = distro_file_url.format(distro)
    distro_file_raw = fetch_distro_file(distro_file_url)
    distro_file = yaml.load(distro_file_raw)
    if repository in distro_file['repositories']:
        orig_version = distro_file['repositories'][repository].get('version', None)
        orig_version = None
    udiff_patch_file, updated_distro_file = generate_ros_distro_diff(track, repository, distro,
                                                                     distro_file_url, distro_file,
    if None in [udiff_patch_file, updated_distro_file]:
        # There were no changes, no pull request required
        return None
    version = distro_file['repositories'][repository]['version']
    # Determine if the distro file is hosted on github...
    distro_file_url = distro_file_url.format(distro)
    gh_org, gh_repo, gh_branch, gh_path = get_gh_info(distro_file_url)
    if None in [gh_org, gh_repo, gh_branch, gh_path]:
        warning("Automated pull request only available via github.com")
    # Determine if we have a .netrc file
    gh_username = None
        netrc_hosts = netrc.netrc().hosts
    except Exception as e:
        error("Failed to parse ~/.netrc file: {0}".format(e))
        warning("Skipping the pull request...")
    for host in netrc_hosts.keys():
        if 'github.com' in host:
            gh_username = netrc_hosts[host][0]
            gh_password = netrc_hosts[host][2]
    if None in [gh_username, gh_password]:
        error("Either the github username or github password is not set in the ~/.netrc file.")
        warning("Skipping the pull request...")
    # Check for fork
    info(fmt("@{bf}@!==> @|@!Checking for rosdistro fork on github..."))
    gh_user_repos = fetch_github_api('https://api.github.com/users/{0}/repos'.format(gh_username))
    if gh_user_repos is None:
        error("Failed to get a list of repositories for user: '******'".format(gh_username))
        warning("Skipping the pull request...")
    if 'rosdistro' not in [x['name'] for x in gh_user_repos if 'name' in x]:
        warning("Github user '{0}' does not have a fork ".format(gh_username) +
                "of the {0}:{1} repository, create one?".format(gh_org, gh_repo))
        if not maybe_continue():
            warning("Skipping the pull request...")
        # Create a fork
        create_fork(gh_org, gh_repo, gh_username, gh_password)
    # Clone the fork
    info(fmt("@{bf}@!==> @|@!" + "Cloning {0}/{1}...".format(gh_username, gh_repo)))
    temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
    new_branch = None
    title = "{0}: {1} in '{2}' [bloom]".format(repository, version, os.path.basename(gh_path))
    body = """\
Increasing version of package(s) in repository `{0}`:
- previous version: `{1}`
- new version: `{2}`
- distro file: `{3}`
- bloom version: `{4}`
""".format(repository, orig_version or 'null', version, gh_path, bloom.__version__)
    with change_directory(temp_dir):
        def _my_run(cmd):
            info(fmt("@{bf}@!==> @|@!" + str(cmd)))
            out = check_output(cmd, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, shell=True)
            if out:
                info(out, use_prefix=False)
        _my_run('git clone https://github.com/{0}/{1}.git'.format(gh_username, gh_repo))
        with change_directory(gh_repo):
            _my_run('git remote add bloom https://github.com/{0}/{1}.git'.format(gh_org, gh_repo))
            _my_run('git remote update')
            _my_run('git fetch')
            branches = get_branches()
            new_branch = 'bloom-patch-{0}'
            count = 0
            while new_branch.format(count) in branches:
                count += 1
            new_branch = new_branch.format(count)
            # Final check
            info(fmt("@{cf}Pull Request Title: @{yf}" + title))
            info(fmt("@{cf}Pull Request Body : \n@{yf}" + body))
            msg = fmt("@!Open a @|@{cf}pull request@| @!@{kf}from@| @!'@|@!@{bf}" +
                      "{gh_username}/{gh_repo}:{new_branch}".format(**locals()) +
                      "@|@!' @!@{kf}into@| @!'@|@!@{bf}" +
                      "{gh_org}/{gh_repo}:{gh_branch}".format(**locals()) +
            if not maybe_continue():
                warning("Skipping the pull request...")
            _my_run('git checkout -b {0} bloom/{1}'.format(new_branch, gh_branch))
            with open('{0}'.format(gh_path), 'w') as f:
                info(fmt("@{bf}@!==> @|@!Writing new distribution file: ") + str(gh_path))
            _my_run('git add {0}'.format(gh_path))
            _my_run('git commit -m "{0}"'.format(title))
            _my_run('git push origin {0}'.format(new_branch))
    # Open the pull request
    return create_pull_request(gh_org, gh_repo, gh_username, gh_password, gh_branch, new_branch, title, body)
def open_pull_request(track, repository, distro):
    # Get the diff
    release_file = get_release_file(distro)
    if repository in release_file.repositories:
        orig_version = release_file.repositories[repository].version
        orig_version = None
    updated_release_file = generate_ros_distro_diff(track, repository, distro)
    if updated_release_file is None:
        # There were no changes, no pull request required
        return None
    version = updated_release_file.repositories[repository].version
    updated_distro_file = yaml_from_release_file(updated_release_file)
    # Determine if the distro file is hosted on github...
    gh_org, gh_repo, gh_branch, gh_path = get_gh_info(
    if None in [gh_org, gh_repo, gh_branch, gh_path]:
        warning("Automated pull request only available via github.com")
    # Get the github user name
    gh_username = None
    bloom_user_path = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), '.bloom_user')
    if os.path.exists(bloom_user_path):
        with open(bloom_user_path, 'r') as f:
            gh_username = f.read().strip()
    gh_username = gh_username or getpass.getuser()
    response = raw_input("github user name [{0}]: ".format(gh_username))
    if response:
        gh_username = response
            "Would you like bloom to store your github user name (~/.bloom_user)?"
        if maybe_continue():
            with open(bloom_user_path, 'w') as f:
            with open(bloom_user_path, 'w') as f:
                f.write(' ')
                "If you want to have bloom store it in the future remove the ~/.bloom_user file."
    # Get the github password
    gh_password = getpass.getpass("github password (This is not stored):")
    if not gh_password or not gh_username:
        error("Either the github username or github password is not set.")
        warning("Skipping the pull request...")
    # Check for fork
    info(fmt("@{bf}@!==> @|@!Checking for rosdistro fork on github..."))
    gh_user_repos = fetch_github_api(
    if gh_user_repos is None:
        error("Failed to get a list of repositories for user: '******'".format(
        warning("Skipping the pull request...")
    if 'rosdistro' not in [x['name'] for x in gh_user_repos if 'name' in x]:
            "Github user '{0}' does not have a fork ".format(gh_username) +
            "of the {0}:{1} repository, create one?".format(gh_org, gh_repo))
        if not maybe_continue():
            warning("Skipping the pull request...")
        # Create a fork
        create_fork(gh_org, gh_repo, gh_username, gh_password)
    # Clone the fork
        fmt("@{bf}@!==> @|@!" +
            "Cloning {0}/{1}...".format(gh_username, gh_repo)))
    temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
    new_branch = None
    title = "{0}: {1} in '{2}' [bloom]".format(repository, version, gh_path)
    body = """\
Increasing version of package(s) in repository `{0}`:
- previous version: `{1}`
- new version: `{2}`
- distro file: `{3}`
- bloom version: `{4}`
""".format(repository, orig_version or 'null', version, gh_path,
    with change_directory(temp_dir):

        def _my_run(cmd):
            info(fmt("@{bf}@!==> @|@!" + str(cmd)))
            # out = check_output(cmd, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, shell=True)
            out = None
            from subprocess import call
            call(cmd, shell=True)
            if out:
                info(out, use_prefix=False)

        _my_run('git clone https://github.com/{0}/{1}.git'.format(
            gh_username, gh_repo))
        with change_directory(gh_repo):
                'git remote add bloom https://github.com/{0}/{1}.git'.format(
                    gh_org, gh_repo))
            _my_run('git remote update')
            _my_run('git fetch')
            branches = get_branches()
            new_branch = 'bloom-{repository}-{count}'
            count = 0
            while new_branch.format(repository=repository,
                                    count=count) in branches:
                count += 1
            new_branch = new_branch.format(repository=repository, count=count)
            # Final check
            info(fmt("@{cf}Pull Request Title: @{yf}" + title))
            info(fmt("@{cf}Pull Request Body : \n@{yf}" + body))
            msg = fmt(
                "@!Open a @|@{cf}pull request@| @!@{kf}from@| @!'@|@!@{bf}" +
                "{gh_username}/{gh_repo}:{new_branch}".format(**locals()) +
                "@|@!' @!@{kf}into@| @!'@|@!@{bf}" +
                "{gh_org}/{gh_repo}:{gh_branch}".format(**locals()) + "@|@!'?")
            if not maybe_continue():
                warning("Skipping the pull request...")
            _my_run('git checkout -b {0} bloom/{1}'.format(
                new_branch, gh_branch))
            with open('{0}'.format(gh_path), 'w') as f:
                    fmt("@{bf}@!==> @|@!Writing new distribution file: ") +
            _my_run('git add {0}'.format(gh_path))
            _my_run('git commit -m "{0}"'.format(title))
            _my_run('git push origin {0}'.format(new_branch))
    # Open the pull request
    return create_pull_request(gh_org, gh_repo, gh_username, gh_password,
                               gh_branch, new_branch, title, body)
def import_upstream(tarball_path, patches_path, version, name, replace):
    # If there is not tarball at the given path, fail
    if not os.path.exists(tarball_path):
        error("Specified archive does not exists: '{0}'".format(tarball_path), exit=True)

    # If either version or name are not provided, guess from archive name
    if not version or not name:
        # Parse tarball name
        tarball_file = os.path.basename(tarball_path)
        ending = None
        if tarball_file.endswith(".tar.gz"):
            ending = ".tar.gz"
        elif tarball_file.endswith(".zip"):
            ending = ".zip"
            error("Cannot detect type of archive: '{0}'".format(tarball_file), exit=True)
        tarball_file = tarball_file[: -len(ending)]
        split_tarball_file = tarball_file.split("-")
        if len(split_tarball_file) < 2 and not version or len(split_tarball_file) < 1:
            error("Cannot detect name and/or version from archive: '{0}'".format(tarball_file), exit=True)
    if not name and len(split_tarball_file) == 1:
        name = split_tarball_file[0]
    elif not name and len(split_tarball_file) == 1:
        name = "-".join(split_tarball_file[:-1])
    if not version and len(split_tarball_file) < 2:
            "Cannot detect version from archive: '{0}'".format(tarball_file) + " and the version was not spcified.",
    version = version if version else split_tarball_file[-1]

    # Check if the patches_path (if given) exists
    patches_path_dict = None
    if patches_path:
        patches_path_dict = ls_tree("bloom", patches_path)
        if not patches_path_dict:
            error("Given patches path '{0}' does not exist in bloom branch.".format(patches_path), exit=True)

    # Do version checking

    # Check for existing tags
    upstream_tag = "upstream/{0}".format(version)
    if tag_exists(upstream_tag):
        if not replace:
            error("Tag '{0}' already exists, use --replace to override it.".format(upstream_tag), exit=True)
        warning("Removing tag: '{0}'".format(upstream_tag))
        if not get_git_clone_state():
    name_tag = "{0}/{1}".format(name or "upstream", version)
    if name_tag != upstream_tag and tag_exists(name_tag):
        if not replace:
            error("Tag '{0}' already exists, use --replace to override it.".format(name_tag), exit=True)
        warning("Removing tag: '{0}'".format(name_tag))
        if not get_git_clone_state():

    # If there is not upstream branch, create one
    if not branch_exists("upstream"):
        info("Creating upstream branch.")
        create_branch("upstream", orphaned=True)

    # Import the given tarball
    info("Importing archive into upstream branch...")
    import_tarball(tarball_path, "upstream", version, name)

    # Handle patches_path
    if patches_path:
        import_patches(patches_path, patches_path_dict, "upstream", version)

    # Create tags
    with inbranch("upstream"):
        info("Creating tag: '{0}'".format(upstream_tag))
        if name_tag != upstream_tag:
            info("Creating tag: '{0}'".format(name_tag))
def open_pull_request(track, repository, distro):
    # Get the diff
    release_file = get_release_file(distro)
    if repository in release_file.repositories:
        orig_version = release_file.repositories[repository].version
        orig_version = None
    updated_release_file = generate_ros_distro_diff(track, repository, distro)
    if updated_release_file is None:
        # There were no changes, no pull request required
        return None
    version = updated_release_file.repositories[repository].version
    updated_distro_file = yaml_from_release_file(updated_release_file)
    # Determine if the distro file is hosted on github...
    gh_org, gh_repo, gh_branch, gh_path = get_gh_info(get_release_file_url(distro))
    if None in [gh_org, gh_repo, gh_branch, gh_path]:
        warning("Automated pull request only available via github.com")
    # Get the github user name
    gh_username = None
    bloom_user_path = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"), ".bloom_user")
    if os.path.exists(bloom_user_path):
        with open(bloom_user_path, "r") as f:
            gh_username = f.read().strip()
    gh_username = gh_username or getpass.getuser()
    response = raw_input("github user name [{0}]: ".format(gh_username))
    if response:
        gh_username = response
        info("Would you like bloom to store your github user name (~/.bloom_user)?")
        if maybe_continue():
            with open(bloom_user_path, "w") as f:
            with open(bloom_user_path, "w") as f:
                f.write(" ")
            warning("If you want to have bloom store it in the future remove the ~/.bloom_user file.")
    # Get the github password
    gh_password = getpass.getpass("github password (This is not stored):")
    if not gh_password or not gh_username:
        error("Either the github username or github password is not set.")
        warning("Skipping the pull request...")
    # Check for fork
    info(fmt("@{bf}@!==> @|@!Checking for rosdistro fork on github..."))
    gh_user_repos = fetch_github_api("https://api.github.com/users/{0}/repos".format(gh_username), use_pagination=True)
    if gh_user_repos is None:
        error("Failed to get a list of repositories for user: '******'".format(gh_username))
        warning("Skipping the pull request...")
    if "rosdistro" not in [x["name"] for x in gh_user_repos if "name" in x]:
            "Github user '{0}' does not have a fork ".format(gh_username)
            + "of the {0}:{1} repository, create one?".format(gh_org, gh_repo)
        if not maybe_continue():
            warning("Skipping the pull request...")
        # Create a fork
        create_fork(gh_org, gh_repo, gh_username, gh_password)
    # Clone the fork
    info(fmt("@{bf}@!==> @|@!" + "Cloning {0}/{1}...".format(gh_username, gh_repo)))
    temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
    new_branch = None
    title = "{0}: {1} in '{2}' [bloom]".format(repository, version, gh_path)
    body = """\
Increasing version of package(s) in repository `{0}`:
- previous version: `{1}`
- new version: `{2}`
- distro file: `{3}`
- bloom version: `{4}`
        repository, orig_version or "null", version, gh_path, bloom.__version__
    with change_directory(temp_dir):

        def _my_run(cmd):
            info(fmt("@{bf}@!==> @|@!" + str(cmd)))
            # out = check_output(cmd, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, shell=True)
            out = None
            from subprocess import call

            call(cmd, shell=True)
            if out:
                info(out, use_prefix=False)

        _my_run("git clone https://github.com/{0}/{1}.git".format(gh_username, gh_repo))
        with change_directory(gh_repo):
            _my_run("git remote add bloom https://github.com/{0}/{1}.git".format(gh_org, gh_repo))
            _my_run("git remote update")
            _my_run("git fetch")
            branches = get_branches()
            new_branch = "bloom-{repository}-{count}"
            count = 0
            while new_branch.format(repository=repository, count=count) in branches:
                count += 1
            new_branch = new_branch.format(repository=repository, count=count)
            # Final check
            info(fmt("@{cf}Pull Request Title: @{yf}" + title))
            info(fmt("@{cf}Pull Request Body : \n@{yf}" + body))
            msg = fmt(
                "@!Open a @|@{cf}pull request@| @!@{kf}from@| @!'@|@!@{bf}"
                + "{gh_username}/{gh_repo}:{new_branch}".format(**locals())
                + "@|@!' @!@{kf}into@| @!'@|@!@{bf}"
                + "{gh_org}/{gh_repo}:{gh_branch}".format(**locals())
                + "@|@!'?"
            if not maybe_continue():
                warning("Skipping the pull request...")
            _my_run("git checkout -b {0} bloom/{1}".format(new_branch, gh_branch))
            with open("{0}".format(gh_path), "w") as f:
                info(fmt("@{bf}@!==> @|@!Writing new distribution file: ") + str(gh_path))
            _my_run("git add {0}".format(gh_path))
            _my_run('git commit -m "{0}"'.format(title))
            _my_run("git push origin {0}".format(new_branch))
    # Open the pull request
    return create_pull_request(gh_org, gh_repo, gh_username, gh_password, gh_branch, new_branch, title, body)
def import_upstream(cwd, tmp_dir, args):
    # Ensure the bloom and upstream branches are tracked locally
    track_branches(['bloom', 'upstream'])

    # Create a clone of the bloom_repo to help isolate the activity
    bloom_repo_clone_dir = os.path.join(tmp_dir, 'bloom_clone')
    bloom_repo = get_vcs_client('git', bloom_repo_clone_dir)

    # Ensure the bloom and upstream branches are tracked from the original
    track_branches(['bloom', 'upstream'])

    ### Fetch the upstream tag
    upstream_repo = None
    upstream_repo_dir = os.path.join(tmp_dir, 'upstream_repo')
    # If explicit svn url just export and git-import-orig
    if args.explicit_svn_url is not None:
        if args.upstream_version is None:
            error("'--explicit-svn-url' must be specified with "
            return 1
        info("Checking out upstream at version " + ansi('boldon') + \
             str(args.upstream_version) + ansi('reset') + \
             " from repository at " + ansi('boldon') + \
             str(args.explicit_svn_url) + ansi('reset'))
        upstream_repo = get_vcs_client('svn', upstream_repo_dir)
        retcode = try_vcstools_checkout(upstream_repo, args.explicit_svn_url)
        if retcode != 0:
            return retcode
        meta = {
            'name': None,
            'version': args.upstream_version,
            'type': 'manual'
    # Else fetching from bloom configs
        # Check for a bloom branch
        # Parse the bloom config file
        upstream_url, upstream_type, upstream_branch = parse_bloom_conf()
        # If the upstream_tag is specified, don't search just fetch
        upstream_repo = get_vcs_client(upstream_type, upstream_repo_dir)
        if args.upstream_tag is not None:
            warning("Using specified upstream tag '" + args.upstream_tag + "'")
            if upstream_type == 'svn':
                upstream_url += '/tags/' + args.upstream_tag
                upstream_tag = ''
                upstream_tag = args.upstream_tag
            retcode = try_vcstools_checkout(upstream_repo,
            if retcode != 0:
                return retcode
            meta = {
                'name': None,
                'version': args.upstream_tag,
                'type': 'manual'
        # We have to search for the upstream tag
            if args.upstream_devel is not None:
                warning("Overriding the bloom.conf upstream branch with " +
                devel_branch = args.upstream_devel
                devel_branch = upstream_branch
            if args.upstream_version is None:
                meta = auto_upstream_checkout(
                    upstream_repo, upstream_url, devel_branch
                meta = {
                    'version': args.upstream_version
            if type(meta) not in [dict] and meta != 0:
                return meta

    ### Export the repository
    version = meta['version']

    # Export the repository to a tar ball
    tarball_prefix = 'upstream-' + str(version)
    info('Exporting version {0}'.format(version))
    tarball_path = os.path.join(tmp_dir, tarball_prefix)
    if upstream_repo.get_vcs_type_name() == 'svn':
        upstream_repo.export_repository('', tarball_path)
        if args.upstream_tag is not None:
            upstream_repo.export_repository(args.upstream_tag, tarball_path)
            upstream_repo.export_repository(version, tarball_path)

    # Get the gbp version elements from either the last tag or the default
    last_tag = get_last_tag_by_version()
    if last_tag == '':
        gbp_major, gbp_minor, gbp_patch = segment_version(version)
        gbp_major, gbp_minor, gbp_patch = \
        info("The latest upstream tag in the release repository is "
              + ansi('boldon') + last_tag + ansi('reset'))
        # Ensure the new version is greater than the last tag
        last_tag_version = '.'.join([gbp_major, gbp_minor, gbp_patch])
        if parse_version(version) < parse_version(last_tag_version):
Version discrepancy:
    The upstream version, {0}, is not newer than the previous \
release version, {1}.
""".format(version, last_tag_version))
        if parse_version(version) <= parse_version(last_tag_version):
            if args.replace:
                # Remove the conflicting tag first
The upstream version, {0}, is equal to or less than a previous \
import version.
    Removing conflicting tag before continuing \
because the '--replace' options was specified.\
The upstream version, {0}, is equal to a previous import version. \
git-buildpackage will fail, if you want to replace the existing \
upstream import use the '--replace' option.\
    if args.replace:
        if tag_exists('upstream/' + version):
            execute_command('git tag -d {0}'.format('upstream/' + version))
            execute_command('git push origin :refs/tags/'
                            '{0}'.format('upstream/' + version))

    # Look for upstream branch
    if not branch_exists('upstream', local_only=True):
        create_branch('upstream', orphaned=True, changeto=True)

    # Go to the bloom branch during import

    # Detect if git-import-orig is installed
    tarball_path += '.tar.gz'
    import_orig(tarball_path, 'upstream', upstream_repo.get_url(), version)

    # Push changes back to the original bloom repo
    execute_command('git push --all -f')
    execute_command('git push --tags')
def import_upstream(tarball_path, patches_path, version, name, replace):
    # Check for a url and download it
    url = urlparse(tarball_path)
    if url.scheme:  # Some scheme like http, https, or file...
        tmp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
            info("Fetching file from url: '{0}'".format(tarball_path))
            req = load_url_to_file_handle(tarball_path)
            tarball_path = os.path.join(tmp_dir, os.path.basename(url.path))
            with open(tarball_path, 'wb') as f:
                chunk_size = 16 * 1024
                while True:
                    chunk = req.read(chunk_size)
                    if not chunk:
            return import_upstream(tarball_path, patches_path, version, name, replace)

    # If there is not tarball at the given path, fail
    if not os.path.exists(tarball_path):
        error("Specified archive does not exists: '{0}'".format(tarball_path),

    # If either version or name are not provided, guess from archive name
    if not version or not name:
        # Parse tarball name
        tarball_file = os.path.basename(tarball_path)
        ending = None
        if tarball_file.endswith('.tar.gz'):
            ending = '.tar.gz'
        elif tarball_file.endswith('.zip'):
            ending = '.zip'
            error("Cannot detect type of archive: '{0}'"
                  .format(tarball_file), exit=True)
        tarball_file = tarball_file[:-len(ending)]
        split_tarball_file = tarball_file.split('-')
        if len(split_tarball_file) < 2 and not version or len(split_tarball_file) < 1:
            error("Cannot detect name and/or version from archive: '{0}'"
                  .format(tarball_file), exit=True)
    if not name and len(split_tarball_file) == 1:
        name = split_tarball_file[0]
    elif not name and len(split_tarball_file) == 1:
        name = '-'.join(split_tarball_file[:-1])
    if not version and len(split_tarball_file) < 2:
        error("Cannot detect version from archive: '{0}'"
              .format(tarball_file) + " and the version was not spcified.",
    version = version if version else split_tarball_file[-1]

    # Check if the patches_path (if given) exists
    patches_path_dict = None
    if patches_path:
        patches_path_dict = ls_tree(BLOOM_CONFIG_BRANCH, patches_path)
        if not patches_path_dict:
            error("Given patches path '{0}' does not exist in bloom branch."
                  .format(patches_path), exit=True)

    # Do version checking

    # Check for existing tags
    upstream_tag = 'upstream/{0}'.format(version)
    if tag_exists(upstream_tag):
        if not replace:
            error("Tag '{0}' already exists, use --replace to override it."
                  .format(upstream_tag), exit=True)
        warning("Removing tag: '{0}'".format(upstream_tag))
        if not get_git_clone_state():
    name_tag = '{0}/{1}'.format(name or 'upstream', version)
    if name_tag != upstream_tag and tag_exists(name_tag):
        if not replace:
            error("Tag '{0}' already exists, use --replace to override it."
                  .format(name_tag), exit=True)
        warning("Removing tag: '{0}'".format(name_tag))
        if not get_git_clone_state():

    # If there is not upstream branch, create one
    if not branch_exists('upstream'):
        info("Creating upstream branch.")
        create_branch('upstream', orphaned=True)

    # Import the given tarball
    info("Importing archive into upstream branch...")
    import_tarball(tarball_path, 'upstream', version, name)

    # Handle patches_path
    if patches_path:
        import_patches(patches_path, patches_path_dict, 'upstream', version)

    # Create tags
    with inbranch('upstream'):
        info("Creating tag: '{0}'".format(upstream_tag))
        if name_tag != upstream_tag:
            info("Creating tag: '{0}'".format(name_tag))
文件: branch.py 项目: stonier/bloom
def execute_branch(src, dst, interactive, directory=None):
    Changes to the destination branch, creates branch and patches/branch
    if they do not exist.

    If the dst branch does not exist yet, then it is created by branching the
    current working branch or the specified SRC_BRANCH.

    If the patches/dst branch branch does not exist yet then it is created.

    If the branches are created successful, then the working branch will be
    set to the dst branch, otherwise the working branch will remain unchanged.

    :param src: source branch from which to copy
    :param dst: destination branch
    :param interactive: if True actions are summarized before committing
    :param directory: directory in which to preform this action

    :raises: subprocess.CalledProcessError if any git calls fail
    # Determine if the srouce branch exists
    if src is None:
        error("No source specified and/or not a branch currently", exit=True)
    if branch_exists(src, local_only=False, directory=directory):
        if not branch_exists(src, local_only=True, directory=directory):
            debug("Tracking source branch: {0}".format(src))
            track_branches(src, directory)
    elif tag_exists(src):
        error("Specified source branch does not exist: {0}".format(src),

    # Determine if the destination branch needs to be created
    create_dst_branch = False
    if branch_exists(dst, local_only=False, directory=directory):
        if not branch_exists(dst, local_only=True, directory=directory):
            debug("Tracking destination branch: {0}".format(dst))
            track_branches(dst, directory)
        create_dst_branch = True

    # Determine if the destination patches branch needs to be created
    create_dst_patches_branch = False
    dst_patches = 'patches/' + dst
    if branch_exists(dst_patches, False, directory=directory):
        if not branch_exists(dst_patches, True, directory=directory):
            track_branches(dst_patches, directory)
        create_dst_patches_branch = True

    # Summarize
    if interactive:
        info("Summary of changes:")
        if create_dst_branch:
            info(" " * 22 + "- The specified destination branch, " +
                 ansi('boldon') + dst + ansi('reset') +
                 ", does not exist; it will be created from the source "
                 "branch " + ansi('boldon') + src + ansi('reset'))
        if create_dst_patches_branch:
            info(" " * 22 + "- The destination patches branch, " +
                 ansi('boldon') + dst_patches + ansi('reset') +
                 ", does not exist; it will be created")
        info(" " * 22 + "- The working branch will be set to " +
             ansi('boldon') + dst + ansi('reset'))
        if not maybe_continue():
            error("Answered no to continue, aborting.", exit=True)

    # Make changes to the layout
    current_branch = get_current_branch(directory)
        # Change to the src branch
        checkout(src, directory=directory)
        # Create the dst branch if needed
        if create_dst_branch:
            create_branch(dst, changeto=True, directory=directory)
            checkout(dst, directory=directory)
        # Create the dst patches branch if needed
        if create_dst_patches_branch:
            create_branch(dst_patches, orphaned=True, directory=directory)
        # Create the starting config data if it does not exist
        patches_ls = ls_tree(dst_patches, directory=directory)
        if 'patches.conf' not in patches_ls:
            # Patches config not setup, set it up
            config = {
                'parent': src,
                'previous': '',
                'base': get_commit_hash(dst, directory=directory),
                'trim': '',
                'trimbase': ''
            set_patch_config(dst_patches, config, directory=directory)
            config = get_patch_config(dst_patches, directory=directory)
            if config['parent'] != src:
                warning("Updated parent to '{0}' from '{1}'".format(
                    src, config['parent']))
                config['parent'] = src
                config['base'] = get_commit_hash(dst, directory=directory)
            set_patch_config(dst_patches, config, directory=directory)
        # Command successful, do not switch back to previous branch
        current_branch = None
        if current_branch is not None:
            checkout(current_branch, directory=directory)