def CleanMain(options, unused_args):
    """The main function for the 'clean' command."""

    # File and directory names to be removed.
    file_names = []
    directory_names = []

    # Collect stuff in the gyp directories.
    gyp_directory_names = [
        os.path.dirname(f) for f in GetGypFileNames(options)
    for gyp_directory_name in gyp_directory_names:
        if IsWindows():
            for pattern in [
                    '*.ncb', '*.rules', '*.props', '*.sdf', '*.sln', '*.suo',
                    '*.targets', '*.vcproj', '*.vcproj.*.user', '*.vcxproj',
                    '*.vcxproj.filters', '*.vcxproj.user', 'gen_*_files.xml'
                    glob.glob(os.path.join(gyp_directory_name, pattern)))
            for build_type in ['Debug', 'Release']:
                    os.path.join(gyp_directory_name, build_type))
        elif IsMac():
                glob.glob(os.path.join(gyp_directory_name, '*.xcodeproj')))

    # mozc_version.txt does not always exist.
    version_file = '%s/mozc_version.txt' % SRC_DIR
    if os.path.exists(version_file):
        build_base = GetBuildBaseName(GetMozcVersion().GetTargetPlatform())
        if build_base:

    # Remove files.
    for file_name in file_names:
    # Remove directories.
    for directory_name in directory_names:
def main():
                        format='%(levelname)s: %(message)s')

    if len(sys.argv) < 2:
        return 0

    # Move to the Mozc root source directory only once since os.chdir
    # affects functions in os.path and that causes troublesome errors.

    command = sys.argv[1]
    args = sys.argv[2:]

    if IsWindows() and (not os.environ.get('VCToolsRedistDir', '')):
        print('VCToolsRedistDir is not defined.')
        print('Please use Developer Command Prompt or run vcvarsamd64_x86.bat')
        return 1

    if command == 'gyp':
        (cmd_opts, cmd_args) = ParseGypOptions(args)
        GypMain(cmd_opts, cmd_args)
    elif command == 'build':
        (cmd_opts, cmd_args) = ParseBuildOptions(args)
        BuildMain(cmd_opts, cmd_args)
    elif command == 'runtests':
        (cmd_opts, cmd_args) = ParseRunTestsOptions(args)
        RunTestsMain(cmd_opts, cmd_args)
    elif command == 'clean':
        (cmd_opts, cmd_args) = ParseCleanOptions(args)
        CleanMain(cmd_opts, cmd_args)
        logging.error('Unknown command: %s', command)
        return 1
    return 0
+    # Add ibus.gyp if ibus version is >=1.4.1.
+    if not PkgExists('ibus-1.0 >= 1.4.1'):
+      logging.info('removing ibus.gyp.')
+      gyp_file_names.remove('%s/unix/ibus/ibus.gyp' % SRC_DIR)
+  elif options.target_platform == 'ChromeOS':
+    gyp_file_names.extend(glob.glob('%s/unix/ibus/*.gyp' % SRC_DIR))
   elif options.target_platform == 'NaCl':
     # Add chrome NaCl Mozc gyp scripts.
     gyp_file_names.append('%s/chrome/nacl/nacl_extension.gyp' % SRC_DIR)
@@ -314,6 +325,8 @@ def AddTargetPlatformOption(parser):
   # If you want Android build, specify "Android".
   if IsLinux():
     default_target = 'Linux'
+  elif IsNetBSD():
+    default_target = 'NetBSD'
   elif IsWindows():
     default_target = 'Windows'
   elif IsMac():
@@ -511,6 +524,14 @@ def ExpandMetaTarget(options, meta_targe
                SRC_DIR + '/gui/gui.gyp:mozc_tool']
     if PkgExists('ibus-1.0 >= 1.4.1'):
       targets.append(SRC_DIR + '/unix/ibus/ibus.gyp:ibus_mozc')
+  elif target_platform == 'NetBSD':
+    targets = [SRC_DIR + '/server/server.gyp:mozc_server',
+               SRC_DIR + '/renderer/renderer.gyp:mozc_renderer',
+               SRC_DIR + '/gui/gui.gyp:mozc_tool']
+    if PkgExists('ibus-1.0 >= 1.4.1'):
+      targets.append(SRC_DIR + '/unix/ibus/ibus.gyp:ibus_mozc')
+  elif target_platform == 'ChromeOS':
+    targets.append(SRC_DIR + '/unix/ibus/ibus.gyp:ibus_mozc')
   elif target_platform == 'Mac':
def GetNinjaPath():
  """Returns the path to Ninja."""
  ninja = 'ninja'
  if IsWindows():
    ninja = 'ninja.exe'
  return ninja
def GypMain(options, unused_args):
  """The main function for the 'gyp' command."""
  # Generate a version definition file.
  logging.info('Generating version definition file...')
  template_path = '%s/%s' % (SRC_DIR, options.version_file)
  version_path = '%s/mozc_version.txt' % SRC_DIR
  if options.noqt:
    qt_version = ''
    qt_version = '5'
  GenerateVersionFile(template_path, version_path, options.target_platform,
  version = GetMozcVersion()
  target_platform = version.GetTargetPlatform()
  logging.info('Version string is %s', version.GetVersionString())

  # Back up the original 'PYTHONPATH' environment variable in case we change
  # it in this function.
  original_python_path = os.environ.get('PYTHONPATH', '')

  # 'gypdir' option allows distributors/packages to specify the location of
  # the system-installed version of gyp to conform their packaging policy.
  if options.gypdir:
    # When distributors/packages choose to use system-installed gyp, it is
    # their responsibility to make sure if 'gyp' command works well on
    # their environment.
    gyp_dir = os.path.abspath(options.gypdir)
    gyp_command = [os.path.join(gyp_dir, 'gyp')]
    # Use third_party/gyp/gyp unless 'gypdir' option is specified. This is
    # the default and official way to build Mozc. In this case, you need to
    # consider the case where a Python package named 'gyp' has already been
    # installed in the target machine. So we update PYTHONPATH so that
    # third_party/gyp/gyp_main.py can find its own library modules (they are
    # installed under 'third_party/gyp/pylib') rather than system-installed
    # GYP modules.
    gyp_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(MOZC_ROOT, 'third_party', 'gyp'))
    gyp_main_file = os.path.join(gyp_dir, 'gyp_main.py')
    # Make sure |gyp_main_file| exists.
    if not os.path.exists(gyp_main_file):
      message = (
          'GYP does not exist at %s. Please run "git submodule update --init" '
          'to check out GYP. If you want to use system-installed GYP, use '
          '--gypdir option to specify its location. e.g. '
          '"python build_mozc.py gyp --gypdir=/usr/bin"' % gyp_main_file)
    gyp_python_path = options.gyp_python_path or sys.executable
    gyp_command = [gyp_python_path, gyp_main_file]
    os.environ['PYTHONPATH'] = os.pathsep.join(
        [os.path.join(gyp_dir, 'pylib'), original_python_path])

    # Following script tests if 'import gyp' is now available and its
    # location is expected one. By using this script, make sure
    # 'import gyp' actually loads 'third_party/gyp/pylib/gyp'.
    gyp_check_script = os.path.join(
        ABS_SCRIPT_DIR, 'build_tools', 'ensure_gyp_module_path.py')
    expected_gyp_module_path = os.path.join(gyp_dir, 'pylib', 'gyp')
    RunOrDie([gyp_python_path, gyp_check_script,
              '--expected=%s' % expected_gyp_module_path])

  # Set the generator name.
  os.environ['GYP_GENERATORS'] = 'ninja'

  # Get and show the list of .gyp file names.
  gyp_file_names = GetGypFileNames(options)
  logging.debug('GYP files:')
  for file_name in gyp_file_names:
    logging.debug('- %s', file_name)

  # Build GYP command line.
  logging.info('Building GYP command line...')
  gyp_options = ['--depth=.']
  if target_platform == 'Windows':
    gyp_options.extend(['--include=%s/gyp/common_win.gypi' % SRC_DIR])
    gyp_options.extend(['--include=%s/gyp/common.gypi' % SRC_DIR])

  gyp_options.extend(['-D', 'abs_depth=%s' % MOZC_ROOT])
  gyp_options.extend(['-D', 'ext_third_party_dir=%s' % EXT_THIRD_PARTY_DIR])

  if IsWindows():
    gyp_options.extend(['-D', 'python="%s"' % sys.executable])
    gyp_options.extend(['-D', 'python=%s' % sys.executable])


  gyp_options.extend(['-D', 'version=' + version.GetVersionString()])
  gyp_options.extend(['-D', 'short_version=' + version.GetShortVersionString()])

  if options.branding:
    gyp_options.extend(['-D', 'branding=%s' % options.branding])

  # Qt configurations
  if options.noqt:
    gyp_options.extend(['-D', 'use_qt=NO'])
    gyp_options.extend(['-D', 'qt_dir='])
  elif target_platform == 'Linux':
    gyp_options.extend(['-D', 'use_qt=YES'])
    gyp_options.extend(['-D', 'qt_dir='])

    # Check if Qt libraries are installed.
    if not PkgExists('Qt5Core', 'Qt5Gui', 'Qt5Widgets'):
      PrintErrorAndExit('Qt is required to build GUI Tool. '
                        'Specify --noqt to skip building GUI Tool.')

    gyp_options.extend(['-D', 'use_qt=YES'])
    if options.qtdir:
      gyp_options.extend(['-D', 'qt_dir=%s' % os.path.abspath(options.qtdir)])
      gyp_options.extend(['-D', 'qt_dir='])

  if target_platform == 'Windows' and options.wix_dir:
    gyp_options.extend(['-D', 'use_wix=YES'])
    gyp_options.extend(['-D', 'wix_dir=%s' % options.wix_dir])
    gyp_options.extend(['-D', 'use_wix=NO'])

  gyp_options.extend(['-D', 'build_base=%s' %
  gyp_options.extend(['-D', 'build_short_base=%s' %

  if options.warn_as_error:
    gyp_options.extend(['-D', 'warn_as_error=1'])
    gyp_options.extend(['-D', 'warn_as_error=0'])

  if version.IsDevChannel():
    gyp_options.extend(['-D', 'channel_dev=1'])

  target_platform_value = target_platform
  gyp_options.extend(['-D', 'target_platform=%s' % target_platform_value])

  if IsWindows():
    gyp_options.extend(['-G', 'msvs_version=2017'])

  if (target_platform == 'Linux' and
      '%s/unix/ibus/ibus.gyp' % SRC_DIR in gyp_file_names):
    gyp_options.extend(['-D', 'use_libibus=1'])

  if options.server_dir:
        '-D', 'server_dir=%s' % os.path.abspath(options.server_dir)])

  short_basename = GetBuildShortBaseName(target_platform)
  gyp_options.extend(['-G', 'output_dir=%s' % short_basename])

  # Enable cross-compile
  # TODO(yukawa): Enable GYP_CROSSCOMPILE for Windows.
  if not IsWindows():
    os.environ['GYP_CROSSCOMPILE'] = '1'

  # Run GYP.
  logging.info('Running GYP...')
  RunOrDie(gyp_command + gyp_options)

  # Restore PYTHONPATH just in case.
  if not original_python_path:
    os.environ['PYTHONPATH'] = original_python_path

  # Done!

  # For internal Ninja build on Windows, set up environment files
  if IsWindows():
    out_dir = os.path.join(MOZC_ROOT, 'out_win')

    # When Windows build is configured to use DLL version of Qt, copy Qt's DLLs
    # and debug symbols into Mozc's build directory. This is important because:
    # - We can easily back up all the artifacts if relevant product binaries and
    #   debug symbols are placed at the same place.
    # - Some post-build tools such as bind.exe can easily look up the dependent
    #   DLLs (QtCore4.dll and QtQui4.dll in this case).
    # Perhaps the following code can also be implemented in gyp, but we atopt
    # this ad hock workaround as a first step.
    # TODO(yukawa): Implement the following logic in gyp, if magically possible.
    abs_qtdir = os.path.abspath(options.qtdir)
    abs_qt_bin_dir = os.path.join(abs_qtdir, 'bin')
    abs_qt_lib_dir = os.path.join(abs_qtdir, 'lib')
    abs_out_win_dir = GetBuildBaseName(target_platform)
    copy_script = os.path.join(
        ABS_SCRIPT_DIR, 'build_tools', 'copy_dll_and_symbol.py')
    copy_params = []
    if qt_version == '5':
          'basenames': 'Qt5Cored;Qt5Guid;Qt5Widgetsd',
          'dll_paths': abs_qt_bin_dir,
          'pdb_paths': abs_qt_lib_dir,
          'target_dir': os.path.join(abs_out_win_dir, 'DebugDynamic')})
          'basenames': 'Qt5Core;Qt5Gui;Qt5Widgets',
          'dll_paths': abs_qt_bin_dir,
          'pdb_paths': abs_qt_lib_dir,
          'target_dir': os.path.join(abs_out_win_dir, 'ReleaseDynamic')})
          'basenames': 'qwindowsd',
          'dll_paths': os.path.join(abs_qtdir, 'plugins', 'platforms'),
          'pdb_paths': os.path.join(abs_qtdir, 'plugins', 'platforms'),
          'target_dir': os.path.join(abs_out_win_dir, 'DebugDynamic',
          'basenames': 'qwindows',
          'dll_paths': os.path.join(abs_qtdir, 'plugins', 'platforms'),
          'pdb_paths': os.path.join(abs_qtdir, 'plugins', 'platforms'),
          'target_dir': os.path.join(abs_out_win_dir, 'ReleaseDynamic',
    for copy_param in copy_params:
      copy_commands = [
          '--basenames', copy_param['basenames'],
          '--dll_paths', copy_param['dll_paths'],
          '--pdb_paths', copy_param['pdb_paths'],
          '--target_dir', copy_param['target_dir'],
def GypMain(options, unused_args):
  """The main function for the 'gyp' command."""
  # Generate a version definition file.
  logging.info('Generating version definition file...')
  template_path = '%s/%s' % (SRC_DIR, options.version_file)
  version_path = '%s/mozc_version.txt' % SRC_DIR
  if options.noqt or options.target_platform in ['Android', 'NaCl']:
    qt_version = ''
    qt_version = '5'
  GenerateVersionFile(template_path, version_path, options.target_platform,
                      options.android_arch, qt_version)
  version = GetMozcVersion()
  target_platform = version.GetTargetPlatform()
  logging.info('Version string is %s', version.GetVersionString())

  # Back up the original 'PYTHONPATH' environment variable in case we change
  # it in this function.
  original_python_path = os.environ.get('PYTHONPATH', '')

  # 'gypdir' option allows distributors/packages to specify the location of
  # the system-installed version of gyp to conform their packaging policy.
  if options.gypdir:
    # When distributors/packages choose to use system-installed gyp, it is
    # their responsibility to make sure if 'gyp' command works well on
    # their environment.
    gyp_dir = os.path.abspath(options.gypdir)
    gyp_command = [os.path.join(gyp_dir, 'gyp')]
    # Use third_party/gyp/gyp unless 'gypdir' option is specified. This is
    # the default and official way to build Mozc. In this case, you need to
    # consider the case where a Python package named 'gyp' has already been
    # installed in the target machine. So we update PYTHONPATH so that
    # third_party/gyp/gyp_main.py can find its own library modules (they are
    # installed under 'third_party/gyp/pylib') rather than system-installed
    # GYP modules.
    gyp_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(MOZC_ROOT, 'third_party', 'gyp'))
    gyp_main_file = os.path.join(gyp_dir, 'gyp_main.py')
    # Make sure |gyp_main_file| exists.
    if not os.path.exists(gyp_main_file):
      message = (
          'GYP does not exist at %s. Please run "git submodule update --init" '
          'to check out GYP. If you want to use system-installed GYP, use '
          '--gypdir option to specify its location. e.g. '
          '"python build_mozc.py gyp --gypdir=/usr/bin"' % gyp_main_file)
    gyp_command = [sys.executable, gyp_main_file]
    os.environ['PYTHONPATH'] = os.pathsep.join(
        [os.path.join(gyp_dir, 'pylib'), original_python_path])
    # Following script tests if 'import gyp' is now available and its
    # location is expected one. By using this script, make sure
    # 'import gyp' actually loads 'third_party/gyp/pylib/gyp'.
    gyp_check_script = os.path.join(
        ABS_SCRIPT_DIR, 'build_tools', 'ensure_gyp_module_path.py')
    expected_gyp_module_path = os.path.join(gyp_dir, 'pylib', 'gyp')
    RunOrDie([sys.executable, gyp_check_script,
              '--expected=%s' % expected_gyp_module_path])

  # Set the generator name.
  os.environ['GYP_GENERATORS'] = 'ninja'

  # Get and show the list of .gyp file names.
  gyp_file_names = GetGypFileNames(options)
  logging.debug('GYP files:')
  for file_name in gyp_file_names:
    logging.debug('- %s', file_name)

  # Build GYP command line.
  logging.info('Building GYP command line...')
  gyp_options = ['--depth=.']
  if target_platform == 'Windows':
    gyp_options.extend(['--include=%s/gyp/common_win.gypi' % SRC_DIR])
    gyp_options.extend(['--include=%s/gyp/common.gypi' % SRC_DIR])

  gyp_options.extend(['-D', 'abs_depth=%s' % MOZC_ROOT])
  gyp_options.extend(['-D', 'ext_third_party_dir=%s' % EXT_THIRD_PARTY_DIR])

  gyp_options.extend(['-D', 'python_executable=%s' % sys.executable])


  if options.branding:
    gyp_options.extend(['-D', 'branding=%s' % options.branding])

  # Qt configurations
  if options.noqt or target_platform in ['Android', 'NaCl']:
    gyp_options.extend(['-D', 'use_qt=NO'])
    gyp_options.extend(['-D', 'qt_dir='])
  elif target_platform == 'Linux':
    gyp_options.extend(['-D', 'use_qt=YES'])
    gyp_options.extend(['-D', 'qt_dir='])

    # Check if Qt libraries are installed.
    if not PkgExists('Qt5Core', 'Qt5Gui', 'Qt5Widgets'):
      PrintErrorAndExit('Qt is required to build GUI Tool. '
                        'Specify --noqt to skip building GUI Tool.')

    gyp_options.extend(['-D', 'use_qt=YES'])
    if options.qtdir:
      gyp_options.extend(['-D', 'qt_dir=%s' % os.path.abspath(options.qtdir)])
      gyp_options.extend(['-D', 'qt_dir='])

  if target_platform == 'Windows' and options.wix_dir:
    gyp_options.extend(['-D', 'use_wix=YES'])
    gyp_options.extend(['-D', 'wix_dir=%s' % options.wix_dir])
    gyp_options.extend(['-D', 'use_wix=NO'])

  if target_platform == 'Linux':
    gyp_options.extend(['-D', 'enable_gtk_renderer=1'])

  # Android
  if target_platform == 'Android':
    android_home = GetAndroidHome(options)
    android_ndk_home = GetAndroidNdkHome(options)
    if not android_home or not os.path.isdir(android_home):
      raise ValueError(
          'Android Home was not found. '
          'Use --android_home option or make the home direcotry '
          'be included in PATH environment variable.')
    if not android_ndk_home or not os.path.isdir(android_ndk_home):
      raise ValueError(
          'Android NDK Home was not found. '
          'Use --android_ndk_home option or make the home direcotry '
          'be included in PATH environment variable.')

    gyp_options.extend(['-D', 'android_home=%s' % android_home])
    gyp_options.extend(['-D', 'android_arch=%s' % options.android_arch])
    gyp_options.extend(['-D', 'android_ndk_home=%s' % android_ndk_home])
    gyp_options.extend(['-D', 'android_application_id=%s' %
    if options.android_hide_icon:
      gyp_options.extend(['-D', 'android_hide_icon=1'])
      gyp_options.extend(['-D', 'android_hide_icon=0'])
    if options.android_release_icon:
      gyp_options.extend(['-D', 'android_release_icon=1'])
      gyp_options.extend(['-D', 'android_release_icon=0'])

  gyp_options.extend(['-D', 'build_base=%s' %
  gyp_options.extend(['-D', 'build_short_base=%s' %

  if options.warn_as_error:
    gyp_options.extend(['-D', 'warn_as_error=1'])
    gyp_options.extend(['-D', 'warn_as_error=0'])

  if version.IsDevChannel():
    gyp_options.extend(['-D', 'channel_dev=1'])

  def SetCommandLineForFeature(option_name, windows=False, mac=False,
                               linux=False, android=False, nacl=False):
    """Updates an option like '--enable_foober' and add a -D argument for gyp.

    This function ensures an option like '--enable_foober' exists and it has a
    default boolean for each platform based on givem parameters. This
    function also sets a '-D' command line option for gyp as
    '-D enable_foober=0' or '-D enable_foober=1' depending on the actual value
    of the target option.

      option_name: A base name of the option. If 'foobar' is given,
          '--enable_foober' option will be checked.
      windows: A boolean which replesents the default value of the target
          option on Windows platform.
      mac: A boolean which replesents the default value of the target option
          on MacOS X platform.
      linux: A boolean which replesents the default value of the target option
          on Linux platform.
      android: A boolean which replesents the default value of the target
          option on Android platform.
      nacl: A boolean which replesents the default value of the target
          option on NaCl.

      ValueError: An error occurred when 'option_name' is empty.
    if not option_name:
      raise ValueError('"option_name" should be specified')

    default_enabled = {'Windows': windows,
                       'Mac': mac,
                       'Linux': linux,
                       'Android': android,
                       'NaCl': nacl}.get(target_platform, False)
    enable_option_name = 'enable_%s' % option_name
    enabled = options.ensure_value(enable_option_name, default_enabled)
                        '%s=%s' % (enable_option_name, 1 if enabled else 0)])

  is_official = (options.branding == 'GoogleJapaneseInput')
  is_official_dev = (is_official and version.IsDevChannel())


  target_platform_value = target_platform
  gyp_options.extend(['-D', 'target_platform=%s' % target_platform_value])

  if IsWindows():
    gyp_options.extend(['-G', 'msvs_version=2015'])

  if (target_platform == 'Linux' and
      '%s/unix/ibus/ibus.gyp' % SRC_DIR in gyp_file_names):
    gyp_options.extend(['-D', 'use_libibus=1'])

  if target_platform == 'NaCl':
    if options.nacl_sdk_root:
      nacl_sdk_root = os.path.abspath(options.nacl_sdk_root)
      nacl_sdk_root = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(EXT_THIRD_PARTY_DIR,
                                                   'nacl_sdk', 'pepper_40'))
    if not os.path.isdir(nacl_sdk_root):
      PrintErrorAndExit('The nacl_sdk_root directory (%s) does not exist.'
                        % options.nacl_sdk_root)
    gyp_options.extend(['-D', 'nacl_sdk_root=%s' % nacl_sdk_root])

  if options.server_dir:
        '-D', 'server_dir=%s' % os.path.abspath(options.server_dir)])

  short_basename = GetBuildShortBaseName(target_platform)
  gyp_options.extend(['-G', 'output_dir=%s' % short_basename])

  # Enable cross-compile
  # TODO(yukawa): Enable GYP_CROSSCOMPILE for Windows.
  if not IsWindows():
    os.environ['GYP_CROSSCOMPILE'] = '1'

  # Run GYP.
  logging.info('Running GYP...')
  RunOrDie(gyp_command + gyp_options)

  # Restore PYTHONPATH just in case.
  if not original_python_path:
    os.environ['PYTHONPATH'] = original_python_path

  # Done!

  # For internal Ninja build on Windows, set up environment files
  if IsWindows():
    out_dir = os.path.join(MOZC_ROOT, 'out_win')

    # When Windows build is configured to use DLL version of Qt, copy Qt's DLLs
    # and debug symbols into Mozc's build directory. This is important because:
    # - We can easily back up all the artifacts if relevant product binaries and
    #   debug symbols are placed at the same place.
    # - Some post-build tools such as bind.exe can easily look up the dependent
    #   DLLs (QtCore4.dll and QtQui4.dll in this case).
    # Perhaps the following code can also be implemented in gyp, but we atopt
    # this ad hock workaround as a first step.
    # TODO(yukawa): Implement the following logic in gyp, if magically possible.
    abs_qtdir = os.path.abspath(options.qtdir)
    abs_qt_bin_dir = os.path.join(abs_qtdir, 'bin')
    abs_qt_lib_dir = os.path.join(abs_qtdir, 'lib')
    abs_out_win_dir = GetBuildBaseName(target_platform)
    copy_script = os.path.join(
        ABS_SCRIPT_DIR, 'build_tools', 'copy_dll_and_symbol.py')
    copy_params = []
    if qt_version == '5':
          'basenames': 'Qt5Cored;Qt5Guid;Qt5Widgetsd',
          'dll_paths': abs_qt_bin_dir,
          'pdb_paths': abs_qt_lib_dir,
          'target_dir': os.path.join(abs_out_win_dir, 'DebugDynamic')})
          'basenames': 'Qt5Core;Qt5Gui;Qt5Widgets',
          'dll_paths': abs_qt_bin_dir,
          'pdb_paths': abs_qt_lib_dir,
          'target_dir': os.path.join(abs_out_win_dir, 'ReleaseDynamic')})
          'basenames': 'qwindowsd',
          'dll_paths': os.path.join(abs_qtdir, 'plugins', 'platforms'),
          'pdb_paths': os.path.join(abs_qtdir, 'plugins', 'platforms'),
          'target_dir': os.path.join(abs_out_win_dir, 'DebugDynamic',
          'basenames': 'qwindows',
          'dll_paths': os.path.join(abs_qtdir, 'plugins', 'platforms'),
          'pdb_paths': os.path.join(abs_qtdir, 'plugins', 'platforms'),
          'target_dir': os.path.join(abs_out_win_dir, 'ReleaseDynamic',
    for copy_param in copy_params:
      copy_commands = [
          '--basenames', copy_param['basenames'],
          '--dll_paths', copy_param['dll_paths'],
          '--pdb_paths', copy_param['pdb_paths'],
          '--target_dir', copy_param['target_dir'],
def ParseGypOptions(args):
  """Parses command line options for the gyp command."""
  parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage='Usage: %prog gyp [options]')
  default_branding = 'Mozc'
  parser.add_option('--branding', dest='branding', default=default_branding,
                    help='Specifies the branding. [default: %default]')
  parser.add_option('--gypdir', dest='gypdir',
                    help='Specifies the location of GYP to be used.')
  parser.add_option('--noqt', action='store_true', dest='noqt', default=False)
  parser.add_option('--version_file', dest='version_file',
                    help='use the specified version template file',

  # Mac and Linux
  parser.add_option('--warn_as_error', action='store_true',
                    dest='warn_as_error', default=(default_branding != 'Mozc'),
                    help='Treat compiler warning as error. This option is used '
                    'on Mac and Linux.')

  # Linux
  parser.add_option('--server_dir', dest='server_dir',
                    help='A path to the directory where the server executable'
                    'is installed. This option is used only on Linux.')

  # Android
  parser.add_option('--android_arch', dest='android_arch',
                    choices=('arm', 'x86', 'mips', 'arm64', 'x86_64', 'mips64'),
                    help='[Android build only] Android architecture '
                    '(arm, x86, mips)')
  parser.add_option('--android_application_id', dest='android_application_id',
                    help='[Android build only] Android\'s application id'
                    ' (==package ID). '
                    'If set, On Android2.1 preference screen works '
                    'incorrectly and some Java test cases failes because of '
                    'test framework\'s update.')
  parser.add_option('--android_home', dest='android_home', default=None,
                    help='[Android build only] A path to the Android SDK Home. '
                    'If not specified, automatically detected from ANDROID_HOME'
                    ' or PATH.')
  parser.add_option('--android_ndk_home', dest='android_ndk_home', default=None,
                    help='[Android build only] A path to the Android NDK Home. '
                    'If not specified, automatically detected from PATH.')
  parser.add_option('--android_hide_icon', action='store_true',
                    dest='android_hide_icon', default=False)
  parser.add_option('--android_release_icon', action='store_true',
                    dest='android_release_icon', default=False)

  # NaCl
  parser.add_option('--nacl_sdk_root', dest='nacl_sdk_root', default='',
                    help='A path to the root directory of Native Client SDK. '
                    'This is used when NaCl module build.')

  def AddFeatureOption(option_parser, feature_name, macro_name,
    """Defines options like '--enable_foober' and '--disable_foober'.

    This function defines options like --enable_foober and --disable_foobar
    based on given parameters.

      option_parser: An option parser to which options should be added.
      feature_name: A name of the feature. Will be used for option's help.
      macro_name: A macro name which will be defined when this feature is
          enabled. Will be used for option's help.
          Note that the macro is not automatically set.
          Do this by yourself (typically on common.gypi).
      option_name: A base name of the option. If 'foobar' is specified,
          --enable_foobar and --disable_foobar will be defined.

      ValueError: An error occurred when any name parameter is empty.
    if not feature_name:
      raise ValueError('"feature_name" should be specified')
    if not option_name:
      raise ValueError('"option_name" should be specified')
    if not macro_name:
      raise ValueError('"macro_name" should be specified')
    params = {'feature_name': feature_name,
              'option_name': option_name,
              'macro_name': macro_name}
    help_template = ('Intentionally enable or disable %(feature_name)s '
                     'feature with the %(macro_name)s macro defined in code. '
                     '--enable_%(option_name)s enables it, and '
                     '--disable_%(option_name)s disables it. If both options '
                     'are not set, enables the %(feature_name)s feature '
                     'according to the target environment and branding.')
    option_parser.add_option('--enable_%(option_name)s' % params,
                             dest=('enable_%(option_name)s' % params),
                             help=help_template % params)
    option_parser.add_option('--disable_%(option_name)s' % params,
                             dest=('enable_%(option_name)s' % params),
                             help=help_template % params)

  AddFeatureOption(parser, feature_name='cloud handwriting',

  if IsWindows():
    parser.add_option('--wix_dir', dest='wix_dir',
                      help='A path to the binary directory of wix.')

  if IsWindows() or IsMac():
    parser.add_option('--qtdir', dest='qtdir',
                      default=os.getenv('QTDIR', None),
                      help='Qt base directory to be used.')

  return parser.parse_args(args)
from build_tools.util import ColoredLoggingFilter
from build_tools.util import ColoredText
from build_tools.util import CopyFile
from build_tools.util import FindFileFromPath
from build_tools.util import GetNumberOfProcessors
from build_tools.util import GetRelPath
from build_tools.util import IsLinux
from build_tools.util import IsMac
from build_tools.util import IsWindows
from build_tools.util import PrintErrorAndExit
from build_tools.util import RemoveDirectoryRecursively
from build_tools.util import RemoveFile
from build_tools.util import RunOrDie
from build_tools.util import RunOrDieError

if not IsWindows():
  # android_util depends on fcntl module which doesn't exist in Windows.
  # pylint: disable=g-import-not-at-top
  from build_tools.android_util import Emulator

SRC_DIR = '.'
# We need to obtain the absolute path of this script before change directory.
# Note that if any import above has already changed the current
# directory, this code cannot work anymore.
ABS_SCRIPT_DIR = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
EXT_THIRD_PARTY_DIR = os.path.join(MOZC_ROOT, 'third_party')


@@ -155,7 +157,7 @@ def GetGypFileNames(options):
   # Include subdirectory of win32 and breakpad for Windows
   if options.target_platform == 'Windows':
     gyp_file_names.extend(glob.glob('%s/win32/*/*.gyp' % SRC_DIR))
-  elif options.target_platform == 'Linux':
+  elif options.target_platform == 'Linux' or options.target_platform == 'NetBSD':
     gyp_file_names.extend(glob.glob('%s/unix/*/*.gyp' % SRC_DIR))
     # Add ibus.gyp if ibus version is >=1.4.1.
     if not PkgExists('ibus-1.0 >= 1.4.1'):
@@ -182,6 +184,8 @@ def ParseVerbose(unused_option, unused_o
 def AddTargetPlatformOption(parser):
   if IsLinux():
     default_target = 'Linux'
+  if IsNetBSD():
+    default_target = 'NetBSD'
   elif IsWindows():
     default_target = 'Windows'
   elif IsMac():
@@ -269,6 +273,12 @@ def ExpandMetaTarget(options, meta_targe
                SRC_DIR + '/gui/gui.gyp:mozc_tool']
     if PkgExists('ibus-1.0 >= 1.4.1'):
       targets.append(SRC_DIR + '/unix/ibus/ibus.gyp:ibus_mozc')
+  elif target_platform == 'NetBSD':
+    targets = [SRC_DIR + '/server/server.gyp:mozc_server',
+               SRC_DIR + '/renderer/renderer.gyp:mozc_renderer',
+               SRC_DIR + '/gui/gui.gyp:mozc_tool']
+    if PkgExists('ibus-1.0 >= 1.4.1'):
+      targets.append(SRC_DIR + '/unix/ibus/ibus.gyp:ibus_mozc')
   elif target_platform == 'Mac':
     targets = [SRC_DIR + '/mac/mac.gyp:codesign_DiskImage']
   elif target_platform == 'Windows':