Npeaks = 5
traces = cnm.C + cnm.YrA
# TODO: todocument
idx_components, idx_components_bad = cm.components_evaluation.estimate_components_quality(
    traces, Yr, cnm.A, cnm.C, cnm.b, cnm.f, final_frate=final_frate, Npeaks=Npeaks,
    r_values_min=r_values_min, fitness_min=fitness_min, fitness_delta_min=fitness_delta_min, dview=dview)

print(('Keeping ' + str(len(idx_components)) +
       ' and discarding  ' + str(len(idx_components_bad))))

A_, C_, YrA_, b_, f_ = (cnm.A[:, idx_components], cnm.C[idx_components],
                        cnm.YrA[idx_components], cnm.b, cnm.f)
YrA_GT = compute_residuals(np.array(Yr) - b0, A, b, C, f, dview=None)

cm.utils.visualization.view_patches_bar(Yr, A, C, b, f,
                                        dims[0], dims[1], YrA=YrA_GT, img=cn_filter)

cm.utils.visualization.view_patches_bar(Yr, A_, C_, b_, f_,
                                        dims[0], dims[1], YrA=YrA_, img=cn_filter)

mapIdx = get_mapping(C_, C, A).astype(int)
if True:
    corC = np.array([np.corrcoef(C_[mapIdx[n]], C[n])[0, 1] for n in range(N)])
    corA = np.array([np.corrcoef(A_[:, mapIdx[n]].toarray().squeeze(), A[:, n])[0, 1]
                     for n in range(N)])
    corC_cnmfe = np.array([np.corrcoef(C_cnmfe[n], C[n])[0, 1]
Npeaks = 5
traces = cnm.C + cnm.YrA
# TODO: todocument
idx_components, idx_components_bad = cm.components_evaluation.estimate_components_quality(
    traces, Yr, cnm.A, cnm.C, cnm.b, cnm.f, final_frate=final_frate, Npeaks=Npeaks,
    r_values_min=r_values_min, fitness_min=fitness_min, fitness_delta_min=fitness_delta_min, dview=dview)

print(('Keeping ' + str(len(idx_components)) +
       ' and discarding  ' + str(len(idx_components_bad))))

A_, C_, YrA_, b_, f_ = (cnm.A[:, idx_components], cnm.C[idx_components],
                        cnm.YrA[idx_components], cnm.b, cnm.f)
YrA_GT = compute_residuals(np.array(Yr) - b0, A, b, C, f, dview=None)

cm.utils.visualization.view_patches_bar(Yr, A, C, b, f,
                                        dims[0], dims[1], YrA=YrA_GT, img=cn_filter)

cm.utils.visualization.view_patches_bar(Yr, A_, C_, b_, f_,
                                        dims[0], dims[1], YrA=YrA_, img=cn_filter)

mapIdx = get_mapping(C_, C, A).astype(int)
if True:
    corC = np.array([np.corrcoef(C_[mapIdx[n]], C[n])[0, 1] for n in range(N)])
    corA = np.array([np.corrcoef(A_[:, mapIdx[n]].toarray().squeeze(), A[:, n])[0, 1]
                     for n in range(N)])
    corC_cnmfe = np.array([np.corrcoef(C_cnmfe[n], C[n])[0, 1] for n in range(N)])


cnm.YrA = compute_residuals(np.array(Yr),
if patches:
    final_frate = 10
    r_values_min = 0.9  # threshold on space consistency
    fitness_min = -1000  # threshold on time variability
    # threshold on time variability (if nonsparse activity)
    fitness_delta_min = -1000
    Npeaks = 5
    traces = cnm.C + cnm.YrA
    # TODO: todocument
    idx_components, idx_components_bad = cm.components_evaluation.estimate_components_quality(
def extract_masks(scan, mmap_scan, num_components=200, num_background_components=1,
                  merge_threshold=0.8, init_on_patches=True, init_method='greedy_roi',
                  soma_diameter=(14, 14), snmf_alpha=None, patch_size=(50, 50),
                  proportion_patch_overlap=0.2, num_components_per_patch=5,
                  num_processes=8, num_pixels_per_process=5000, fps=15,
                  p=0, ssub=2, tsub=2):
    """ Extract masks from multi-photon scans using CNMF.

    Uses constrained non-negative matrix factorization to find spatial components (masks)
    and their fluorescence traces in a scan. Default values work well for somatic scans.

    Performed operations are:
        [Initialization on full image | Initialization on patches -> merge components] ->
        spatial update -> temporal update -> merge components -> spatial update ->
        temporal update

    :param np.array scan: 3-dimensional scan (image_height, image_width, num_frames).
    :param np.memmap mmap_scan: 2-d scan (image_height * image_width, num_frames)
    :param int num_components: An estimate of the number of spatial components in the scan
    :param int num_background_components: Number of components to model the background.
    :param int merge_threshold: Maximal temporal correlation allowed between the activity
        of overlapping components before merging them.
    :param bool init_on_patches: If True, run the initialization methods on small patches
        of the scan rather than on the whole image.
    :param string init_method: Initialization method for the components.
        'greedy_roi': Look for a gaussian-shaped patch, apply rank-1 NMF, store
            components, calculate residual scan and repeat for num_components.
        'sparse_nmf': Regularized non-negative matrix factorization (as impl. in sklearn)
    :param (float, float) soma_diameter: Estimated neuron size in y and x (pixels). Used
        in'greedy_roi' initialization to search for neurons of this size.
    :param int snmf_alpha: Regularization parameter (alpha) for sparse NMF (if used).
    :param (float, float) patch_size: Size of the patches in y and x (pixels).
    :param float proportion_patch_overlap: Patches are sampled in a sliding window. This
        controls how much overlap is between adjacent patches (0 for none, 0.9 for 90%).
    :param int num_components_per_patch: Number of components per patch (used if
    :param int num_processes: Number of processes to run in parallel. None for as many
        processes as available cores.
    :param int num_pixels_per_process: Number of pixels that a process handles each
    :param fps: Frame rate. Used for temporal downsampling and to remove bad components.

    :returns: Weighted masks (image_height x image_width x num_components). Inferred
        location of each component.
    :returns: Denoised fluorescence traces (num_components x num_frames).
    :returns: Masks for background components (image_height x image_width x
    :returns: Traces for background components (image_height x image_width x
    :returns: Raw fluorescence traces (num_components x num_frames). Fluorescence of each
        component in the scan minus activity from other components and background.

    ..warning:: The produced number of components is not exactly what you ask for because
        some components will be merged or deleted.
    ..warning:: Better results if scans are nonnegative.
    # Get some params
    image_height, image_width, num_frames = scan.shape

    # Start processes
    log('Starting {} processes...'.format(num_processes))
    pool = mp.Pool(processes=num_processes)

    # Initialize components
    log('Initializing components...')
    if init_on_patches:
        # TODO: Redo this (per-patch initialization) in a nicer/more efficient way

        # Make sure they are integers
        patch_size = np.array(patch_size)
        half_patch_size = np.int32(np.round(patch_size / 2))
        num_components_per_patch = int(round(num_components_per_patch))
        patch_overlap = np.int32(np.round(patch_size * proportion_patch_overlap))

        # Create options dictionary (needed for run_CNMF_patches)
        options = {'patch': {'only_init_patch': True,
                             'rf': half_patch_size, 'stride': patch_overlap,
                             'remove_very_bad_comps': False},
                   'preprocess': {'check_nan': False},
                   'temporal': {'p': p},
                   'init': {'k': num_components_per_patch, 'gSig': np.array(soma_diameter)/2,
                                   'gSiz': None, 'method_init': init_method, 'alpha_snmf': snmf_alpha,
                                   'gnb': num_background_components, 'ssub': ssub, 'tsub': tsub,
                                   'normalize_init': True,
                                   'rolling_sum': True, 'rolling_length': 100}}
        options_flat = {}
        for option_key in options:
        options_object =  params.CNMFParams(**options_flat)    

        # Initialize per patch
        res = map_reduce.run_CNMF_patches(mmap_scan.filename, (image_height, image_width, num_frames),
                                          options_object, gnb=num_background_components, dview=pool)
        initial_A, initial_C, YrA, initial_b, initial_f, pixels_noise, _ = res

        # Merge spatially overlapping components
        merged_masks = ['dummy']
        while len(merged_masks) > 0:
            R = utilities.compute_residuals(mmap_scan, initial_A, initial_b, initial_C, initial_f)
            res = merging.merge_components(mmap_scan, initial_A, initial_b, initial_C, R,
                                           initial_f, initial_C, sn_pix=pixels_noise,
                                           temporal_params = {'p': 0, 'method': 'cvxpy'}, spatial_params='UNUSED',
                                           dview=pool, thr=merge_threshold, mx=np.Inf)
            initial_A, initial_C, num_components, merged_masks, S, bl, c1, neurons_noise, g , _, R = res

        # Delete log files (one per patch)
        log_files = glob.glob('caiman*_LOG_*')
        for log_file in log_files:
        from scipy.sparse import csr_matrix
        if init_method == 'greedy_roi':
            res = _greedyROI(scan, num_components, soma_diameter, num_background_components)
            log('Refining initial components (HALS)...')
            res = initialization.hals(scan, res[0].reshape([image_height * image_width, -1], order='F'),
                                      res[1], res[2].reshape([image_height * image_width, -1], order='F'),
                                      res[3], maxIter=3)
            initial_A, initial_C, initial_b, initial_f = res
            print('Warning: Running sparse_nmf initialization on the entire field of view '
                  'takes a lot of time.')
            res = initialization.initialize_components(scan, K=num_components, nb=num_background_components,
                                                       method=init_method, alpha_snmf=snmf_alpha)
            initial_A, initial_C, initial_b, initial_f, _ = res
        initial_A = csr_matrix(initial_A)
    log(initial_A.shape[-1], 'components found...')

    # Remove bad components (based on spatial consistency and spiking activity)
    log('Removing bad components...')
    good_indices, _ = components_evaluation.estimate_components_quality(initial_C, scan,
        initial_A, initial_C, initial_b, initial_f, final_frate=fps, r_values_min=0.7,
        fitness_min=-20, fitness_delta_min=-20, dview=pool)
    initial_A = initial_A[:, good_indices]
    initial_C = initial_C[good_indices]
    log(initial_A.shape[-1], 'components remaining...')

    # Estimate noise per pixel
    log('Calculating noise per pixel...')
    pixels_noise, _ = pre_processing.get_noise_fft_parallel(mmap_scan, num_pixels_per_process, pool)

    # Update masks
    log('Updating masks...')
    A, b, C, f = spatial.update_spatial_components(mmap_scan, initial_C, initial_f, initial_A, b_in=initial_b,
                                                   sn=pixels_noise, dims=(image_height, image_width),
                                                   method_exp='dilate', dview=pool,

    # Update traces (no impulse response modelling p=0)
    log('Updating traces...')
    res = temporal.update_temporal_components(mmap_scan, A, b, C, f, nb=num_background_components,
                                              block_size=10000, p=0, method='cvxpy', dview=pool)
    C, A, b, f, S, bl, c1, neurons_noise, g, YrA, _ = res

    # Merge components
    log('Merging overlapping (and temporally correlated) masks...')
    merged_masks = ['dummy']
    while len(merged_masks) > 0:
        R = utilities.compute_residuals(mmap_scan, A, b, C, f)
        res = merging.merge_components(mmap_scan, A, b, C, R, f, S, sn_pix=pixels_noise, 
                                       temporal_params={'p': 0, 'method': 'cvxpy'},
                                       spatial_params='UNUSED', dview=pool, thr=merge_threshold, bl=bl, c1=c1,
                                       sn=neurons_noise, g=g)
        A, C, num_components, merged_masks, S, bl, c1, neurons_noise, g, _, R = res

    # Refine masks
    log('Refining masks...')
    A, b, C, f = spatial.update_spatial_components(mmap_scan, C, f, A, b_in=b, sn=pixels_noise,
                                                   dims=(image_height, image_width),
                                                   method_exp='dilate', dview=pool,

    # Refine traces
    log('Refining traces...')
    res = temporal.update_temporal_components(mmap_scan, A, b, C, f, nb=num_background_components,
                                              block_size=10000, p=0, method='cvxpy', dview=pool)
    C, A, b, f, S, bl, c1, neurons_noise, g, YrA, _ = res

    # Removing bad components (more stringent criteria)
    log('Removing bad components...')
    good_indices, _ = components_evaluation.estimate_components_quality(C + YrA, scan, A,
        C, b, f, final_frate=fps, r_values_min=0.8, fitness_min=-40, fitness_delta_min=-40,
    A = A.toarray()[:, good_indices]
    C = C[good_indices]
    YrA = YrA[good_indices]
    log(A.shape[-1], 'components remaining...')

    # Stop processes

    # Get results
    masks = A.reshape((image_height, image_width, -1), order='F') # h x w x num_components
    traces = C  # num_components x num_frames
    background_masks = b.reshape((image_height, image_width, -1), order='F') # h x w x num_components
    background_traces = f  # num_background_components x num_frames
    raw_traces = C + YrA  # num_components x num_frames

    # Rescale traces to match scan range
    scaling_factor = np.sum(masks**2, axis=(0, 1)) / np.sum(masks, axis=(0, 1))
    traces = traces * np.expand_dims(scaling_factor, -1)
    raw_traces = raw_traces * np.expand_dims(scaling_factor, -1)
    masks = masks / scaling_factor
    background_scaling_factor = np.sum(background_masks**2, axis=(0, 1)) / np.sum(background_masks,
    background_traces = background_traces * np.expand_dims(background_scaling_factor, -1)
    background_masks = background_masks / background_scaling_factor

    return masks, traces, background_masks, background_traces, raw_traces