 def __init__( self, application ):
     super( CreateMesosCluster, self ).__init__( application )
     self.option( '--num-slaves', '-s', metavar='NUM',
                  type=int, default=1,
                  help='The number of slaves to start.' )
     # We want --instance-type for the slaves and --master-instance-type for the master and we
     # want --master-instance-type to default to the value of --instance-type.
     super( CreateMesosCluster, self ).option(
         '--instance-type', '-t', metavar='TYPE', dest='slave_instance_type',
         default=MesosBox.recommended_instance_type( ),
         help='The type of EC2 instance to launch for the slaves, e.g. t2.micro, '
              'm3.small, m3.medium, or m3.large etc. ' )
     self.option( '--master-instance-type', metavar='TYPE', dest='instance_type',
                  help='The type of EC2 instance to launch for the master, e.g. t2.micro, '
                       'm3.small, m3.medium, or m3.large etc. The default is the instance type '
                       'used for the slaves.' )
     self.option( '--ebs-volume-size', metavar='GB', default=0,
                  help='The size in GB of an EBS volume to be attached to each node for '
                       'persistent data such as that backing HDFS. By default HDFS will be '
                       'backed instance store ( ephemeral) only, or the root volume for '
                       'instance types that do not offer instance store.' )
import os
import time
import logging
import itertools

from cgcloud.core.test import CgcloudTestCase
from cgcloud.core.ui import main
from cgcloud.lib.ec2 import UnexpectedResourceState
from cgcloud.mesos.mesos_box import MesosBox, MesosMaster, MesosSlave

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

master = MesosMaster.role()
slave = MesosSlave.role()
role = MesosBox.role()

num_slaves = 2

cleanup = True
create_image = True

class ClusterTests(CgcloudTestCase):
    Tests the typical life-cycle of instances and images

    def setUpClass(cls):
        os.environ["CGCLOUD_PLUGINS"] = "cgcloud.mesos"
        super(ClusterTests, cls).setUpClass()
import os
import logging

from cgcloud.mesos.mesos_box import MesosBox, MesosMaster, MesosSlave
from cgcloud.mesos.test import MesosTestCase

log = logging.getLogger( __name__ )

master = MesosMaster.role( )
slave = MesosSlave.role( )
node = MesosBox.role( )

num_slaves = 2

class MesosClusterTests( MesosTestCase ):
    Covers the creation of a Mesos cluster and running a simple script on it.

    cleanup = True
    create_image = True

    def setUpClass( cls ):
        os.environ[ 'CGCLOUD_PLUGINS' ] = 'cgcloud.mesos'
        super( MesosClusterTests, cls ).setUpClass( )
        if cls.create_image:
            cls._cgcloud( 'create', node, '-I', '-T' )

import os
import logging

from cgcloud.mesos.mesos_box import MesosBox, MesosMaster, MesosSlave
from cgcloud.mesos.test import MesosTestCase

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

master = MesosMaster.role()
slave = MesosSlave.role()
node = MesosBox.role()

num_slaves = 2

class MesosClusterTests(MesosTestCase):
    Covers the creation of a Mesos cluster and running a simple script on it.

    cleanup = True
    create_image = True

    def setUpClass(cls):
        os.environ['CGCLOUD_PLUGINS'] = 'cgcloud.mesos'
        super(MesosClusterTests, cls).setUpClass()
        if cls.create_image:
            cls._cgcloud('create', node, '-I', '-T')
