def test_recieve_input(self): player = AIPlayer() game = Checkers(player, Player()) options = game.possible_movements() action = player.recieve_input(options) self.assertGreaterEqual(action, 0) self.assertLessEqual(action, len(options))
def test_has_ended(self): player1 = Player() player2 = Player() game = Checkers(player1, player2) for cell in game.board.cells: cell.value = None self.assertTrue(game.has_ended())
def test_play(self, input): player = CheckersPlayer() game = Checkers(player, CheckersPlayer()) game.player_in_turn = 0 self.assertTrue(game.board.get_cell(5, 0).value == "x") self.assertTrue(game.board.get_cell(4, 1).value == "x") self.assertTrue(game.board.get_cell(5, 0).value is None)
def test_single_jump(self): c = Checkers() # move a red piece in a position where black can jump c.move(src=(1, 2), dest=(2, 3)) c.move(src=(2, 3), dest=(3, 4)) # make sure the destination is empty self.assertTrue(c.board[3][4] is None) # jump a black piece over the red piece c.move(src=(2, 5), dest=(4, 3)) # make sure the piece is at the destination self.assertTrue(c.board[3][4].color is Checkers.colors['black']) # make sure the jumped piece is removed from the board self.assertTrue(c.board[4][3] is None)
def __init__(self): self._model = Checkers() self.to_move = None self.moves = [] self.description = '' self.black_men = [] self.white_men = [] self.black_kings = [] self.white_kings = [] self.flip_board = False self.num_players = 1 self._move_check = False self._bm_check = False self._bk_check = False self._wm_check = False self._wk_check = False
def __init__(self): gtk.DrawingArea.__init__(self) self.tile_size = 100 self.tile_count = 8 self.w = self.h = self.tile_count * self.tile_size cmap = self.get_colormap() self.color_black = cmap.alloc_color('#000000') self.color_white = cmap.alloc_color('#FFFFFF') self.color_red = cmap.alloc_color('#BB3333') self.color_green = cmap.alloc_color('#33DD33') self.set_size_request(320, 320) self.connect("expose_event", self.exposeEvent) self.connect("size-allocate", self.__sizeAllocate) self.connect("button_press_event", self.buttonPressEvent) self.set_events(gtk.gdk.EXPOSURE_MASK | gtk.gdk.BUTTON_PRESS_MASK) #TODO: use settings self.tile_w = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file("images/tile_w.jpg") self.tile_b = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file("images/tile_b.jpg") self.selector = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file("images/selector.png") self.checkers = Checkers() self.checkers.setSelected((2,5))
def __init__(self, **props): self.model = Checkers() self._root = props['root'] self.parent = props['parent'] = props['training'] # If true, game will be played # against an evolved GPController statusbar = Label(self._root, relief=SUNKEN, font=('Helvetica', 7), anchor=NW) statusbar.pack(side='bottom', fill='x') self.view = BoardView(self._root, model=self.model, parent=self, statusbar=statusbar, invisible=True) if self.view.override_canvas(TrainingCanvas()) = props['fitness'] self.player_color = BLACK self.num_players = 1 self.set_controllers() self._controller1.start_turn() self.filename = None
class TestCoder(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): # Init coder print("Initializing coder...") self.checker = self.checkerList[self.checkerIndex] self.dictionary = Dictionary(self.checker) self.coder = Coder(self.dictionary) # Load all data from DB print("Fetching data from database...") self.allData = self.db.getFixDataForChecker(self.checker) self.allDataLen = len(self.allData) print("Done, fetched {0} records".format(self.allDataLen)) def tearDown(self): self.checkerIndex += 1 @classmethod def setUpClass(self): print("Starting up...") self.db = CFDatabase(config.getCfDbFile()) self.checkers = Checkers() self.checkerList = ['deadcode.DeadStores'] self.checkerIndex = 0 def testDeadcodeDeadStores(self): self.assertTrue(self.allDataLen > 0, msg="No data found") # Encode all data print("Testing encoding") i = 0 while i < self.allDataLen: checkerInfo = self.checkers.extractTokensForChecker( self.checker, self.allData[i][4]) encodedBugData, initialUnkList = self.coder.encode( self.allData[i][1], checkerData=checkerInfo) encodedFixData, finalUnkList = self.coder.encode( self.allData[i][2], unkList=initialUnkList, reverse=False) if -1 in encodedBugData: print( "{0}: [{2} - {3} ({1})] Some tokens were not parsed (bug), ignoring (lenUnk = {1})" .format(i + 1, len(finalUnkList), len(encodedBugData), len(encodedFixData))) elif -1 in encodedFixData: print( "{0}: [{2} - {3} ({1})] Some tokens were not parsed (fix), ignoring (lenUnk = {1})" .format(i + 1, len(finalUnkList), len(encodedBugData), len(encodedFixData))) else: print("{0}: [{2} - {3} ({1})] Done (lenUnk = {1})".format( i + 1, len(finalUnkList), len(encodedBugData), len(encodedFixData))) textBug = self.coder.decode(encodedBugData, finalUnkList, True) textFix = self.coder.decode(encodedFixData, finalUnkList) self.assertEqual(textBug, self.allData[i][1]) self.assertEqual(textFix, self.allData[i][2]) i += 1 print("All done.")
def test_get_movement(self): player1 = Player() player2 = Player() game = Checkers(player1, player2) for cell in game.board.cells: cell.value = None game.board.set_cell(7, 4, "x") game.board.set_cell(6, 3, "o") game.board.set_cell(4, 3, "o") game.board.set_cell(2, 3, "o") game.board.set_cell(0, 3, "o") game.board.set_cell(6, 5, "o") game.board.set_cell(4, 5, "o") game.board.set_cell(2, 5, "o") game.board.set_cell(0, 5, "o") movements = list(game._get_movement(7, 4, ["LU", "RU"], ["o", "O"])) self.assertEqual([((1, 2), [(2, 3), (4, 3), (6, 3)]), ((1, 6), [(2, 5), (4, 3), (6, 3)]), ((1, 2), [(2, 3), (4, 5), (6, 5)]), ((1, 6), [(2, 5), (4, 5), (6, 5)])], movements) game.board.set_cell(7, 4, None) game.board.set_cell(5, 6, "X") game.board.set_cell(6, 1, "o") game.board.set_cell(4, 1, "o") game.board.set_cell(2, 1, "o") game.board.set_cell(0, 1, "o") game.board.set_cell(6, 7, "o") game.board.set_cell(4, 7, "o") game.board.set_cell(2, 7, "o") game.board.set_cell(0, 7, "o") movements = list( game._get_movement(5, 6, ["LU", "RU", "LD", "RD"], ["o", "O"])) self.assertEqual([((1, 6), [(2, 5), (4, 3), (4, 1), (2, 1), (2, 3), (4, 5)]), ((7, 0), [(6, 1), (4, 1), (2, 1), (2, 3), (4, 5)]), ((5, 6), [(6, 5), (6, 3), (4, 1), (2, 1), (2, 3), (4, 5)]), ((1, 6), [(2, 5), (4, 5)]), ((7, 4), [(6, 5)])], movements)
def new_game(self): self._stop_updates() self._save_curr_game_if_needed() self.filename = None self._root.title('Raven ' + VERSION) self.model = Checkers() self.player_color = BLACK self.view.reset_view(self.model) self.think_time = self.parent.thinkTime.get() self.set_controllers() self.view.update_statusbar() self.view.reset_toolbar_buttons() self.view.curr_annotation = '' self.controller1.start_turn()
def __init__(self, **props): self.model = Checkers() self._root = props['root'] self.parent = props['parent'] statusbar = Label(self._root, relief=SUNKEN, font=('Helvetica', 7), anchor=NW) statusbar.pack(side='bottom', fill='x') self.view = BoardView(self._root, model=self.model, parent=self, statusbar=statusbar) self.player_color = BLACK self.num_players = 1 self.set_controllers() self.controller1.start_turn() self.filename = None self.think_time = self.parent.thinkTime.get()
def test_evaluate_winner(self): player1 = Player() player2 = Player() game = Checkers(player1, player2) game.player_in_turn = 0 for cell in game.board.cells: if cell.value in ["o", "0"]: cell.value = None self.assertEqual(player1, game.evaluate_winner()) game.player_in_turn = 1 for cell in game.board.cells: if cell.value in ["x", "X"]: cell.value = None self.assertEqual(player2, game.evaluate_winner())
def eval(agent:Agent, env: Checkers, color:str, n_games=100): opponent = Agent(gamma=agent.gamma, epsilon=1, lr=0, input_dims=[8*8 + 1], batch_size=agent.batch_size, action_space=agent.action_space, eps_dec=0, max_mem_size=0 ) initial_state = env.save_state() score = {'black': 0, 'white': 0} for i in tqdm(range(n_games)): env.restore_state(initial_state) winner = None moves = torch.tensor(env.legal_moves()) board, turn, last_moved_piece = env.save_state() brain = agent if turn == color else opponent board_tensor = torch.from_numpy(env.flat_board()).view(-1).float() encoded_turn = torch.tensor([1.]) if turn == 'black' else torch.tensor([0.]) observation =[board_tensor, encoded_turn]) while not winner: action = brain.choose_action(observation) while not action_is_legal(action, moves): action = brain.choose_action(observation) new_board, new_turn, _, moves, winner = env.move(*action.tolist()) moves = torch.tensor(moves) board_tensor = torch.from_numpy(env.flat_board()).view(-1).float() encoded_turn = torch.tensor([1. if turn == 'black' else 0.]) observation =[board_tensor, encoded_turn]) brain = agent if turn == color else opponent score[winner] +=1 return score[color] / n_games
epsilon=args.epsilon, batch_size=args.batch_size, action_space=action_space, input_dims=[8 * 8 + 1],, eps_dec=args.epsilon_decay), 'white': Agent(gamma=args.gamma, epsilon=args.epsilon, batch_size=args.batch_size, action_space=action_space, input_dims=[8 * 8 + 1],, eps_dec=args.epsilon_decay) } env = Checkers() initial_state = env.save_state() eps_history = [] score = {'black': 0, 'white': 0} os.makedirs(args.checkpoints_dir, exist_ok=True) for i in range( print( f"episode={i}, score={score}, black_eps:{players['black'].epsilon}, white_eps:{players['white'].epsilon}" ) score = {'black': 0, 'white': 0} env.restore_state(initial_state) winner = None moves = torch.tensor(env.legal_moves()) board, turn, last_moved_piece = env.save_state()
def reset(self): self.checkers = Checkers()
def __init__(self): self.db = CFDatabase(config.getCfDbFile()) self.lexer = CxxLexer() self.checkers = Checkers()
def __init__(self): self.ccdb = CCDatabase(config.getCcDbFile()) self.codeChecker = CodeChecker(config.getRepoDir()) self.code = [] self.checkers = Checkers()
from checkers import Checkers, AIPlayer, HumanPlayer if __name__ == '__main__': checkers = Checkers(AIPlayer(), AIPlayer()) checkers.start() print("Game ended in {} turns".format(checkers.turn + 1)) checkers.render() if checkers.winner: print("Winner!! Player {}".format(checkers.player_in_turn + 1)) else: print("Draw!!")
class DictionaryBuilder(): def __init__(self): self.db = CFDatabase(config.getCfDbFile()) self.lexer = CxxLexer() self.checkers = Checkers() def build(self, checker): # Load all data from DB print("Fetching data from database...") allData = self.db.getFixDataForChecker(checker) allDataLen = len(allData) print("Done, fetched {0} records".format(allDataLen)) if allDataLen < 1: print("No data found") return # Tokenize all code snippets and extract extra tokens from checker's messages # Labelize all tokens existing only in fixed code (added data) # Labelize all tokens appearing more than X times # Labelize all C++ STL names (namespaces, constants, defines, variables, functions, headers, numeric literals) # Labelize all UNK token indexes print("Converting to tokens...") tokens = deque() tokensLen = 0 labels = {} i = 0 tokensLen = 0 minTokens1Len = 9999 minTokens2Len = 9999 maxTokens1Len = 0 maxTokens2Len = 0 uniqTokenIDs = {} for tid in range(globals.firstAvailableToken): uniqTokenIDs[tid] = 0 uniqTokenIDs[0] = 1 # T_ZERO uniqTokenIDs[349] = 1 # T_SOS uniqTokenIDs[351] = 1 # T_UNK while i < allDataLen: # Tokenize tokens1 = self.lexer.tokenize(allData[i][1]) tokens2 = self.lexer.tokenize(allData[i][2]) extra = self.checkers.extractTokensForChecker( checker, allData[i][4]) newTokens = [] # Extract new tokens for token2 in tokens2: matchFound = False for token1 in tokens1: if token1['token'] == token2['token'] and token1[ 'has_value'] == token2['has_value']: if token1['has_value']: if token1['value'] == token2['value']: matchFound = True else: matchFound = True if not matchFound: newTokens.append(token2) tokens1Len = len(tokens1) tokens2Len = len(tokens2) # Statistics if tokens1Len < minTokens1Len: minTokens1Len = tokens1Len if tokens2Len < minTokens2Len: minTokens2Len = tokens2Len if tokens1Len > maxTokens1Len: maxTokens1Len = tokens1Len if tokens2Len > maxTokens2Len: maxTokens2Len = tokens2Len # Count occurrences of each label allTokens = tokens1 + tokens2 + extra for token in allTokens: value = globals.emptyValue if token['has_value']: value = token['value'] if value in labels: labels[value] += 1 else: labels[value] = 1 uniqTokenIDs[int(token['token'])] += 1 tokensLen += 1 if len(newTokens) > 0: tokens.append(newTokens) i += 1 print('Done {0}, processed {1} tokens ({2}/{3}/{4}/{5})'.format( i, len(allTokens), tokens1Len, tokens2Len, len(extra), len(newTokens)), file=sys.stderr) print("Done, converted {0} tokens".format(tokensLen)) # Labelizing labelDb = [globals.emptyValue] # UNK print("Adding UNK token labels") for i in range(config.cfNoOfUnkTokens): labelDb.append("UNK_{0}".format(i)) print("Done, current label DB has {0} entries".format(len(labelDb))) # Common occurrences print("Filtering labels, selecting only those with > {0} occurrences". format(config.cfLabelThreshold)) for key in labels.keys(): if labels[key] > config.cfLabelThreshold: labelDb.append(key) print("Done, current label DB has {0} entries".format(len(labelDb))) # New tokens in fixed code print("Filtering labels, selecting only tokens introduced with fix") for entry in tokens: for token in entry: if token['has_value']: labelDb.append(token['value']) print("Done, current label DB has {0} entries".format(len(labelDb))) # STL part # Token IDs for i in range(globals.firstAvailableToken): if uniqTokenIDs[i] > 0: labelDb.append("T_{0}".format(i)) # Printout print("Uniqueing labels") labelsUnique = list(set(labelDb)) print("Done, current label DB has {0} entries".format( len(labelsUnique))) print("Data set info") print("Min no of tokens (bug): {0}".format(minTokens1Len)) print("Min no of tokens (fix): {0}".format(minTokens2Len)) print("Max no of tokens (bug): {0}".format(maxTokens1Len)) print("Max no of tokens (fix): {0}".format(maxTokens2Len)) print("Extracted labels:") print(labelsUnique) print("Token uses:") for i in range(globals.firstAvailableToken): if uniqTokenIDs[i] > 0: print("{0}: {1}".format(i, uniqTokenIDs[i])) # Save to file print("Writing to dictionary file") with open(config.cfDictFilenameFormat.format(checker), "w") as f: f.write(json.dumps(labelsUnique)) print("Done, exiting...")
return fixUnusedParam(code, bugData) if bugData.getChecker() == 'clang-diagnostic-constant-conversion': return fixConstConv(code, bugData) return None ccdb = CCDatabase(config.getCcDbFile()) db = sqlite3.connect('../Results/db.sqlite') cursor = db.cursor() cursor.execute('SELECT * FROM bugs') dataFromDb = cursor.fetchall() bugs = [] bugsPerFile = {} BUG_NOT_PROCESSED = 0 vcs = GitProvider(config.getRepoDir()) checkers = Checkers() currentCommit = vcs.getAllVersions(config.getBranch())[0] bugDataList = {} fileContents = {} codechecker = CodeChecker(config.getRepoDir()) if len(dataFromDb) > 0: print("Skipping steps 1-2, DB already filled with data") for bug in dataFromDb: if bug[2] not in bugsPerFile: bugsPerFile[bug[2]] = [] if bug[3] == BUG_NOT_PROCESSED: bugDataList[bug[0]] = ccdb.getNotResolvedBugData(bug[0]) bugsPerFile[bug[2]].append(bug[0]) else: # 1.
def setUpClass(self): print("Starting up...") self.db = CFDatabase(config.getCfDbFile()) self.checkers = Checkers() self.checkerList = ['deadcode.DeadStores'] self.checkerIndex = 0
def __init__(self, history=[]): # Rollout statistics self.child_visits = [] # Terminal values for the first player # 1 for win # 0 for draw # -1 for loss # None for incomplete self.game_value = None # XXX Conventions: # - Black player moves first # - Ego-centric views assume the king row are at the top, i.e. starts at the bottom (Second player has the same view as absolute) = Checkers() # Action space self.actions = [] # Simple moves for from_sq in range( for to_sq in[from_sq]: if to_sq is not None: simple_move = (from_sq, to_sq) self.actions.append(simple_move) assert 98 == len(self.actions), 'There should be 98 simple moves.' # Jumps for from_sq in range( row, col = # For each direction for di, (drow, dcol) in enumerate(Checkers.dir2del): next_row, next_col = row + 2 * drow, col + 2 * dcol if 0 <= next_row < and 0 <= next_col < # Within bound to_sq =, next_col) jump = (from_sq, to_sq) self.actions.append(jump) self.num_actions = len(self.actions) assert 98 + 72 == self.num_actions, 'There should be 98 simple moves and 72 jumps.' # Inverse dictionary self.action2ind = { action: ind for ind, action in enumerate(self.actions) } # Square mapping from absolute to first player's ego-centric (reflect through the center) self.abs2ego_sq = {} for sq in range( row, col = re_row, re_col = -row + - 1, -col + - 1 re_sq =, re_col) self.abs2ego_sq[sq] = re_sq # Inverse self.ego2abs_sq = {re_sq: sq for sq, re_sq in self.abs2ego_sq.items()} # Move mapping from absolute to first player's ego-centric self.abs2ego_ac = {} for ac, (from_sq, to_sq) in enumerate(self.actions): ego_move = (self.abs2ego_sq[from_sq], self.abs2ego_sq[to_sq]) ego_ac = self.action2ind[ego_move] self.abs2ego_ac[ac] = ego_ac # Inverse self.ego2abs_ac = { ego_ac: ac for ac, ego_ac in self.abs2ego_ac.items() } # Fast forward to the last state by taking actions from history self.history = [] for action in history: self.apply(action)
class BoardView(gtk.DrawingArea): def __init__(self): gtk.DrawingArea.__init__(self) self.tile_size = 100 self.tile_count = 8 self.w = self.h = self.tile_count * self.tile_size cmap = self.get_colormap() self.color_black = cmap.alloc_color('#000000') self.color_white = cmap.alloc_color('#FFFFFF') self.color_red = cmap.alloc_color('#BB3333') self.color_green = cmap.alloc_color('#33DD33') self.set_size_request(320, 320) self.connect("expose_event", self.exposeEvent) self.connect("size-allocate", self.__sizeAllocate) self.connect("button_press_event", self.buttonPressEvent) self.set_events(gtk.gdk.EXPOSURE_MASK | gtk.gdk.BUTTON_PRESS_MASK) #TODO: use settings self.tile_w = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file("images/tile_w.jpg") self.tile_b = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file("images/tile_b.jpg") self.selector = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file("images/selector.png") self.checkers = Checkers() self.checkers.setSelected((2,5)) def __sizeAllocate(self, widget, rect): if rect.width < rect.height: self.tile_size = rect.width / self.tile_count else: self.tile_size = rect.height / self.tile_count self.w = self.h = self.tile_count * self.tile_size def exposeEvent(self, widget, event): window = self.window gc = window.new_gc() rect = gtk.gdk.Rectangle(0, 0, self.w, self.h) window.begin_paint_rect(rect) self.__drawBoard(window, gc, rect) window.end_paint() def __drawBackground(self, window, gc, rect): bg_w = self.tile_w.get_width() bg_h = self.tile_w.get_height() mod = True for i in range(self.tile_count): for ii in range(self.tile_count): if mod: window.draw_pixbuf(gc, self.tile_w, (bg_w - self.tile_size) / 2, (bg_h - self.tile_size) / 2, i * self.tile_size, ii * self.tile_size, self.tile_size, self.tile_size) else: window.draw_pixbuf(gc, self.tile_b, (bg_w - self.tile_size) / 2, (bg_h - self.tile_size) / 2, i * self.tile_size, ii * self.tile_size, self.tile_size, self.tile_size) mod = not mod mod = not mod def __drawPiece(self, window, gc, rect, type, x, y): gc s = self.tile_size if abs(type) == Checkers.WH: gc.set_foreground(self.color_white) window.draw_arc(gc, True, s*x+s/10, s*y+s/10, s - s/5, s - s/5, 0, 65*360) if type < 0: gc.set_foreground(self.color_black) window.draw_arc(gc, True, s*x+s/4, s*y+s/4, s/2, s/2, 0, 65*360) elif abs(type) == Checkers.BL: gc.set_foreground(self.color_black) window.draw_arc(gc, True, s*x+s/10, s*y+s/10, s - s/5, s - s/5, 0, 65*360) if type < 0: gc.set_foreground(self.color_white) window.draw_arc(gc, True, s*x+s/4, s*y+s/4, s/2, s/2, 0, 65*360) def __drawPieces(self, window, gc, rect): for i in range(8): for ii in range(8): if (i+ii)%2: self.__drawPiece(window, gc, rect, self.checkers.checkTile(ii,i), ii, i) def __drawSelector(self, window, gc): a = self.checkers.getSelected()[0] if a: gc.set_line_attributes(self.tile_size / 20, gtk.gdk.LINE_SOLID, gtk.gdk.CAP_NOT_LAST, gtk.gdk.JOIN_MITER) gc.set_foreground(self.color_red) window.draw_rectangle(gc, False, a[0] * self.tile_size, a[1] * self.tile_size, self.tile_size, self.tile_size) def __drawMoves(self, window, gc): a = self.checkers.getSelected()[1:] for i in a: gc.set_line_attributes(self.tile_size / 20, gtk.gdk.LINE_SOLID, gtk.gdk.CAP_NOT_LAST, gtk.gdk.JOIN_MITER) gc.set_foreground(self.color_green) window.draw_rectangle(gc, False, i[0] * self.tile_size, i[1] * self.tile_size, self.tile_size, self.tile_size) def __drawBoard(self, window, gc, rect): self.__drawBackground(window, gc, rect) self.__drawPieces(window, gc, rect) self.__drawSelector(window, gc) self.__drawMoves(window, gc) def __getCoords(self, x, y): x = int(x / self.tile_size) y = int(y / self.tile_size) if x > 7 or y > 7: return None else: return (x, y) def buttonPressEvent(self, widget, event): if event.button != 1: return target = self.__getCoords(event.x, event.y) if not target: return m = self.checkers.getSelected() if target in m[1:]: self.checkers.move(m, target) else: self.checkers.setSelected(target) self.exposeEvent(None, None) def reset(self): self.checkers = Checkers()
class Predictor(): def __init__(self): self.vcs = GitProvider(config.getRepoDir()) self.ccdb = CCDatabase(config.getCcDbFile()) self.codeChecker = CodeChecker(config.getRepoDir()) self.checkers = Checkers() self.loadCommitList() def loadCommitList(self): self.commits = self.vcs.getAllVersions(config.getBranch()) self.currentCommitIndex = 0 def convertFilePathToRepoRelativePath(self, path): return os.path.relpath(path, config.getRepoDir()) def getDiffResolvedIds(self): resolved = self.codeChecker.diffResolved(config.getCcRunName(), config.getTmpDir(), self.ccdb) ids = [] for bug in resolved: ids.append(bug['reportId']) return ids def predict(self, id, checker): # Load all bugs print("Loading bug data...") ids = [] if id == -1: bugs = self.ccdb.getAllBugsForChecker(checker) ids = [x[0] for x in bugs] else: ids.append(id) # Loading model print("Loading model...") model = load_model(config.cfModelFilenameFormat.format(checker)) model.summary() vLabels = ['NOT OK', 'OK', 'Skipped'] # Initialize coder print("Initializing coder...") self.dictionary = Dictionary(checker) self.coder = Coder(self.dictionary) self.totalDictionaryLength = self.dictionary.length() # Predicting print("Starting predictions...") for i in ids: allData = self.ccdb.getBugData(i) if allData.getChecker( ) not in globals.availableCheckers or allData.getChecker( ) != checker: print("Bug #{0} - checker not supported".format(i)) else: # Load extra tokens from checker message checkerInfo = self.checkers.extractTokensForChecker( allData.getChecker(), allData.getMessage()) # Retrieve code fragment with bug fileRelativePath = self.convertFilePathToRepoRelativePath( allData.getFile()) fullCodeWithBug = self.vcs.getFileContents( fileRelativePath, self.commits[self.currentCommitIndex]) extractor = CodeExtractor(allData) extractor.loadCodeFromText(fullCodeWithBug) extractor.extractBugCode() bugCodeFragment = extractor.getBugCodeFragment() fixCodeFragment = '' # Encode it encodedBugData, initialUnkList = self.coder.encode( bugCodeFragment, checkerData=checkerInfo) # Convert to one-hot MODEL_X_MAX_LEN = model.get_layer(index=0).input_shape[1] if len(encodedBugData) > MODEL_X_MAX_LEN: print( "Bug #{0} - Code too big for model, ignored".format(i)) continue elif id == -1: print("Bug #{0} - Good to go".format(i)) continue noZerosToPad = MODEL_X_MAX_LEN - len(encodedBugData) if noZerosToPad > 0: encodedBugData = self.coder.applyPadding( encodedBugData, noZerosToPad) X = np.zeros((1, MODEL_X_MAX_LEN, self.totalDictionaryLength)) X[0] = self.coder.convertToOneHot( encodedBugData, np.zeros((MODEL_X_MAX_LEN, self.totalDictionaryLength))) # Predict and convert from one-hot Y = self.coder.convertFromOneHot(model.predict(X)[0]) print(Y) # Decode Y = self.coder.removePadding(Y) fixCodeFragment = self.coder.decode(Y, initialUnkList) #Verify? vStatus = 2 if config.cfVerifyPrediction: # Apply fix in source code file extractor.applyFix(fixCodeFragment) extractor.saveToFile(allData.getFile()) # Run CodeChecker and analyze code self.codeChecker.check(True) resolvedIds = self.getDiffResolvedIds() # Check if ID is resolved in tmp folder isFixed = i in resolvedIds # Set vStatus accordingly if isFixed: vStatus = 1 else: vStatus = 0 #Print print("Bug #{0} - summary".format(i)) print("== Code fragment with bug ==") print(bugCodeFragment) print("== Suggested fix ==") print(fixCodeFragment) print("Verification: {0}".format(vLabels[vStatus])) a = ' ' while a != 'y' and a != 'n': a = input("Apply fix? (y/n): ") if a == 'y': if not config.cfVerifyPrediction: # Apply fix in source code file extractor.applyFix(fixCodeFragment) extractor.saveToFile(allData.getFile()) elif config.cfVerifyPrediction: # Revert file contents self.vcs.checkout(self.commits[self.currentCommitIndex]) print('Done') print("All done, exiting...")
sleep(1) screen.fill(BLACK) # print winner score = game.scoreGame() font = pygame.font.SysFont('Calibri', 30, True, False) text = "" # tie if score == 0: text = font.render("TIE", True, WHITE) # ai wins elif score == 1: text = font.render("You lose, AI wins", True, WHITE) # human wins else: text = font.render("You win, AI loses", True, WHITE) screen.blit(text, [width / 3 + width / 12, height / 2]) # update screen pygame.display.flip() sleep(1.5) # end game pygame.quit() print('Starting Checkers game...') game = Checkers() agent = Minimax(game, 3, False) print('Program terminated')
class FixTautOORCmp(): def __init__(self): self.ccdb = CCDatabase(config.getCcDbFile()) self.codeChecker = CodeChecker(config.getRepoDir()) self.code = [] self.checkers = Checkers() def loadCodeFromFile(self): with open(self.bugData.getFile(), 'r') as file: code = file.readlines() self.code = [] for line in code: self.code.append(line.replace("\r\n", "\n")) """ code = noCrLf = code.count("\r\n") noCr = code.count("\r") - noCrLf noLf = code.count("\n") - noCrLf if noCrLf > noCr: if noCrLf > noLf: self.lineEnding = "\r\n" else: self.lineEnding = "\n" else: if noCr > noLf: self.lineEnding = "\r" else: self.lineEnding = "\n" self.code = code.split(self.lineEnding) """ def saveCodeToFile(self): with open(self.bugData.getFile(), 'w') as file: #file.write(self.lineEnding.join(self.code)) file.writelines(self.code) def findMatchingDefine(self, value): patValue = '({0})' patName = '[ \t]([0-9a-zA-Z_]+)[ \t]' for line in self.code: if line[:7] == '#define': if, line): return, line).group(1) return None def fix(self, file): fileData = self.ccdb.getFileData(file) print(fileData) bugs = self.ccdb.getAllBugsForChecker( 'clang-diagnostic-tautological-constant-out-of-range-compare') lines = [] for bug in bugs: if bug[2] == fileData[-1][0]: self.bugData = self.ccdb.getBugData(bug[0]) if self.bugData.getLine() not in lines: self.loadCodeFromFile() tokens = self.checkers.extractTokensForChecker( 'clang-diagnostic-tautological-constant-out-of-range-compare', self.bugData.getMessage()) line = self.code[self.bugData.getLine() - 1] pat = "\([^\(]*{0}\)".format(tokens[0]['value']) match =, line) if match is None: pat = "\([^\(]*{0}\)".format( self.findMatchingDefine(tokens[0]['value'])) match =, line) match = newLine = line.replace(match, '({0})'.format(tokens[1]['value'])) self.code[self.bugData.getLine() - 1] = newLine self.saveCodeToFile() lines = lines + list( range((self.bugData.getLine() - 11), (self.bugData.getLine() + 10))) print("Passed") print(self.bugData.getLine()) pass else: print("Dismissed") print(self.bugData.getLine()) pass
def test_possible_movements(self): player1 = Player() player2 = Player() game = Checkers(player1, player2) for cell in game.board.cells: cell.value = None game.board.set_cell(2, 3, "X") game.board.set_cell(2, 5, "O") game.board.set_cell(4, 3, "x") game.board.set_cell(4, 5, "o") game.player_in_turn = 0 self.assertEqual(6, len(game.possible_movements())) game.player_in_turn = 1 self.assertEqual(6, len(game.possible_movements())) game.board.set_cell(3, 4, "x") game.board.set_cell(2, 3, "o") game.board.set_cell(2, 5, "o") game.board.set_cell(4, 3, "o") game.board.set_cell(4, 5, "o") game.player_in_turn = 0 self.assertEqual(2, len(game.possible_movements())) game.board.set_cell(3, 4, "X") self.assertEqual(4, len(game.possible_movements())) game.board.set_cell(3, 4, "o") game.board.set_cell(2, 3, "x") game.board.set_cell(2, 5, "x") game.board.set_cell(4, 3, "x") game.board.set_cell(4, 5, "x") game.player_in_turn = 1 self.assertEqual(2, len(game.possible_movements())) game.board.set_cell(3, 4, "O") self.assertEqual(4, len(game.possible_movements()))
class SavedGame(object): def __init__(self): self._model = Checkers() self.to_move = None self.moves = [] self.description = '' self.black_men = [] self.white_men = [] self.black_kings = [] self.white_kings = [] self.flip_board = False self.num_players = 1 self._move_check = False self._bm_check = False self._bk_check = False self._wm_check = False self._wk_check = False def _write_positions(self, f, prefix, positions): f.write(prefix + ' ') for p in sorted(positions): f.write('%d ' % p) f.write('\n') def _write_moves(self, f): f.write('<moves>\n') for move in reversed(self.moves): start = keymap[move.affected_squares[FIRST][0]] dest = keymap[move.affected_squares[LAST][0]] movestr = '%d-%d' % (start, dest) annotation = move.annotation if annotation.startswith(movestr): annotation = annotation.replace(movestr, '', 1).rstrip() f.write('%s;%s\n' % (movestr, annotation)) def write(self, filename): with open(filename, 'w') as f: f.write('<description>\n') for line in self.description.splitlines(): # numbered lists or hyperlinks are not word wrapped. if line.startswith('# ') or '[[' in line: f.write(line + '\n') continue else: f.write(textwrap.fill(line, 80) + '\n') f.write('<setup>\n') if self.to_move == WHITE: f.write('white_first\n') elif self.to_move == BLACK: f.write('black_first\n') else: raise ValueError, "Unknown value for to_move variable" if self.num_players >=0 and self.num_players <=2: f.write('%d_player_game\n' % self.num_players) else: raise ValueError, "Unknown value for num_players variable" if self.flip_board: f.write('flip_board 1\n') else: f.write('flip_board 0\n') self._write_positions(f, 'black_men', self.black_men) self._write_positions(f, 'black_kings', self.black_kings) self._write_positions(f, 'white_men', self.white_men) self._write_positions(f, 'white_kings', self.white_kings) self._write_moves(f) def read(self, filename): with open(filename, 'r') as f: lines = f.readlines() linelen = len(lines) i = 0 while True: if i >= linelen: break line = lines[i].strip() if line.startswith('<description>'): self.description = '' i += 1 while i < linelen and not lines[i].startswith('<setup>'): self.description += lines[i] i += 1 elif line.startswith('<setup>'): i = self._parse_setup(lines, i, linelen) elif line.startswith('<moves>'): i = self._parse_moves(lines, i, linelen) else: raise IOError, 'Unrecognized section in file, line %d' % (i+1) def _parse_items(self, line): men = line.split()[1:] return map(int, men) def _add_men_to_board(self, locations, val): squares = self._model.curr_state.squares try: for loc in locations: idx = squaremap[loc] squares[idx] = val except ValueError: raise IOError, 'Checker location not valid, line %d' % (i+1) def _parse_setup(self, lines, idx, linelen): curr_state = self._model.curr_state curr_state.clear() idx += 1 while idx < linelen and '<moves>' not in lines[idx]: line = lines[idx].strip().lower() if line == 'white_first': self.to_move = curr_state.to_move = WHITE self._move_check = True elif line == 'black_first': self.to_move = curr_state.to_move = BLACK self._move_check = True elif line.endswith('player_game'): numstr, _ = line.split('_', 1) self.num_players = int(numstr) elif line.startswith('flip_board'): _, setting = line.split() val = int(setting) self.flip_board = True if val else False elif line.startswith('black_men'): self.black_men = self._parse_items(line) self._add_men_to_board(self.black_men, BLACK | MAN) self._bm_check = True elif line.startswith('white_men'): self.white_men = self._parse_items(line) self._add_men_to_board(self.white_men, WHITE | MAN) self._wm_check = True elif line.startswith('black_kings'): self.black_kings = self._parse_items(line) self._add_men_to_board(self.black_kings, BLACK | KING) self._bk_check = True elif line.startswith('white_kings'): self.white_kings = self._parse_items(line) self._add_men_to_board(self.white_kings, WHITE | KING) self._wk_check = True idx += 1 if (not self._move_check and not self._bm_check and not self._wm_check and not self._bk_check and not self._wk_check): raise IOError, 'Error in <setup> section: not all required items found' return idx def _is_move(self, delta): return delta in KING_IDX def _is_jump(self, delta): return delta not in KING_IDX def _try_move(self, idx, start, dest, state_copy, annotation): legal_moves = self._model.legal_moves(state_copy) # match move from file with available moves on checkerboard found = False startsq, destsq = squaremap[start], squaremap[dest] for move in legal_moves: if (startsq == move.affected_squares[FIRST][0] and destsq == move.affected_squares[LAST][0]): self._model.make_move(move, state_copy, False, False) move.annotation = annotation self.moves.append(move) found = True break if not found: raise IOError, 'Illegal move found in file, line %d' % (idx+1) def _try_jump(self, idx, start, dest, state_copy, annotation): if not self._model.captures_available(state_copy): return False legal_moves = self._model.legal_moves(state_copy) # match jump from file with available jumps on checkerboard startsq, destsq = squaremap[start], squaremap[dest] small, large = min(startsq, destsq), max(startsq, destsq) found = False for move in legal_moves: # a valid jump may either have a single jump in it, or # multiple jumps. In the multiple jump case, startsq is the # source of the first jump, and destsq is the endpoint of the # last jump. if (startsq == move.affected_squares[FIRST][0] and destsq == move.affected_squares[LAST][0]): self._model.make_move(move, state_copy, False, False) move.annotation = annotation self.moves.append(move) found = True break return found def _parse_moves(self, lines, idx, linelen): """ Each move in the file lists the beginning and ending square, along with an optional annotation string (in Creole format) that describes it. Since the move listing in the file contains less information than we need inside our Checkerboard model, I make sure that each move works on a copy of the model before I commit to using it inside the code. """ state_copy = copy.deepcopy(self._model.curr_state) idx += 1 while idx < linelen: line = lines[idx].strip() if line == "": idx += 1 continue # ignore blank lines try: movestr, annotation = line.split(';', 1) except ValueError: raise IOError, 'Unrecognized section in file, line %d' % (idx+1) # move is always part of the annotation; I just don't want to # have to repeat it explicitly in the file. annotation = movestr + annotation # analyze affected squares to perform a move or jump. try: start, dest = [int(x) for x in movestr.split('-')] except ValueError: raise IOError, 'Bad move format in file, line %d' % idx delta = squaremap[start] - squaremap[dest] if self._is_move(delta): self._try_move(idx, start, dest, state_copy, annotation) else: jumped = self._try_jump(idx, start, dest, state_copy, annotation) if not jumped: raise IOError, 'Bad move format in file, line %d' % idx idx += 1 self.moves.reverse() return idx
def test_recieve_input(self, input): player = HumanPlayer() game = Checkers(player, Player()) self.assertEqual(player.recieve_input(game.possible_movements()), 4)
def test_invalid_jump(self): c = Checkers() # try jumping over the same colored piece with self.assertRaises(MoveError): c.move(src=(2, 1), dest=(0, 3))
class Verifier(): def __init__(self): self.vcs = GitProvider(config.getRepoDir()) self.ccdb = CCDatabase(config.getCcDbFile()) self.codeChecker = CodeChecker(config.getRepoDir()) self.checkers = Checkers() def convertFilePathToRepoRelativePath(self, path): return os.path.relpath(path, config.getRepoDir()) def getDiffResolvedIds(self): resolved = self.codeChecker.diffResolved(config.getCcRunName(), config.getTmpDir(), self.ccdb) ids = [] for bug in resolved: ids.append(bug['reportId']) return ids def getBugDataFromDiff(self, obj): return BugData(int(obj['location']['line']), int(obj['location']['line']), obj['location']['file_name'], obj['check_name'], 'New', obj['description'], int(obj['location']['line']), None) def getDiffNew(self): new = self.codeChecker.diffNew(config.getCcRunName(), config.getTmpDir(), self.ccdb) ids = [] for bug in new: ids.append(self.getBugDataFromDiff(bug)) return ids def isBugDataEqual(self, b1, b2): if b1.getLine() != b2.getLine(): return False if b1.getChecker() != b2.getChecker(): return False if b1.getMessage() != b2.getMessage(): return False if b1.getFile() != b2.getFile(): return False if b1.getStatus() != b2.getStatus(): return False if b1.getReviewStatus() != b2.getReviewStatus(): return False return True def displaySuggestions(self, suggestions): statuses = ['Negative', 'Positive', 'Skipped'] for s in suggestions: print("File: {2}, L{0}, Type: {1}".format(s.bug.getLine(), s.bug.getChecker(), s.file)) print("Verification status: {0}".format(statuses[s.verificationStatus])) if s.verificationStatus in [1, 2]: print("Code fragment with bug: \n{0}".format(s.bugCode)) print("Suggested code fragment for replacement: \n{0}".format(s.fixCode)) def applyValidFixes(self, suggestions, files): for f in files: bugs = [] for s in suggestions: if s.file == f and s.verificationStatus in [1, 2]: bugs.append(s) bugs.sort(key=lambda x: x.bug.getLine(), reverse=True) for b in bugs: print("File: {2}, L{0}, Type: {1}... ".format(b.bug.getLine(), b.bug.getChecker(), s.file), end='') self.applyFix(b) print("Applied") self.vcs.applyChangeForFile(f) def applyFix(self, s): extractor = CodeExtractor(s.bug) extractor.loadCodeFromFile() extractor.extractBugCode() extractor.applyFix(s.fixCode) extractor.saveToFile(s.bug.getFile()) def main(self): # Do analysis shutil.rmtree(config.getTmpDir()) self.codeChecker.check(True) # Diff new newBugs = self.getDiffNew() if len(newBugs) < 1: print('No new bugs introduced, commit is accepted!') return print("New bugs found! Count: {0}. Attempting repairs...".format(len(newBugs))) # Load models models = {} for checker in globals.availableCheckers: models[checker] = load_model(config.cfModelFilenameFormat.format(checker)) # Load all content from files having new files = set([self.convertFilePathToRepoRelativePath(x.getFile()) for x in newBugs]) fileContents = {} for f in files: fn = config.getRepoDir() + f with open(fn, 'r') as fh: fileContents[f] = ''.join(fh.readlines()) # For each file sort by bug line desc suggestions = [] validSuggestions = 0 for f in files: bugs = [x for x in newBugs if self.convertFilePathToRepoRelativePath(x.getFile()) == f] bugs.sort(key=lambda x: x.getLine(), reverse=True) print("=== File: {0} ===".format(f)) # For each bug get a suggestion and test it for b in bugs: print("L{0}, Type: {1}".format(b.getLine(), b.getChecker())) # Prepare useful data dictionary = Dictionary(b.getChecker()) coder = Coder(dictionary) totalDictionaryLength = dictionary.length() # Prepare and extract bug fragment checkerInfo = self.checkers.extractTokensForChecker(b.getChecker(), b.getMessage()) extractor = CodeExtractor(b) extractor.loadCodeFromText(fileContents[f]) extractor.extractBugCode() bugCodeFragment = extractor.getBugCodeFragment() fixCodeFragment = '' # Encode it encodedBugData, initialUnkList = coder.encode(bugCodeFragment, checkerData = checkerInfo) # Convert to one-hot MODEL_X_MAX_LEN = models[b.getChecker()].get_layer(index = 0).input_shape[1] if len(encodedBugData) > MODEL_X_MAX_LEN: print("Ignored: Code too big for model") continue noZerosToPad = MODEL_X_MAX_LEN - len(encodedBugData) if noZerosToPad > 0: encodedBugData = coder.applyPadding(encodedBugData, noZerosToPad) X = np.zeros((1, MODEL_X_MAX_LEN, totalDictionaryLength)) X[0] = coder.convertToOneHot(encodedBugData, np.zeros((MODEL_X_MAX_LEN, totalDictionaryLength))) # Predict and convert from one-hot Y = coder.convertFromOneHot(models[b.getChecker()].predict(X)[0]) Y = coder.removePadding(Y) # Decode fixCodeFragment = coder.decode(Y, initialUnkList)[:-1] #Verify? vStatus = 2 if config.cfVerifyPrediction: # Apply fix in source code file extractor.applyFix(fixCodeFragment) extractor.saveToFile(b.getFile()) # Run CodeChecker and analyze code shutil.rmtree(config.getTmpDir()) compilationLog = self.codeChecker.check(True) newBugsAfterFix = self.getDiffNew() # Check if ID is resolved in tmp folder isFixed = 'Build failed' not in compilationLog for nb in newBugsAfterFix: if self.isBugDataEqual(b, nb): isFixed = False # Set vStatus accordingly if isFixed: vStatus = 1 else: vStatus = 0 # Revert file extractor.loadCodeFromText(fileContents[f]) extractor.saveToFile(b.getFile()) if vStatus == 0: print("Verification: Negative, cannot be applied") elif vStatus == 1: print("Verification: Positive, can be applied") validSuggestions += 1 elif vStatus == 2: print("Verification: Skipped") validSuggestions += 1 sugg = SuggestionData(f, b, bugCodeFragment, fixCodeFragment, vStatus) suggestions.append(sugg) print("Valid suggestions prepared for {0} / {1} bugs.".format(validSuggestions, len(newBugs))) if validSuggestions > 0: print("Apply valid suggestions (a), display them (d), ignore them (i) or abort commit (q)?") apply = False choice = True while choice: c = if c == 'a': apply = True choice = False print("Applying fixes...") elif c == 'i': choice = False print("Fixes ignored...") elif c == 'd': self.displaySuggestions(suggestions) print("Apply valid suggestions (a), ignore them (i) or abort commit (q)?") elif c == 'q': print("Aborting commit...") sys.exit(1) if apply: self.applyValidFixes(suggestions, files) print("Fixes applied!") if validSuggestions != len(newBugs): print("Unable to fix all bugs, continue with commit (c) or abort (q)?") choice = True while choice: c = if c == 'c': choice = False print("Continuing...") elif c == 'q': print("Aborting commit...") sys.exit(1) else: print("Bugs corrected, commit is good to go!")
class LearningDataBuilder(): def __init__(self): self.db = CFDatabase(config.getCfDbFile()) self.checkers = Checkers() def build(self, checker): # Initialize coder print("Initializing coder...") self.dictionary = Dictionary(checker) self.coder = Coder(self.dictionary) # Load all data from DB print("Fetching data from database...") allData = self.db.getFixDataForChecker(checker) allDataLen = len(allData) print("Done, fetched {0} records".format(allDataLen)) if allDataLen < 1: print("No data found") return # Encode all data print("Encoding all data and writing to output file...") i = 0 (maxBug, maxFix, maxUnk) = self.checkers.getModelStatsForChecker(checker) with open(config.cfTrainFilenameFormat.format(checker), 'w') as f: while i < allDataLen: checkerInfo = self.checkers.extractTokensForChecker( checker, allData[i][4]) encodedBugData, initialUnkList = self.coder.encode( allData[i][1], checkerData=checkerInfo) encodedFixData, finalUnkList = self.coder.encode( allData[i][2], unkList=initialUnkList, reverse=False) if -1 in encodedBugData: print( "{0}: [{2} - {3} ({1})] Some tokens were not parsed (bug), ignoring (lenUnk = {1})" .format(i + 1, len(finalUnkList), len(encodedBugData), len(encodedFixData))) elif -1 in encodedFixData: print( "{0}: [{2} - {3} ({1})] Some tokens were not parsed (fix), ignoring (lenUnk = {1})" .format(i + 1, len(finalUnkList), len(encodedBugData), len(encodedFixData))) elif len(encodedBugData) > maxBug or len( encodedFixData) > maxFix or len(finalUnkList) > maxUnk: print( "{0}: [{2} - {3} ({1})] Some tokens were not parsed (lengths), ignoring (lenUnk = {1})" .format(i + 1, len(finalUnkList), len(encodedBugData), len(encodedFixData))) else: print("{0}: [{2} - {3} ({1})] Done (lenUnk = {1})".format( i + 1, len(finalUnkList), len(encodedBugData), len(encodedFixData))) f.write( json.dumps({ 'x': encodedBugData, 'y': encodedFixData }) + '\n') i += 1 print('Done {0}'.format(i), file=sys.stderr) print("All done, exiting...")
def test_move(self): c = Checkers() # COMMENTS ARE FROM THE PLAYER'S PERSPECTIVE # move red forward left self.assertTrue(c.board[3][2] is None) c.move(src=(1, 2), dest=(2, 3)) self.assertTrue(c.board[3][2] is not None) # move red forward right self.assertTrue(c.board[4][1] is None) c.move(src=(2, 3), dest=(1, 4)) self.assertTrue(c.board[4][1] is not None) # try moving red where an enemy is self.assertTrue(c.board[5][0].color is Checkers.colors['black']) with self.assertRaises(MoveError): c.move(src=(1, 4), dest=(0, 5)) self.assertTrue(c.board[5][0].color is Checkers.colors['black']) # try moving red backwards as a regular piece self.assertTrue(c.board[3][2] is None) with self.assertRaises(MoveError): c.move(src=(1, 4), dest=(2, 3)) # try moving a piece that doesn't exist self.assertTrue(c.board[3][1] is None) with self.assertRaises(KeyError): c.move(src=(1, 3), dest=(2, 2))
class FixTautOORCmp(): def __init__(self): self.ccdb = CCDatabase(config.getCcDbFile()) self.codeChecker = CodeChecker(config.getRepoDir()) self.code = [] self.checkers = Checkers() def loadCodeFromFile(self): with open(self.bugData.getFile(), 'r') as file: code = file.readlines() self.code = [] for line in code: self.code.append(line.replace("\r\n", "\n")) def saveCodeToFile(self): with open(self.bugData.getFile(), 'w') as file: #file.write(self.lineEnding.join(self.code)) file.writelines(self.code) def findMatchingDefine(self, value): patValue = '({0})' patName = '[ \t]([0-9a-zA-Z_]+)[ \t]' for line in self.code: if line[:7] == '#define': if, line): return, line).group(1) return None def fix(self, file): fileData = self.ccdb.getFileData(file) print(fileData) bugs = self.ccdb.getAllBugsForChecker('clang-diagnostic-constant-conversion') lines = [] linesSingle = {} linesToSuppress = [] for bug in bugs: if bug[2] == fileData[-1][0]: self.bugData = self.ccdb.getBugData(bug[0]) if self.bugData.getLine() in linesSingle: linesSingle[self.bugData.getLine()] += 1 else: linesSingle[self.bugData.getLine()] = 1 for k in linesSingle: if linesSingle[k] > 5: linesToSuppress.append(k) inserts = 0 for bug in bugs: if bug[2] == fileData[-1][0]: self.bugData = self.ccdb.getBugData(bug[0]) if self.bugData.getLine() not in lines: self.loadCodeFromFile() if self.bugData.getLine() not in linesToSuppress: tokens = self.checkers.extractTokensForChecker('clang-diagnostic-constant-conversion', self.bugData.getMessage()) test = tokens line = self.code[self.bugData.getLine() - 1 + inserts] newLine = line.replace(tokens[0]['value'], '({0}){1}'.format(tokens[1]['value'], tokens[0]['value'])) if line == newLine: tokens[0]['value'] = self.findMatchingDefine(tokens[0]['value']) if tokens[0]['value'] is not None: newLine = line.replace(tokens[0]['value'], '({0}){1}'.format(tokens[1]['value'], tokens[0]['value'])) if line == newLine: s ='= (.*);', line) expr = newLine = line.replace(expr, '({0})({1})'.format(tokens[1]['value'], expr)) self.code[self.bugData.getLine() - 1 + inserts] = newLine else: line = self.code[self.bugData.getLine() - 1 + inserts] self.code[self.bugData.getLine() - 1 + inserts] = '// codechecker_intentional [clang-diagnostic-constant-conversion] Suppress\n{0}'.format(line) inserts += 1 self.saveCodeToFile() lines = lines + list(range((self.bugData.getLine() - 11), (self.bugData.getLine() + 10))) print("Passed, suppressed: {0}".format(self.bugData.getLine() in linesToSuppress)) print(self.bugData.getLine()) pass else: print("Dismissed") print(self.bugData.getLine()) pass
def __init__(self): self.vcs = GitProvider(config.getRepoDir()) self.ccdb = CCDatabase(config.getCcDbFile()) self.codeChecker = CodeChecker(config.getRepoDir()) self.checkers = Checkers() self.loadCommitList()
class CheckersGame(Game): def __init__(self, history=[]): # Rollout statistics self.child_visits = [] # Terminal values for the first player # 1 for win # 0 for draw # -1 for loss # None for incomplete self.game_value = None # XXX Conventions: # - Black player moves first # - Ego-centric views assume the king row are at the top, i.e. starts at the bottom (Second player has the same view as absolute) = Checkers() # Action space self.actions = [] # Simple moves for from_sq in range( for to_sq in[from_sq]: if to_sq is not None: simple_move = (from_sq, to_sq) self.actions.append(simple_move) assert 98 == len(self.actions), 'There should be 98 simple moves.' # Jumps for from_sq in range( row, col = # For each direction for di, (drow, dcol) in enumerate(Checkers.dir2del): next_row, next_col = row + 2 * drow, col + 2 * dcol if 0 <= next_row < and 0 <= next_col < # Within bound to_sq =, next_col) jump = (from_sq, to_sq) self.actions.append(jump) self.num_actions = len(self.actions) assert 98 + 72 == self.num_actions, 'There should be 98 simple moves and 72 jumps.' # Inverse dictionary self.action2ind = { action: ind for ind, action in enumerate(self.actions) } # Square mapping from absolute to first player's ego-centric (reflect through the center) self.abs2ego_sq = {} for sq in range( row, col = re_row, re_col = -row + - 1, -col + - 1 re_sq =, re_col) self.abs2ego_sq[sq] = re_sq # Inverse self.ego2abs_sq = {re_sq: sq for sq, re_sq in self.abs2ego_sq.items()} # Move mapping from absolute to first player's ego-centric self.abs2ego_ac = {} for ac, (from_sq, to_sq) in enumerate(self.actions): ego_move = (self.abs2ego_sq[from_sq], self.abs2ego_sq[to_sq]) ego_ac = self.action2ind[ego_move] self.abs2ego_ac[ac] = ego_ac # Inverse self.ego2abs_ac = { ego_ac: ac for ac, ego_ac in self.abs2ego_ac.items() } # Fast forward to the last state by taking actions from history self.history = [] for action in history: self.apply(action) def clone(self): game = CheckersGame() state = return game def apply(self, action_index): from_sq, to_sq = self.actions[action_index] board, turn, last_moved_piece, all_next_moves, winner = from_sq, to_sq) # Terminate when one player wins if winner == 'black': self.game_value = 1 elif winner == 'white': self.game_value = -1 self.history.append(action_index) def legal_actions(self): moves = action_idices = {self.action2ind[move] for move in moves} return action_idices def is_first_player_turn(self): return == 'black' def ego_board_representation(self): # XXX Channels # 0 my men # 1 my kings # 2 opponent's men # 3 opponent's kings # 4 my last moved piece # QUESTION: try indicating the king row and skipping ego transform? rep = np.zeros((,, 5)) if == 'white': # Same as the absolute view for sq in['white']['men']: row, col = rep[row, col, 0] = 1 for sq in['white']['kings']: row, col = rep[row, col, 1] = 1 for sq in['black']['men']: row, col = rep[row, col, 2] = 1 for sq in['black']['kings']: row, col = rep[row, col, 3] = 1 if is not None: row, col = rep[row, col, 4] = 1 else: # Need to invert the board for sq in['black']['men']: sq = self.abs2ego_sq[sq] row, col = rep[row, col, 0] = 1 for sq in['black']['kings']: sq = self.abs2ego_sq[sq] row, col = rep[row, col, 1] = 1 for sq in['white']['men']: sq = self.abs2ego_sq[sq] row, col = rep[row, col, 2] = 1 for sq in['white']['kings']: sq = self.abs2ego_sq[sq] row, col = rep[row, col, 3] = 1 if is not None: sq = self.abs2ego_sq[] row, col = rep[row, col, 4] = 1 return rep def ego_sample(self, state_index: int): # Fast forward game = CheckersGame(list(self.history[:state_index])) # Ego-centric views of the current player rep = game.ego_board_representation() # Zero-sum game ego_val = self.game_value if game.is_first_player_turn() else ( 0 - self.game_value) # Ego-centric actions if game.is_first_player_turn(): # Invert actions for the first player visits = np.zeros(self.num_actions) for i in range(self.num_actions): visits[self.abs2ego_ac[i]] = self.child_visits[state_index][i] else: visits = np.asarray(self.child_visits[state_index]) return rep, ego_val, visits def ego2abs_policy(self, is_first_player, ego_policy): if is_first_player: policy = np.zeros(self.num_actions) for ego_ac, pr in enumerate(ego_policy): policy[self.ego2abs_ac[ego_ac]] = pr else: policy = ego_policy return policy