def test_sphere():
    sph1 = circle_class.Sphere(3)
    sph2 = circle_class.Sphere(4)
    assert sph1.radius == 3
    assert round(sph1.volume, 1) == round(4 / 3 * 3.1415 * 3 ** 3, 1)
    assert round(sph1.area, 1) == round(4 * 3.1415 * 3 ** 2, 1)
    assert sph1.__str__() == "Sphere with a radius of: 3"
    assert sph1.__repr__() == "Sphere(3)"
    assert sph1 + sph2 == circle_class.Sphere(7)
    assert sph1 * 2 == circle_class.Sphere(6)
    assert 4 * sph1 == circle_class.Sphere(12)
    assert sph1 < sph2
    assert sph2 > sph1
 def test_volum(self):
     c = circle_class.Sphere(2)
     assert str(c.volum).startswith("33.51")
 def test_sphere(self):
     c = circle_class.Sphere(1)
     assert c.radius ==  1
     assert c.diameter == 2
 def test_repr_sphere(self):
     c = circle_class.Sphere(4)
     assert repr(c) == "Sphere(4)"
 def test_str_sphere(self):
     c = circle_class.Sphere(4)
     assert str(c) == "Sphere with radius: 4"
 def test_area_sphere(self):
     c = circle_class.Sphere(2)
     assert str(c.area).startswith("50.26")