    def init(self, datadir, query_servers):

        if self.locator:
            self.query_servers = ServerList(self.locator, 
                                            "CUSTOM", "QUERY_SERVER")
            self.query_servers = FixedServerList(query_servers, 

        query_wsdl = "file:" + os.path.join(self.get_datadir(datadir,"query"), 
        self.query_client_pool = ClientPool(query_wsdl, None)
    def init(self, datadir, job_servers):

        if self.locator:
            self.job_servers = ServerList(self.locator, "SCHEDULER", "JOB")
            self.job_servers = FixedServerList(job_servers, 


        job_wsdl = "file:" + os.path.join(self.get_datadir(datadir,"job"),
        self.job_client_pool = ClientPool(job_wsdl, None)
class _AviaryQueryMethods(object):

    # Do this here rather than __init__ so we don't have to worry about
    # matching parameter lists in multiple inheritance cases with super
    def init(self, datadir, query_servers):

        if self.locator:
            self.query_servers = ServerList(self.locator, 
                                            "CUSTOM", "QUERY_SERVER")
            self.query_servers = FixedServerList(query_servers, 

        query_wsdl = "file:" + os.path.join(self.get_datadir(datadir,"query"), 
        self.query_client_pool = ClientPool(query_wsdl, None)

    def fetch_job_data(self, job_server, job_id, ftype, file, start, end,
                       scheduler_name, submission, *args, **kwargs):
        kwargs will be searched for 'default' and 'timeout' arguments.

        These optional arguments were moved to kwargs for compatibility
        with another implementation of the same routine.

        default = "default" in kwargs and kwargs["default"] or None
        timeout = "timeout" in kwargs and kwargs["timeout"] or 5

        # Aviary doesn't use the file name as does QMF, instead it
        # specifies the file type and lets condor figure out the path.

        def my_process_results(result):
            # Fix up the exception message if necessary
            result = self._pretty_result(result, job_server.Machine)
            if isinstance(result, Exception):
                status = result
                data = None
                status = _AviaryCommon._get_status(result.status)
                if status == "OK" and hasattr(result, "content"):
                    # Match the format expected by Cumin.  This is
                    # the format used by the QMF call...
                    data = {'Data': result.content}
                    data = None
            return (status, data)

        client = self.query_client_pool.get_object()
                           self.query_servers,  # server lookup object
                           job_server.Machine,  # host we want

        # Make a job data parameter (see query wsdl)
        jobData = client.factory.create('ns0:JobData')
        jobData.id.job = job_id
        jobData.id.pool = job_server.Pool
        jobData.id.scheduler = scheduler_name
        jobData.id.submission.name = submission.Name
        jobData.id.submission.owner = submission.Owner

        # Translate cumin file type to Aviary file type
        if ftype == "e":
            jobData.type = "ERR"
        elif ftype == "o":
            jobData.type = "OUT"
        elif ftype == "u":
            jobData.type = "LOG"
            # We can't translate the type.
            # Let Aviary throw an error on this instead of us.
            jobData.type = ftype

        from_end = start < 0
        max_bytes = abs(end - start)

        res = self._call_sync(my_process_results, self.call_client_retry,
                              client, "getJobData", jobData, max_bytes, from_end)
        return res;

    def get_job_ad(self, job_server, job_id, scheduler_name, submission, 
                   *args, **kwargs):
        kwargs will be searched for 'default' and 'timeout' arguments.

        These optional arguments were moved to kwargs for compatibility
        with another implementation of the same routine.

        default = "default" in kwargs and kwargs["default"] or None
        timeout = "timeout" in kwargs and kwargs["timeout"] or 5

        def make_tuple(attr):
            # Attempt to cast the value into the specified type
            if attr.type in self.aviary_to_type:
                    v = self.aviary_to_type[attr.type](attr.value)
                    v = attr.value
                v = attr.value
            return (attr.name, v)
        def make_dict(attrs):
            return dict([make_tuple(attr) for attr in attrs])

        def my_process_results(result):
            # Fix up the exception message if necessary
            result = self._pretty_result(result, job_server.Machine)
            if isinstance(result, Exception):
                status = result
                data = None
                status = _AviaryCommon._get_status(result[0].status)
                if status == "OK":
                    # Match the format expected by Cumin.  This is
                    # the format used by the QMF call.  We have a list
                    # of attributes in attrs that we need to make into
                    # a dictionary
                    ads = make_dict(result[0].details.attrs) 
                    data = {'JobAd': ads}
                    data = None
            return (status, data)

        client = self.query_client_pool.get_object()
                           self.query_servers,  # server lookup object
                           job_server.Machine,  # host we want

        # Make a job id parameter (see job wsdl)
        jobId = client.factory.create('ns0:JobID')
        jobId.job = job_id
        jobId.pool = job_server.Pool
        jobId.scheduler = scheduler_name
        jobId.submission.name = submission.Name
        jobId.submission.owner = submission.Owner

        res = self._call_sync(my_process_results, self.call_client_retry,
                              client, "getJobDetails", jobId)
        return res;

    def get_job_summaries(self, submission, callback, machine_name):
        assert callback

        def to_int_seconds(dt):
            # Change a datetime.datetime into int seconds since epoch
            # Note, this works nicely if the datetime happens to include microseconds
            # since the call to timetuple will drop them.  Stuff coming back from
            # condor should not have microseconds anyway.
            return int(time.mktime(dt.timetuple()))

        def get_string(job, attr):
            # Cast suds text types into str so we have standard Py types
            # Handles optional strings as well
            if hasattr(job, attr):
                return str(getattr(job, attr))
            return ""

        def adapt(jobs):
            # Make an aviary job summary look like the canonical form
            # that cumin is expecting (actually the QMF form because of history).
            result = list()
            for job in jobs:
                cluster, proc = job.id.job.split(".")
                j = dict()
                j["ClusterId"]            = int(cluster)
                j["Cmd"]                  = str(job.cmd)
                j["EnteredCurrentStatus"] = to_int_seconds(job.last_update)

                # Note, GlobalJobId here will not match the same value from
                # QMF because the qdate portion of the name is missing
                j["GlobalJobId"]          = job.id.scheduler + \
                                            "#" + job.id.job

                j["JobStatus"]            = str(job.job_status)
                j["ProcId"]               = int(proc)
                j["QDate"]                = to_int_seconds(job.queued)
                # These may be null...
                j["Args"]                 = get_string(job, "args1")
                j["ReleaseReason"]        = get_string(job, "released")
                j["HoldReason"]           = get_string(job, "held")
            return result
        def my_callback(result):
            result = self._pretty_result(result, machine_name)
            if isinstance(result, Exception):
                callback(result, None)                
                status =  _AviaryCommon._get_status(result[0].status)
                if status == "OK" and hasattr(result[0], "jobs"):
                    data = {"Jobs": adapt(result[0].jobs)}
                    data = {"Jobs": None}
                callback(status, data)

        query_client = self.query_client_pool.get_object()
                           self.query_servers,  # server lookup object
                           machine_name,        # host we want

        # What we really want here is the job summaries from the
        # submission summary response.  To get those, we have to
        # set an extra attribute on the client...
        query_client.set_attributes({"includeJobSummaries": "true"})

        # Make a submission id.  (see query wsdl)
        subId = query_client.factory.create('ns0:SubmissionID')
        subId.name = submission.Name
        subId.owner = submission.Owner

        t = CallThread(self.call_client_retry, my_callback, 
                       query_client, "getSubmissionSummary", subId)
class _AviaryJobMethods(object):

    # Do this here rather than __init__ so we don't have to worry about
    # matching parameter lists in multiple inheritance cases with super
    def init(self, datadir, job_servers):

        if self.locator:
            self.job_servers = ServerList(self.locator, "SCHEDULER", "JOB")
            self.job_servers = FixedServerList(job_servers, 


        job_wsdl = "file:" + os.path.join(self.get_datadir(datadir,"job"),
        self.job_client_pool = ClientPool(job_wsdl, None)

    def set_job_attribute(self, scheduler, job_id, name, value, callback, submission):
        assert callback
        def my_callback(result):
            result = self._pretty_result(result, scheduler.Machine)
            # massage results for use by standard callback
            cb_args = self._cb_args_dataless(result)

        job_client = self.job_client_pool.get_object()
                           self.job_servers,   # server lookup object
                           scheduler.Machine,  # host we want
        # Make a job id parameter (see job wsdl)
        jobId = job_client.factory.create('ns0:JobID')
        jobId.job = job_id
        jobId.pool = scheduler.Pool
        jobId.scheduler = scheduler.Name
        jobId.submission.name = submission.Name
        jobId.submission.owner = submission.Owner

        # Make attribute parameter from name and value
        aviary_attr = job_client.factory.create('ns0:Attribute')
        aviary_attr.name = name
        aviary_attr.type = "STRING"
        aviary_attr.value = value

        t = CallThread(self.call_client_retry, my_callback, 
                       job_client, "setJobAttribute", jobId, aviary_attr)

    def submit_job(self, scheduler, ad, callback):
        assert callback

        def my_callback(result):
            # Turn this back off before we put it back in the pool
            # so allow_overrides isn't set for someone else...
            result = self._pretty_result(result, scheduler.Machine)
            if isinstance(result, Exception):
                callback(result, None)                
                # the aviary response has the job id available,
                # we'll pass it anyway even though Cumin does not care
                # at the present time
                status = _AviaryCommon._get_status(result.status)
                if status == "OK" and hasattr(result, "id"):
                    id = result.id
                    id = None
                callback(status, id)

        job_client = self.job_client_pool.get_object()
                           self.job_servers,    # server lookup object
                           scheduler.Machine,  # host we want

        # Set basic attributes in the order defined by aviary-job.wsdl.
        args = list()
        basic_attrs = ("Cmd", "Args", "Owner", "Iwd", "Submission")
        for attr in basic_attrs:
                # Someone may be unhappy if this is a required param!
                # Let the downstream code generate an error

        # Add empty list for Aviary's basic requirement value...

        # and let's let Requirements remain an unrestricted expression so that
        # we can just pass through the value from Cumin without interfering.
        # To do that, we need to specify Requirements through the
        # "extras" fields and set allowOverrides to True.
        # (otherwise, Requirements will be limited to particular
        # resource constraint types defined by aviary)
        job_client.set_attributes({"allowOverrides": True})
        extras = list()
        for k, v in ad.iteritems():
            # We don't need to send descriptors down to aviary
            # and basic_attrs have already been filled in
            if k == "!!descriptors" or k in basic_attrs:
            extra = job_client.factory.create('ns0:Attribute')
            extra.name = k
            # But we do need to look in descriptors to find expressions...
            if k in ad["!!descriptors"]:
                extra.type = "EXPRESSION"
                    extra.type = self.type_to_aviary[type(v)]
                except KeyError:
                    extra.type = "UNDEFINED"
            extra.value = v

        # Important, extras itself must be added as an embedded list or 
        # suds will consider only a single item

        t = CallThread(self.call_client_retry, my_callback, 
                       job_client, "submitJob", *args)

    def control_job(self, cmd, scheduler, job_id, reason, submission, *args, **kwargs):
        This method is asynchronous iff 'callback' is supplied.

        Values for cmd are case sensitive (although the first letter may
        actually be either case) and may be one of the following:
            'holdJob', 'releaseJob', 'suspendJob', 'continueJob', 'removeJob'
        kwargs will be searched for 'callback', 'default' and 'timeout' arguments.

        # Aviary and QMF command names for job control differ in one respect,
        # which is that QMF uses an initial capital and Aviary does not.
        cmd = cmd[0].lower() + cmd[1:]
        return self._control_job(scheduler, job_id, reason, submission,
                                 cmd, *args, **kwargs)

    def _control_job(self, scheduler, job_id, reason, submission,
                     meth_name, *args, **kwargs):

        callback = "callback" in kwargs and kwargs["callback"] or None
        default = "default" in kwargs and kwargs["default"] or None
        timeout = "timeout" in kwargs and kwargs["timeout"] or 5

        client = self.job_client_pool.get_object()
                           self.job_servers,    # server lookup object
                           scheduler.Machine,  # host we want

        meth = getattr(client.service, meth_name)

        # Make a job id parameter (see job wsdl)
        jobId = client.factory.create('ns0:JobID')
        jobId.job = job_id
        jobId.pool = scheduler.Pool
        jobId.scheduler = scheduler.Name
        jobId.submission.name = submission.Name
        jobId.submission.owner = submission.Owner

        if callback:
            def my_callback(result):
                # Fix up the exception message if necessary
                result = self._pretty_result(result, scheduler.Machine)
                cb_args = self._cb_args_dataless(result)

            t = CallThread(self.call_client_retry, my_callback,
                           client, meth_name, jobId, reason)
            def my_process_results(result):
                # Fix up the exception message if necessary
                result = self._pretty_result(result, scheduler.Machine)
                return self._cb_args_dataless(result)

            res = self._call_sync(my_process_results, self.call_client_retry, 
                                  client, meth_name, jobId, reason) 
            return res;