def _setup_env(env):
    Setup the system environment required to run CloudMan. This means
    installing required system-level packages (as defined in CBL's
    ``packages.yaml``, or a flavor thereof) and Python dependencies
    (i.e., libraries) as defined in CloudMan's ``requirements.txt`` file.
    # Get and install required system packages
    if env.distribution in ["debian", "ubuntu"]:
        config_file = get_config_file(env, "packages.yaml")
        (packages, _) = _yaml_to_packages(config_file.base, 'cloudman')
        # Allow flavors to modify the package list
        packages = env.flavor.rewrite_config_items("packages", packages)
    elif env.distribution in ["centos", "scientificlinux"]:
        env.logger.warn("No CloudMan system package dependencies for CentOS")
    # Get and install required Python libraries
    with _make_tmp_dir() as work_dir:
        with cd(work_dir):
            url = os.path.join(CM_REPO_ROOT_URL, 'requirements.txt')
            _create_python_virtualenv(env, 'CM', reqs_url=url)
    # Add a custom vimrc
    vimrc_url = os.path.join(MI_REPO_ROOT_URL, 'conf_files', 'vimrc')
    remote_file = '/etc/vim/vimrc'
    if env.safe_exists("/etc/vim"):
        env.safe_sudo("wget --output-document=%s %s" % (remote_file, vimrc_url))
        env.logger.debug("Added a custom vimrc to {0}".format(remote_file))
    # Setup profile
    aliases = ['alias lt="ls -ltr"', 'alias ll="ls -l"']
    for alias in aliases:
        _add_to_profiles(alias, ['/etc/bash.bashrc'])
    env.logger.info("Done setting up CloudMan's environment")
def _setup_env(env):
    Setup the system environment required to run CloudMan. This means
    installing required system-level packages (as defined in CBL's
    ``packages.yaml``, or a flavor thereof) and Python dependencies
    (i.e., libraries) as defined in CloudMan's ``requirements.txt`` file.
    # Get and install required system packages
    if env.distribution in ["debian", "ubuntu"]:
        config_file = get_config_file(env, "packages.yaml")
        (packages, _) = _yaml_to_packages(config_file.base, 'cloudman')
        # Allow editions and flavors to modify the package list
        packages = env.edition.rewrite_config_items("packages", packages)
        packages = env.flavor.rewrite_config_items("packages", packages)
    elif env.distribution in ["centos", "scientificlinux"]:
        env.logger.warn("No CloudMan system package dependencies for CentOS")
    # Get and install required Python libraries
    with _make_tmp_dir() as work_dir:
        with cd(work_dir):
            url = os.path.join(CM_REPO_ROOT_URL, 'requirements.txt')
            _create_python_virtualenv(env, 'CM', reqs_url=url)
    # Add a custom vimrc
    vimrc_url = os.path.join(MI_REPO_ROOT_URL, 'conf_files', 'vimrc')
    remote_file = '/etc/vim/vimrc'
    sudo("wget --output-document=%s %s" % (remote_file, vimrc_url))
    env.logger.debug("Added a custom vimrc to {0}".format(remote_file))
    # Setup profile
    aliases = ['alias lt="ls -ltr"', 'alias ll="ls -l"']
    for alias in aliases:
        _add_to_profiles(alias, ['/etc/bash.bashrc'])
    env.logger.info("Done setting up CloudMan's environment")
def _configure_and_install_native_packages(env, pkg_install):
    Setups up native package repositories, determines list
    of native packages to install, and installs them.
    env.logger.debug("Configure and install native packages for distribution: " + env.distribution)
    home_dir = env.safe_run("echo $HOME")
    if home_dir:
        if env.shell_config.startswith("~"):
            nonhome = env.shell_config.split("~/", 1)[-1]
            env.shell_config = os.path.join(home_dir, nonhome)
    if env.distribution in ["debian", "ubuntu"]:
    elif env.distribution in ["centos", "scientificlinux"]:
        if env.edition.short_name not in ["minimal"]:
    elif env.distribution == "arch":
        pass  # No package support for Arch yet
    elif env.distribution == "macosx":
        brew.install_packages(env, pkg_install)
        raise NotImplementedError("Unknown target distribution")
def _configure_and_install_native_packages(env, pkg_install):
    Setups up native package repositories, determines list
    of native packages to install, and installs them.
    from fabric.api import env
    from cloudbio.package import brew
    from cloudbio.package.deb import (_apt_packages, _add_apt_gpg_keys,
                                      _setup_apt_automation, _setup_apt_sources)
    from cloudbio.package.rpm import (_yum_packages, _setup_yum_bashrc,

    home_dir = env.safe_run("echo $HOME")
    if home_dir:
        if env.shell_config.startswith("~"):
            nonhome = env.shell_config.split("~/", 1)[-1]
            env.shell_config = os.path.join(home_dir, nonhome)
    if env.distribution in ["debian", "ubuntu"]:
    elif env.distribution in ["centos", "scientificlinux"]:
    elif env.distribution in ["arch", "suse"]:
        pass  # No package support for Arch, SUSE yet
    elif env.distribution == "macosx":
        brew.install_packages(env, pkg_install)
        raise NotImplementedError("Unknown target distribution")
def _configure_and_install_native_packages(env, pkg_install):
    Setups up native package repositories, determines list
    of native packages to install, and installs them.
    home_dir = env.safe_run("echo $HOME")
    if home_dir:
        if env.shell_config.startswith("~"):
            nonhome = env.shell_config.split("~/", 1)[-1]
            env.shell_config = os.path.join(home_dir, nonhome)
    if env.distribution in ["debian", "ubuntu"]:
    elif env.distribution in ["centos", "scientificlinux"]:
        if env.edition.short_name not in ["minimal"]:
    elif env.distribution == "arch":
        pass  # No package support for Arch yet
    elif env.distribution == "macosx":
        brew.install_packages(env, pkg_install)
        raise NotImplementedError("Unknown target distribution")
def _configure_and_install_native_packages(env, pkg_install):
    Setups up native package repositories, determines list
    of native packages to install, and installs them.
    if env.distribution in ["debian", "ubuntu"]:
    elif env.distribution in ["centos", "scientificlinux"]:
        raise NotImplementedError("Unknown target distribution")
def install_biolinux(target=None, packagelist=None, flavor=None, environment=None):
    """Main entry point for installing Biolinux on a remote server.

    This allows a different main package list (the main YAML file is passed in),
    and/or use of Flavor. So you can say:


    Both packagelist and flavor, as well as the Edition, can also be passed in
    through the fabricrc file.

    target can also be supplied on the fab CLI. Special targets are:

      - packages     Install distro packages
      - custom       Install custom packages
      - libraries    Install programming language libraries
      - post_install Setup CloudMan, FreeNX and other system services
      - cleanup      Remove downloaded files and prepare images for AMI builds

    environment allows adding additional information on the command line -
    usually for defining environments, for example environment=testing, or
    environment=production, will set the deployment environment and tune
    post-installation settings.
    time_start = _print_time_stats("Config", "start")
    _setup_flavor(flavor, environment)
    _setup_distribution_environment() # get parameters for distro, packages etc.
    env.logger.info("packagelist=%s" % packagelist)
    pkg_install, lib_install = _read_main_config(packagelist)  # read yaml
    env.logger.info("Target=%s" % target)
    if target is None or target == "packages":
        if env.distribution in ["debian", "ubuntu"]:
        elif env.distribution in ["centos", "scientificlinux"]:
            raise NotImplementedError("Unknown target distribution")
        if env.nixpkgs: # ./doc/nixpkgs.md
        _update_biolinux_log(env, target, flavor)
    if target is None or target == "custom":
    if target is None or target == "libraries":
    if target is None or target == "post_install":
    if target is None or target == "cleanup":
        if env.has_key("is_ec2_image") and env.is_ec2_image.upper() in ["TRUE", "YES"]:
    _print_time_stats("Config", "end", time_start)
def install_biolinux(target=None, packagelist=None, flavor=None, environment=None,
    Main entry point for installing BioLinux on a remote server.

    ``packagelist`` should point to a top level file (eg, ``main.yaml``) listing
    all the package categories that should be installed. This allows a different
    package list and/or use of Flavor. So you can say::


    ``pkg_config_file_path`` can be used to specify a path where a custom
    ``packages.yaml`` and ``packages-[dist].yaml`` are located, allowing fine-
    grained (i.e., individual package) customization. Otherwise, default
    to ``./contrib`` where the CBL files are defined.

    Both ``packagelist`` and ``flavor``, as well as the Edition, can also be
    passed in through the ``fabricrc`` file.

    target can also be supplied on the fab CLI. Special targets are:

      - packages     Install distro packages
      - custom       Install custom packages
      - libraries    Install programming language libraries
      - post_install Setup CloudMan, FreeNX and other system services
      - cleanup      Remove downloaded files and prepare images for AMI builds

    ``environment`` allows adding additional information on the command line -
    usually for defining environments, for example ``environment=testing``, or
    ``environment=production``, will set the deployment environment and tune
    post-installation settings.
    time_start = _print_time_stats("Config", "start")
    _setup_flavor(flavor, environment)
    _setup_distribution_environment() # get parameters for distro, packages etc.
    env.logger.debug("Meta-package list is '%s'" % packagelist)
    env.logger.debug("File path for explicit packages is '%s'" % pkg_config_file_path)
    env.logger.debug("Target is '%s'" % target)
    pkg_install, lib_install, custom_ignore = _read_main_config(packagelist) # read main yaml
    if target is None or target == "packages":
        if env.distribution in ["debian", "ubuntu"]:
            _apt_packages(pkg_install, pkg_config_file_path=pkg_config_file_path)
        elif env.distribution in ["centos", "scientificlinux"]:
            raise NotImplementedError("Unknown target distribution")
        if env.nixpkgs: # ./doc/nixpkgs.md
        _update_biolinux_log(env, target, flavor)
    if target is None or target == "custom":
        _custom_installs(pkg_install, custom_ignore)
    if target is None or target == "libraries":
    if target is None or target == "post_install":
    if target is None or target == "cleanup":
        if env.has_key("is_ec2_image") and env.is_ec2_image.upper() in ["TRUE", "YES"]:
    _print_time_stats("Config", "end", time_start)