    print("%d\t %s\t %0.1f\t %0.1f\t %0.1f\t %0.1f\t %0.1f\t" 
    % (n+1, rating[n], A[n], K[n], 1e4*defaultProb[n], 1e2*sigma[n], 1e2*mu[n]))
# Asset moments and other important inputs
EA = mert.getExpA(mu,dt,A)
VA = mert.getVarA(mu,sigma,dt,A,K)
SA = np.sqrt(VA)
C = mert.generateCorrelationMatrix(N,myRho)    
CA = np.zeros([N,N])
myOmega = np.zeros([N,N])
for n in range(0,N):
    for m in range(0,N):
        CA[n,m] = mert.getCorAB(sigma[n],sigma[m],C[n,m],dt)
        myOmega[n,m] = mert.getCovAB(A[n],A[m],mu[n],mu[m],
print("ASSET correlation matrix")
DC = np.zeros([N,N])
for n in range(0,N):
    for m in range(0,N):
        DC[n,m] = mert.getDefaultCorAB(A[n],A[m],
print("DEFAUL correlation matrix")
print("Running MERTON MODEL")
V = np.diag(sigmaA)
OmegaA = np.dot(np.dot(V,CA),V)
hatA,Omega = mert.computeAssetValueMoments(N,A,mu,sigma,CA,dt)  
startTime = time.clock() 
el[0],ul[0],var[:,0],es[:,0] = mert.mertonDirectSimulation(N,M,K,hatA,OmegaA,c6,alpha)
cTime[0] = (time.clock() - startTime)   
# =====================
    np.linspace(0, K - 1, K).astype(int),
    np.linspace(0, K - 1, K).astype(int))
plt.xlabel('Rating Notch Change')
plt.ylabel('Proportion (Per cent)')
# Compute the empirical number of transitions
M = mc.getTransitionCount(K, T, N, D)
print("We expect to observe %d transitions." % (N * (T - 1)))
print("We observe, however, %d transitions." % (np.sum(M)))
print("And, %d default(s)." % (np.sum(D[:, -1] == 4)))
print("Counted default(s) are %d." % (M[-1, -1]))
print("Default span %d periods." % (np.sum(D == 4) - np.sum(D[:, -1] == 4)))
print("+++++  Counts +++++++")
# Estimate the transition matrix with cohort approach
Phat = mc.estimateTransitionMatrix(K, T, N, D, 1, 0)
print("+++++  Estimated P +++++++")
util.printMatrix(Phat, "%0.4f")
print("+++++  True P +++++++")
util.printMatrix(P, "%0.4f")
print("+++++  Error +++++++")
util.printMatrix(np.abs(P - Phat), "%0.4f")
print("The average error is %0.2f" %
      (1e2 * np.mean(np.abs(P[0:-1, :] - Phat[0:-1, :]))))
# Compute SE by the observed Fisher information
xTrue = np.reshape(P, K * K)
x = np.reshape(Phat, K * K)
mVector = np.reshape(M, len(M)**2)
H1 = -np.diag(np.divide(mVector, x**2))
seAnl = np.sqrt(-np.diag(anp.inv(H1[0:-K, 0:-K])))
# Examine analytic results
print("p\t pHat\t SE\t CI")
# =============================================
# 1/ Simple (1-parameter) MLE Example
# =============================================
# Load pre-simulated data
X = np.load(XFile)
Y = np.load(YFile)
pMap = np.load(pMapFile)
allP = np.load(allPFile)
X0 = np.load(X0File)
# To generate your own data, merely use the following function call
# X,Y,pMap,allP,X0 = ac.createRatingData(K,N,T,P,wStart,myRho,nu,isT)
# Extract key elements from the data
pVec, nVec, kVec = ac.getSimpleEstimationData(T, X, allP)
Phat = mc.estimateTransitionMatrix(K, T, N, X, 1, 0)
print("====  True Transition Matrix ==========")
util.printMatrix(P, '%0.4f')
print("====  Estimated Transition Matrix ==========")
util.printMatrix(Phat, '%0.4f')
print("====  Difference ==========")
util.printMatrix(P - Phat, '%0.4f')
# Grid search
gridSize = 100
rhoRange = np.linspace(0.001, 0.999, gridSize)
logL = np.zeros(gridSize)
cTime = np.zeros(gridSize)
for m in range(0, gridSize):
    if np.mod(m + 1, 25) == 0:
        print("Running ITERATION %d" % (m + 1))
    startTime = time.time()
    logL[m] = -ac.logLSimple(rhoRange[m], T, pVec, nVec, kVec)
    cTime[m] = time.time() - startTime
# Asset moments and other important inputs
EA = mert.getExpA(mu, dt, A)
VA = mert.getVarA(mu, sigma, dt, A, K)
SA = np.sqrt(VA)
C = mert.generateCorrelationMatrix(N, myRho)
CA = np.zeros([N, N])
myOmega = np.zeros([N, N])
for n in range(0, N):
    for m in range(0, N):
        CA[n, m] = mert.getCorAB(sigma[n], sigma[m], C[n, m], dt)
        myOmega[n, m] = mert.getCovAB(
            A[n], A[m], mu[n], mu[m], sigma[n], sigma[m], CA[n, m], dt
print("ASSET correlation matrix")
util.printMatrix(CA, "%0.2f")
DC = np.zeros([N, N])
for n in range(0, N):
    for m in range(0, N):
        DC[n, m] = mert.getDefaultCorAB(
            A[n], A[m], mu[n], mu[m], sigma[n], sigma[m], CA[n, m], dt, K[n], K[m]
print("DEFAUL correlation matrix")
util.printMatrix(DC, "%0.2f")
print("Running MERTON MODEL")
V = np.diag(sigmaA)
OmegaA = np.dot(np.dot(V, CA), V)
hatA, Omega = mert.computeAssetValueMoments(N, A, mu, sigma, CA, dt)
startTime = time.perf_counter()
el[0], ul[0], var[:, 0], es[:, 0] = mert.mertonDirectSimulation(
    N, M, K, hatA, OmegaA, c6, alpha
# =============================================
# 1/ Simple (1-parameter) MLE Example
# =============================================
# Load pre-simulated data
X = np.load(XFile)
Y = np.load(YFile)
pMap = np.load(pMapFile)
allP = np.load(allPFile)
X0 = np.load(X0File)
# To generate your own data, merely use the following function call
# X,Y,pMap,allP,X0 = ac.createRatingData(K,N,T,P,wStart,myRho,nu,isT)
# Extract key elements from the data
pVec, nVec, kVec = ac.getSimpleEstimationData(T, X, allP)
Phat = mc.estimateTransitionMatrix(K, T, N, X, 1, 0)
print("====  True Transition Matrix ==========")
util.printMatrix(P, "%0.4f")
print("====  Estimated Transition Matrix ==========")
util.printMatrix(Phat, "%0.4f")
print("====  Difference ==========")
util.printMatrix(P - Phat, "%0.4f")
# Grid search
gridSize = 100
rhoRange = np.linspace(0.001, 0.999, gridSize)
logL = np.zeros(gridSize)
cTime = np.zeros(gridSize)
for m in range(0, gridSize):
    if np.mod(m + 1, 25) == 0:
        print("Running ITERATION %d" % (m + 1))
    startTime = time.time()
    logL[m] = -ac.logLSimple(rhoRange[m], T, pVec, nVec, kVec)
    cTime[m] = time.time() - startTime