def insert_user_data(issues, conf):
    Insert user data into database ad update issue data.

    :param issues: the issues to retrieve user data from
    :param conf: the project configuration
    :return: the updated issue data
    """"Syncing users with ID service...")

    # create buffer for users
    user_buffer = dict()
    # open database connection
    dbm = DBManager(conf)
    # open ID-service connection
    idservice = idManager(dbm, conf)

    def get_user_string(name, email):
        if not email or email is None:
            return "{name}".format(name=name)
            # return "{name} <{name}>".format(name=name)  # for debugging only
            return "{name} <{email}>".format(name=name, email=email)

    def get_or_update_user(user, buffer_db=user_buffer):
        # fix encoding for name and e-mail address
        if user["name"] is not None:
            name = unicode(user["name"]).encode("utf-8")
            name = unicode(user["username"]).encode("utf-8")
        mail = unicode(user["email"]).encode("utf-8")  # empty
        # construct string for ID service and send query
        user_string = get_user_string(name, mail)

        # check buffer to reduce amount of DB queries
        if user_string in buffer_db:
            log.devinfo("Returning user '{}' from buffer.".format(user_string))
            return buffer_db[user_string]

        # get person information from ID service
        log.devinfo("Passing user '{}' to ID service.".format(user_string))
        idx = idservice.getPersonID(user_string)

        # update user data with person information from DB
        person = idservice.getPersonFromDB(idx)
        user["email"] = person["email1"]  # column "email1"
        user["name"] = person["name"]  # column "name"
        user["id"] = person["id"]  # column "id"

        # add user information to buffer
        # user_string = get_user_string(user["name"], user["email"]) # update for
        buffer_db[user_string] = user

        return user

    for issue in issues:
        # check database for issue author
        issue["author"] = get_or_update_user(issue["author"])

        # check database for event authors
        for comment in issue["comments"]:
            # get the event user from the DB
            comment["author"] = get_or_update_user(comment["author"])
            ## get the reference-target user from the DB if needed
            # if event["ref_target"] != "":
            #   event["ref_target"] = get_or_update_user(event["ref_target"])

    log.debug("number of issues after insert_user_data: '{}'".format(len(issues)))
    return issues
def insert_user_data(issues, conf):
    Insert user data into database and update issue data.

    :param issues: the issues to retrieve user data from
    :param conf: the project configuration
    :return: the updated issue data
    """"Syncing users with ID service...")

    # create buffer for users (key: user id)
    user_buffer = dict()
    # create buffer for user ids (key: user string)
    user_id_buffer = dict()
    # open database connection
    dbm = DBManager(conf)
    # open ID-service connection
    idservice = idManager(dbm, conf)

    def get_user_string(name, email):
        if not email or email is None:
            return "{name}".format(name=name)
            # return "{name} <{name}>".format(name=name)  # for debugging only
            return "{name} <{email}>".format(name=name, email=email)

    def get_id_and_update_user(user, buffer_db_ids=user_id_buffer):
        # fix encoding for name and e-mail address
        if user["name"] is not None and user["name"] != "":
            name = unicode(user["name"]).encode("utf-8")
            name = unicode(user["username"]).encode("utf-8")
        mail = unicode(user["email"]).encode("utf-8")  # empty
        # construct string for ID service and send query
        user_string = get_user_string(name, mail)

        # check buffer to reduce amount of DB queries
        if user_string in buffer_db_ids:
                "Returning person id for user '{}' from buffer.".format(
            return buffer_db_ids[user_string]

        # get person information from ID service
        log.devinfo("Passing user '{}' to ID service.".format(user_string))
        idx = idservice.getPersonID(user_string)

        # add user information to buffer
        # user_string = get_user_string(user["name"], user["email"]) # update for
        buffer_db_ids[user_string] = idx

        return idx

    def get_user_from_id(idx, buffer_db=user_buffer):

        # check whether user information is in buffer to reduce amount of DB queries
        if idx in buffer_db:
            log.devinfo("Returning user '{}' from buffer.".format(idx))
            return buffer_db[idx]

        # get person information from ID service
        log.devinfo("Passing user id '{}' to ID service.".format(idx))
        person = idservice.getPersonFromDB(idx)
        user = dict()
        user["email"] = person["email1"]  # column "email1"
        user["name"] = person["name"]  # column "name"
        user["id"] = person["id"]  # column "id"

        # add user information to buffer
        buffer_db[idx] = user

        return user

    # check and update database for all occurring users
    for issue in issues:
        # check database for issue author
        issue["author"] = get_id_and_update_user(issue["author"])

        # check database for comment authors
        for comment in issue["comments"]:
            comment["author"] = get_id_and_update_user(comment["author"])

        # check database for event authors in the history
        for event in issue["history"]:
            event["author"] = get_id_and_update_user(event["author"])

            # check database for target user if needed
            if event["event"] == "assigned":
                assigned_user = get_id_and_update_user(
                    create_user(event["event_info_1"], "",
                event["event_info_1"] = assigned_user

    # get all users after database updates having been performed
    for issue in issues:
        # get issue author
        issue["author"] = get_user_from_id(issue["author"])

        # get comment authors
        for comment in issue["comments"]:
            comment["author"] = get_user_from_id(comment["author"])

        # get event authors for non-comment events
        for event in issue["history"]:
            event["author"] = get_user_from_id(event["author"])

            # get target user if needed
            if event["event"] == "assigned":
                assigned_user = get_user_from_id(event["event_info_1"])
                event["event_info_1"] = assigned_user["name"]
                event["event_info_2"] = assigned_user["email"]

    log.debug("number of issues after insert_user_data: '{}'".format(
    return issues
def parse_xml(issue_data, persons, skip_history):
    Parse issues from the xml-data

    :param issue_data: list of xml-files
    :param persons: list of persons from JIRA (incl. e-mail addresses)
    :param skip_history: flag if the history will be loaded in a different method
    :return: list of parsed issues
    """"Parse jira issues...")
    issues = list()
    issuelist = issue_data.getElementsByTagName("item")
    # re-process all issues
    log.debug("Number of issues:" + str(len(issuelist)))
    for issue_x in issuelist:
        # temporary container for references
        comments = list()
        issue = dict()
        components = []

        # parse values form xml
        # add issue values to the issue
        key = issue_x.getElementsByTagName("key")[0]
        issue["id"] = key.attributes["id"].value
        issue["externalId"] =

        created = issue_x.getElementsByTagName("created")[0]
        createDate =
        issue["creationDate"] = format_time(createDate)

        resolved = issue_x.getElementsByTagName("resolved")
        issue["resolveDate"] = ""
        if (len(resolved) > 0) and (not resolved[0] is None):
            resolveDate = resolved[0]
            issue["resolveDate"] = format_time(resolveDate)

        title = issue_x.getElementsByTagName("title")[0]
        issue["title"] =

        link = issue_x.getElementsByTagName("link")[0]
        issue["url"] =

        type = issue_x.getElementsByTagName("type")[0]
        issue["type"] =
        # TODO new consistent format with GitHub issues. Not supported by the network library yet
        issue["type_new"] = ["issue", str(]

        status = issue_x.getElementsByTagName("status")[0]
        issue["state"] =
        # TODO new consistent format with GitHub issues. Not supported by the network library yet
        issue["state_new"] =

        project = issue_x.getElementsByTagName("project")[0]
        issue["projectId"] = project.attributes["id"].value

        resolution = issue_x.getElementsByTagName("resolution")[0]
        issue["resolution"] =
        # new consistent format with GitHub issues. Not supported by the network library yet
        issue["resolution_new"] = [str(]

        # consistency to default GitHub labels
        if issue["resolution"] == "Won't Fix":
            issue["resolution_new"] = ["wontfix"]

        # consistency to default GitHub labels
        if issue["resolution"] == "Won't Do":
            issue["resolution_new"] = ["wontdo"]

        for component in issue_x.getElementsByTagName("component"):
        issue["components"] = components

        # if links are not loaded via api, they are added as a history event with less information
        if skip_history:
            issue["history"] = []
            for ref in issue_x.getElementsByTagName("issuelinktype"):
                history = dict()
                history["event"] = "add_link"
                history["author"] = create_user("", "", "")
                history["date"] = ""
                history["event_info_1"] = ref.getElementsByTagName("issuekey")[0]
                history["event_info_2"] = "issue"


        reporter = issue_x.getElementsByTagName("reporter")[0]
        user = create_user(, reporter.attributes["username"].value, "")
        issue["author"] = merge_user_with_user_from_csv(user, persons)

        issue["title"] = issue_x.getElementsByTagName("title")[0]

        # add comments / issue_changes to the issue
        for comment_x in issue_x.getElementsByTagName("comment"):
            comment = dict()
            comment["id"] = comment_x.attributes["id"].value
            user = create_user("", comment_x.attributes["author"].value, "")
            comment["author"] = merge_user_with_user_from_csv(user, persons)
            comment["state_on_creation"] = issue["state"]  # can get updated if history is retrieved
            comment["resolution_on_creation"] = issue["resolution"]  # can get updated if history is retrieved

            created = comment_x.attributes["created"].value
            comment["changeDate"] = format_time(created)

            comment["text"] =
            comment["issueId"] = issue["id"]

        issue["comments"] = comments

        # add relations to the issue
        relations = list()
        for rel in issue_x.getElementsByTagName("issuelinktype"):
            relation = dict()
            relation["relation"] = rel.getElementsByTagName("name")[0]

            if rel.hasAttribute("inwardlinks"):
                left = rel.getElementsByTagName("inwardlinks")
                issuekeys = left.getElementsByTagName("issuekey")
                for key in issuekeys:
                    relation["type"] = "inward"
                    relation["id"] =

            if rel.hasAttribute("outwardlinks"):
                right = rel.getElementsByTagName("outwardlinks")
                issuekeys = right.getElementsByTagName("issuekey")
                for key in issuekeys:
                    relation["type"] = "outward"
                    relation["id"] =

        issue["relations"] = relations
    log.debug("number of issues after parse_xml: '{}'".format(len(issues)))
    return issues
def parse_xml(issue_data, persons):
    """Parse issues from the xml-data

    :param issue_data: list of xml-files
    :param persons: list of persons from JIRA (incl. e-mail addresses)
    :return: list of parsed issues
    """"Parse jira issues...")
    issues = list()
    log.debug("Number of files:" + str(len(issue_data)))
    for issue_file in issue_data:
        issuelist = issue_file.getElementsByTagName('item')
        # re-process all issues
        log.debug("Number of issues:" + str(len(issuelist)))
        for issue_x in issuelist:
            # temporary container for references
            comments = list()
            issue = dict()
            components = []
            refs = []

            # parse values form xml
            # add issue values to the issue
            key = issue_x.getElementsByTagName('key')[0]
            issue['id'] = key.attributes['id'].value
            issue['externalId'] =

            created = issue_x.getElementsByTagName('created')[0]
            createDate =
            d = datetime.strptime(createDate, '%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S +0000')
            issue['creationDate'] = d.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')

            resolved = issue_x.getElementsByTagName('resolved')
            issue['resolveDate'] = ""
            if (len(resolved) > 0) and (not resolved[0] is None):
                resolveDate = resolved[0]
                d = datetime.strptime(resolveDate,
                                      '%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S +0000')
                issue['resolveDate'] = d.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')

            link = issue_x.getElementsByTagName('link')[0]
            issue['url'] =

            type = issue_x.getElementsByTagName('type')[0]
            issue['type'] =

            status = issue_x.getElementsByTagName('status')[0]
            issue['state'] =

            project = issue_x.getElementsByTagName('project')[0]
            issue['projectId'] = project.attributes['id'].value

            resolution = issue_x.getElementsByTagName('resolution')[0]
            issue['resolution'] =

            for component in issue_x.getElementsByTagName('component'):
            issue['components'] = components

            for ref in issue_x.getElementsByTagName('issuelinktype'):
                refId = ref.getElementsByTagName('issuekey')[0]
                refType = ref.getElementsByTagName('name')[0]
                refs.append((refId, refType))
            issue['references'] = refs

            reporter = issue_x.getElementsByTagName('reporter')[0]
            user = dict()
            user["username"] = reporter.attributes['username'].value
            user["name"] =
            user["email"] = ""
            issue["author"] = merge_user_with_user_from_csv(user, persons)

            issue['title'] = issue_x.getElementsByTagName(

            # add comments / issue_changes to the issue
            for comment_x in issue_x.getElementsByTagName('comment'):
                comment = dict()
                comment['id'] = comment_x.attributes['id'].value
                user = dict()
                user["username"] = comment_x.attributes['author'].value
                user["name"] = ""
                user["email"] = ""
                comment["author"] = merge_user_with_user_from_csv(
                    user, persons)
                comment['state_on_creation'] = issue[
                    'state']  # can get updated if history is retrieved
                comment['resolution_on_creation'] = issue[
                    'resolution']  # can get updated if history is retrieved

                created = comment_x.attributes['created'].value
                d = datetime.strptime(created, '%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S +0000')
                comment['changeDate'] = d.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')

                comment['text'] =
                comment['issueId'] = issue['id']

            issue['comments'] = comments

            # add relations to the issue
            relations = list()
            for rel in issue_x.getElementsByTagName('issuelinktype'):
                relation = dict()
                relation['relation'] = rel.getElementsByTagName(

                if (rel.hasAttribute('inwardlinks')):
                    left = rel.getElementsByTagName('inwardlinks')
                    issuekeys = left.getElementsByTagName("issuekey")
                    for key in issuekeys:
                        relation['type'] = "inward"
                        relation['id'] =

                if (rel.hasAttribute('outwardlinks')):
                    right = rel.getElementsByTagName('outwardlinks')
                    issuekeys = right.getElementsByTagName('issuekey')
                    for key in issuekeys:
                        relation['type'] = "outward"
                        relation['id'] =

            issue["relations"] = relations
    log.debug("number of issues after parse_xml: '{}'".format(len(issues)))
    return issues