class Server:
    def __init__(self, bot):
        self.bot = bot
        self.conf = Config('configs/server.json')
        self.heap = Config('configs/heap.json')
        self.cut = {}

        for rem in self.conf.pop('end_role', []):

    @commands.command(name='prune', pass_context=True)
    async def _prune(self, ctx, num_to_delete: int, *message):
    deletes specified number of messages from channel
    if message is specified, message will be echoed by bot after prune

    USAGE: .prune <num> [user] [message...]

    NOTE: if first word after number is a user,
          only user's messages will be pruned
        # tmp channel/server pointer
        chan = ctx.message.channel
        serv = ctx.message.server

        #if num_to_delete > 100:                       # api only allows up to 100
        #  await self.bot.say('Sorry, only up to 100') # TODO - copy thing done in
        #  return                                      #        self._paste
        if num_to_delete < 1:  # delete nothing?
            await self.bot.say('umm... no')  #  answer: no

        # if the first word in the message matches a user,
        #   remove that word from the message, store the user
            user = dh.get_user(serv or self.bot, message[0])
            if user:
                message = message[1:]
            logger.debug('did not match a user')
            user = None

        check = lambda m: True
        if user:  # if a user was matched, delete messages for that user only
            logger.debug(f'pruning for user {user.name}')
            check = lambda m: m.author.id == user.id

        message = ' '.join(message)  #make the message a string

        logs = []
        async for m in self.bot.logs_from(chan, num_to_delete, reverse=True):
            if check(m):

        deleted = len(logs)
        old = False
        while len(logs) > 0:  # while there are messages to delete
            if len(logs) > 1:  #   if more than one left to delete and not old,
                if not old:  #     attempt batch delete [2-100] messages
                        await self.bot.delete_messages(logs[:100])
                    except:  #   if problem when batch deleting
                        old = True  #     then the messages must be old
                if old:  # if old, traverse and delete individually
                    for entry in logs[:100]:
                            await self.bot.delete_message(entry)
                                '<{0.author.name}> {0.content}'.format(entry))
                logs = logs[100:]
            else:  # if only one message, delete individually
                await self.bot.delete_message(logs[0])

        #report that prume was complete, how many were prunned, and the message
        await self.bot.say(
            ok('Deleted {} message{} {}'.format(
                deleted, '' if deleted == 1 else 's',
                f'({message})' if message else '')))

                    aliases=['give', 'giveme', 'gimme'],
    async def _role(self, ctx):
    Manage publicly available roles
        # if no sub commands were called, guess at what the user wanted to do
        if ctx.invoked_subcommand is None:
            msg = ctx.message.content.split()  # attempt to parse args
            if len(msg) < 2:
                await self.bot.say('see help (`.help role`)')
            role = msg[1]
            date = ' '.join(msg[2:])

            # if the user cannot manage roles, then they must be requesting a role
            #   or they are trying to do something that they are not allowed to
            if not perms.check_permissions(ctx.message, manage_roles=True):
                await self._request_wrap(ctx, role,
                                         date)  # attempt to request role

            #if the user does have permission to manage, they must be an admin/mod
            #  ask them what they want to do - since they clearly did not know what
            #  they were trying to do
            await self.bot.say('Are you trying to [a]dd a new role ' + \
                               'or are you [r]equesting this role for yourself?'
            try:  # wait for them to reply
                msg = await self.bot.wait_for_message(
                    30, author=ctx.message.author, channel=ctx.message.channel)
            except:  # if they do not reply, give them a helpful reply
                #   without commenting on their IQ
                await self.bot.say(
                    error('Response timeout, maybe look at the help?'))
            # if a reply was recived, check what they wanted to do and pass along
            msg = msg.content.lower()
            if msg.startswith('a') or 'add' in msg:  # adding new role to list
                await self._add_wrap(ctx, role)
                reply = f"Please run `.role request {role}` to get the \"{role}\" role"
                await self.bot.say(reply)
            elif msg.startswith(
                    'r') or 'request' in msg:  # requesting existing role
                await self._request_wrap(ctx, role, date)
            else:  # they can't read
                await self.bot.say(error('I have no idea what you are attempting' + \
                                         ' to do, maybe look at the help?')

    @_role.command(name='add', aliases=['create', 'a'], pass_context=True)
    async def _add(self, ctx, role: str):
    adds role to list of public roles
        await self._add_wrap(ctx, role)

    @_role.command(name='list', aliases=['ls', 'l'], pass_context=True)
    async def _list(self, ctx):
    lists public roles avalible in the server

        # pull roles out of the config file
        serv = ctx.message.server
        names = []
        m_len = 0
        available_roles = self.conf.get(serv.id, {}).get('pub_roles', [])

        # if no roles, say so
        if not available_roles:
            await self.bot.say('no public roles in this server\n' + \
                               ' see `.help role create` and `.help role add`'

        # For each id in list
        #   find matching role in server
        #   if role exists, add it to the role list
        # Note: this block also finds the strlen of the longest role name,
        #       this will be used later for formatting
        for role_id in available_roles:
            role = discord.utils.find(lambda r: r.id == role_id, serv.roles)
            if role:
                m_len = max(m_len, len(role.name))

        # create a message with each role name and id on a seperate line
        # seperators(role - id) should align due to spacing - this is what the
        #   lenght of the longest role name is used for
        msg = 'Roles:\n```'
        line = '{{:{}}} - {{}}\n'.format(m_len)
        for name, rid in zip(names, available_roles):
            msg += line.format(name, rid)

        # send message with role list
        await self.bot.say(msg + '```')

    @_role.command(name='remove', aliases=['rm'], pass_context=True)
    async def _delete(self, ctx, role: str):
    removes role from list of public roles

        # attempt to find specified role and get list of roles in server
        serv = ctx.message.server
        role = dh.get_role(serv, role)
        available_roles = self.conf.get(serv.id, {}).get('pub_roles', [])

        # if user failed to specify role, complain
        if not role:
            await self.bot.say('Please specify a valid role')

        if serv.id not in self.conf:
            self.conf[serv.id] = {'pub_roles': []}
        elif 'pub_roles' not in self.conf[serv.id]:
            self.conf[serv.id]['pub_roles'] = []

        if role.id in available_roles:  # if role is found, remove and report
            await self.bot.say(ok('role removed from public list'))
        else:  # if role is not in server, just report
            await self.bot.say(error('role is not in the list'))

    @_role.command(name='request', aliases=['r'], pass_context=True)
    async def _request(self, ctx, role: str, date: str = ''):
    adds role to requester(if in list)
        await self._request_wrap(ctx, role, date)

    @_role.command(name='unrequest', aliases=['rmr', 'u'], pass_context=True)
    async def _unrequest(self, ctx, role: str):
        """removes role from requester(if in list)"""

        # attempt to find role that user specied for removal
        auth = ctx.message.author
        serv = ctx.message.server
        role = dh.get_role(serv, role)

        # if user failed to find specify role, complain
        if not role:
            await self.bot.say('Please specify a valid role')

        # get a list of roles that are listed as public and the user roles
        available_roles = self.conf.get(serv.id, {}).get('pub_roles', [])
        user_roles = discord.utils.find(lambda r: r.id == role.id, auth.roles)

        # ONLY remove roles if they are in the public roles list
        # Unless there is no list,
        #   in which case any of the user's roles can be removed
        if role.id in available_roles or user_roles:
            await self.bot.remove_roles(auth, role)
            await self.bot.say(ok('you no longer have that role'))
            await self.bot.say(
                error('I\'m afraid that I can\'t remove that role'))

    # wrapper function for adding roles to public list
    async def _add_wrap(self, ctx, role):
        serv = ctx.message.server

        # find the role,
        # if it is not found, create a new role
        role_str = role
        if type(role) != discord.Role:
            role = dh.get_role(serv, role_str)
        if not role:
            role = await self.bot.create_role(serv,
            await self.bot.say(ok(f'New role created: {role_str}'))

        # if still no role, report and stop
        if not role:
            await self.bot.say(error("could not find or create role role"))

        # The @everyone role (also @here iiuc) cannot be given/taken
        if role.is_everyone:
            await self.bot.say(error('umm... no'))

        if serv.id not in self.conf:  # if server does not have a list yet create it
            self.conf[serv.id] = {'pub_roles': [role.id]}
        elif 'pub_roles' not in self.conf[serv.id]:  # if list is corruptted
            self.conf[serv.id]['pub_roles'] = [role.id]  # fix it
        elif role.id in self.conf[
                serv.id]['pub_roles']:  # if role is already there
            await self.bot.say('role already in list')  #   report and stop
        else:  # otherwise add it to the list and end

        # save any changes to config file, and report success
        await self.bot.say(ok('role added to public role list'))

    # wrapper function for getting roles that are on the list
    async def _request_wrap(self, ctx, role, date=''):
        auth = ctx.message.author
        chan = ctx.message.channel
        serv = ctx.message.server

        # attempt to find the role if a string was given,
        #   if not found, stop
        if type(role) != discord.Role:
            role = dh.get_role(serv, role)
        if not role:
            await self.bot.say(
                error("could not find role, ask a mod to create it"))

        # get list of public roles
        available_roles = self.conf.get(serv.id, {}).get('pub_roles', [])

        if role.id in available_roles:  # if role is a public role,
            await self.bot.add_roles(auth, role)  #   give it
            await self.bot.say(ok('you now have that role'))
        else:  # otherwise don't
            await self.bot.say(
                error('I\'m afraid that I can\'t give you that role'))

        if date:  # if a timeout was specified
            end_time = dh.get_end_time(date)[0]
            role_end = RoleRemove(end_time, role.id, auth.id, chan.id, serv.id)

            await role_end.begin(self.bot)

    @commands.command(name='cut', pass_context=True)
    async def _cut(self, ctx, num_to_cut: int, num_to_skip: int = 0):
    cuts num_to_cut messages from the current channel
    skips over num_to_skip messages (skips none if not specified)

    User1: first message
    User2: other message
    User3: final message
    Using ".cut 1 1" will cut User2's message
    Using ".cut 1" will cut User3's message

    messages will not be deleted until paste
    needs manage_messages perm in the current channel to use
    see .paste
        #if num_to_cut > 100:
        #  await self.bot.say('Sorry, only up to 100')
        #  return
        if num_to_cut < 1:  # can't cut no messages
            await self.bot.say('umm... no')

        # store info in easier to access variables
        aid = ctx.message.author.id
        chan = ctx.message.channel
        cid = chan.id
        bef = ctx.message.timestamp

        # delete the original `.cut` message(not part of cutting)
        # also sorta serves as confirmation that messages have been cut
        await self.bot.delete_message(ctx.message)

        # if messages should be skipped when cutting
        # save the timestamp of the oldest message
        if num_to_skip > 0:
            async for m in self.bot.logs_from(chan, num_to_skip, reverse=True):
                bef = m.timestamp

        # save the logs to a list
        logs = []
        async for m in self.bot.logs_from(chan,

        #store true in position 0 of list if channel is a nsfw channel
        logs.insert(0, 'nsfw' in chan.name.lower())

        # save logs to dict (associate with user)
        self.cut[aid] = logs

    @commands.command(name='paste', pass_context=True)
    async def _paste(self, ctx):
    paste cutted messages to current channel

    needs manage_messages perm in the current channel to use
    deletes original messages
    see .cut
        # get messages that were cut and other variables
        aid = ctx.message.author.id
        chan = ctx.message.channel
        logs = self.cut.pop(aid, [])

        # if nothing was cut, stop
        if not logs:
            await self.bot.say('You have not cut anything')

        # it messages were cut in a nsfw channel,
        #   do not paste unless this is a nsfw channel
        # NOTE: cutting/pasting to/from PMs is not possible(for now)
        if logs[0] and 'nsfw' not in chan.name.lower():
            await self.bot.say('That which hath been cut in nsfw, ' + \
                               'mustn\'t be pasted in such a place'

        # remove the nsfw indicator(since it's not really part of the logs)
        logs = logs[1:]

        # delete the `.paste` message
        await self.bot.delete_message(ctx.message)

        # compress the messages - many messages can be squished into 1 big message
        # but ensure that output messages do not exceede the discord message limit
        buf = ''  # current out message that is being compressed to
        out = []  # output messages that have been compressed
        for message in logs:
            # save messages as:
            #   <nick> message
            # and attachments as(after the message):
            #   filename: url_to_attachment
            if message.content or message.attachments:
                tmp = '<{0.author.name}> {0.content}\n'.format(message)
                for a in message.attachments:
                    tmp += '{filename}: {url}\n'.format(**a)
                tmp = ''
            # if this message would make the current output buffer too long,
            #   append it to the output message list and reset the buffer
            # or just append to the buffer if it's not going to be too long
            if len(buf) + len(tmp) > 1900:
                buf = tmp
                buf += tmp

            # if the message is composed of *only* embeds,
            #   flush buffer,
            #   and append embed to output list
            if message.embeds and not message.content:
                if buf:
                    buf = ''
                for embed in message.embeds:

        # if there is still content in the buffer after messages have been traversed
        #   treat buffer as complete message
        if buf:

        # send each message in output list
        for mes in out:
            if type(mes) == str:
                if mes:
                    await self.bot.say(mes)
            else:  # if it's an embed, n
                await self.bot.say(embed=EmWrap(mes)
                                   )  #   it needs to be wrapped

        # once all messages have been pasted, delete(since cut) the old ones

        old = False  # messages older than 2 weeks cannot be batch deleted

        while len(logs) > 0:  # while there are messages to delete
            if len(logs) > 1:  #   if more than one left to delete and not old,
                if not old:  #     attempt batch delete [2-100] messages
                        await self.bot.delete_messages(logs[:100])
                    except:  #   if problem when batch deleting
                        old = True  #     then the messages must be old
                if old:  # if old, traverse and delete individually
                    for entry in logs[:100]:
                        await self.bot.delete_message(entry)
                logs = logs[100:]
            else:  # if only one message, delete individually
                await self.bot.delete_message(logs[0])

        # remove cut entry from dict of cuts
        if aid in self.cut:
            del self.cut[aid]

    @commands.command(name='topic', pass_context=True)
    async def _topic(self, ctx, *, new_topic=''):
        """manage topic

    if a new_topic is specified, changes the topic
    otherwise, displays the current topic
        # store channel in tmp pointer
        c = ctx.message.channel

        if new_topic:
            # if a topic was passed,
            #   change it if user has the permisssions to do so
            #   or tell user that they can't do that
            if perms.check_permissions(ctx.message, manage_channels=True):
                await self.bot.edit_channel(c, topic=new_topic)
                await self.bot.say(
                    ok('Topic for #{} has been changed'.format(c.name)))
                await self.bot.say(
                    error('You cannot change the topic for #{}'.format(c.name))
        elif c.topic:
            # if no topic has been passed,
            #   say the topic
            await self.bot.say('Topic for #{}: `{}`'.format(c.name, c.topic))
            # if not topic in channel,
            #   say so
            await self.bot.say('#{} has no topic'.format(c.name))

    @commands.command(name='timeout_send', aliases=['ts'], pass_context=True)
    async def _timeout_send(self,
                            member: discord.Member,
                            time: float = 300):
        """puts a member in timeout for a duration(default 5 min)

    usage `.timeout [add] @member [time in seconds]`
        if not perms.is_owner() and \
          ctx.message.author.server_permissions < member.server_permissions:
            await self.bot.say('Can\'t send higher ranking members to timeout')

        server = ctx.message.server
        channel = ctx.message.channel

        if perms.in_group('timeout') and not perms.is_owner():
            await self.bot.say('You\'re in timeout... No.')

        if not ctx.message.server:
            await self.bot.say('not in a server at the moment')

        if time < 10:
            await self.bot.say('And what would the point of that be?')

        if time > 10000:
            await self.bot.say('Too long, at this point consider banning them')

        criteria = lambda m: re.search('(?i)^time?[ _-]?out.*', m.name)

        to_role = discord.utils.find(criteria, server.roles)
        to_chan = discord.utils.find(criteria, server.channels)

            timeout_obj = Timeout(channel, server, member, time)
            await timeout_obj.begin(self.bot, to_role, to_chan)
            for index, obj in enumerate(self.heap['heap']):
                if obj == timeout_obj:
            await self.bot.say(
                'There was an error sending {}\'s to timeout \n({}{}\n)'.
                    '\n  - do I have permission to manage roles(and possibly channels)?',
                    '\n  - is my highest role above {}\'s highest role?'.

    @commands.command(name='timeout_end', aliases=['te'], pass_context=True)
    async def _timeout_end(self, ctx, member: discord.Member):
        """removes a member from timeout

    usage `.timeout end @member`
        server = ctx.message.server
        channel = ctx.message.channel

        if perms.in_group('timeout') and not perms.is_owner():
            await self.bot.say('You\'re in timeout... No.')

        if not ctx.message.server:
            await self.bot.say('not in a server at the moment')

        # test timeout object for comparison
        test = namedtuple({'server_id': server.id, 'user_id': member.id})
        index = 0  # inext is used to more efficently pop from heap

        # error message in case ending timeout fails
        error_msg = 'There was an error ending {}\'s timeout \n({}{}\n)'.format(
            '\n  - do I have permission to manage roles(and possibly channels)?',
            '\n  - is my highest role above {}\'s highest role?'.format(

        for timeout in Timeout.conf['timeouts']:  # look trhough all timouts
            if timeout == test:  #   if found
                    await timeout.end(self.bot, index)  #     attempt to end
                    await self.bot.say(error_msg
                                       )  #     if error when ending, report
            index += 1  #   not found increment index
        else:  # not found at all, report
            await self.bot.say('{} is not in timeout...'.format(member.name))

    # checks timeouts and restores perms when timout expires
    async def check_timeouts(self):
        if 'timeouts' not in Timeout.conf:  #create timeouts list if needed
            Timeout.conf['timeouts'] = []

        while self == self.bot.get_cog('Server'):  # in case of cog reload
            # while timeouts exist, and the next one's time has come,
            #   end it
            while Timeout.conf['timeouts'] and \
                  Timeout.conf['timeouts'][0].time_left < 1:
                await Timeout.conf['timeouts'][0].end(self.bot, 0)

            # wait a bit and check again
            #   if the next one ends in < 15s, wait that much instead of 15s
            if Timeout.conf['timeouts']:
                delay = min(Timeout.conf['timeouts'].time_left, 15)
                delay = 15
            await asyncio.sleep(delay + 0.5)
class Regex:
    def __init__(self, bot):
        self.bot = bot
        self.replacements = Config('configs/replace.json')
        self.permissions = Config('configs/perms.json')
        if 'rep-blacklist' not in self.permissions:
            self.permissions['rep-blacklist'] = []

    async def rep(self, ctx):
        """Manage replacements
    Uses a regex to replace text from users
        if ctx.invoked_subcommand is None:
            await self.bot.say(
                    'Error, {0.subcommand_passed} is not a valid command'.

    @rep.command(name='add', pass_context=True)
    async def _add(self, ctx, *, regex):
        """adds a new replacement
    Format `s/old/new/`

        if ctx.message.author.id in self.permissions['rep-blacklist']:
            await self.bot.say(formatter.error('No ') + ':poi:')

        #Find requested replacement
        rep = get_match(regex)

        #ensure that replace was found before proceeding
        if not rep:
            await self.bot.say(formatter.error('Could not find valid regex'))

        p1 = formatter.escape_mentions(rep.group(2))
        p2 = formatter.escape_mentions(rep.group(4))

        #check regex for validity
        if not comp(p1, p2):
            await self.bot.say(formatter.error('regex is invalid'))

        #make sure that there are no similar regexes in db
        for i in self.replacements:
            if similar(p1, i):
                r = '\"{}\" -> \"{}\"'.format(i, self.replacements[i][0])
                message = 'Similar regex already exists, delete or edit it\n{}'.format(
                await self.bot.say(formatter.error(message))

        #make sure regex is not too broad
        if bad_re(p1):
            await self.bot.say(formatter.error('regex is too broad'))

        #check that regex does not already exist
        if p1 in self.replacements:
            await self.bot.say(formatter.error('regex already exists'))

        self.replacements[p1] = [p2, ctx.message.author.id]
        await self.bot.say(formatter.ok())

    @rep.command(name='edit', pass_context=True)
    async def _edit(self, ctx, *, regex):
        """edits an existing replacement
    Format `s/old/new/`

        #Find requested replacement
        rep = get_match(regex)

        #ensure that replace was found before proceeding
        if not rep:
            await self.bot.say(formatter.error('Could not find valid regex'))

        p1 = formatter.escape_mentions(rep.group(2))
        p2 = formatter.escape_mentions(rep.group(4))

        #check regex for validity
        if not comp(p1, p2):
            await self.bot.say(formatter.error('regex is invalid'))

        #make sure regex is not too broad
        if bad_re(p1):
            await self.bot.say(formatter.error('regex is too broad'))

        #ensure that replace was found before proceeding
        if p1 not in self.replacements:
            await self.bot.say(formatter.error('Regex not in replacements.'))

        #check if they have correct permissions
        if ctx.message.author.id != self.replacements[p1][1] \
           and not perms.is_owner_check(ctx.message):
            #will uncomment next line when reps are a per server thing
            #and not perms.check_permissions(ctx.message, manage_messages=True):
            raise commands.errors.CheckFailure('Cannot edit')

        self.replacements[p1] = [p2, ctx.message.author.id]
        await self.bot.say(formatter.ok())

    @rep.command(name='remove', aliases=['rm'], pass_context=True)
    async def _rm(self, ctx, *, pattern):
        """remove an existing replacement"""

        #pattern = re.sub('^(`)?\\(\\?[^\\)]*\\)', '\\1', pattern)
        pattern = formatter.escape_mentions(pattern)

        #ensure that replace was found before proceeding
        if pattern not in self.replacements:
            if re.search('^`.*`$',
                         pattern) and pattern[1:-1] in self.replacements:
                pattern = pattern[1:-1]
                await self.bot.say(
                    formatter.error('Regex not in replacements.'))

        #check if they have correct permissions
        if ctx.message.author.id != self.replacements[pattern][1] \
           and not perms.is_owner_check(ctx.message):
            raise commands.errors.CheckFailure('Cannot delete')

        await self.bot.say(formatter.ok())

    @rep.command(name='list', aliases=['ls'])
    async def _ls(self):
        """list existing replacements"""
        msg = ''

        for rep in self.replacements:
            msg += '\"{}\" -> \"{}\"\n'.format(rep, self.replacements[rep][0])
        msg = msg[:-1]

        await self.bot.say(formatter.code(msg))

    async def replace(self, message):
        if message.author.bot:
        if len(message.content.strip()) < 2:
        if message.content.strip()[0] in self.bot.command_prefix + ['?', '$']:

        m = message.content
        for i in self.replacements:
            m = re.sub(r'(?i)\b{}\b'.format(i), self.replacements[i][0], m)

        if m.lower() != message.content.lower():
            await self.bot.send_message(message.channel, '*' + m)
class General:
    def __init__(self, bot):
        self.bot = bot
        self.loop = bot.loop
        self.stopwatches = {}
        self.conf = Config('configs/general.json')
        self.heap = Config('configs/heap.json')

        if 'responses' not in self.conf:
            self.conf['responses'] = {}
        if 'todo' not in self.conf:
            self.conf['todo'] = {}
        if 'situations' not in self.conf:
            self.conf['situations'] = []
        if '8-ball' not in self.conf:
            self.conf['8-ball'] = []
        for rem in self.conf.pop('reminders', []):

    async def ping(self):
        await self.bot.say("Pong.")

    async def time(self, ctx):
        '''remind people to hurry up'''
        await self.bot.send_message(ctx.message.channel,

    async def invite(self, ctx):
        '''reply with a link that allows this bot to be invited'''
        await self.bot.send_message(
            'https://discordapp.com/oauth2/authorize?client_id={self.bot.id}' +

    async def tally(self, message):
        chan = message.channel
        user = message.author
        mess = message.content
        loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()

        #bots don't get a vote
        if user.bot:

        if len(mess.strip()) < 2 or \
            mess.strip()[0] in self.bot.command_prefix + ['$','?','!']:

        test_poll = Poll('', [], chan, 0, 1)

        for poll in self.heap['heap']:
            if test_poll == poll:
                await loop.run_in_executor(None, poll.vote, user, mess)

    async def respond(self, message):
        if message.author.bot:

        if len(message.content.strip()) < 2 or \
            message.content.strip()[0] in self.bot.command_prefix + ['$','?','!']:

        loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()

        for i in self.conf['responses']:
            if re.search("(?i){}".format(i[0]), message.content):
                rep = i[1]
                subs = {
                    "\\{un\\}": message.author.name,
                    "\\{um\\}": message.author.mention,
                    "\\{ui\\}": message.author.mention,
                    "\\{situations\\}": random.choice(self.conf['situations'])
                for j in re.findall("\\(.*\\|.*\\)", rep):
                    rep = rep.replace(j, random.choice(j[1:-1].split("|")))
                for j in subs:
                    rep = await loop.run_in_executor(None, re.sub, j, subs[j],
                msg = re.sub("(?i){}".format(i[0]), rep, message.content)
                if rep:
                    await self.bot.send_message(message.channel, msg)

    @commands.command(name='roll', aliases=['r', 'clench'], pass_context=True)
    async def _roll(self, ctx, *dice):
        """rolls dice given pattern [Nd]S[(+|-)C]

    N: number of dice to roll
    S: side on the dice
    C: constant to add or subtract from each die roll
        loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()

        roll = '\n'.join(await loop.run_in_executor(None, self.rolls, dice))
        message = ctx.message.author.mention + ':\n'
        if '\n' in roll:
            message += code(roll)
            message += inline(roll)
        await self.bot.say(message)

    @commands.command(name="8ball", aliases=["8"])
    async def _8ball(self, *, question: str):
        """Ask 8 ball a question

    Question must end with a question mark.
        if question.endswith("?") and question != "?":
            await self.bot.say("`" + random.choice(self.conf['8-ball']) + "`")
            await self.bot.say("That doesn't look like a question.")

    @commands.group(aliases=['t', 'td'], pass_context=True)
    async def todo(self, ctx):
    manages user TODO list
    Note: if no sub-command is specified, TODOs will be listed
        if ctx.invoked_subcommand is None:
            await self._td_list(ctx)

    @todo.command(name='list', aliases=['l', 'ls'], pass_context=True)
    async def _td_list_wp(self, ctx):
    prints your complete todo list
        await self._td_list(ctx)

    @todo.command(name='add', aliases=['a', 'insert', 'i'], pass_context=True)
    async def _td_add(self, ctx, *, task: str):
    adds a new task to your todo list
        todos = self.conf['todo'].get(ctx.message.author.id, [])
        todos.append([False, task])
        self.conf['todo'][ctx.message.author.id] = todos
        await self.bot.say(ok())

                  aliases=['d', 'complete', 'c'],
    async def _td_done(self, ctx, *, index: int):
    sets/unsets a task as complete
    Note: indicies start at 1
        todos = self.conf['todo'].get(ctx.message.author.id, [])
        if len(todos) < index or index <= 0:
            await self.bot.say(error('Invalid index'))
            index -= 1
            todos[index][0] = not todos[index][0]
            self.conf['todo'][ctx.message.author.id] = todos
            await self.bot.say(ok())

    @todo.command(name='remove', aliases=['rem', 'rm', 'r'], pass_context=True)
    async def _td_remove(self, ctx, *, index: int):
    remove a task from your todo list
    Note: indicies start at 1
        todos = self.conf['todo'].get(ctx.message.author.id, [])
        if len(todos) < index or index <= 0:
            await self.bot.say(error('Invalid index'))
            task = todos.pop(index - 1)
            self.conf['todo'][ctx.message.author.id] = todos
            await self.bot.say(ok('Removed task #{}'.format(index)))

    async def _td_list(self, ctx):
        todos = self.conf['todo'].get(ctx.message.author.id, [])
        if not todos:
            await self.bot.send_message(ctx.message.channel, 'No TODOs found.')
            #TODO - ensure that the outgoing message is not too long
            msg = 'TODO:\n'
            length = len(str(len(todos)))
            done = '{{:0{}}} - ~~{{}}~~\n'.format(length)
            working = '{{:0{}}} - {{}}\n'.format(length)
            for i, todo in enumerate(todos, 1):
                if todo[0]:
                    msg += done.format(i, todo[1])
                    msg += working.format(i, todo[1])
            await self.bot.send_message(ctx.message.channel, msg)

    @commands.group(aliases=["sw"], pass_context=True)
    async def stopwatch(self, ctx):
    manages user stopwatch
    starts/stops/unpauses (depending on context)
        if ctx.invoked_subcommand is None:
            aid = ctx.message.author.id
            if aid in self.stopwatches and self.stopwatches[aid][0]:
                await self._sw_stop(ctx)
                await self._sw_start(ctx)

                       aliases=['unpause', 'u', 'resume', 'r'],
    async def _sw_start_wrap(self, ctx):
    unpauses or creates new stopwatch
        await self._sw_start(ctx)

    async def _sw_start(self, ctx):
        aid = ctx.message.author.id
        tme = ctx.message.timestamp.timestamp()
        if aid in self.stopwatches and self.stopwatches[aid][0]:
            await self.bot.send_message(
                ctx.message.channel, 'You\'ve already started a stopwatch.')
        elif aid in self.stopwatches:
            self.stopwatches[aid][0] = tme
            await self.bot.send_message(ctx.message.channel,
                                        'Stopwatch resumed.')
            self.stopwatches[aid] = [tme, 0]
            await self.bot.send_message(ctx.message.channel,
                                        'Stopwatch started.')

    @stopwatch.command(name='stop', aliases=['end', 'e'], pass_context=True)
    async def _sw_stop_wrap(self, ctx):
    prints time and deletes timer

    works even if paused
        await self._sw_stop(ctx)

    async def _sw_stop(self, ctx):
        aid = ctx.message.author.id
        now = ctx.message.timestamp.timestamp()
        old = self.stopwatches.pop(aid, None)
        if old:
            if old[0]:
                tme = now - old[0] + old[1]
                tme = old[1]
            tme = str(timedelta(seconds=tme))
            msg = '```Stopwatch stopped: {}\n'.format(tme)
            for lap in zip(range(1, len(old)), old[2:]):
                msg += '\nLap {0:03} - {1}'.format(*lap)
            msg += '```'
            await self.bot.send_message(ctx.message.channel, msg)
            await self.bot.send_message(
                ctx.message.channel, 'No stop watches started, cannot stop.')

                       aliases=['look', 'peak'],
    async def _sw_status(self, ctx):
        aid = ctx.message.author.id
        now = ctx.message.timestamp.timestamp()
        if aid in self.stopwatches:
            old = self.stopwatches[aid]
            if old[0]:
                tme = now - old[0] + old[1]
                tme = old[1]
            tme = str(timedelta(seconds=tme))
            msg = '```Stopwatch time: {}'.format(tme)
            if old[0]:
                msg += '\n'
                msg += ' [paused]\n'
            for lap in zip(range(1, len(old)), old[2:]):
                msg += '\nLap {0:03} - {1}'.format(*lap)
            msg += '```'
            await self.bot.send_message(ctx.message.channel, msg)
            await self.bot.send_message(
                ctx.message.channel, 'No stop watches started, cannot look.')

    @stopwatch.command(name='lap', aliases=['l'], pass_context=True)
    async def _sw_lap(self, ctx):
    prints time

    does not pause, does not resume, does not delete
        aid = ctx.message.author.id
        now = ctx.message.timestamp.timestamp()
        if aid in self.stopwatches:
            old = self.stopwatches[aid]
            if old[0]:
                tme = now - old[0] + old[1]
                tme = old[1]
            tme = str(timedelta(seconds=tme))
            await self.bot.say("Lap #{:03} time: **{}**".format(
                len(old) - 1, tme))
            if self.stopwatches[aid][-1] != tme:
            await self.bot.say('No stop watches started, cannot lap.')

                       aliases=['p', 'hold', 'h'],
    async def _sw_pause(self, ctx):
    pauses the stopwatch

    Also prints current time, does not delete
        aid = ctx.message.author.id
        now = ctx.message.timestamp.timestamp()
        if aid in self.stopwatches and self.stopwatches[aid][0]:
            old = now - self.stopwatches[aid][0] + self.stopwatches[aid][1]
            self.stopwatches[aid] = [0, old]
            old = str(timedelta(seconds=old))
            await self.bot.say("Stopwatch paused: **{}**".format(old))
        elif aid in self.stopwatches:
            await self.bot.say('Stop watch already paused.')
            await self.bot.say('No stop watches started, cannot pause.')

    def rolls(self, dice):
        out = []

        if not dice:
            dice = ['20']

        for roll in dice:
            match = re.search('^((\\d+)?d)?(\\d+)([+-]\\d+)?$', roll, re.I)
            message = ''
            if not match:
                message = 'Invalid roll'
                times = 1
                sides = int(match.group(3))
                add = 0
                if match.group(2):
                    times = int(match.group(2))
                if match.group(4):
                    add = int(match.group(4))

                if times > 100:
                    message = 'Cannot roll that many dice  '
                elif sides > 120:
                    message = 'Cannot find a dice with that many sides  '
                elif times < 1:
                    message = 'How?  '
                elif sides < 2:
                    message = 'No  '
                    total = 0
                    for i in range(times):
                        num = random.randint(1, sides) + add
                        total += num
                        message += '{}, '.format(num)
                message = message[:-2]
                if times > 1:
                    message += '(sum = {})'.format(total)
            out.append('{}: {}'.format(roll, message))
        return out

    @commands.command(pass_context=True, aliases=['c', 'choice'])
    async def choose(self, ctx, *, choices):
        """Chooses a value from a comma seperated list"""
        choices = split(choices)
        choice = random.choice(choices)
        choice_reps = {
            r'(?i)^(should)\s+I\s+': r'You \1 ',
            r'(?i)^([wcs]hould|can|are|were|is)\s+(\S+)\s+': r'\2 \1 ',
            r'\?$': '.',
            r'(?i)^am\s+I\s+': 'Thou art ',
            r'(?i)\b(I|me)\b': 'you',
            r'(?i)\bmy\b': 'your'
        for r in choice_reps:
            choice = re.sub(r, choice_reps[r], choice)

        message = ctx.message.author.mention + ':\n'
        message += inline(choice)
        await self.bot.say(message)

    @commands.command(name='remindme', pass_context=True, aliases=['remind'])
    async def _add_reminder(self, ctx, *, message: str):
    adds a reminder

    'at' can be used when specifing exact time
    'in' is optional for offsets
    'me' can be seperate or part of the command name (also optinal)
    cannot mix offsets and exact times

    .remind me in 5 h message
    .remind me in 5 hours 3 m message
    .remind me 1 week message
    .remind me 7 months message
    .remindme in 7 months message
    .remind me at 2017-10-23 message
    .remind me at 2017-10-23T05:11:56 message
    .remindme at 2017-10-23 05:11:56 message
    .remindme at 10/23/2017 5:11 PM message
    .remind at 7:11 message
    .remind at 7:11:15 message
    .remind [me] remove <id>
    .remind [me] end <id>
        author = ctx.message.author.id
        channel = ctx.message.channel.id
        match = re.match(r'(?i)^(me\s+)?(remove|end|stop)\s+(\d+)', message)
        if match:
            rid = int(match.group(3))
            for index, item in enumerate(self.heap['heap']):
                if type(item) == Reminder \
                    and item.reminder_id == rid \
                    and item.user_id == author:
                    await self.bot.say(
                        ok(f'Message with id {rid} has been removed'))
                await self.bot.say(ok(f'Could not find message with id {rid}'))
            r = Reminder(channel, author, message)
            await r.begin(self.bot)

    @commands.command(pass_context=True, aliases=['a', 'ask'])
    async def question(self, ctx):
        '''Answers a question with yes/no'''
        message = ctx.message.author.mention + ':\n'
        message += inline(random.choice(['yes', 'no']))
        await self.bot.say(message)

    async def poll(self, ctx, *, question):
    Starts a poll
    poll question? opt1, opt2, opt3 or opt4...
    poll stop|end

        if question.lower().strip() in ['end', 'stop']:
            for index, poll in enumerate(self.heap['heap']):
                if isinstance(
                        Poll) and poll.channel_id == ctx.message.channel.id:
                    await poll.end(self.bot)
                await self.bot.say('There is no poll active in this channel')

        match = re.search(r'^(.*?\?)\s*(.*?)$', question)
        if not match:
            await self.bot.say('Question could not be found.')

        options = split(match.group(2))
        question = escape_mentions(match.group(1))

        poll = Poll(question, options, ctx.message.channel, 600)

        for item in self.heap['heap']:
            if poll == item:
                await self.bot.say(
                    'There is a poll active in this channel already')
        await poll.begin(self.bot)