    def find_by_identifier(cls, identifier: str = None, con=None):  # pylint: disable=too-many-statements;
        """Return a Business by identifier."""
        business = None
        if not identifier:
            return None

            # get record
            if not con:
                con = DB.connection

            cursor = con.cursor()

                select corp.CORP_NUM as identifier, CORP_FROZEN_TYP_CD, corp_typ_cd type,
                filing.period_end_dt as last_ar_date, LAST_AR_FILED_DT as last_ar_filed_date, LAST_AGM_DATE,
                corp_op_state.full_desc as state, corp_state.state_typ_cd as corp_state,
                t_name.corp_nme as legal_name,
                t_assumed_name.CORP_NME as assumed_name, RECOGNITION_DTS as founding_date,
                BN_15 as business_number, CAN_JUR_TYP_CD, OTHR_JURIS_DESC
                from CORPORATION corp
                left join CORP_NAME t_name on t_name.corp_num = corp.corp_num and t_name.CORP_NAME_TYP_CD='CO'
                AND t_name.END_EVENT_ID is null
                left join CORP_NAME t_assumed_name on t_assumed_name.corp_num = corp.corp_num
                and t_assumed_name.CORP_NAME_TYP_CD='AS' AND t_assumed_name.END_EVENT_ID is null
                join CORP_STATE on CORP_STATE.corp_num = corp.corp_num and CORP_STATE.end_event_id is null
                join CORP_OP_STATE on CORP_OP_STATE.state_typ_cd = CORP_STATE.state_typ_cd
                left join JURISDICTION on JURISDICTION.corp_num = corp.corp_num
                join event on corp.corp_num = event.corp_num
                left join filing on event.event_id = filing.event_id and filing.filing_typ_cd = 'OTANN'
                where corp_typ_cd in ('CP', 'BC')
                and corp.CORP_NUM=:corp_num
                order by last_ar_date desc nulls last""",
            business = cursor.fetchone()

            if not business:
                raise BusinessNotFoundException(identifier=identifier)

            # add column names to resultset to build out correct json structure and make manipulation below more robust
            # (better than column numbers)
            business = dict(
                zip([x[0].lower() for x in cursor.description], business))

            # get last ledger date from EVENT table and add to business record
            # note - FILE event type is correct for new filings; CONVOTHER is for events/filings pulled over from COBRS
            # during initial data import for Coops.
            select max(EVENT_TIMESTMP) as last_ledger_timestamp from EVENT
            where EVENT_TYP_CD in('FILE', 'CONVOTHER') and CORP_NUM = '{}'""".
            last_ledger_timestamp = cursor.fetchone()[0]
            business['last_ledger_timestamp'] = last_ledger_timestamp

            # if this is an XPRO, get correct jurisdiction; otherwise, it's BC
            if business['type'] == 'XCP':
                business['jurisdiction'] = business['can_jur_typ_cd']
                if business['can_jur_typ_cd'] == 'OT':
                    business['jurisdiction'] = business['othr_juris_desc']
                business['jurisdiction'] = 'BC'

            # set name
            if business['assumed_name']:
                business['legal_name'] = business['assumed_name']

            # set status - In Good Standing if certain criteria met, otherwise use original value
            if business['state'] == 'Active' and \
                    business['last_ar_filed_date'] is not None and \
                    isinstance(business['last_ar_filed_date'], datetime) and \
                    business['last_agm_date'] is not None and isinstance(business['last_agm_date'], datetime):

                business['status'] = business['state']

                if business['last_ar_filed_date'] > business['last_agm_date']:
                    business['status'] = 'In Good Standing'

                business['status'] = business['state']

            # convert dates and date-times to correct json format and convert to camel case for schema names

            business['foundingDate'] = convert_to_json_datetime(
            business['lastAgmDate'] = convert_to_json_date(
            business['lastArDate'] = convert_to_json_date(business['last_ar_date']) if business['last_ar_date'] \
                else business['lastAgmDate']
            business['lastLedgerTimestamp'] = convert_to_json_datetime(

            business['businessNumber'] = business['business_number']
            business['corpState'] = business['corp_state']
            business['legalName'] = business['legal_name']
            business['legalType'] = business['type']

            # remove unnecessary fields (
            del business['can_jur_typ_cd']
            del business['othr_juris_desc']
            del business['assumed_name']
            del business['state']
            del business['business_number']
            del business['corp_frozen_typ_cd']
            del business['corp_state']
            del business['founding_date']
            del business['last_agm_date']
            del business['last_ar_filed_date']
            del business['last_ledger_timestamp']
            del business['legal_name']
            del business['type']
            del business['last_ar_date']

            # add cache_id todo: set to real value
            business['cacheId'] = 0

            # convert to Business object
            business_obj = Business()
            business_obj.business = business
            return business_obj

        except Exception as err:
            # general catch-all exception

            # pass through exception to caller
            raise err
    def get_filing(cls, con=None,  # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments, too-many-branches;
                   business: Business = None, event_id: str = None, filing_type: str = None, year: int = None):
        """Get a Filing."""
        if not business or not filing_type:
            return None

            if not con:
                con = DB.connection
            cursor = con.cursor()
            identifier = business.get_corp_num()

            # get the filing types corresponding filing code
            code = [key for key in cls.FILING_TYPES if cls.FILING_TYPES[key] == filing_type]
            if len(code) < 1:
                raise InvalidFilingTypeException(filing_type=filing_type)

            # get the filing event info
            filing_event_info = cls._get_filing_event_info(identifier=identifier, event_id=event_id,
                                                           filing_type_cd=code[0], year=year, cursor=cursor)
            if not filing_event_info:
                raise FilingNotFoundException(identifier=identifier, filing_type=filing_type, event_id=event_id)

            if filing_type == 'annualReport':
                filing_obj = cls._get_ar(identifier=identifier, filing_event_info=filing_event_info, cursor=cursor)

            elif filing_type == 'changeOfAddress':
                filing_obj = cls._get_coa(identifier=identifier, filing_event_info=filing_event_info, cursor=cursor)

            elif filing_type == 'changeOfDirectors':
                filing_obj = cls._get_cod(identifier=identifier, filing_event_info=filing_event_info, cursor=cursor)

            elif filing_type == 'changeOfName':
                filing_obj = cls._get_con(identifier=identifier, filing_event_info=filing_event_info, cursor=cursor)

            elif filing_type == 'specialResolution':
                filing_obj = cls._get_sr(identifier=identifier, filing_event_info=filing_event_info, cursor=cursor)

            elif filing_type == 'voluntaryDissolution':
                filing_obj = cls._get_vd(identifier=identifier, filing_event_info=filing_event_info, cursor=cursor)

            elif filing_type == 'incorporationApplication':
                filing_obj = cls._get_inc(identifier=identifier, filing_event_info=filing_event_info, cursor=cursor)

                # uncomment to bring in other filings as available on paper only
                # filing_obj = cls._get_other(identifier=identifier, filing_event_info=filing_event_info, cursor=cursor)
                raise InvalidFilingTypeException(filing_type=filing_type)

            filing_obj.header = {
                'availableOnPaperOnly': filing_obj.paper_only,
                'certifiedBy': filing_event_info['certifiedBy'],
                'colinIds': [filing_obj.body['eventId']],
                'date': convert_to_json_date(filing_event_info['event_timestmp']),
                'effectiveDate': convert_to_json_datetime(filing_obj.effective_date),
                'email': filing_event_info['email'],
                'name': filing_type
            filing_obj.business = business

            return filing_obj

        except FilingNotFoundException as err:
            # pass through exception to caller
            raise err

        except Exception as err:
            # general catch-all exception

            # pass through exception to caller
            raise err
    def find_by_identifier(cls,
                           identifier: str,
                           corp_types: List,
                           con=None) -> Business:
        """Return a Business by identifier."""
        business = None
            # get record
            if not con:
                con = DB.connection

            cursor = con.cursor()
                select corp.corp_num, corp_typ_cd, recognition_dts, bn_15, can_jur_typ_cd, othr_juris_desc,
                    filing.period_end_dt, last_agm_date, corp_op_state.full_desc as state,
                    corp_state.state_typ_cd as corp_state
                from CORPORATION corp
                    join CORP_STATE on CORP_STATE.corp_num = corp.corp_num and CORP_STATE.end_event_id is null
                    join CORP_OP_STATE on CORP_OP_STATE.state_typ_cd = CORP_STATE.state_typ_cd
                    left join JURISDICTION on JURISDICTION.corp_num = corp.corp_num
                    join event on corp.corp_num = event.corp_num
                    left join filing on event.event_id = filing.event_id and filing.filing_typ_cd in ('OTANN', 'ANNBC')
                where corp_typ_cd in ({stringify_list(corp_types)}) and corp.CORP_NUM=:corp_num
                order by filing.period_end_dt desc nulls last
            business = cursor.fetchone()
            if not business:
                raise BusinessNotFoundException(identifier=identifier)

            # add column names to resultset to build out correct json structure and make manipulation below more robust
            # (better than column numbers)
            business = dict(
                zip([x[0].lower() for x in cursor.description], business))
            # get all assumed, numbered/corporation, translation names
            corp_names = CorpName.get_current(cursor=cursor,
            assumed_name = None
            corp_name = None
            for name_obj in corp_names:
                if name_obj.type_code == CorpName.TypeCodes.ASSUMED.value:
                    assumed_name = name_obj.corp_name
                elif name_obj.type_code in [
                    corp_name = name_obj.corp_name

            # get last ledger date from EVENT table and add to business record
            # note - FILE event type is correct for new filings; CONVOTHER is for events/filings pulled over from COBRS
                select max(EVENT_TIMESTMP) from EVENT
                where EVENT_TYP_CD in ('FILE', 'CONVOTHER') and CORP_NUM=:corp_num
            last_ledger_timestamp = cursor.fetchone()[0]
            business['last_ledger_timestamp'] = last_ledger_timestamp
            # if this is an XPRO, get correct jurisdiction; otherwise, it's BC
            if business['corp_typ_cd'] == 'XCP':
                business['jurisdiction'] = business['can_jur_typ_cd']
                if business['can_jur_typ_cd'] == 'OT':
                    business['jurisdiction'] = business['othr_juris_desc']
                business['jurisdiction'] = 'BC'

            # convert to Business object
            business_obj = Business()
            business_obj.business_number = business['bn_15']
            business_obj.corp_name = assumed_name if assumed_name else corp_name
            business_obj.corp_num = business['corp_num']
            business_obj.corp_state = business['corp_state']
            business_obj.corp_type = business['corp_typ_cd']
            business_obj.founding_date = convert_to_json_datetime(
            business_obj.jurisdiction = business['jurisdiction']
            business_obj.last_agm_date = convert_to_json_date(
            business_obj.last_ar_date = convert_to_json_date(business['period_end_dt']) if business['period_end_dt'] \
                else convert_to_json_date(business['last_agm_date'])
            business_obj.last_ledger_timestamp = convert_to_json_datetime(
            business_obj.status = business['state']

            return business_obj

        except Exception as err:
            # general catch-all exception

            # pass through exception to caller
            raise err