文件: group.py 项目: efkomik/synfig
def gen_hold_waypoints(deactive_time, layer, anim_type):
    Will only be used to modify opacity waypoints, and set zero values where the
    layer is deactive

        deactive_time (set) : Range of time when the layer will be deactive
        layer (lxml.etree._Element) : Synfig format layer
        anim_type (str) : Specifies whether it is effects_opacity or opacity (it
                          will effect a factor of 100)

        (lxml.etree._Element) : Modified opacity animation is returned
    for chld in layer:
        if chld.tag == "param" and chld.attrib["name"] == "amount":
            opacity = chld

    opacity = gen_dummy_waypoint(opacity, "param", anim_type, "amount")
    opacity_dict = {}
    gen_value_Keyframed(opacity_dict, opacity[0], 0)

    for it in deactive_time:
        # First add waypoints at both points, make it constant interval
        # then remove any in-between waypoints
        first = round(it[0] * settings.lottie_format["fr"])
        second = round(it[1] * settings.lottie_format["fr"])
        insert_waypoint_at_frame(opacity[0], opacity_dict, first, anim_type)
        insert_waypoint_at_frame(opacity[0], opacity_dict, second, anim_type)

        # Making it a constant interval
        for waypoint in opacity[0]:
            if approximate_equal(get_frame(waypoint), first):
                st_waypoint = waypoint
        st_waypoint.attrib["after"] = "constant"
        st_waypoint[0].attrib["value"] = str(0)

        # removing the in between waypoints
        for waypoint in opacity[0]:
            this_frame = get_frame(waypoint)
            if (not approximate_equal(this_frame, first)) and \
               (not approximate_equal(this_frame, second)) and \
               (this_frame > first and this_frame < second):

    return opacity
文件: group.py 项目: warlockz/synfig
def gen_hold_waypoints(inactive_time, layer, anim_type):
    Will only be used to modify opacity waypoints, and set zero values where the
    layer is inactive

        inactive_time (set) : Range of time when the layer will be inactive
        layer (common.Layer.Layer) : Synfig format layer
        anim_type (str) : Specifies whether it is effects_opacity or opacity (it
                          will effect a factor of 100)

        (common.Param.Param) : Modified opacity animation is returned
    opacity = layer.get_param("amount")

    opacity_dict = {}
    opacity_dict["o"] = {}
    opacity.fill_path(opacity_dict, "o")
    opacity_dict = opacity_dict["o"]

    for it in inactive_time:
        # First add waypoints at both points, make it constant interval
        # then remove any in-between waypoints
        first = round(it[0] * settings.lottie_format["fr"])
        second = round(it[1] * settings.lottie_format["fr"])
        insert_waypoint_at_frame(opacity[0], opacity_dict, first, anim_type)
        insert_waypoint_at_frame(opacity[0], opacity_dict, second, anim_type)

        # Making it a constant interval
        for waypoint in opacity[0]:
            if approximate_equal(get_frame(waypoint), first):
                st_waypoint = waypoint
        st_waypoint.attrib["after"] = "constant"
        st_waypoint[0].attrib["value"] = str(0)

        # removing the in between waypoints
        for waypoint in opacity[0]:
            this_frame = get_frame(waypoint)
            if (not approximate_equal(this_frame, first)) and \
               (not approximate_equal(this_frame, second)) and \
               (this_frame > first and this_frame < second):

    return opacity
def insert_waypoint_at_frame(animated, orig_path, frame, animated_name):
	This function will only insert a waypoint at 'frame' if no waypoint is
	present at that 'frame' already

		animated      (lxml.etree._Element): Holds the animation in Synfig xml format
		orig_path     (dict)               : Holds the animation in Lottie format
		frame         (int)                : The frame at which the waypoint is to be inserted
		animated_name (str)                : The name/type of animation

    i = 0
    while i < len(animated):
        at_frame = get_frame(animated[i])
        if approximate_equal(frame, at_frame):
        elif frame < at_frame:
        i += 1
    pos = get_vector_at_frame(orig_path, frame)
    pos = to_Synfig_axis(pos, animated_name)

    if i == len(animated):
        new_waypoint = copy.deepcopy(animated[i - 1])
        new_waypoint = copy.deepcopy(animated[i])
    if animated_name == "vector":
        new_waypoint[0][0].text = str(pos[0])
        new_waypoint[0][1].text = str(pos[1])
        new_waypoint[0].attrib["value"] = str(pos)

    new_waypoint.attrib["time"] = str(
        frame / settings.lottie_format["fr"]) + "s"
    if i == 0 or i == len(animated):
        # No need of tcb value copy as halt interpolation need to be copied here
        new_waypoint.attrib["before"] = new_waypoint.attrib[
            "after"] = "constant"
        copy_tcb_average(new_waypoint, animated[i], animated[i - 1])
        new_waypoint.attrib["before"] = animated[i - 1].attrib["after"]
        new_waypoint.attrib["after"] = animated[i].attrib["before"]
        # If the interval was constant before, then the whole interval should
        # remain constant now also
        if new_waypoint.attrib["before"] == "constant" or new_waypoint.attrib[
                "after"] == "constant":
            new_waypoint.attrib["before"] = new_waypoint.attrib[
                "after"] = "constant"
    animated.insert(i, new_waypoint)
文件: group.py 项目: efkomik/synfig
def flip_time(time):
    Time will be in a set();
    Example: input: ((2, 3), (4, 5))
             output: ((0, 2), (3, 4), (5, frame_last_time))

        time (set) : Range of time is stored in this

        (set) : Flipped/opposite of `time` is returned
    ret = set()
    last = settings.lottie_format["op"] / settings.lottie_format["fr"]
    z = 0
    for it in time:
        if (not approximate_equal(z, it[0])) and (not approximate_equal(
                it[0], it[1])):
            ret.add((z, it[0]))
        z = it[1]
    if not approximate_equal(z, last):
        ret.add((z, last))
    return ret
def synfig_rectangle(st_val, point1_p, point2_p, expand_p, bevel_p, bevCircle, fr):
    Calculates the points for the rectangle layer as in Synfig:

        st_val (dict) : Lottie format rectangle will be stored in this
        point1_p (self.Param.Param) : Lottie format point1 animation
        point2_p (self.Param.Param) : Lottie format point2 animation
        expand_p (self.Param.Param) : Lottie format expand parameter animation
        bevel_p (self.Param.Param) : Lottie format bevel parameter animation
        bevCircle (lxml.etree._Element) : Animation of bevCircle in Synfig format
        fr (int) : Frame Number


    expand = abs(to_Synfig_axis(expand_p.get_value(fr), "real"))
    bevel = abs(to_Synfig_axis(bevel_p.get_value(fr), "real"))
    p0 = to_Synfig_axis(point1_p.get_value(fr), "vector")
    p0 = Vector(p0[0], p0[1])
    p1 = to_Synfig_axis(point2_p.get_value(fr), "vector")
    p1 = Vector(p1[0], p1[1])
    if p1[0] < p0[0]:
        p0[0], p1[0] = p1[0], p0[0]
    if p1[1] < p0[1]:
        p0[1], p1[1] = p1[1], p0[1]

    bev_circle = bevCircle.get_value(fr)

    w = p1[0] - p0[0] + 2*expand
    h = p1[1] - p0[1] + 2*expand
    bev = bevel
    if bevel > 1:
        bev = 1
    if bev_circle:
        bevx = min(w*bev/2.0, h*bev/2.0)
        bevy = min(w*bev/2.0, h*bev/2.0)
        bevx = w*bev/2.0
        bevy = h*bev/2.0

    # Setup chunk list
    chunk_list = []

    if approximate_equal(bevel, 0.0):
        chunk_list.append([Vector(p0[0] - expand, p0[1] - expand), Vector(), Vector()])
        chunk_list.append([Vector(p1[0] + expand, p0[1] - expand), Vector(), Vector()])
        chunk_list.append([Vector(p1[0] + expand, p1[1] + expand), Vector(), Vector()])
        chunk_list.append([Vector(p0[0] - expand, p1[1] + expand), Vector(), Vector()])
        cur = Vector(p1[0] + expand - bevx, p0[1] - expand)
        chunk_list.append([cur, Vector(), Vector()])
        prev = cur

        cur = Vector(p1[0] + expand, p0[1] - expand + bevy)
        cp1, cp2 = quadratic_to_cubic(cur, Vector(p1[0] + expand, p0[1] - expand), prev)
        chunk_list[-1][2] = cp2 - prev
        chunk_list.append([cur, cur - cp1, Vector()])
        prev = cur

        cur = Vector(p1[0] + expand, p1[1] + expand - bevy)
        chunk_list.append([cur, Vector(), Vector()])
        prev = cur

        cur = Vector(p1[0] + expand - bevx, p1[1] + expand)
        cp1, cp2 = quadratic_to_cubic(cur, Vector(p1[0] + expand, p1[1] + expand), prev)
        chunk_list[-1][2] = cp2 - prev
        chunk_list.append([cur, cur - cp1, Vector()])
        prev = cur

        cur = Vector(p0[0] - expand + bevx, p1[1] + expand)
        chunk_list.append([cur, Vector(), Vector()])
        prev = cur

        cur = Vector(p0[0] - expand, p1[1] + expand - bevy)
        cp1, cp2 = quadratic_to_cubic(cur, Vector(p0[0] - expand, p1[1] + expand), prev)
        chunk_list[-1][2] = cp2 - prev
        chunk_list.append([cur, cur - cp1, Vector()])
        prev = cur

        cur = Vector(p0[0] - expand, p0[1] - expand + bevy)
        chunk_list.append([cur, Vector(), Vector()])
        prev = cur

        cur = Vector(p0[0] - expand + bevx, p0[1] - expand)
        cp1, cp2 = quadratic_to_cubic(cur, Vector(p0[0] - expand, p0[1] - expand), prev)
        chunk_list[-1][2] = cp2 - prev
        chunk_list.append([cur, cur - cp1, Vector()])
        prev = cur

    add(chunk_list, st_val, [0, 0], True)