    def _downloadAndUnpackScriptZips(self):
        Downloads/copies the script ZIPs into TESTBOX_SCRIPT and unzips them to
        the same directory.

        Raises no exceptions, returns log + success indicator instead.
        sPathScript = self._oTestBoxScript.getPathScripts();
        asArchives = self._sScriptZips.split(',');
        for sArchive in asArchives:
            sArchive = sArchive.strip();
            if not sArchive:

            # Figure the destination name (in scripts).
            sDstFile = webutils.getFilename(sArchive);
            if   len(sDstFile) < 1 \
              or re.search('[^a-zA-Z0-9 !#$%&\'()@^_`{}~.-]', sDstFile) is not None: # FAT charset sans 128-255 + '.'.
                self._log('Malformed script zip filename: %s' % (sArchive,));
                return False;
            sDstFile = os.path.join(sPathScript, sDstFile);

            # Do the work.
            if webutils.downloadFile(sArchive, sDstFile, self._oTestBoxScript.getPathBuilds(), self._log, self._log) is not True:
                return False;
            asFiles = utils.unpackFile(sDstFile, sPathScript, self._log, self._log);
            if asFiles is None:
                return False;

            # Since zip files doesn't always include mode masks, set the X bit
            # of all of them so we can execute binaries and hash-bang scripts.
            for sFile in asFiles:

        return True;
    def _downloadAndUnpackScriptZips(self):
        Downloads/copies the script ZIPs into TESTBOX_SCRIPT and unzips them to
        the same directory.

        Raises no exceptions, returns log + success indicator instead.
        sPathScript = self._oTestBoxScript.getPathScripts();
        asArchives = self._sScriptZips.split(',');
        for sArchive in asArchives:
            sArchive = sArchive.strip();
            if not sArchive:

            # Figure the destination name (in scripts).
            sDstFile = webutils.getFilename(sArchive);
            if   len(sDstFile) < 1 \
              or re.search('[^a-zA-Z0-9 !#$%&\'()@^_`{}~.-]', sDstFile) is not None: # FAT charset sans 128-255 + '.'.
                self._log('Malformed script zip filename: %s' % (sArchive,));
                return False;
            sDstFile = os.path.join(sPathScript, sDstFile);

            # Do the work.
            if webutils.downloadFile(sArchive, sDstFile, self._oTestBoxScript.getPathBuilds(), self._log, self._log) is not True:
                return False;
            asFiles = utils.unpackFile(sDstFile, sPathScript, self._log, self._log);
            if asFiles is None:
                return False;

            # Since zip files doesn't always include mode masks, set the X bit
            # of all of them so we can execute binaries and hash-bang scripts.
            for sFile in asFiles:

        return True;
 def _anchorAndAppendBinaries(self, sBinaries, aoRows):
     """ Formats each binary (if any) into a row with a download link. """
     if sBinaries is not None:
         for sBinary in sBinaries.split(','):
             if not webutils.hasSchema(sBinary):
                 sBinary = config.g_ksBuildBinUrlPrefix + sBinary;
             aoRows.append([WuiLinkBase(webutils.getFilename(sBinary), sBinary, fBracketed = False),]);
     return aoRows;
 def _anchorAndAppendBinaries(self, sBinaries, aoRows):
     """ Formats each binary (if any) into a row with a download link. """
     if sBinaries is not None:
         for sBinary in sBinaries.split(','):
             if not webutils.hasSchema(sBinary):
                 sBinary = config.g_ksBuildBinUrlPrefix + sBinary;
             aoRows.append([WuiLinkBase(webutils.getFilename(sBinary), sBinary, fBracketed = False),]);
     return aoRows;
    def completeOptions(self):
        # Check that we've got what we need.
        if len(self._asBuildUrls) == 0:
            reporter.error('No build files specfiied ("--vbox-build file1[,file2[...]]")');
            return False;
        if len(self._asSubDriver) == 0:
            reporter.error('No sub testdriver specified. (" -- test/stuff/tdStuff1.py args")');
            return False;

        # Construct _asBuildFiles as an array parallel to _asBuildUrls.
        for sUrl in self._asBuildUrls:
            sDstFile = os.path.join(self.sScratchPath, webutils.getFilename(sUrl));

        return TestDriverBase.completeOptions(self);
    def completeOptions(self):
        # Check that we've got what we need.
        if not self._asBuildUrls:
            reporter.error('No build files specfiied ("--vbox-build file1[,file2[...]]")');
            return False;
        if not self._asSubDriver:
            reporter.error('No sub testdriver specified. (" -- test/stuff/tdStuff1.py args")');
            return False;

        # Construct _asBuildFiles as an array parallel to _asBuildUrls.
        for sUrl in self._asBuildUrls:
            sDstFile = os.path.join(self.sScratchPath, webutils.getFilename(sUrl));

        return TestDriverBase.completeOptions(self);