    def __init__(self, state, actions):
        # определить, сколько кораблей построить
        self.num_ships(state, actions)

        # позиции верфей, для которых мы еще можем принять решение
        yards = [state.my_yards[yard] for yard in actions.yards]
        self.spawn_pos = np.array(yards, dtype=int)

        # сортировать позиции верфей по предпочтению для спауна - спаун
        # где мало наших кораблей не предпочтителен
        inds = np.ix_(state.my_ship_pos, self.spawn_pos)
        traffic = np.sum(state.dist[inds] <= 3, axis=0, initial=0)
        not_working = ~np.in1d(self.spawn_pos, working_yards(state))
        score = traffic + 10 * not_working.astype(int)
        self.spawn_pos = self.spawn_pos[score.argsort()]
    def __init__(self, state, actions):
        # determine how many ships to build
        self.num_ships(state, actions)

        # positions of yards for which we can still decide actions
        yards = [state.my_yards[yard] for yard in actions.yards]
        self.spawn_pos = np.array(yards, dtype=int)

        # sort yard positions by preference for spawning - spawn
        # where there are less of our own ships in the area
        # but strongly prefer not to spawn at abandoned yards
        inds = np.ix_(state.my_ship_pos, self.spawn_pos)
        traffic = np.sum(state.dist[inds] <= 3, axis=0, initial=0)
        not_working = ~np.in1d(self.spawn_pos, working_yards(state))
        score = traffic + 10 * not_working.astype(int)
        self.spawn_pos = self.spawn_pos[score.argsort()]
def matrices(state, actions, targets):
    dims = (len(actions.ships), state.map_size**2)
    threat_matrix = np.full(dims, False, dtype=bool)
    threat_scores = np.zeros(dims)
    cost_matrix = np.zeros(dims)

    # store true (l1) distances to destinations for each ship
    dists_to_dest = np.zeros(len(actions.ships))
    for index in range(len(actions.ships)):
        ship = actions.ships[index]
        pos, hal = state.my_ships[ship]
        dest = targets.destinations[ship]
        dists_to_dest[index] = state.dist[pos, dest]

    # construct cost_matrix and threat_matrix
    for index in range(len(actions.ships)):
        ship = actions.ships[index]
        pos, hal = state.my_ships[ship]
        dest = targets.destinations[ship]

        # find those ships that have less halite than we do
        # add 1 to hal if we want to have a strict halite comparison
        # since x < hal becomes x <= hal for integer values...
        strict = (pos not in state.my_yard_pos)
        ships = state.opp_ship_pos[state.opp_ship_hal < (hal + strict)]
        ship_dist = np.amin(state.dist[ships, :],

        # threatened sites are opponent shipyard and sites where ships with
        # less cargo can be in one step
        threat_matrix[index, state.opp_yard_pos] = True
        threat_matrix[index, (ship_dist <= 1)] = True
        threat_matrix[index, working_yards(state)] = False

        weak_ships = state.opp_ship_pos[state.opp_ship_hal < hal]
        weak_ship_hood = state.dist[weak_ships, :] <= 1
        threat_scores[index, :] += np.sum(weak_ship_hood, axis=0, initial=0)
        threat_scores[index, state.opp_yard_pos] = 2

        # penalize legal moves by ranking from targets
        cost_matrix[index, targets.moves[ship]] = -10 * np.arange(5)

        # try not to pick up unnecessary cargo that makes ships vulnerable
        # so add an additional penalty to the current position
        no_cargo = (dest not in state.my_yard_pos)
        no_cargo = no_cargo and (state.halite_map[pos] > 0)
        no_cargo = no_cargo and (pos != dest)
        cost_matrix[index, pos] -= (100 if no_cargo else 0)

        # penalize going to unsafe squares
        cost_matrix[index, threat_matrix[index, :]] -= 1000

        # give higher priority to ships with higher cargo, but highest
        # priority to ships with no cargo at all
        if hal == 0:
            multiplier = 3
            rank = np.sum(hal > state.my_ship_hal)
            multiplier = 1 + rank / state.my_ship_hal.size

        # break ties by distance to destination
        dist = dists_to_dest[index]
        rank = np.sum(dist < dists_to_dest)
        multiplier += (rank / dists_to_dest.size) / 10

        cost_matrix[index, :] = multiplier * cost_matrix[index, :]

        # penalize illegal moves with infinity
        cost_matrix[index, (state.dist[pos, :] > 1)] = -np.inf

    return cost_matrix, threat_matrix, threat_scores
    def __init__(self, state, actions, bounties, spawns):
        self.num_ships = len(actions.ships)

        # если кораблей нет, делать нечего
        if self.num_ships == 0:

        # защищаем те верфи, которые работают, и в этом ходу у них не будет спауна
        likely_spawns = spawns.spawn_pos[0:spawns.ships_possible]
        yards = np.setdiff1d(working_yards(state), likely_spawns)

        # расстояние от ближайшего корабля противника до каждой верфи
        inds = np.ix_(state.opp_ship_pos, yards)
        opp_ship_dist = np.amin(state.dist[inds],

        # расстояние ближайшего дружественного корабля к каждой верфи
        inds = np.ix_(state.my_ship_pos, yards)
        my_ship_dist = np.amin(state.dist[inds],

        # если корабли противника начинают приближаться к верфи по сравнению
        # к своим, возвращаемся, чтобы защитить их
        inds = opp_ship_dist <= (2 + my_ship_dist)
        self.protected = yards[inds]
        self.protection_radius = opp_ship_dist[inds]

        # настраиваем возможные ходы для каждого корабля и вычисляем
        # расстояния на правильно взвешенном графике
        self.geometry(state, actions)

        # оптимальное назначение присвоит каждому месту только один корабль
        # но мы хотим, чтобы на каждую верфь вернулось более одного корабля, поэтому
        # мы добавляем дубликаты верфей к наградам, чтобы это стало возможным
        duplicates = np.tile(state.my_yard_pos, self.num_ships - 1)
        ind_to_site = np.append(duplicates, state.sites)

        # рассчитываем стоимость посещения места для каждого корабля
        cost_matrix = np.vstack(
            [self.rewards(ship, state, bounties) for ship in actions.ships])

        # найти оптимальное назначение кораблей по направлениям
        # оптимальное назначение присваивает ship_inds [i] site_inds [i]
        ship_inds, site_inds = assignment(cost_matrix, maximize=True)

        # проходим решение задачи оптимального назначения и
        # упорядочиваем ходы по предпочтениям
        self.destinations = {}
        self.values = {}

        for ship_ind, site_ind in zip(ship_inds, site_inds):
            # сохранить пункт назначения и стоимость корабля
            ship = actions.ships[ship_ind]
            self.destinations[ship] = ind_to_site[site_ind]
            self.values[ship] = cost_matrix[ship_ind, site_ind]

            # sort перемещается по тому, насколько он уменьшает расстояние
            # в назначенный пункт назначения
            dest_dists = self.move_dists[ship][:, self.destinations[ship]]
            self.moves[ship] = self.moves[ship][dest_dists.argsort()]

    def __init__(self, state, actions, bounties, spawns):
        self.num_ships = len(actions.ships)

        # if there are no ships, there is nothing to do
        if self.num_ships == 0:

        # protect those yards that are working and won't have a spawn this turn
        likely_spawns = spawns.spawn_pos[0:spawns.ships_possible]
        yards = np.setdiff1d(working_yards(state), likely_spawns)

        # distance of closest opponent ship to each yard
        inds = np.ix_(state.opp_ship_pos, yards)
        opp_ship_dist = np.amin(state.dist[inds],

        # distance of closest friendly ship to each yard
        inds = np.ix_(state.my_ship_pos, yards)
        my_ship_dist = np.amin(state.dist[inds],

        # if opponent ships start getting too close to a yard compared
        # to our own, start heading back to protect them
        inds = opp_ship_dist <= (2 + my_ship_dist)
        self.protected = yards[inds]
        self.protection_radius = opp_ship_dist[inds]

        # set up candidate moves for each ship and compute
        # distances on an appropriately weighted graph
        self.geometry(state, actions)

        # the optimal assignment will assign only one ship to each site
        # but we want more than one ship to go back to each yard so
        # we add duplicates of the yards to the rewards to make this possible
        duplicates = np.tile(state.my_yard_pos, self.num_ships - 1)
        ind_to_site = np.append(duplicates, state.sites)

        # calculate the value of going to a site for each ship
        cost_matrix = np.vstack(
            [self.rewards(ship, state, bounties) for ship in actions.ships])

        # find the optimal assignment of ships to destinations
        # the optimal assignment assigns ship_inds[i] to site_inds[i]
        ship_inds, site_inds = assignment(cost_matrix, maximize=True)

        # go through the solution of the optimal assignment problem and
        # order the moves by preference
        self.destinations = {}
        self.values = {}

        for ship_ind, site_ind in zip(ship_inds, site_inds):
            # store destination and value of the ship
            ship = actions.ships[ship_ind]
            self.destinations[ship] = ind_to_site[site_ind]
            self.values[ship] = cost_matrix[ship_ind, site_ind]

            # sort moves by how much they decrease the distance
            # to the assigned destination
            dest_dists = self.move_dists[ship][:, self.destinations[ship]]
            self.moves[ship] = self.moves[ship][dest_dists.argsort()]

def matrices(state, actions, targets):
    dims = (len(actions.ships), state.map_size**2)
    threat_matrix = np.full(dims, False, dtype=bool)
    threat_scores = np.zeros(dims)
    cost_matrix = np.zeros(dims)

    # сохраняем истинное (l1) расстояние до пунктов назначения для каждого корабля
    dists_to_dest = np.zeros(len(actions.ships))
    for index in range(len(actions.ships)):
        ship = actions.ships[index]
        pos, hal = state.my_ships[ship]
        dest = targets.destinations[ship]
        dists_to_dest[index] = state.dist[pos, dest]

    # построить cost_matrix и threat_matrix
    for index in range(len(actions.ships)):
        ship = actions.ships[index]
        pos, hal = state.my_ships[ship]
        dest = targets.destinations[ship]

        # найти те корабли, у которых меньше галита, чем у нас
        # добавляем 1 к hal, если мы хотим иметь строгое сравнение галита
        # поскольку x <hal становится x <= hal для целочисленных значений ...
        strict = (pos not in state.my_yard_pos)
        ships = state.opp_ship_pos[state.opp_ship_hal < (hal + strict)]
        ship_dist = np.amin(state.dist[ships, :],

        # угрожаемые места - это верфь противника и площадки, где корабли
        # За один шаг могут перевезти меньше груза
        threat_matrix[index, state.opp_yard_pos] = True
        threat_matrix[index, (ship_dist <= 1)] = True
        threat_matrix[index, working_yards(state)] = False

        weak_ships = state.opp_ship_pos[state.opp_ship_hal < hal]
        weak_ship_hood = state.dist[weak_ships, :] <= 1
        threat_scores[index, :] += np.sum(weak_ship_hood, axis=0, initial=0)
        threat_scores[index, state.opp_yard_pos] = 2

        # наказываем правильные ходы, ранжируя цели
        cost_matrix[index, targets.moves[ship]] = -10 * np.arange(5)

        # стараемся не собирать ненужный груз, который делает корабли уязвимыми
        # поэтому добавляем дополнительный штраф к текущей позиции
        no_cargo = (dest not in state.my_yard_pos)
        no_cargo = no_cargo and (state.halite_map[pos] > 0)
        no_cargo = no_cargo and (pos != dest)
        cost_matrix[index, pos] -= (100 if no_cargo else 0)

        # штрафуем за посещение небезопасных площадей
        cost_matrix[index, threat_matrix[index, :]] -= 1000

        # отдавать более высокий приоритет судам с большим грузом, но с наибольшим
        # приоритет для судов без груза
        if hal == 0:
            multiplier = 3
            rank = np.sum(hal > state.my_ship_hal)
            multiplier = 1 + rank / state.my_ship_hal.size

        # разорвать связи по расстоянию до пункта назначения
        dist = dists_to_dest[index]
        rank = np.sum(dist < dists_to_dest)
        multiplier += (rank / dists_to_dest.size) / 10

        cost_matrix[index, :] = multiplier * cost_matrix[index, :]

        # наказывать неправильные ходы бесконечностью
        cost_matrix[index, (state.dist[pos, :] > 1)] = -np.inf

    return cost_matrix, threat_matrix, threat_scores