	def POST(self):
		#recieve friend and warrior name to be paired from request	
		form = web.input(friend = 'friend',   warrior = 'warrior', 
						 pb     = 'pb',       notes = 'notes')
		# remove the friend and warrior from respective 
		# queues as they have been paired
		cv.remove_from_queue("Friend-Q", form.friend)
		cv.remove_from_queue("Warrior-Q", form.warrior)

		# add the paired friend and warrior to the paired spreadsheet
		# as well as who paired them
		chosen_pair = [form.warrior, form.friend]
		cv.add_pair(chosen_pair, form.pb, form.notes)

		# retrieve contact information for the friend and 
		# warrior to display to pairing committee member
		friendContact = cv.get_friend_info(form.friend, 'contact')
		warriorContact = cv.get_warrior_info(form.warrior, 'contact')

		#dont need to display updated, plus this saves time
		#retrieve queues to display updated versions.
		#friendq  = cv.names_no_null("Friend-Q", 1)
		#warriorq = cv.names_no_null("Warrior-Q", 1)
		friendq  = ["None"]
		warriorq = ["None"]

		# create a single object to pass to /display webpage and render /display
		this = [chosen_pair, friendq, warriorq, friendContact, warriorContact]

		return render.display(this)
		"""all_lists should be of the form
	def POST(self):
		# retrieve data from request
		# form.netid - friend's netid to remove from queue
		form = web.input(netid = "netid")

		# find the corresponding columns within the sheet Friend-List
		sheet = cv.open_sheet('Friend-List')
		name_col  = cv.search_row(sheet, 1, 'name')
		netid_col = cv.search_row(sheet, 1, 'netid')
		row_num = cv.search_column(sheet, netid_col, form.netid)
		#this wont work if we have more than 950 entries.
		#thats ALOOOOOOT of people on the queue
		if row_num < 950:
			# find the name of the user within the sheet
			name_values = sheet.col_values(name_col)
			name = name_values[row_num - 1]
			# remove the user from the queue
			cv.remove_from_queue("Friend-Q", name, 'rm all')
			choice = 2
			#cant find netid error message
			choice = 3		
		# render /remove
		return render.remove(option = choice)
	def POST(self):
		# retrieve data from request
		# form.netid - friend's netid to remove from queue
		form = web.input(netid = "netid")

		# find the corresponding columns within the sheet Friend-List
		sheet = cv.open_sheet('Friend-List')
		name_col  = cv.search_row(sheet, 1, 'name')
		netid_col = cv.search_row(sheet, 1, 'netid')
		row_num = cv.search_column(sheet, netid_col, form.netid)
		#this wont work if we have more than 950 entries.
		#thats ALOOOOOOT of people on the queue
		if row_num < 950:
			# find the name of the user within the sheet
			name_values = sheet.col_values(name_col)
			name = name_values[row_num - 1]
			# remove the user from the queue
			cv.remove_from_queue("Friend-Q", name, form.netid, 'rm all')
			choice = 2
			#cant find netid error message
			choice = 3		
		# render /remove
		return render.remove(option = choice)
	def POST(self):
		#recieve friend and warrior name to be paired from request	
		form = web.input(friend = 'friend',   warrior = 'warrior', 
						 pb     = 'pb',       notes = 'notes')

		sheet = cv.open_sheet("Friend-List")
		name = cv.id2name(sheet, form.friend)		

		# remove the friend and warrior from respective 
		# queues as they have been paired
		# doesnt use name for friend q currently, and hopefully futurely too
		cv.remove_from_queue("Friend-Q", name, form.friend)
		cv.remove_from_queue("Warrior-Q", form.warrior)

		# add the paired friend and warrior to the paired spreadsheet
		# as well as who paired them
		chosen_pair = [form.warrior, name]
		cv.add_pair(chosen_pair, form.pb, form.notes)

		# retrieve contact information for the friend and 
		# warrior to display to pairing committee member
		friendContact = cv.get_friend_info(name, 'contact')
		warriorContact = cv.get_warrior_info(form.warrior, 'contact')

		#dont need to display updated, plus this saves time
		#retrieve queues to display updated versions.
		#friendq  = cv.names_no_null("Friend-Q", 1)
		#warriorq = cv.names_no_null("Warrior-Q", 1)
		friendq  = ["None"]
		warriorq = ["None"]

		# create a single object to pass to /display webpage and render /display
		this = [chosen_pair, friendq, warriorq, friendContact, warriorContact]

		return render.display(this)
		"""all_lists should be of the form