 def watch(self, new_target):
     print("watching new target...")
     self.backlog_counter = 0
     self.target = new_target
     self.roots = OrderedSet()
     types = OrderedSet()
     for e in itertools.chain(all_exps(new_target), *[all_exps(h) for h in self.hints]):
         if isinstance(e, ELambda):
         for pool in ALL_POOLS:
             exp = e
             if pool == STATE_POOL:
                 exp = strip_EStateVar(e)
             fvs = free_vars(exp)
             if all(v in self.legal_free_vars for v in fvs) and self.is_legal_in_pool(exp, pool):
                 _on_exp(exp, "new root", pool_name(pool))
                 exp._root = True
                 self.roots.add((exp, pool))
                 if pool == STATE_POOL and all(v in self.state_vars for v in fvs):
                     self.roots.add((EStateVar(exp).with_type(exp.type), RUNTIME_POOL))
                 _on_exp(exp, "rejected root", pool_name(pool))
     for b in self.binders:
     for t in types:
         self.roots.add((construct_value(t), RUNTIME_POOL))
     self.roots = list(self.roots)
     self.roots.sort(key = lambda tup: tup[0].size())
     self._watches = group_by(
         k=lambda ctx: (ctx.pool, ctx.e.type),
         v=lambda ctxs: sorted(ctxs, key=lambda ctx: -ctx.e.size()))
文件: typecheck.py 项目: uwplse/cozy
    def visit_EListComprehension(self, e):
        collection_types = OrderedSet()
        with self.scope():
            for clause in e.clauses:
                if isinstance(clause, syntax.CPull) and clause.e.type is not DEFAULT_TYPE:

        if all(isinstance(t, syntax.TList) for t in collection_types):
            e.type = syntax.TList(e.e.type)
            e.type = syntax.TBag(e.e.type)
文件: impls.py 项目: sanidhya/cozy
    def cleanup(self):
        Remove unused state, queries, and updates.

        # sort of like mark-and-sweep
        queries_to_keep = OrderedSet(q.name for q in self.query_specs
                                     if q.visibility == Visibility.Public)
        state_vars_to_keep = OrderedSet()
        changed = True
        while changed:
            changed = False
            for qname in list(queries_to_keep):
                if qname in self.query_impls:
                    for sv in free_vars(self.query_impls[qname]):
                        if sv not in state_vars_to_keep:
                            changed = True
                    for e in all_exps(self.query_impls[qname].ret):
                        if isinstance(e, ECall):
                            if e.func not in queries_to_keep:
                                changed = True
            for op in self.op_specs:
                for ((ht, op_name), code) in self.handle_updates.items():
                    if op.name == op_name:
                        for qname in _queries_used_by(code):
                            if qname not in queries_to_keep:
                                changed = True

                for sv in state_vars_to_keep:
                    for qname in _queries_used_by(self.updates[(sv, op.name)]):
                        if qname not in queries_to_keep:
                            changed = True

        # remove old specs
        for q in list(self.query_specs):
            if q.name not in queries_to_keep:

        # remove old implementations
        for qname in list(self.query_impls.keys()):
            if qname not in queries_to_keep:
                del self.query_impls[qname]

        # remove old state vars
        self.concrete_state = [
            v for v in self.concrete_state
            if any(v[0] in free_vars(q) for q in self.query_impls.values())

        # remove old method implementations
        for k in list(self.updates.keys()):
            v, op_name = k
            if v not in [var for (var, exp) in self.concrete_state]:
                del self.updates[k]
def max_storage_size(e, freebies: [Exp] = []):
    sizes = OrderedSet()
    for x in all_exps(e):
        if isinstance(x, EStateVar):
            sizes.add(storage_size(x.e, freebies))
    return max_of(*sizes, type=INT)
class Learner(object):
    def __init__(self, target, assumptions, binders, state_vars, args, legal_free_vars, examples, cost_model, builder, stop_callback, hints, solver):
        self.binders = OrderedSet(binders)
        self.state_vars = OrderedSet(state_vars)
        self.args = OrderedSet(args)
        self.legal_free_vars = legal_free_vars
        self.stop_callback = stop_callback
        self.cost_model = cost_model
        self.builder = builder
        self.seen = SeenSet()
        self.assumptions = assumptions
        self.hints = list(hints)
        self.solver = solver

    def compare_costs(self, c1, c2):
        solver = self.solver
        if solver is not None:
            return c1.compare_to(c2, solver=solver)
            return c1.compare_to(c2, assumptions=self.assumptions)

    def reset(self, examples):
        self.cache = Cache(binders=self.binders, args=self.args)
        self.current_size = -1
        self.examples = list(examples)
        self.all_examples = instantiate_examples(self.examples, self.binders)
        self.builder_iter = ()
        self.last_progress = 0
        self.backlog = None
        self.backlog_counter = 0

    def _check_seen_wf(self):
        if enforce_seen_wf.value:
            for (e, pool, fp, size, cost) in self.seen.items():
                fpnow = self._fingerprint(e)
                if fp != fpnow:
                    print("#" * 40)
                    assert False

    def is_legal_in_pool(self, e, pool):
            return exp_wf(e, state_vars=self.state_vars, args=self.args, pool=pool, assumptions=self.assumptions)
        except ExpIsNotWf as exc:
            return False

    def watch(self, new_target):
        print("watching new target...")
        self.backlog_counter = 0
        self.target = new_target
        self.roots = OrderedSet()
        types = OrderedSet()
        for e in itertools.chain(all_exps(new_target), *[all_exps(h) for h in self.hints]):
            if isinstance(e, ELambda):
            for pool in ALL_POOLS:
                exp = e
                if pool == STATE_POOL:
                    exp = strip_EStateVar(e)
                fvs = free_vars(exp)
                if all(v in self.legal_free_vars for v in fvs) and self.is_legal_in_pool(exp, pool):
                    _on_exp(exp, "new root", pool_name(pool))
                    exp._root = True
                    self.roots.add((exp, pool))
                    if pool == STATE_POOL and all(v in self.state_vars for v in fvs):
                        self.roots.add((EStateVar(exp).with_type(exp.type), RUNTIME_POOL))
                    _on_exp(exp, "rejected root", pool_name(pool))
        for b in self.binders:
        for t in types:
            self.roots.add((construct_value(t), RUNTIME_POOL))
        self.roots = list(self.roots)
        self.roots.sort(key = lambda tup: tup[0].size())
        self._watches = group_by(
            k=lambda ctx: (ctx.pool, ctx.e.type),
            v=lambda ctxs: sorted(ctxs, key=lambda ctx: -ctx.e.size()))

    def _fingerprint(self, e):
        self.fpcount += 1
        # bs = tuple(sorted(free_vars(e) & self.binders))
        bs = (len(free_vars(e) & self.binders),)
        return fingerprint(e, self.all_examples) + bs

    def _watched_contexts(self, pool, type):
        return self._watches.get((pool, type), ())
        # return sorted(list(enumerate_fragments2(self.target)), key=lambda ctx: -ctx.e.size())

    def _possible_replacements(self, e, pool, cost):
        Yields watched expressions that appear as worse versions of the given
        expression. There may be more than one.
        # return
        free_binders = OrderedSet(v for v in free_vars(e) if v in self.binders)
        for ctx in self._watched_contexts(pool, e.type):
            watched_e = ctx.e
            p = ctx.pool
            r = ctx.replace_e_with

            assert e.type == watched_e.type
            assert p == pool
            _on_exp(e, "considering replacement of", watched_e)
            # if e.type != watched_e.type:
            #     # _on_exp(e, "wrong type")
            #     continue
            # if p != pool:
            #     # _on_exp(e, "wrong pool")
            #     continue
            if e == watched_e:
                # _on_exp(e, "no change")
            unbound_binders = [b for b in free_binders if b not in ctx.bound_vars]
            if unbound_binders:
                _on_exp(e, "skipped exp with free binders", ", ".join(b.id for b in unbound_binders))
            if CHECK_SUBST_COST:
                watched_cost = self.cost_model.cost(watched_e, pool=pool)
                ordering = self.compare_costs(cost, watched_cost)
                if ordering == Cost.WORSE:
                    _on_exp(e, "skipped worse replacement", pool_name(pool), watched_e)
                if ordering == Cost.UNORDERED:
                    _on_exp(e, "skipped equivalent replacement", pool_name(pool), watched_e)
                    # print("    e1 = {!r}".format(e))
                    # print("    e2 = {!r}".format(watched_e))
            # assert all(eval_bulk(self.assumptions, self.all_examples))
            if all(eval_bulk(EEq(self.target, r(e)), self.all_examples)):
                yield (watched_e, e, ctx.facts, r)
                _on_exp(e, "visited pointless replacement", watched_e)

    def pre_optimize(self, e, pool):
        Optimize `e` by replacing its subexpressions with the best cached
        versions available (or leaving them untouched if they are new).
        if not hasattr(e, "_accel"):
            return e
        top_level = e
        class V(BottomUpRewriter):
            def visit_EStateVar(_, e):
                return EStateVar(self.pre_optimize(e.e, STATE_POOL)).with_type(e.type)
            def visit_ELambda(_, e):
                if e.arg not in self.binders and e.arg in free_vars(e.body):
                    # Derp!  Someone made an expression that uses an illegal
                    # binder.  There is no way to compute a fingerprint for the
                    # body, unfortunately, so we just stop here.
                    return e
                return ELambda(e.arg, super().visit_ADT(e.body)) # optimize children
            def visit_Exp(_, e): # do not shadow `self`
                if e is top_level:
                    return super().visit_ADT(e) # optimize children
                fp = self._fingerprint(e)
                prev = self.seen.find_one(pool, fp)
                if prev is None:
                    return super().visit_ADT(e) # optimize children
                prev_exp, prev_size, prev_cost = prev
                if prev_exp == e:
                    return prev_exp
                cost = self.cost_model.cost(e, pool)
                ordering = self.compare_costs(cost, prev_cost)
                if ordering == Cost.BETTER:
                    return super().visit_ADT(e) # optimize children
                    # NOTE: no need to optimize children; if it is cached, then
                    # it is presumably already the best possible.
                    # if not alpha_equivalent(e, prev_exp):
                    #     print("*** rewriting {} to {}".format(pprint(e), pprint(prev_exp)), file=sys.stderr)
                    return prev_exp
        res = None
            res = V().visit(e)
            assert exp_wf(res, state_vars=self.state_vars, args=self.args, pool=pool, assumptions=self.assumptions)
            if hasattr(e, "_tag"):
                res._tag = e._tag
            return res
            print("FAILED TO PREOPTIMIZE {} ---> {}".format(pprint(e), pprint(res)))
            return e

    def _start_minor_it(self):
        now = datetime.datetime.now()
        if hasattr(self, "mstart"):
            duration = now - self.mstart
            print("> minor duration:   {}".format(duration))
            print("> next() calls:     {}".format(self.ncount))
            print("> total exps:       {}".format(self.ecount))
            print("> exps/s:           {}".format(self.ecount / duration.total_seconds()))
            print("> cost comparisons: {}".format(self.ccount))
            print("> fingerprints:     {}".format(self.fpcount))
        if self.current_size >= 0:
            print("minor iteration {}, |cache|={}".format(self.current_size, len(self.cache)))
        self.mstart = now
        self.ecount = 0
        self.ccount = 0
        self.fpcount = 0
        self.ncount = 0

    def _on_exp(self, e, pool):
        # print("next() <<< {p:10} {e}".format(e=pprint(e), p=pool_name(pool)))
        self.ecount += 1

    def _on_cost_cmp(self):
        self.ccount += 1

    def next(self):
        target_cost = self.cost_model.cost(self.target, RUNTIME_POOL)
        self.ncount += 1
        while True:
            if self.backlog is not None:
                if self.stop_callback():
                    raise StopException()
                (e, pool, cost) = self.backlog
                improvements = list(self._possible_replacements(e, pool, cost))
                if self.backlog_counter < len(improvements):
                    i = improvements[self.backlog_counter]
                    self.backlog_counter += 1
                    return i
                    self.backlog = None
                    self.backlog_counter = 0
            for (e, pool) in self.builder_iter:
                self._on_exp(e, pool)
                if self.stop_callback():
                    raise StopException()

                # # Stopgap measure... long story --Calvin
                # bad = False
                # for x in all_exps(e):
                #     if isinstance(x, EStateVar):
                #         if any(v not in self.state_vars for v in free_vars(x.e)):
                #             bad = True
                #             _on_exp(e, "skipping due to illegal free vars under EStateVar")
                # if bad:
                #     continue

                new_e = self.pre_optimize(e, pool) if preopt.value else e
                if new_e is not e:
                    _on_exp(e, "preoptimized", new_e)
                    e = new_e

                cost = self.cost_model.cost(e, pool)

                if pool == RUNTIME_POOL and (self.cost_model.is_monotonic() or hyperaggressive_culling.value) and self.compare_costs(cost, target_cost) == Cost.WORSE:
                    _on_exp(e, "too expensive", cost, target_cost)

                fp = self._fingerprint(e)
                prev = list(self.seen.find_all(pool, fp))
                should_add = True
                if not prev:
                    _on_exp(e, "new", pool_name(pool))
                elif any(alpha_equivalent(e, ee) for (ee, _, _) in prev):
                    _on_exp(e, "duplicate")
                    should_add = False
                    better_than = None
                    worse_than = None
                    for prev_exp, prev_size, prev_cost in prev:
                        ordering = self.compare_costs(cost, prev_cost)
                        assert ordering in (Cost.WORSE, Cost.BETTER, Cost.UNORDERED)
                        if enforce_strong_progress.value and ordering != Cost.WORSE:
                            bad = find_one(all_exps(e), lambda ee: alpha_equivalent(ee, prev_exp))
                            if bad:
                                _on_exp(e, "failed strong progress requirement", bad)
                                should_add = False
                        _on_exp(e, ordering, pool_name(pool), prev_exp)
                        if ordering == Cost.UNORDERED:
                        elif ordering == Cost.BETTER:
                            better_than = (prev_exp, prev_size, prev_cost)
                            _on_exp(prev_exp, "found better alternative", e)
                            self.cache.evict(prev_exp, size=prev_size, pool=pool)
                            self.seen.remove(prev_exp, pool, fp)
                            if (self.cost_model.is_monotonic() or hyperaggressive_culling.value) and hyperaggressive_eviction.value:
                                for (cached_e, size, p) in list(self.cache):
                                    if p != pool:
                                    if prev_exp in all_exps(cached_e):
                                        _on_exp(cached_e, "evicted since it contains", prev_exp)
                                        self.cache.evict(cached_e, size=size, pool=pool)
                            should_add = False
                            worse_than = (prev_exp, prev_size, prev_cost)
                            # break
                    if worse_than and better_than:
                        print("Uh-oh! Strange cost relationship between")
                        print("  (1) this exp: {}".format(pprint(e)))
                        print("  (2) prev. A:  {}".format(pprint(worse_than[0])))
                        print("  (2) prev. B:  {}".format(pprint(better_than[0])))
                        print("e1 = {}".format(repr(e)))
                        print("e2 = {}".format(repr(worse_than[0])))
                        print("e3 = {}".format(repr(better_than[0])))
                        print("(1) vs (2): {}".format(cost.compare_to(worse_than[2], self.assumptions)))
                        print("(2) vs (3): {}".format(worse_than[2].compare_to(better_than[2], self.assumptions)))
                        print("(3) vs (1): {}".format(better_than[2].compare_to(cost, self.assumptions)))
                        # raise Exception("insane cost model behavior")

                if should_add:
                    self.cache.add(e, pool=pool, size=self.current_size)
                    self.seen.add(e, pool, fp, self.current_size, cost)
                    self.last_progress = self.current_size

                for pr in self._possible_replacements(e, pool, cost):
                    self.backlog = (e, pool, cost)
                    self.backlog_counter = 1
                    return pr

            if self.last_progress < (self.current_size+1) // 2:
                raise NoMoreImprovements("hit termination condition")

            self.current_size += 1
            self.builder_iter = self.builder.build(self.cache, self.current_size)
            if self.current_size == 0:
                self.builder_iter = itertools.chain(self.builder_iter, list(self.roots))
            for f, ct in sorted(_fates.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True):
                print("  {:6} | {}".format(ct, f))