def main(opts): """ Indefinitely cycles through the queries provided to the program, and extracts the new apartment information. """ # The query URL now comes from the file. I rarely need to change it, and # didn't want to have to chase it down if it somehow left my bash history. query = conf.CRAIGS_URL queue = LookupQueue(opts.memory) while True: listings = craigslist.fetch_with_pages_back(query, pages=opts.pages) new_listings = [l for l in listings if queue.push(l)] # # If you just want to print out the relevant posts... # for listing in new_listings: # print Template(opts.format).safe_substitute(listing) # Attempt to send an email containing the new posts if len(new_listings) > 0: msg = get_msg(new_listings, query) print msg try: send_email(conf.SENDER, conf.RECIPIENTS.split(';'), msg) except: print "Could not send email: ", sys.exc_info()[0] process_new(new_listings) time.sleep(opts.sleep)
def main(query, opts): """ Indefinitely cycles through the queries provided to the program, and extracts the new apartment information. """ queue = LookupQueue(opts.memory) while True: listings = craigslist.fetch_with_pages_back(query, pages=opts.pages) new_listings = [l for l in listings if queue.push(l['link'])] for listing in new_listings: print Template(opts.format).safe_substitute(listing) process_new(new_listings) time.sleep(opts.sleep)