def read_dir(froot,gosling='./gosling',read_cubes=False):
  """ Reads a CRYSTAL + QWalk directory's data into a dictionary.
  Current dictionary keys:
    fmixing, kdens, excited_energy_err, ordering, total_energy_err, 
    excited_energy, ts, tole, total_energy, se_height, tolinteg, 
    supercell, mixing, kpoint, spinlock, dft_energy, a, c, broyden, 
    dft_moments, 1rdm, access_root, average, covariance

  # This first section should be edited to reflect naming conventions!
  dftfile   = froot+'.d12'
  dftoutf   = froot+'.d12.out'
  # Start by taking only the real k-points, since I'm sure these are on solid
  # ground, and have enough sample points. TODO generalize
  realk1 = np.array([1,3,8,10,27,29,34,36]) - 1
  realk2 = np.array([1,4,17,20,93,96,109,112]) - 1
  oldrealk = np.array(['k0','k1','k2','k3','k4','k5','k6','k7'])

  bres = {} # Data that is common to all k-points.
  ress = {} # Dict of all k-point data in directory.

  bres['access_root'] = os.getcwd() + '/' + froot

  print("Working on",froot+"..." )
    with open(froot+'_metadata.json','r') as metaf:
      metad = json.load(metaf)
      if metad['magnetic ordering'] != None:
        bres['ordering'] = metad['magnetic ordering']
    except KeyError: pass
      if metad['pressure'] != None:
        bres['pressure'] = metad['pressure']
    except KeyError: pass
      if metad['pressure'] != None:
        bres['pressure'] = metad['pressure']
    except KeyError: pass
  except IOError:
    print("  Didn't find any metadata")
  print("  DFT params and results..." )
    dftdat = cio.read_cryinp(open(dftfile,'r'))
    bres['a'] = dftdat['latparms'][0]
    bres['c'] = dftdat['latparms'][1]
    bres['se_height'] = dftdat['apos'][dftdat['atypes'].index(234)][-1]
    for key in ['mixing','broyden','fmixing','tolinteg',
      bres[key] = dftdat[key]
    dftdat = cio.read_cryout(open(dftoutf,'r'))
    bres['dft_energy'] = dftdat['dft_energy']
    bres['dft_moments'] = dftdat['dft_moments']
  except IOError:
    print("There's no dft in this directory!")
    return {}

  # Determine k-point set and naming convention.
  if os.path.isfile(froot+'_'+str(oldrealk[0])+'.sys'):
    print("Using old-style kpoint notation.")
  elif os.path.isfile(froot+'_'+str(realk2[-1])+'.sys'):
    print("Using 6x6x6 kpoint notation.")
    print("Using 4x4x4 kpoint notation.")

  for rk in realk:
    kroot = froot + '_' + str(rk)

    print("  now DMC:",kroot+"..." )
      sysdat = qio.read_qfile(open(kroot+'.sys','r'))
      dmcinp = qio.read_qfile(open(kroot+'.dmc','r'))
      ress[rk] = bres.copy()
      ress[rk]['kpoint'] = sysdat['system']['kpoint']
      ress[rk]['ts'] = dmcinp['method']['timestep']
    except IOError:
      print("  (cannot find QMC input, skipping)")
    print("  energies..." )
      inpf = open(kroot+'.dmc.log','r')
      egydat = qio.read_qenergy(inpf,gosling)
      ress[rk]['dmc_energy']     =  egydat['egy']
      ress[rk]['dmc_energy_err'] =  egydat['err']
    except IOError:
      print("  (cannot find ground state energy log file)")

      inpf = open(kroot+'.ogp.log','r')
      ogpdat = qio.read_qenergy(inpf,gosling)
      ress[rk]['dmc_excited_energy']     =  ogpdat['egy']
      ress[rk]['dmc_excited_energy_err'] =  ogpdat['err']
    except IOError:
      print("  (cannot find excited state energy log file)")

    if read_cubes:
      print("  densities..." )
        inpf = open(kroot+'.dmc.up.cube','r')
        upcube = ct.read_cube(inpf)
        inpf = open(kroot+'.dmc.dn.cube','r')
        dncube = ct.read_cube(inpf)
        ress[rk]['updens'] = upcube
        ress[rk]['dndens'] = dncube
      except IOError:
        print("  (cannot find electron density)")
      except ValueError:
        print("  (electron density is corrupted)")

    print("  fluctuations..." )
      inpf = open(kroot+'.ppr.o','r')
      fludat, fluerr = qio.read_number_dens(inpf)
      if fludat is None:
        print("  (Error in number fluctuation output, skipping)")
        avg, var, cov, avge, vare, cove = qio.moments(fludat,fluerr)
        ress[rk]['average']    = avg
        ress[rk]['covariance'] = cov
    except IOError:
      print("  (cannot find number fluctuation)")

    print("  1-RDM..." )
      inpf = open(kroot+'.ordm.o')
      odmdat = qio.read_dm(inpf)
      if odmdat is None:
        print("  (Error in 1-RDM output, skipping)")
        ress[rk]['1rdm'] = odmdat
    except IOError:
      print("  (cannot find 1-RDM)")

    print("  done." )

  if ress == {}:
    ress['dft-only'] = bres
  return ress
import sys
import cryfiles_io as cryio

if len(sys.argv) < 2:
    print("Usage: gen_c2q_prop.py crystal_input [prop_outfile]")
    raise AssertionError

cryinp = cryio.read_cryinp(open(sys.argv[1], 'r'))
kdens = cryinp['kdens']

outlines = [
    "NEWK", "{} {}".format(kdens, 2 * kdens), "1 0", "CRYAPI_OUT", "END"

if len(sys.argv) == 3:
    with open(sys.argv[2], 'w') as outf:
def read_dir_autogen(froot,gosling='./gosling',read_cubes=False):
  """ Reads a CRYSTAL + QWalk directory's data into a dictionary, formats it
  like how autogen would do. NOTE: this is *not* intended to read an
  autogen-generated directory! This is for the purpose of joining an
  autogen-generated database with another set of DMC data.
  Current dictionary keys:
    fmixing, kdens, excited_energy_err, ordering, total_energy_err, excited_energy, ts, tole, total_energy, se_height, tolinteg, 
    supercell, mixing, kpoint, spinlock, dft_energy, a, c, broyden, 
    dft_moments, 1rdm, access_root, average, covariance

  # This first section should be edited to reflect naming conventions!
  dftfile   = froot+'.d12'
  dftoutf   = froot+'.d12.out'
  # Start by taking only the real k-points, since I'm sure these are on solid
  # ground, and have enough sample points. TODO generalize
  realk1 = list(map(str,np.array([1,3,8,10,27,29,34,36]) - 1))
  realk2 = list(map(str,np.array([1,4,17,20,93,96,109,112]) - 1))
  oldrealk = ['k0','k1','k2','k3','k4','k5','k6','k7']

  res  = {}
  res['dft'] = {}
  res['qmc'] = {}

  res['access_root'] = os.getcwd() + '/' + froot

  print("Working on",froot+"..." )
    with open(froot+'_metadata.json','r') as metaf:
      metad = json.load(metaf)
      if metad['magnetic ordering'] != None:
        res['ordering'] = metad['magnetic ordering']
    except KeyError: pass
      if metad['pressure'] != None:
        res['pressure'] = metad['pressure']
    except KeyError: pass
  except IOError:
    print("  Didn't find any metadata")
  print("  DFT params and results..." )
    dftdat = cio.read_cryinp(open(dftfile,'r'))
    res['a'] = dftdat['latparms'][-1]
    res['c'] = dftdat['latparms'][1]
    res['se_height'] = dftdat['apos'][dftdat['atypes'].index(234)][-1]
    res['supercell'] = dftdat['supercell']
    res['total_spin'] = dftdat['spinlock']
    #res['initial_spin'] = dftdat['atomspin']
    res['charge'] = 0
    res['cif'] = "None"
    res['control'] = {'id':froot}
    for key in ['mixing','broyden','fmixing','tolinteg',
      res['dft'][key] = dftdat[key]
    dftdat = cio.read_cryout(open(dftoutf,'r'))
    res['dft']['energy'] = dftdat['dft_energy']
    res['dft']['mag_moments'] = dftdat['dft_moments']
  except IOError:
    print("There's no dft in this directory!")
    return res

  # Determine k-point set and naming convention.
  if os.path.isfile(froot+'_'+str(oldrealk[0])+'.sys'):
    print("Using old-style kpoint notation.")
  elif os.path.isfile(froot+'_'+str(realk2[-1])+'.sys'):
    print("Using 6x6x6 kpoint notation.")
    print("Using 4x4x4 kpoint notation.")

  dmc_ret = []
  ppr_ret = []
  for rk in realk:
    entry = {}
    entry['knum'] = int(rk.replace("k",""))
    kroot = froot + '_' + str(rk)

    print("  now DMC:",kroot+"..." )
      sysdat = qio.read_qfile(open(kroot+'.sys','r'))
      dmcinp = qio.read_qfile(open(kroot+'.dmc','r'))
      entry['kpoint'] = sysdat['system']['kpoint']
      entry['timestep'] = dmcinp['method']['timestep']
      entry['localization'] = "None"
      entry['jastrow'] = "twobody"
      entry['optimizer'] = "variance"
      entry['excitations'] = "no"
    except IOError:
      print("  (cannot find QMC input, skipping)")
    print("  DMC results..." )
      os.system("{0} -json {1}.dmc.log > {1}.json".format(gosling,kroot))
      dmc_entry = deepcopy(entry)
      dmc_entry['results'] = json.load(open("{}.json".format(kroot)))
    except ValueError:
      print("  (cannot find ground state energy log file)")

    # I'm going to skip the optical gap information for now. Is this really
    # taken care of in autogen yet?
    #  inpf = open(kroot+'.ogp.log','r')
    #  ogpdat = qio.read_qenergy(inpf,gosling)
    #  ress[rk]['dmc_excited_energy']     =  ogpdat['egy']
    #  ress[rk]['dmc_excited_energy_err'] =  ogpdat['err']
    #except IOError:
    #  print("  (cannot find excited state energy log file)")

    # I'm going to skip this for now since this is too large for the database
    # generally.
    #if read_cubes:
    #  print("  densities..." )
    #  try:
    #    inpf = open(kroot+'.dmc.up.cube','r')
    #    upcube = ct.read_cube(inpf)
    #    inpf = open(kroot+'.dmc.dn.cube','r')
    #    dncube = ct.read_cube(inpf)
    #    ress[rk]['updens'] = upcube
    #    ress[rk]['dndens'] = dncube
    #  except IOError:
    #    print("  (cannot find electron density)")
    #  except ValueError:
    #    print("  (electron density is corrupted)")

    print("  Postprocessing results..." )
      inpf = open(kroot+'.ppr.o','r')
      fludat = rn.read_number_dens_likejson(inpf)
      if fludat is None:
        print("  (Error in number fluctuation output, skipping)")
        ppr_entry = deepcopy(entry)
        ppr_entry['results'] = {
                'fluctuation data': fludat} 
    except IOError:
      print("  (cannot find number fluctuation)")

    # Going to skip for now, since it's not working for my format_autogen yet.
    #print("  1-RDM..." )
    #  inpf = open(kroot+'.ordm.o')
    #  odmdat = qio.read_dm(inpf)
    #  if odmdat is None:
    #    print("  (Error in 1-RDM output, skipping)")
    #  else:
    #    ress[rk]['1rdm'] = odmdat
    #except IOError:
    #  print("  (cannot find 1-RDM)")

    print("  done." )

  if len(dmc_ret) > 0:
    res['qmc']['dmc'] = {}
    res['qmc']['dmc']['results'] = dmc_ret
    res['qmc']['dmc']['kpoint'] = sysdat['system']['kpoint']
    res['qmc']['dmc']['timestep'] = dmcinp['method']['timestep']
    res['qmc']['dmc']['localization'] = "None"
    res['qmc']['dmc']['jastrow'] = "twobody"
    res['qmc']['dmc']['optimizer'] = "variance"
    res['qmc']['dmc']['nblock'] = -1
    res['qmc']['dmc']['excitations'] = "no"
  if len(ppr_ret) > 0:
    res['qmc']['postprocess'] = {}
    res['qmc']['postprocess']['results'] = ppr_ret
    res['qmc']['postprocess']['kpoint'] = sysdat['system']['kpoint']
    res['qmc']['postprocess']['timestep'] = dmcinp['method']['timestep']
    res['qmc']['postprocess']['localization'] = "None"
    res['qmc']['postprocess']['jastrow'] = "twobody"
    res['qmc']['postprocess']['optimizer'] = "variance"
    res['qmc']['postprocess']['excitations'] = "no"
    res['qmc']['postprocess']['nblock'] = -1
  return res
job_record['qmc']['postprocess']['basis'] = "../atomic.basis"
job_record['qmc']['postprocess']['orb'] = "../atomic.orb"
job_record['qmc']['postprocess']['lowdin'] = True
if checking_this:
    results.append(jc.execute(job_record, element_list))
count += 1

checking_this = False

# Simple run copying basis.
name = idbase + "copy"
job_record = copy.deepcopy(default_job)
job_record['control']['id'] = name
job_record['dft']['basis'] = \
job_record['qmc']['postprocess']['obkdm'] = True
job_record['qmc']['postprocess']['density'] = True
job_record['qmc']['postprocess']['basis'] = "../atomic.basis"
job_record['qmc']['postprocess']['orb'] = "../atomic.orb"
if checking_this:
    results.append(jc.execute(job_record, element_list))
count += 1

checking_this = True
# Supercell run.
name = idbase + "super"
job_record = copy.deepcopy(default_job)
job_record['control']['id'] = name
job_record['supercell'] = [[2, 0, 0], [0, 2, 0], [0, 0, 2]]
job_record['assert_nochanges'] = False
def read_dir_autogen(froot,gosling='./gosling',read_cubes=False):
  """ Reads a CRYSTAL + QWalk directory's data into a dictionary, formats it
  like how autogen would do. NOTE: this is *not* intended to read an
  autogen-generated directory! This is for the purpose of joining an
  autogen-generated database with another set of DMC data.
  Current dictionary keys:
    fmixing, kdens, excited_energy_err, ordering, total_energy_err, excited_energy, ts, tole, total_energy, se_height, tolinteg, 
    supercell, mixing, kpoint, spinlock, dft_energy, a, c, broyden, 
    dft_moments, 1rdm, access_root, average, covariance

  # This first section should be edited to reflect naming conventions!
  dftfile   = froot+'.d12'
  dftoutf   = froot+'.d12.out'
  # Start by taking only the real k-points, since I'm sure these are on solid
  # ground, and have enough sample points. TODO generalize
  realk1 = list(map(str,np.array([1,3,8,10,27,29,34,36]) - 1))
  realk2 = list(map(str,np.array([1,4,17,20,93,96,109,112]) - 1))
  oldrealk = ['k0','k1','k2','k3','k4','k5','k6','k7']

  res  = {}
  res['dft'] = {}
  res['qmc'] = {}

  res['access_root'] = os.getcwd() + '/' + froot

  print("Working on",froot+"..." )
    with open(froot+'_metadata.json','r') as metaf:
      metad = json.load(metaf)
      if metad['magnetic ordering'] != None:
        res['ordering'] = metad['magnetic ordering']
    except KeyError: pass
      if metad['pressure'] != None:
        res['pressure'] = metad['pressure']
    except KeyError: pass
  except IOError:
    print("  Didn't find any metadata")
  print("  DFT params and results..." )
    dftdat = cio.read_cryinp(open(dftfile,'r'))
    res['a'] = dftdat['latparms'][-1]
    res['c'] = dftdat['latparms'][1]
    res['se_height'] = dftdat['apos'][dftdat['atypes'].index(234)][-1]
    res['supercell'] = dftdat['supercell']
    res['total_spin'] = dftdat['spinlock']
    #res['initial_spin'] = dftdat['atomspin']
    res['charge'] = 0
    res['cif'] = "None"
    res['control'] = {'id':froot}
    for key in ['mixing','broyden','fmixing','tolinteg',
      res['dft'][key] = dftdat[key]
    dftdat = cio.read_cryout(open(dftoutf,'r'))
    res['dft']['energy'] = dftdat['dft_energy']
    res['dft']['mag_moments'] = dftdat['dft_moments']
  except IOError:
    print("There's no dft in this directory!")
    return res

  # Determine k-point set and naming convention.
  if os.path.isfile(froot+'_'+str(oldrealk[0])+'.sys'):
    print("Using old-style kpoint notation.")
  elif os.path.isfile(froot+'_'+str(realk2[-1])+'.sys'):
    print("Using 6x6x6 kpoint notation.")
    print("Using 4x4x4 kpoint notation.")

  dmc_ret = []
  ppr_ret = []
  for rk in realk:
    entry = {}
    entry['knum'] = int(rk.replace("k",""))
    kroot = froot + '_' + str(rk)

    print("  now DMC:",kroot+"..." )
      sysdat = qio.read_qfile(open(kroot+'.sys','r'))
      dmcinp = qio.read_qfile(open(kroot+'.dmc','r'))
      entry['kpoint'] = sysdat['system']['kpoint']
      entry['timestep'] = dmcinp['method']['timestep']
      entry['localization'] = "None"
      entry['jastrow'] = "twobody"
      entry['optimizer'] = "variance"
      entry['excitations'] = "no"
    except IOError:
      print("  (cannot find QMC input, skipping)")
    print("  DMC results..." )
      os.system("{0} -json {1}.dmc.log > {1}.json".format(gosling,kroot))
      dmc_entry = deepcopy(entry)
      dmc_entry['results'] = json.load(open("{}.json".format(kroot)))
    except ValueError:
      print("  (cannot find ground state energy log file)")

    # I'm going to skip the optical gap information for now. Is this really
    # taken care of in autogen yet?
    #  inpf = open(kroot+'.ogp.log','r')
    #  ogpdat = qio.read_qenergy(inpf,gosling)
    #  ress[rk]['dmc_excited_energy']     =  ogpdat['egy']
    #  ress[rk]['dmc_excited_energy_err'] =  ogpdat['err']
    #except IOError:
    #  print("  (cannot find excited state energy log file)")

    # I'm going to skip this for now since this is too large for the database
    # generally.
    #if read_cubes:
    #  print("  densities..." )
    #  try:
    #    inpf = open(kroot+'.dmc.up.cube','r')
    #    upcube = ct.read_cube(inpf)
    #    inpf = open(kroot+'.dmc.dn.cube','r')
    #    dncube = ct.read_cube(inpf)
    #    ress[rk]['updens'] = upcube
    #    ress[rk]['dndens'] = dncube
    #  except IOError:
    #    print("  (cannot find electron density)")
    #  except ValueError:
    #    print("  (electron density is corrupted)")

    print("  Postprocessing results..." )
      inpf = open(kroot+'.ppr.o','r')
      # TODO
      # Apparently this directory is now missing, so you should fix this if
      # needed.
      #fludat = rn.read_number_dens_likejson(inpf)
      if fludat is None:
        print("  (Error in number fluctuation output, skipping)")
        ppr_entry = deepcopy(entry)
        ppr_entry['results'] = {
                'fluctuation data': fludat} 
    except IOError:
      print("  (cannot find number fluctuation)")

    # Going to skip for now, since it's not working for my format_autogen yet.
    #print("  1-RDM..." )
    #  inpf = open(kroot+'.ordm.o')
    #  odmdat = qio.read_dm(inpf)
    #  if odmdat is None:
    #    print("  (Error in 1-RDM output, skipping)")
    #  else:
    #    ress[rk]['1rdm'] = odmdat
    #except IOError:
    #  print("  (cannot find 1-RDM)")

    print("  done." )

  if len(dmc_ret) > 0:
    res['qmc']['dmc'] = {}
    res['qmc']['dmc']['results'] = dmc_ret
    res['qmc']['dmc']['kpoint'] = sysdat['system']['kpoint']
    res['qmc']['dmc']['timestep'] = dmcinp['method']['timestep']
    res['qmc']['dmc']['localization'] = "None"
    res['qmc']['dmc']['jastrow'] = "twobody"
    res['qmc']['dmc']['optimizer'] = "variance"
    res['qmc']['dmc']['nblock'] = -1
    res['qmc']['dmc']['excitations'] = "no"
  if len(ppr_ret) > 0:
    res['qmc']['postprocess'] = {}
    res['qmc']['postprocess']['results'] = ppr_ret
    res['qmc']['postprocess']['kpoint'] = sysdat['system']['kpoint']
    res['qmc']['postprocess']['timestep'] = dmcinp['method']['timestep']
    res['qmc']['postprocess']['localization'] = "None"
    res['qmc']['postprocess']['jastrow'] = "twobody"
    res['qmc']['postprocess']['optimizer'] = "variance"
    res['qmc']['postprocess']['excitations'] = "no"
    res['qmc']['postprocess']['nblock'] = -1
  return res
def read_dir(froot,gosling='./gosling',read_cubes=False):
  """ Reads a CRYSTAL + QWalk directory's data into a dictionary.
  Current dictionary keys:
    fmixing, kdens, excited_energy_err, ordering, total_energy_err, 
    excited_energy, ts, tole, total_energy, se_height, tolinteg, 
    supercell, mixing, kpoint, spinlock, dft_energy, a, c, broyden, 
    dft_moments, 1rdm, access_root, average, covariance

  # This first section should be edited to reflect naming conventions!
  dftfile   = froot+'.d12'
  dftoutf   = froot+'.d12.out'
  # Start by taking only the real k-points, since I'm sure these are on solid
  # ground, and have enough sample points. TODO generalize
  realk1 = np.array([1,3,8,10,27,29,34,36]) - 1
  realk2 = np.array([1,4,17,20,93,96,109,112]) - 1
  oldrealk = np.array(['k0','k1','k2','k3','k4','k5','k6','k7'])

  bres = {} # Data that is common to all k-points.
  ress = {} # Dict of all k-point data in directory.

  bres['access_root'] = os.getcwd() + '/' + froot

  print("Working on",froot+"..." )
    with open(froot+'_metadata.json','r') as metaf:
      metad = json.load(metaf)
      if metad['magnetic ordering'] != None:
        bres['ordering'] = metad['magnetic ordering']
    except KeyError: pass
      if metad['pressure'] != None:
        bres['pressure'] = metad['pressure']
    except KeyError: pass
      if metad['pressure'] != None:
        bres['pressure'] = metad['pressure']
    except KeyError: pass
  except IOError:
    print("  Didn't find any metadata")
  print("  DFT params and results..." )
    dftdat = cio.read_cryinp(open(dftfile,'r'))
    bres['a'] = dftdat['latparms'][0]
    bres['c'] = dftdat['latparms'][1]
    bres['se_height'] = dftdat['apos'][dftdat['atypes'].index(234)][-1]
    for key in ['mixing','broyden','fmixing','tolinteg',
      bres[key] = dftdat[key]
    dftdat = cio.read_cryout(open(dftoutf,'r'))
    bres['dft_energy'] = dftdat['dft_energy']
    bres['dft_moments'] = dftdat['dft_moments']
  except IOError:
    print("There's no dft in this directory!")
    return {}

  # Determine k-point set and naming convention.
  if os.path.isfile(froot+'_'+str(oldrealk[0])+'.sys'):
    print("Using old-style kpoint notation.")
  elif os.path.isfile(froot+'_'+str(realk2[-1])+'.sys'):
    print("Using 6x6x6 kpoint notation.")
    print("Using 4x4x4 kpoint notation.")

  for rk in realk:
    kroot = froot + '_' + str(rk)

    print("  now DMC:",kroot+"..." )
      sysdat = qio.read_qfile(open(kroot+'.sys','r'))
      dmcinp = qio.read_qfile(open(kroot+'.dmc','r'))
      ress[rk] = bres.copy()
      ress[rk]['kpoint'] = sysdat['system']['kpoint']
      ress[rk]['ts'] = dmcinp['method']['timestep']
    except IOError:
      print("  (cannot find QMC input, skipping)")
    print("  energies..." )
      inpf = open(kroot+'.dmc.log','r')
      egydat = qio.read_qenergy(inpf,gosling)
      ress[rk]['dmc_energy']     =  egydat['egy']
      ress[rk]['dmc_energy_err'] =  egydat['err']
    except IOError:
      print("  (cannot find ground state energy log file)")

      inpf = open(kroot+'.ogp.log','r')
      ogpdat = qio.read_qenergy(inpf,gosling)
      ress[rk]['dmc_excited_energy']     =  ogpdat['egy']
      ress[rk]['dmc_excited_energy_err'] =  ogpdat['err']
    except IOError:
      print("  (cannot find excited state energy log file)")

    if read_cubes:
      print("  densities..." )
        inpf = open(kroot+'.dmc.up.cube','r')
        upcube = ct.read_cube(inpf)
        inpf = open(kroot+'.dmc.dn.cube','r')
        dncube = ct.read_cube(inpf)
        ress[rk]['updens'] = upcube
        ress[rk]['dndens'] = dncube
      except IOError:
        print("  (cannot find electron density)")
      except ValueError:
        print("  (electron density is corrupted)")

    print("  fluctuations..." )
      inpf = open(kroot+'.ppr.o','r')
      fludat, fluerr = qio.read_number_dens(inpf)
      if fludat is None:
        print("  (Error in number fluctuation output, skipping)")
        avg, var, cov, avge, vare, cove = qio.moments(fludat,fluerr)
        ress[rk]['average']    = avg
        ress[rk]['covariance'] = cov
    except IOError:
      print("  (cannot find number fluctuation)")

    print("  1-RDM..." )
      inpf = open(kroot+'.ordm.o')
      odmdat = qio.read_dm(inpf)
      if odmdat is None:
        print("  (Error in 1-RDM output, skipping)")
        ress[rk]['1rdm'] = odmdat
    except IOError:
      print("  (cannot find 1-RDM)")

    print("  done." )

  if ress == {}:
    ress['dft-only'] = bres
  return ress
import sys
import cryfiles_io as cryio

if len(sys.argv) < 2:
  print("Usage: gen_c2q_prop.py crystal_input [prop_outfile]")
  raise AssertionError

cryinp = cryio.read_cryinp(open(sys.argv[1],'r'))
kdens = cryinp['kdens']

outlines = [
    "{} {}".format(kdens,2*kdens),
    "1 0",

if len(sys.argv) == 3:
  with open(sys.argv[2],'w') as outf: