def apply_recipes_cookbooks(enviro, settings, args, host_list, run_list): ''' Apply all specified recipes and cookbooks to the requested hosts. :type enviro: dictionary :param enviro: environment dictionary :type settings: dictionary :param settings: settings dictionary :type args: args object :param args: object containing attributes for all possible command-line parameters :type host_list: list of strings :param host_list: list of hosts to run against :type run_list: dictionary :param run_list: dictionary of lists ''' for host in host_list: env.host_string = host if args.user: env.user = args.user if args.package_update: cuisine.package_update() try: for item in run_list[host]: if item["type"] == "recipe": recipe =[item["name"]]( settings, enviro, args.ok_to_be_rude, args.no_prompt) recipe.run_apply(host) elif item["type"] == "cookbook": cookbook = cookbooks.cookbooks[item["name"]]( settings, enviro, args.ok_to_be_rude, args.no_prompt) cookbook.run_apply(host) finally: disconnect_all()
def setup_packages(): cuisine.select_package('apt') puts(green('Installing Ubuntu packages')) with cuisine.mode_sudo(): cuisine.package_update() cuisine.package_upgrade() cuisine.package_ensure([ "aptitude", "build-essential", "curl", "git", "guake", "haskell-platform", "htop", "ibux-mozc", "libclang-dev", 'libncursesw5-dev', "libssl-dev", "paco", "python3-dev", "tmux", "tree", "wget", "zip", "zsh", ])
def update(package=None): if package: cuisine.package_update(package) else: sudo( 'apt-get -y --allow-unauthenticated --force-yes -o DPkg::Options::="--force-overwrite" -o DPkg::Options::="--force-confdef" update' )
def mongodb_ensure(): with mode_sudo(): if not run("cat /etc/apt/sources.list | grep '%s'" % (MONGO_REPO), warn_only=True).succeeded: run("apt-key adv --keyserver hkp:// --recv 7F0CEB10" ) run("add-apt-repository '%s'" % (MONGO_REPO)) package_update() package_ensure("mongodb-org")
def prepare_system(admin_user, admin_group='admin'): provision_user(admin_user, admin_group) inject_ssl_pubkey(admin_user) firewall() select_package('apt') package_update() prepare_devenv() prepare_rbenvs(admin_user) package_ensure('nginx') package_ensure('python-pip') sudo('pip install supervisor')
def _setup_postgres(): """ Install PostgreSQL and setup the database. """ print blue("Setup PostgreSQL") cuisine.sudo('echo "deb wheezy-pgdg main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/pgdg.list') cuisine.sudo('wget --quiet -O - | sudo apt-key add -') cuisine.package_update() cuisine.package_ensure('postgresql') cuisine.package_ensure('postgresql-server-dev-9.3') role = run('psql postgres -tAc "SELECT 1 FROM pg_roles WHERE rolname=\'vagrant\'"') if not role: print blue("Create DB user") run('sudo su -c "createuser --createdb --superuser vagrant" postgres')
def install(): """ Install postgres packages """ puts(green('-> Installing postgres')) if not cuisine.dir_exists('/etc/postgresql'): cuisine.sudo('echo "deb wheezy-pgdg main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/pgdg.list') cuisine.sudo('wget --quiet -O - | sudo apt-key add -') cuisine.package_update() cuisine.package_ensure('postgresql') cuisine.package_ensure('postgresql-server-dev-9.2') puts(green('-> Configre postgres user login')) old_srt = "local all all peer" new_srt = "local all all trust" cuisine.sudo('sed -i "s/%s/%s/g" /etc/postgresql/9.2/main/pg_hba.conf' % (old_srt, new_srt)) cuisine.sudo('/etc/init.d/postgresql restart')
def package_setup(use_db_backend=True): """ Install all the required packages """ env.user = ROOT_USER env.password = ROOT_PASS # for ppa use package_update_apt() package_update() package_ensure('python-software-properties') repository_ensure_apt("-y ppa:nginx/stable") # no prompt package_update_apt() package_update() # to get the most up to date nginx package_ensure("supervisor") package_ensure("nginx") package_ensure("git-core gitosis") package_ensure("python-pip python-dev build-essential") run("aptitude install memcached -y") # TODO: This isn't very idempotent # As seen in: # if use_db_backend: version = '5.1' passwd = 'changeme123' run('aptitude install -y debconf-utils') debconf_defaults = [ "mysql-server-%s mysql-server/root_password_again password %s" % (version, passwd), "mysql-server-%s mysql-server/root_password password %s" % (version, passwd), ] run("echo '%s' | debconf-set-selections" % "\n".join(debconf_defaults)) warn( '\n=========\nThe password for mysql "root" user will be set to "%s"\n=========\n' % passwd) run('aptitude install -y mysql-server') package_ensure("libmysqlclient-dev") # for mysql run("easy_install pip") run("pip install virtualenv") run("pip install virtualenvwrapper")
def package_setup(use_db_backend=True): """ Install all the required packages """ env.user=ROOT_USER env.password=ROOT_PASS # for ppa use package_update_apt() package_update() package_ensure('python-software-properties') repository_ensure_apt("-y ppa:nginx/stable") # no prompt package_update_apt() package_update() # to get the most up to date nginx package_ensure("supervisor") package_ensure("nginx") package_ensure("git-core gitosis") package_ensure("python-pip python-dev build-essential") run("aptitude install memcached -y") # TODO: This isn't very idempotent # As seen in: # if use_db_backend: version='5.1' passwd='changeme123' run('aptitude install -y debconf-utils') debconf_defaults = [ "mysql-server-%s mysql-server/root_password_again password %s" % (version, passwd), "mysql-server-%s mysql-server/root_password password %s" % (version, passwd), ] run("echo '%s' | debconf-set-selections" % "\n".join(debconf_defaults)) warn('\n=========\nThe password for mysql "root" user will be set to "%s"\n=========\n' % passwd) run('aptitude install -y mysql-server') package_ensure("libmysqlclient-dev") # for mysql run("easy_install pip") run("pip install virtualenv") run("pip install virtualenvwrapper")
def setup_package(): puts('[Install Packages]', True)) with cuisine.mode_sudo(): cuisine.package_update() cuisine.package_upgrade() run('rpi-update') cuisine.package_ensure([ 'gcc', 'make', 'automake', 'emacs23-nox', 'tmux', 'ruby', 'git', 'zsh', 'i2c-tools', 'lsb-release', 'mlocate', ])
def system_setup(name): """ Setup an existing server that has been booted. User will be prompted for root password. """ env.host_string = name env.user = "******" resolv_conf() set_pkg_os() puppetlabs_repo() disable_ipv6() centos_fixes() print(green("Updating system")) print(blue("This can take a few minutes. Hang tight...")) with hide("stdout"): package_update() package_upgrade() install_puppet() config_puppet() create_default_user() create_deployment_user() first_run_puppet()
def apply_recipes_cookbooks(enviro, settings, args, host_list, run_list): ''' Apply all specified recipes and cookbooks to the requested hosts. :type enviro: dictionary :param enviro: environment dictionary :type settings: dictionary :param settings: settings dictionary :type args: args object :param args: object containing attributes for all possible command-line parameters :type host_list: list of strings :param host_list: list of hosts to run against :type run_list: dictionary :param run_list: dictionary of lists ''' for host in host_list: env.host_string = host if args.user: env.user = args.user if args.keyfile: env.key_filename = args.keyfile if args.package_update: cuisine.package_update() try: for item in run_list[host]: if item["type"] == "recipe": recipe =[item["name"]](settings, enviro, args.ok_to_be_rude, args.no_prompt) recipe.run_apply(host) elif item["type"] == "cookbook": cookbook = cookbooks.cookbooks[item["name"]]( settings, enviro, args.ok_to_be_rude, args.no_prompt) cookbook.run_apply(host) finally: disconnect_all()
def install_packages(): packages = """ python-setuptools git-core apache2 libapache2-mod-php5 libapache2-mod-wsgi mysql-server mysql-client php-pear php5 php5-cli php5-curl php5-mysql php5-tidy php5-curl wget curl git htop aptitude """.split() sudo('echo "mysql-server-5.5 mysql-server/root_password password ape" | debconf-set-selections') sudo('echo "mysql-server-5.5 mysql-server/root_password_again password ape" | debconf-set-selections') if (time.time() - get_config("packages_updated", 0)) > 7*24*60*60: set_config("package_updated", time.time()) cuisine.package_update() for package in packages: cuisine.package_ensure(package) if once("pip"): sudo('easy_install pip') if once("cache_lite"): sudo('pear install Cache_Lite')
def install(): fabix.system.apt_import_pubkey('7F0CEB10') fabix.system.apt_add_repository('10gen', 'dist', '') cuisine.package_update() cuisine.package_upgrade() cuisine.package_install(['mongodb-10gen', 'ntp', 'lvm2'])
def bootstrap(): """ Bootstrap vagrant enviroment """ puts(red('###############################')) puts(red('### Setup host')) puts(red('###############################')) puts(green('-> Add backports')) cuisine.sudo( 'echo "deb wheezy-backports main" >> /etc/apt/sources.list' ) puts(green('-> Update repositories')) cuisine.package_update() puts(green('-> Installing gettext')) cuisine.package_ensure("gettext") puts(green('-> Installing curl')) cuisine.package_ensure("curl") puts(green('-> Installing git')) cuisine.package_ensure("git") puts(green('-> Installing nano')) cuisine.package_ensure("nano") puts(green('-> Installing build-essential')) cuisine.package_ensure("build-essential") puts(green('-> Installing libxml2-dev')) cuisine.package_ensure("libxml2-dev") puts(green('-> Installing libjpeg8-dev')) cuisine.package_ensure("libjpeg8-dev") puts(green('-> Installing libpng12-dev')) cuisine.package_ensure("libpng12-dev") puts(green('-> Installing python')) cuisine.package_ensure("python") puts(green('-> Installing python-dev')) cuisine.package_ensure("python-dev") puts(green('-> Installing python-pip')) cuisine.package_ensure("python-pip") puts(green('-> Installing postgres')) if not cuisine.dir_exists('/etc/postgresql'): cuisine.sudo( 'echo "deb wheezy-pgdg main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/pgdg.list' ) cuisine.sudo( 'wget --quiet -O - | sudo apt-key add -' ) cuisine.package_update() cuisine.package_ensure('postgresql') cuisine.package_ensure('postgresql-server-dev-9.3') puts(green('-> Configuring postgres user login')) old_srt = "local all all peer" new_srt = "local all all trust" cuisine.sudo('sed -i "s/%s/%s/g" /etc/postgresql/9.3/main/pg_hba.conf' % (old_srt, new_srt)) cuisine.sudo('/etc/init.d/postgresql restart') puts(green('-> Creating database')) db_name = DATABASES['default']['NAME'] db_user = DATABASES['default']['USER'] db_pass = DATABASES['default']['PASSWORD'] puts(green('-> Creating postgres username')) cuisine.sudo('psql -c "CREATE USER %s WITH PASSWORD \'%s\';"' % (db_user, db_pass), user='******') puts(green('-> Creating postgres database')) cuisine.sudo('psql -c "CREATE DATABASE %s;"' % db_name, user='******') puts(green('-> Installing requirements for django')) with 'pip install --user' )'pip install --user -r requirements.txt') puts(green('-> Installing nodejs')) cuisine.package_ensure('nodejs-legacy') cuisine.sudo('curl | sh ') puts(green('-> Installing yuglify')) cuisine.sudo('npm -g install yuglify') puts(green('-> Installing bower')) cuisine.sudo('npm -g install bower') puts(green('-> Creating directories')) cuisine.dir_ensure(env.project_path + 'assets/components') cuisine.dir_ensure(env.project_path + 'assets/images') cuisine.dir_ensure(env.project_path + 'assets/stylesheets') cuisine.dir_ensure(env.project_path + 'assets/scripts') cuisine.dir_ensure(env.project_path + 'locale/') puts(red('###############################')) puts(red('### Host setup completed')) puts(red('###############################'))
def update(package=None): cuisine.package_update(package)
def DoIt(): print green("DoIt started") print yellow("Installing packages") cuisine.package_update() cuisine.package_ensure("linux-image-generic-lts-trusty") cuisine.package_ensure("wget") print yellow("Installing docker") sudo("wget -qO- | sh") print yellow("Adding ubuntu to the docker group") try: cuisine.group_user_ensure("docker", "ubuntu") except: pass print yellow("Creating mldb storage") sudo("install -d -o ubuntu -g ubuntu /mldb_data") print yellow("Setting up the mldb start on boot") confTmpl = cuisine.text_strip_margin( """ |# On the first boot, this will pull the latest mldb Container |# subsequent executions will keep running the same (pulled) version |description "MLDB Container" |author " inc." |start on filesystem and started docker |stop on runlevel [!2345] |respawn |script | /usr/bin/docker run -a stdin -a stdout -a stderr -v /mldb_data:/mldb_data -e MLDB_IDS="1000" -p |end script | """): cuisine.file_write("/etc/init/mldb.conf", confTmpl, mode = "644", owner = "root", group = "root", sudo = True, check = True) print yellow("Configuring banner") confTmpl = cuisine.text_strip_margin( """ | The Virtual Appliance has booted, but you do not need to log into the | Virtual Appliance to use MLDB. | | Once MLDB is up and running inside the Virtual Appliance, you will be | able to connect to it via HTTP as per the documentation. | | Note that MLDB can take a few minutes to initialize the first time you | launch the Virtual Appliance. | | """) cuisine.file_write("/etc/issue", confTmpl, mode = "644", owner = "root", group = "root", sudo = True, check = True) print yellow("Removing grub delay") sudo('echo "GRUB_TIMEOUT=0\n" >> /etc/default/grub') sudo("update-grub") print yellow("Cleaning up...") sudo("cat /dev/null > /home/ubuntu/.ssh/authorized_keys")
def update(package=None): if package: cuisine.package_update(package) else: sudo('apt-get -y --allow-unauthenticated --force-yes -o DPkg::Options::="--force-overwrite" -o DPkg::Options::="--force-confdef" update')
def setup_urbanfootprint(upgrade_env=True): """ Runs all the steps necessary to configure urbanfootprint """ set_paths() print "ROOT = {0}\n".format(ROOT), \ "GIT_ROOT = {0}\n".format(GIT_ROOT), \ "BASE_PATH = {0}\n".format(BASE_PATH), \ "PROJECT_PATH: {0}\n".format(PROJ_ROOT), \ "WEBSOCKETS_ROOT: {0}\n".format(WEBSOCKETS_ROOT) from import deploy # Make sure deployment user exists and that the key is setup correctly cuisine.user_ensure(env.deploy_user) if env.user != env.deploy_user: sudo('chsh -s /bin/bash {0}'.format(env.deploy_user)) sudo('mkdir -p ~{0}/.ssh/'.format(env.deploy_user), user=env.deploy_user) sudo('cp ~/.ssh/id_rsa* ~{0}/.ssh/'.format(env.deploy_user)) sudo('chown {0}.{0} ~{0}/.ssh/id_rsa*'.format(env.deploy_user)) sudo('chmod 600 ~{0}/.ssh/id_rsa'.format(env.deploy_user), user=env.deploy_user) # add UbuntuGIS repo sudo('add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntugis/ubuntugis-unstable -y') sudo('add-apt-repository ppa:chris-lea/node.js -y') sudo('add-apt-repository ppa:chris-lea/nginx-devel -y') cuisine.package_update() cuisine.package_upgrade() # using oracle's jdk for good compatibility # intentionally not install postgresql-9.1-postgis until we can upgrade to django 1.5.x and postgis 2.0 cuisine.package_ensure( 'build-essential openjdk-6-jre openjdk-6-jdk postgresql git python-software-properties proj libproj-dev ' 'python-pip python-virtualenv python-dev virtualenvwrapper postgresql-server-dev-9.1 ' 'gdal-bin libgdal1-dev nginx varnish supervisor redis-server curl python-gdal nodejs' # 'libboost-dev libboost-filesystem-dev libboost-program-options-dev libboost-python-dev libboost-regex-dev ' # 'libboost-system-dev libboost-thread-dev ) #install older postgis create_template_postgis() cuisine.group_user_ensure("www-data", env.deploy_user) cuisine.group_user_ensure("sudo", env.deploy_user) # setup deployment user git settings #TODO: make more sense of this... probably shouldn't be this for all setups #sudo('su {0} -c "git config --global \"[email protected]\""'.format(env.deploy_user)) #sudo('su {0} -c "git config --global \"Craig Rindt\""'.format(env.deploy_user)) # create folders for calthorpe deployment sudo('mkdir -p {git_root}'.format(git_root=GIT_ROOT)) sudo('chmod +t {git_root}'.format(git_root=GIT_ROOT)) sudo('chown -R {user}.www-data {git_root}'.format(git_root=GIT_ROOT, user=env.deploy_user)) sudo('mkdir -p /srv/calthorpe_static') # needs to match value sudo('chmod +t /srv/calthorpe_static') sudo('chown -R {0}.www-data /srv/calthorpe_static'.format(env.deploy_user)) sudo('mkdir -p /srv/calthorpe_media') # needs to match value sudo('chmod +t /srv/calthorpe_media') sudo('chown -R {0}.www-data /srv/calthorpe_media'.format(env.deploy_user)) #create virtualenv if not cuisine.dir_exists(env.virtualenv_directory): sudo("virtualenv {env}".format(env=env.virtualenv_directory)) sudo('chown -R {user}.www-data {env}'.format(user=env.deploy_user, env=env.virtualenv_directory)) install_mapnik() install_osgeo() # clone repo if needed # if not cuisine.dir_exists(GIT_ROOT): with cd(GIT_ROOT): sudo('su {0} -c "git clone urbanfootprint"'.format(env.deploy_user)) sudo('chown -R {user}.www-data {BASE_PATH}/..'.format(user=env.deploy_user, BASE_PATH=BASE_PATH)) setup_databases() with cd(PROJ_ROOT): if not exists(''): sudo('ln -s{CLIENT}'.format(CLIENT=env.client)) with cd(WEBSOCKETS_ROOT): # removes this try: sudo('rm -r carto') except: pass sudo('npm install .') sudo('git clone git://') sudo('npm install -g ./carto') sudo('npm install -g millstone') sudo('chown -R {0}.www-data node_modules/'.format(env.deploy_user)) # update varnish default port #sed('/etc/default/varnish', r'^DAEMON_OPTS="-a :6081', 'DAEMON_OPTS="-a :80', use_sudo=True) # soft link all configuration files with cd('/etc/varnish'): sudo('rm -f default.vcl') #sudo('ln -s /srv/calthorpe/urbanfootprint/calthorpe/server/conf/etc/varnish/ default.vcl') nginx_configure() with cd('/etc/supervisor/conf.d'): sudo('rm -f calthorpe.conf') # Link the appropriate supervisor config file. dev omits a web server, and the log files are different supervisor_conf_ext = 'dev' if else 'prod' link_supervisor_config_path = "ln -s {BASE_PATH}/conf/etc/supervisor/conf.d/calthorpe.supervisor.{supervisor_extension} calthorpe.conf" sudo(link_supervisor_config_path.format(BASE_PATH=BASE_PATH, supervisor_extension=supervisor_conf_ext)) install_sproutcore() # trigger deploy to update virtualenv and restart services deploy(upgrade_env=upgrade_env) patch_django_layermapping()