def test_soc_constraint(self):
        exp = self.x + self.z
        scalar_exp = self.a + self.b
        constr = SOC(scalar_exp, exp)
        self.assertEqual(constr.size, 3)

        # Test invalid dimensions.
        error_str = ("Argument dimensions (1,) and (1, 4), with axis=0, "
                     "are incompatible.")
        with self.assertRaises(Exception) as cm:
            SOC(Variable(1), Variable((1, 4)))
        self.assertEqual(str(cm.exception), error_str)
def gm(t, x, y):
    length = t.size
    return SOC(t=reshape(x + y, (length, )),
                   [reshape(x - y, (1, length)),
                    reshape(2 * t, (1, length))]),
 def set_affine_constraints(G, h, y, K_aff):
     constraints = []
     i = 0
     if K_aff[a2d.ZERO]:
         dim = K_aff[a2d.ZERO]
         constraints.append(G[i:i + dim, :] @ y == h[i:i + dim])
         i += dim
     if K_aff[a2d.NONNEG]:
         dim = K_aff[a2d.NONNEG]
         constraints.append(G[i:i + dim, :] @ y <= h[i:i + dim])
         i += dim
     for dim in K_aff[a2d.SOC]:
         expr = h[i:i + dim] - G[i:i + dim, :] @ y
         constraints.append(SOC(expr[0], expr[1:]))
         i += dim
     if K_aff[a2d.EXP]:
         dim = 3 * K_aff[a2d.EXP]
         expr = cp.reshape(h[i:i + dim] - G[i:i + dim, :] @ y,
                           (dim // 3, 3),
         constraints.append(ExpCone(expr[:, 0], expr[:, 1], expr[:, 2]))
         i += dim
     if K_aff[a2d.POW3D]:
         alpha = np.array(K_aff[a2d.POW3D])
         expr = cp.reshape(h[i:] - G[i:, :] @ y, (alpha.size, 3), order='C')
             PowCone3D(expr[:, 0], expr[:, 1], expr[:, 2], alpha))
     return constraints
    def graph_implementation(arg_objs, size, data=None):
        """Reduces the atom to an affine expression and list of constraints.

        arg_objs : list
            LinExpr for each argument.
        size : tuple
            The size of the resulting expression.
        data :
            Additional data required by the atom.

            (LinOp for objective, list of constraints)
        x = arg_objs[0]
        y = arg_objs[1]  # Known to be a scalar.
        v = lu.create_var((1, 1))
        two = lu.create_const(2, (1, 1))
        constraints = [
            SOC(lu.sum_expr([y, v]),
                [lu.sub_expr(y, v),
                 lu.mul_expr(two, x, x.size)]),
        return (v, constraints)
def pnorm_canon(expr, args):
    x = args[0]
    p = expr.p
    axis = expr.axis
    shape = expr.shape
    t = Variable(shape)

    if p == 2:
        if axis is None:
            assert shape == tuple()
            return t, [SOC(t, vec(x))]
            return t, [SOC(vec(t), x, axis)]

    # we need an absolute value constraint for the symmetric convex branches
    # (p > 1)
    constraints = []
    if p > 1:
        # TODO(akshayka): Express this more naturally (recursively), in terms
        # of the other atoms
        abs_expr = abs(x)
        abs_x, abs_constraints = abs_canon(abs_expr, abs_expr.args)
        x = abs_x
        constraints += abs_constraints

    # now, we take care of the remaining convex and concave branches
    # to create the rational powers, we need a new variable, r, and
    # the constraint sum(r) == t
    r = Variable(x.shape)
    constraints += [sum(r) == t]

    # todo: no need to run gm_constr to form the tree each time.
    # we only need to form the tree once
    promoted_t = Constant(np.ones(x.shape)) * t
    p = Fraction(p)
    if p < 0:
        constraints += gm_constrs(promoted_t, [x, r],
                                  (-p / (1 - p), 1 / (1 - p)))
    if 0 < p < 1:
        constraints += gm_constrs(r, [x, promoted_t], (p, 1 - p))
    if p > 1:
        constraints += gm_constrs(x, [r, promoted_t], (1 / p, 1 - 1 / p))

    return t, constraints
def quad_over_lin_canon(expr, args):
    # quad_over_lin := sum_{ij} X^2_{ij} / y
    x = args[0]
    y = args[1].flatten()
    # precondition: shape == ()
    t = Variable(1,)
    # (y+t, y-t, 2*x) must lie in the second-order cone,
    # where y+t is the scalar part of the second-order
    # cone constraint.
    constraints = [SOC(
                        X=hstack([y-t, 2*x.flatten()]), axis=0
                        ), y >= 0]
    return t, constraints
    def simulate_chain(in_prob):
        # Get a ParamConeProg object
        reductions = [Dcp2Cone(), CvxAttr2Constr(), ConeMatrixStuffing()]
        chain = Chain(None, reductions)
        cone_prog, inv_prob2cone = chain.apply(in_prob)

        # Dualize the problem, reconstruct a high-level cvxpy problem for the dual.
        # Solve the problem, invert the dualize reduction.
        solver = ConicSolver()
        cone_prog = solver.format_constraints(cone_prog,
                                              exp_cone_order=[0, 1, 2])
        data, inv_data = a2d.Dualize.apply(cone_prog)
        A, b, c, K_dir = data[s.A], data[s.B], data[s.C], data['K_dir']
        y = cp.Variable(shape=(A.shape[1], ))
        constraints = [A @ y == b]
        i = K_dir[a2d.FREE]
        dual_prims = {a2d.FREE: y[:i], a2d.SOC: []}
        if K_dir[a2d.NONNEG]:
            dim = K_dir[a2d.NONNEG]
            dual_prims[a2d.NONNEG] = y[i:i + dim]
            constraints.append(y[i:i + dim] >= 0)
            i += dim
        for dim in K_dir[a2d.SOC]:
            dual_prims[a2d.SOC].append(y[i:i + dim])
            constraints.append(SOC(y[i], y[i + 1:i + dim]))
            i += dim
        if K_dir[a2d.DUAL_EXP]:
            dual_prims[a2d.DUAL_EXP] = y[i:]
            y_de = cp.reshape(y[i:], ((y.size - i) // 3, 3),
                              order='C')  # fill rows first
                ExpCone(-y_de[:, 1], -y_de[:, 0],
                        np.exp(1) * y_de[:, 2]))
        objective = cp.Maximize(c @ y)
        dual_prob = cp.Problem(objective, constraints)
        dual_prob.solve(solver='SCS', eps=1e-8)
        dual_prims[a2d.FREE] = dual_prims[a2d.FREE].value
        if K_dir[a2d.NONNEG]:
            dual_prims[a2d.NONNEG] = dual_prims[a2d.NONNEG].value
        dual_prims[a2d.SOC] = [expr.value for expr in dual_prims[a2d.SOC]]
        if K_dir[a2d.DUAL_EXP]:
            dual_prims[a2d.DUAL_EXP] = dual_prims[a2d.DUAL_EXP].value
        dual_duals = {s.EQ_DUAL: constraints[0].dual_value}
        dual_sol = cp.Solution(dual_prob.status, dual_prob.value, dual_prims,
                               dual_duals, dict())
        cone_sol = a2d.Dualize.invert(dual_sol, inv_data)

        # Pass the solution back up the solving chain.
        in_prob_sol = chain.invert(cone_sol, inv_prob2cone)
 def set_direct_constraints(y, K_dir):
     constraints = []
     i = K_dir[a2d.FREE]
     if K_dir[a2d.NONNEG]:
         dim = K_dir[a2d.NONNEG]
         constraints.append(y[i:i + dim] >= 0)
         i += dim
     for dim in K_dir[a2d.SOC]:
         constraints.append(SOC(y[i], y[i + 1:i + dim]))
         i += dim
     if K_dir[a2d.EXP]:
         dim = y.size - i
         expr = cp.reshape(y[i:], (dim // 3, 3), order='C')
         constraints.append(ExpCone(expr[:, 0], expr[:, 1], expr[:, 2]))
     return constraints
 def set_affine_constraints(G, h, y, K_aff):
     constraints = []
     i = 0
     if K_aff[a2d.ZERO]:
         dim = K_aff[a2d.ZERO]
         constraints.append(G[i:i + dim, :] @ y == h[i:i + dim])
         i += dim
     if K_aff[a2d.NONNEG]:
         dim = K_aff[a2d.NONNEG]
         constraints.append(G[i:i + dim, :] @ y <= h[i:i + dim])
         i += dim
     for dim in K_aff[a2d.SOC]:
         expr = h[i:i + dim] - G[i:i + dim, :] @ y
         constraints.append(SOC(expr[0], expr[1:]))
         i += dim
     if K_aff[a2d.EXP]:
         dim = G.shape[0] - i
         expr = cp.reshape(h[i:] - G[i:, :] @ y, (dim // 3, 3), order='C')
         constraints.append(ExpCone(expr[:, 0], expr[:, 1], expr[:, 2]))
     return constraints
    def graph_implementation(arg_objs, size, data=None):
        """Reduces the atom to an affine expression and list of constraints.

        arg_objs : list
            LinExpr for each argument.
        size : tuple
            The size of the resulting expression.
        data :
            Additional data required by the atom.

            (LinOp for objective, list of constraints)
        x = arg_objs[0]
        t = lu.create_var((1, 1))
        return (t, [SOC(t, [x])])
 def set_direct_constraints(y, K_dir):
     constraints = []
     i = K_dir[a2d.FREE]
     if K_dir[a2d.NONNEG]:
         dim = K_dir[a2d.NONNEG]
         constraints.append(y[i:i + dim] >= 0)
         i += dim
     for dim in K_dir[a2d.SOC]:
         constraints.append(SOC(y[i], y[i + 1:i + dim]))
         i += dim
     if K_dir[a2d.EXP]:
         dim = 3 * K_dir[a2d.EXP]
         expr = cp.reshape(y[i:i + dim], (dim // 3, 3), order='C')
         constraints.append(ExpCone(expr[:, 0], expr[:, 1], expr[:, 2]))
         i += dim
     if K_dir[a2d.POW3D]:
         alpha = np.array(K_dir[a2d.POW3D])
         expr = cp.reshape(y[i:], (alpha.size, 3), order='C')
             PowCone3D(expr[:, 0], expr[:, 1], expr[:, 2], alpha))
     return constraints
 def test_soc_constraint(self):
     exp = self.x + self.z
     scalar_exp = self.a + self.b
     constr = SOC(scalar_exp, [exp])
     self.assertEqual(constr.size, (3, 1))
文件: 项目: giserh/cvxpy
    def graph_implementation(arg_objs, size, data=None):
        r"""Reduces the atom to an affine expression and list of constraints.

        arg_objs : list
            LinExpr for each argument.
        size : tuple
            The size of the resulting expression.
        data :
            Additional data required by the atom.

            (LinOp for objective, list of constraints)


        Implementation notes.

        - For general :math:`p \geq 1`, the inequality :math:`\|x\|_p \leq t`
          is equivalent to the following convex inequalities:

          .. math::

              |x_i| &\leq r_i^{1/p} t^{1 - 1/p}\\
              \sum_i r_i &= t.

          These inequalities happen to also be correct for :math:`p = +\infty`,
          if we interpret :math:`1/\infty` as :math:`0`.

        - For general :math:`0 < p < 1`, the inequality :math:`\|x\|_p \geq t`
          is equivalent to the following convex inequalities:

          .. math::

              r_i &\leq x_i^{p} t^{1 - p}\\
              \sum_i r_i &= t.

        - For general :math:`p < 0`, the inequality :math:`\|x\|_p \geq t`
          is equivalent to the following convex inequalities:

          .. math::

              t &\leq x_i^{-p/(1-p)} r_i^{1/(1 - p)}\\
              \sum_i r_i &= t.

        Although the inequalities above are correct, for a few special cases, we can represent the p-norm
        more efficiently and with fewer variables and inequalities.

        - For :math:`p = 1`, we use the representation

            .. math::

                x_i &\leq r_i\\
                -x_i &\leq r_i\\
                \sum_i r_i &= t

        - For :math:`p = \infty`, we use the representation

            .. math::

                x_i &\leq t\\
                -x_i &\leq t

          Note that we don't need the :math:`r` variable or the sum inequality.

        - For :math:`p = 2`, we use the natural second-order cone representation

            .. math::

                \|x\|_2 \leq t

          Note that we could have used the set of inequalities given above if we wanted an alternate decomposition
          of a large second-order cone into into several smaller inequalities.

        p = data[0]
        x = arg_objs[0]
        t = lu.create_var((1, 1))
        constraints = []

        # first, take care of the special cases of p = 2, inf, and 1
        if p == 2:
            return t, [SOC(t, [x])]

        if p == np.inf:
            t_ = lu.promote(t, x.size)
            return t, [lu.create_leq(x, t_), lu.create_geq(lu.sum_expr([x, t_]))]

        # we need an absolute value constraint for the symmetric convex branches (p >= 1)
        # we alias |x| as x from this point forward to make the code pretty :)
        if p >= 1:
            absx = lu.create_var(x.size)
            constraints += [lu.create_leq(x, absx), lu.create_geq(lu.sum_expr([x, absx]))]
            x = absx

        if p == 1:
            return lu.sum_entries(x), constraints

        # now, we take care of the remaining convex and concave branches
        # to create the rational powers, we need a new variable, r, and
        # the constraint sum(r) == t
        r = lu.create_var(x.size)
        t_ = lu.promote(t, x.size)
        constraints += [lu.create_eq(lu.sum_entries(r), t)]

        # make p a fraction so that the input weight to gm_constrs
        # is a nice tuple of fractions.
        p = Fraction(p)
        if p < 0:
            constraints += gm_constrs(t_, [x, r], (-p / (1 - p), 1 / (1 - p)))
        if 0 < p < 1:
            constraints += gm_constrs(r, [x, t_], (p, 1 - p))
        if p > 1:
            constraints += gm_constrs(x, [r, t_], (1 / p, 1 - 1 / p))

        return t, constraints
 def test_soc_constraint(self):
     exp = self.x + self.z
     scalar_exp = self.a + self.b
     constr = SOC(scalar_exp, [exp])
     self.assertEqual(constr.size[0], (3,1))
     self.assertEqual(len(constr.format()), 2)
 def test_sdc_constraint(self):
     exp = self.x + self.z
     scalar_exp = self.a + self.b
     constr = SOC(exp, scalar_exp)
     self.assertEqual(constr.size, (3,1))
     self.assertEqual(len(constr.format()), 2)
 def test_sdc_constraint(self):
     exp = self.x + self.z
     scalar_exp = self.a + self.b
     constr = SOC(scalar_exp, [exp])
     self.assertEqual(constr.size, (3, 1))
     self.assertEqual(len(constr.format()), 2)
    def graph_implementation(arg_objs, size, data=None):
        r"""Reduces the atom to an affine expression and list of constraints.

        arg_objs : list
            LinExpr for each argument.
        size : tuple
            The size of the resulting expression.
        data :
            Additional data required by the atom.

            (LinOp for objective, list of constraints)


        Implementation notes.

        For general ``p``, the p-norm is equivalent to the following convex inequalities:

        .. math::

            x_i &\leq r_i\\
            -x_i &\leq r_i\\
            r_i &\leq s_i^{1/p} t^{1 - 1/p}\\
            \sum_i s_i &\leq t,

        where :math:`p \geq 1`.

        These inequalities are also correct for :math:`p = +\infty` if we interpret :math:`1/\infty` as :math:`0`.

        Although the inequalities above are correct, for a few special cases, we can represent the p-norm
        more efficiently and with fewer variables and inequalities.

        - For :math:`p = 1`, we use the representation

            .. math::

                x_i &\leq r_i\\
                -x_i &\leq r_i\\
                \sum_i r_i &\leq t

        - For :math:`p = \infty`, we use the representation

            .. math::

                x_i &\leq t\\
                -x_i &\leq t

          Note that we don't need the :math:`s` variables or the sum inequality.

        - For :math:`p = 2`, we use the natural second-order cone representation

            .. math::

                \|x\|_2 \leq t

          Note that we could have used the set of inequalities given above if we wanted an alternate decomposition
          of a large second-order cone into into several smaller inequalities.

        p, w = data
        x = arg_objs[0]
        t = None  # dummy value so linter won't complain about initialization
        if p != 1:
            t = lu.create_var((1, 1))

        if p == 2:
            return t, [SOC(t, [x])]

        if p == np.inf:
            r = lu.promote(t, x.size)
            r = lu.create_var(x.size)

        constraints = [lu.create_geq(lu.sum_expr([x, r])),
                       lu.create_leq(x, r)]

        if p == 1:
            return lu.sum_entries(r), constraints

        if p == np.inf:
            return t, constraints

        # otherwise do case of general p
        s = lu.create_var(x.size)
        # todo: no need to run gm_constr to form the tree each time. we only need to form the tree once
        constraints += gm_constrs(r, [s, lu.promote(t, x.size)], w)
        constraints += [lu.create_leq(lu.sum_entries(s), t)]
        return t, constraints