def authorize(user: User, they: RuleList):
    def per_role(cls):
        """Reads _permissions from the given class and creates rules from it."""
        perms = getattr(cls, "_permissions")
        if perms is None or user is None:

        # normalize role data type
        perms = {str(role): p for role, p in perms.items()}
        for role in user.roles:
            role_perms = perms.get(role.name)
            if role_perms is None:

            for action, check in role_perms.items():
                # accept all
                if check == ALL or check is True:
                    they.can(action, cls)
                # based on attribute values
                elif isinstance(check, dict):
                    they.can(action, cls, **check)
                # based on check function
                elif hasattr(check, "__call__"):

                    def gen_wrapper(check):
                        def wrapper(subject):
                            return check(subject, user)

                        return wrapper

                    they.can(action, cls, gen_wrapper(check))
                    they.can(action, cls, check)

    if user is not None:
        they.can(MANAGE, User, id=user.id)
        they.can(READ, User)
        they.can("READ_OWN", "Proposal")
        if user.is_reviewer():
            # reviewers can see the list of proposals
            they.can(READ, "Proposal")
        if user.is_admin():
            # admins can do everything
            they.can(MANAGE, ALL)

    # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel
    # import locally to avoid import cycle
    from data.models.vulnerability import Vulnerability

    # pylint: enable=import-outside-toplevel


    log.debug("%s can %s", user, they)
def authorize(user: User, they: RuleList):
    def per_role(cls):
        """Reads _permissions from the given class and creates rules from it."""
        perms = getattr(cls, '_permissions')
        if perms is None or user is None:

        # normalize role data type
        perms = {str(role): p for role, p in perms.items()}
        for role in user.roles:
            role_perms = perms.get(role.name)
            if role_perms is None:

            for action, check in role_perms.items():
                # accept all
                if check == ALL or check is True:
                    they.can(action, cls)
                # based on attribute values
                elif isinstance(check, dict):
                    they.can(action, cls, **check)
                # based on check function
                    they.can(action, cls, check)

    if user is not None:
        they.can(MANAGE, User, id=user.id)
        they.can('READ_OWN', 'Proposal')
        if user.is_reviewer():
            # reviewers can see the list of proposals
            they.can(READ, 'Proposal')
        if user.is_admin():
            # admins can do everything
            they.can(MANAGE, ALL)

    # import locally to avoid import
    from data.models.vulnerability import Vulnerability

    log.debug('%s can %s', user, they)