 def _deserialize(self, value, attr, data, **kwargs):
     if isinstance(value, dict) and '__type' in value:
         dc_name = value['__type']
         for type_, schema_ in self.desc.items():
             if is_dataclass(type_) and type_.__name__ == dc_name:
                 del value['__type']
                 return schema_._deserialize(value, attr, data, **kwargs)
     for type_, schema_ in self.desc.items():
         if isinstance(value, _get_type_origin(type_)):
             return schema_._deserialize(value, attr, data, **kwargs)
             f'The type "{type(value).__name__}" (value: "{value}") '
             f'is not in the list of possible types of typing.Union '
             f'(dataclass: {self.cls.__name__}, field: {self.field.name}). '
             f'Value cannot be deserialized properly.')
     return super()._deserialize(value, attr, data, **kwargs)
 def _serialize(self, value, attr, obj, **kwargs):
     if self.allow_none and value is None:
         return None
     for type_, schema_ in self.desc.items():
         if _issubclass_safe(type(value), type_):
             if is_dataclass(value):
                 res = schema_._serialize(value, attr, obj, **kwargs)
                 res['__type'] = str(type_.__name__)
                 return res
         elif isinstance(value, _get_type_origin(type_)):
             return schema_._serialize(value, attr, obj, **kwargs)
             f'The type "{type(value).__name__}" (value: "{value}") '
             f'is not in the list of possible types of typing.Union '
             f'(dataclass: {self.cls.__name__}, field: {self.field.name}). '
             f'Value cannot be serialized properly.')
     return super()._serialize(value, attr, obj, **kwargs)
def _decode_dict_keys(key_type, xs, infer_missing):
    Because JSON object keys must be strs, we need the extra step of decoding
    them back into the user's chosen python type
    decode_function = key_type
    # handle NoneType keys... it's weird to type a Dict as NoneType keys
    # but it's valid...
    if key_type is None or key_type == Any:
        decode_function = key_type = (lambda x: x)
    # handle a nested python dict that has tuples for keys. E.g. for
    # Dict[Tuple[int], int], key_type will be typing.Tuple[int], but
    # decode_function should be tuple, so map() doesn't break.
    # Note: _get_type_origin() will return typing.Tuple for python
    # 3.6 and tuple for 3.7 and higher.
    elif _get_type_origin(key_type) in {tuple, Tuple}:
        decode_function = tuple
        key_type = key_type

    return map(decode_function, _decode_items(key_type, xs, infer_missing))