def filter_ice(reflections, steps):

    from cctbx import miller, sgtbx, uctbx
    from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

    d_spacings = 1 / reflections["rlp"].norms()
    d_star_sq = uctbx.d_as_d_star_sq(d_spacings)

    from dials.algorithms.spot_finding.per_image_analysis import ice_rings_selection

    from dials.algorithms.integration import filtering

    ice_uc = uctbx.unit_cell((4.498, 4.498, 7.338, 90, 90, 120))
    ice_sg = sgtbx.space_group_info(number=194).group()
    ice_generator = miller.index_generator(ice_uc, ice_sg.type(), False,
    ice_indices = ice_generator.to_array()
    ice_d_spacings = flex.sorted(ice_uc.d(ice_indices))
    ice_d_star_sq = uctbx.d_as_d_star_sq(ice_d_spacings)

    cubic_ice_uc = uctbx.unit_cell((6.358, 6.358, 6.358, 90, 90, 90))
    cubic_ice_sg = sgtbx.space_group_info(number=227).group()
    cubic_ice_generator = miller.index_generator(cubic_ice_uc,
                                                 cubic_ice_sg.type(), False,
    cubic_ice_indices = cubic_ice_generator.to_array()
    cubic_ice_d_spacings = flex.sorted(cubic_ice_uc.d(cubic_ice_indices))
    cubic_ice_d_star_sq = uctbx.d_as_d_star_sq(cubic_ice_d_spacings)

    import numpy

    widths = flex.double(numpy.geomspace(start=0.0001, stop=0.01, num=steps))
    n_spots = flex.double()
    total_intensity = flex.double()
    for width in widths:
        d_min = flex.min(d_spacings)

        ice_filter = filtering.PowderRingFilter(ice_uc, ice_sg, d_min, width)
        ice_sel = ice_filter(d_spacings)

        if "intensity.sum.value" in reflections:

    fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=2, figsize=(12, 8), sharex=True)
    axes[0].plot(widths, n_spots, label="#spots", marker="+")
    if total_intensity.size():
                     label="total intensity",
    axes[0].set_ylabel("# spots remaining")
    axes[1].set_xlabel("Ice ring width (1/d^2)")
    axes[1].set_ylabel("Total intensity")
    for ax in axes:
        ax.set_xlim(0, flex.max(widths))
def test_powder_ring_filter():
    unit_cell = uctbx.unit_cell((4.498, 4.498, 7.338, 90, 90, 120))
    space_group = sgtbx.space_group_info(number=194).group()
    d_spacings = flex.double([1.9220704466392748])
    d_min = flex.min(d_spacings)
    ice_filter = filtering.PowderRingFilter(unit_cell, space_group, d_min, width=0.004)
    assert min(uctbx.d_star_sq_as_d(ice_filter.d_star_sq)) < d_min
    assert all(ice_filter(d_spacings))
def ice_rings_selection(reflections, width=0.004):
    d_star_sq = flex.pow2(reflections["rlp"].norms())
    d_spacings = uctbx.d_star_sq_as_d(d_star_sq)

    unit_cell = uctbx.unit_cell((4.498, 4.498, 7.338, 90, 90, 120))
    space_group = sgtbx.space_group_info(number=194).group()

    if d_spacings:
        ice_filter = filtering.PowderRingFilter(unit_cell, space_group,
                                                flex.min(d_spacings), width)

        ice_sel = ice_filter(d_spacings)

        return ice_sel
        return None
def ice_rings_selection(reflections):
  d_star_sq = flex.pow2(reflections['rlp'].norms())
  d_spacings = uctbx.d_star_sq_as_d(d_star_sq)

  from dials.algorithms.integration import filtering

  unit_cell = uctbx.unit_cell((4.498,4.498,7.338,90,90,120))
  space_group = sgtbx.space_group_info(number=194).group()
  width = 0.06

  if d_spacings:
    ice_filter = filtering.PowderRingFilter(
      unit_cell, space_group, flex.min(d_spacings)-width, width)

    ice_sel = ice_filter(d_spacings)

    return ice_sel
    return None
def run_filtering(params, experiments, reflections):
    """Execute the script."""

    # Check params
    if params.d_min is not None and params.d_max is not None:
        if params.d_min > params.d_max:
            raise Sorry("d_min must be less than d_max")
    if params.d_min is not None or params.d_max is not None or params.ice_rings.filter:
        if "d" not in reflections:
            if experiments and any(experiments.crystals()):
                # Calculate d-spacings from the miller indices
                print("Reflection table does not have resolution information. "
                      "Attempting to calculate this from the experiment list")
                sel = reflections["id"] >= 0
                if sel.count(False) > 0:
                        "Removing {} reflections with negative experiment id".
                reflections = reflections.select(sel)
            elif experiments:
                # Calculate d-spacings from the observed reflection centroids
                if "rlp" not in reflections:
                    if "xyzobs.mm.value" not in reflections:
                d_star_sq = flex.pow2(reflections["rlp"].norms())
                reflections["d"] = uctbx.d_star_sq_as_d(d_star_sq)
                raise Sorry("reflection table has no resolution information "
                            "and no experiment list provided to calculate it")

    # Check params
    if params.partiality.min is not None and params.partiality.max is not None:
        if params.min > params.max:
            raise Sorry("partiality.min must be less than partiality.d_max")
    if params.partiality.min is not None or params.partiality.max is not None:
        if "partiality" not in reflections:
            raise Sorry("Reflection table has no partiality information")

    print("{} reflections loaded".format(len(reflections)))

    # Filter by logical expression using flags
    if params.flag_expression is not None:
        inc = eval_flag_expression(params.flag_expression, reflections)
        reflections = reflections.select(inc)

    print("Selected {} reflections by flags".format(len(reflections)))

    # Filter based on experiment ID
    if params.id:
        selection = reflections["id"] == params.id[0]
        for exp_id in params.id[1:]:
            selection = selection | (reflections["id"] == exp_id)
        reflections = reflections.select(selection)
        print("Selected %d reflections by experiment id" % (len(reflections)))

    # Filter based on panel number
    if params.panel:
        selection = reflections["panel"] == params.panel[0]
        for pnl_id in params.panel[1:]:
            selection = selection | (reflections["panel"] == pnl_id)
        reflections = reflections.select(selection)
        print("Selected %d reflections by panel number" % (len(reflections)))

    # Filter based on resolution
    if params.d_min is not None:
        selection = reflections["d"] >= params.d_min
        reflections = reflections.select(selection)
        print("Selected %d reflections with d >= %f" %
              (len(reflections), params.d_min))

    # Filter based on resolution
    if params.d_max is not None:
        selection = reflections["d"] <= params.d_max
        reflections = reflections.select(selection)
        print("Selected %d reflections with d <= %f" %
              (len(reflections), params.d_max))

    # Filter based on partiality
    if params.partiality.min is not None:
        selection = reflections["partiality"] >= params.partiality.min
        reflections = reflections.select(selection)
        print("Selected %d reflections with partiality >= %f" %
              (len(reflections), params.partiality.min))

    # Filter based on partiality
    if params.partiality.max is not None:
        selection = reflections["partiality"] <= params.partiality.max
        reflections = reflections.select(selection)
        print("Selected %d reflections with partiality <= %f" %
              (len(reflections), params.partiality.max))

    # 'Good' intensity selection
    if params.select_good_intensities:
        if "intensity.sum.variance" not in reflections:
            raise Sorry("No intensity.sum.variance in reflection table.")
        if "intensity.prf.variance" in reflections:
            reducer = SumAndPrfIntensityReducer
            reducer = SumIntensityReducer
            reflections = reducer.filter_bad_variances(reflections)
            reflections = reducer.combine_and_filter_partials(
                reflections, partiality_threshold=0.99, combine_partials=False)
        except ValueError as e:
            raise Sorry(e)

    # Dead time filter
    if params.dead_time.value > 0:
        reflections = filter_by_dead_time(

    # Filter powder rings
    if params.ice_rings.filter:
        d_min = params.ice_rings.d_min
        width = params.ice_rings.width

        if d_min is None:
            d_min = flex.min(reflections["d"])

        ice_filter = filtering.PowderRingFilter(

        ice_sel = ice_filter(reflections["d"])

        print("Rejecting %i reflections at ice ring resolution" %
        reflections = reflections.select(~ice_sel)

    # Save filtered reflections to file
    if params.output.reflections:
        print("Saving {0} reflections to {1}".format(
            len(reflections), params.output.reflections))
    def run(self):
        '''Execute the script.'''
        from dials.array_family import flex
        from dials.util.options import flatten_reflections
        from dials.util.options import flatten_datablocks
        from dials.util.options import flatten_experiments
        from libtbx.utils import Sorry

        # Parse the command line
        params, options = self.parser.parse_args(show_diff_phil=True)
        reflections = flatten_reflections(params.input.reflections)

        if params.input.datablock is not None and len(params.input.datablock):
            datablocks = flatten_datablocks(params.input.datablock)
            assert len(datablocks) == 1
            imagesets = datablocks[0].extract_imagesets()
            assert len(imagesets) == 1
            imageset = imagesets[0]
        elif params.input.experiments is not None and len(
            experiments = flatten_experiments(params.input.experiments)
            assert len(datablocks) == 1
            imageset = experiments[0].imageset
            imageset = None

        if len(reflections) == 0:
            raise Sorry('No valid reflection file given')
        if len(reflections) != 1:
            raise Sorry('Exactly 1 reflection file must be specified')
        reflections = reflections[0]

        # Check params
        if params.d_min is not None and params.d_max is not None:
            if params.d_min > params.d_max:
                raise Sorry("d_min must be less than d_max")
        if params.d_min is not None or params.d_max is not None:
            if 'd' not in reflections:
                raise Sorry("Reflection table has no resolution information")

        # Check params
        if params.partiality.min is not None and params.partiality.max is not None:
            if params.min > params.max:
                raise Sorry(
                    "partiality.min must be less than partiality.d_max")
        if params.partiality.min is not None or params.partiality.max is not None:
            if 'partiality' not in reflections:
                raise Sorry("Reflection table has no partiality information")

        print "{0} reflections loaded".format(len(reflections))

        if (len(params.inclusions.flag) == 0
                and len(params.exclusions.flag) == 0 and params.d_min is None
                and params.d_max is None and params.partiality.min is None
                and params.partiality.max is None
                and not params.ice_rings.filter):
            print "No filter specified. Performing analysis instead."
            return self.analysis(reflections)

        # Build up the initial inclusion selection
        inc = flex.bool(len(reflections), True)
        # 2016/07/06 GW logic here not right should be && for each flag not or?
        for flag in params.inclusions.flag:
            sel = reflections.get_flags(getattr(reflections.flags, flag))
            inc = inc & sel
        reflections = reflections.select(inc)

        print "{0} reflections selected to form the working set".format(

        # Make requested exclusions from the current selection
        exc = flex.bool(len(reflections))
        for flag in params.exclusions.flag:
            print flag
            sel = reflections.get_flags(getattr(reflections.flags, flag))
            exc = exc | sel
        reflections = reflections.select(~exc)

        print "{0} reflections excluded from the working set".format(

        # Filter based on resolution
        if params.d_min is not None:
            selection = reflections['d'] >= params.d_min
            reflections = reflections.select(selection)
            print "Selected %d reflections with d >= %f" % (len(reflections),

        # Filter based on resolution
        if params.d_max is not None:
            selection = reflections['d'] <= params.d_max
            reflections = reflections.select(selection)
            print "Selected %d reflections with d <= %f" % (len(reflections),

        # Filter based on partiality
        if params.partiality.min is not None:
            selection = reflections['partiality'] >= params.partiality.min
            reflections = reflections.select(selection)
            print "Selected %d reflections with partiality >= %f" % (
                len(reflections), params.partiality.min)

        # Filter based on partiality
        if params.partiality.max is not None:
            selection = reflections['partiality'] <= params.partiality.max
            reflections = reflections.select(selection)
            print "Selected %d reflections with partiality <= %f" % (
                len(reflections), params.partiality.max)

        # Filter powder rings

        if params.ice_rings.filter:
            from dials.algorithms.integration import filtering
            if 'd' in reflections:
                d_spacings = reflections['d']
                from cctbx import uctbx
                if 'rlp' not in reflections:
                    assert imageset is not None
                    from dials.algorithms.spot_finding.per_image_analysis import map_to_reciprocal_space
                    reflections = map_to_reciprocal_space(
                        reflections, imageset)
                d_star_sq = flex.pow2(reflections['rlp'].norms())
                d_spacings = uctbx.d_star_sq_as_d(d_star_sq)

            d_min = params.ice_rings.d_min
            width = params.ice_rings.width

            if d_min is None:
                d_min = flex.min(d_spacings)

            ice_filter = filtering.PowderRingFilter(
                params.ice_rings.space_group.group(), d_min, width)

            ice_sel = ice_filter(d_spacings)

            print "Rejecting %i reflections at ice ring resolution" % ice_sel.count(
            reflections = reflections.select(~ice_sel)
            #reflections = reflections.select(ice_sel)

        # Save filtered reflections to file
        if params.output.reflections:
            print "Saving {0} reflections to {1}".format(
                len(reflections), params.output.reflections)
