def test_apparent_kurtosis_coef():
    """ Apparent kurtosis coeficients are tested for a spherical kurtosis
    tensor """

    sph = Sphere(xyz=gtab.bvecs[gtab.bvals > 0])
    AKC = dki.apparent_kurtosis_coef(params_sph, sph)

    # check all direction
    for d in range(len(gtab.bvecs[gtab.bvals > 0])):
        assert_array_almost_equal(AKC[d], Kref_sphere)
def test_apparent_kurtosis_coef():
    """ Apparent kurtosis coeficients are tested for a spherical kurtosis
    tensor """

    sph = Sphere(xyz=gtab.bvecs[gtab.bvals > 0])
    AKC = dki.apparent_kurtosis_coef(params_sph, sph)

    # check all direction
    for d in range(len(gtab.bvecs[gtab.bvals > 0])):
        assert_array_almost_equal(AKC[d], Kref_sphere)
文件: test_dki.py 项目: davhunt/dipy
def test_MK_singularities():
    # To test MK in case that analytical solution was a singularity not covered
    # by other tests

    dkiM = dki.DiffusionKurtosisModel(gtab_2s)

    # test singularity L1 == L2 - this is the case of a prolate diffusion
    # tensor for crossing fibers at 90 degrees
    angles_all = np.array([[(90, 0), (90, 0), (0, 0), (0, 0)],
                           [(89.9, 0), (89.9, 0), (0, 0), (0, 0)]])
    for angles_90 in angles_all:
        s_90, dt_90, kt_90 = multi_tensor_dki(gtab_2s,
        dkiF = dkiM.fit(s_90)
        MK = dkiF.mk()

        sph = Sphere(xyz=gtab.bvecs[gtab.bvals > 0])

        MK_nm = np.mean(dkiF.akc(sph))

        assert_almost_equal(MK, MK_nm, decimal=2)

        # test singularity L1 == L3 and L1 != L2
        # since L1 is defined as the larger eigenvalue and L3 the smallest
        # eigenvalue, this singularity teoretically will never be called,
        # because for L1 == L3, L2 have also to be  = L1 and L2.
        # Nevertheless, I decided to include this test since this singularity
        # is revelant for cases that eigenvalues are not ordered

        # artificially revert the eigenvalue and eigenvector order
        dki_params = dkiF.model_params.copy()
        dki_params[1] = dkiF.model_params[2]
        dki_params[2] = dkiF.model_params[1]
        dki_params[4] = dkiF.model_params[5]
        dki_params[5] = dkiF.model_params[4]
        dki_params[7] = dkiF.model_params[8]
        dki_params[8] = dkiF.model_params[7]
        dki_params[10] = dkiF.model_params[11]
        dki_params[11] = dkiF.model_params[10]

        MK = dki.mean_kurtosis(dki_params)
        MK_nm = np.mean(dki.apparent_kurtosis_coef(dki_params, sph))

        assert_almost_equal(MK, MK_nm, decimal=2)
def test_compare_MK_method():
    # tests if analytical solution of MK is equal to the average of directional
    # kurtosis sampled from a sphere

    # DKI Model fitting
    dkiM = dki.DiffusionKurtosisModel(gtab_2s)
    dkiF = dkiM.fit(signal_cross)

    # MK analytical solution
    MK_as = dkiF.mk()

    # MK numerical method
    sph = Sphere(xyz=gtab.bvecs[gtab.bvals > 0])
    MK_nm = np.mean(dki.apparent_kurtosis_coef(dkiF.model_params, sph), axis=-1)

    assert_array_almost_equal(MK_as, MK_nm, decimal=1)
def test_compare_MK_method():
    # tests if analytical solution of MK is equal to the average of directional
    # kurtosis sampled from a sphere

    # DKI Model fitting
    dkiM = dki.DiffusionKurtosisModel(gtab_2s)
    dkiF = dkiM.fit(signal_cross)

    # MK analytical solution
    MK_as = dkiF.mk()

    # MK numerical method
    sph = Sphere(xyz=gtab.bvecs[gtab.bvals > 0])
    MK_nm = np.mean(dki.apparent_kurtosis_coef(dkiF.model_params, sph),

    assert_array_almost_equal(MK_as, MK_nm, decimal=1)
def test_MK_singularities():
    # To test MK in case that analytical solution was a singularity not covered
    # by other tests

    dkiM = dki.DiffusionKurtosisModel(gtab_2s)

    # test singularity L1 == L2 - this is the case of a prolate diffusion
    # tensor for crossing fibers at 90 degrees
    angles_all = np.array([[(90, 0), (90, 0), (0, 0), (0, 0)],
                           [(89.9, 0), (89.9, 0), (0, 0), (0, 0)]])
    for angles_90 in angles_all:
        s_90, dt_90, kt_90 = multi_tensor_dki(gtab_2s, mevals_cross, S0=100,
                                              fractions=frac_cross, snr=None)
        dkiF = dkiM.fit(s_90)
        MK = dkiF.mk()

        sph = Sphere(xyz=gtab.bvecs[gtab.bvals > 0])

        MK_nm = np.mean(dkiF.akc(sph))

        assert_almost_equal(MK, MK_nm, decimal=2)

        # test singularity L1 == L3 and L1 != L2
        # since L1 is defined as the larger eigenvalue and L3 the smallest
        # eigenvalue, this singularity teoretically will never be called,
        # because for L1 == L3, L2 have also to be  = L1 and L2.
        # Nevertheless, I decided to include this test since this singularity
        # is revelant for cases that eigenvalues are not ordered

        # artificially revert the eigenvalue and eigenvector order
        dki_params = dkiF.model_params.copy()
        dki_params[1] = dkiF.model_params[2]
        dki_params[2] = dkiF.model_params[1]
        dki_params[4] = dkiF.model_params[5]
        dki_params[5] = dkiF.model_params[4]
        dki_params[7] = dkiF.model_params[8]
        dki_params[8] = dkiF.model_params[7]
        dki_params[10] = dkiF.model_params[11]
        dki_params[11] = dkiF.model_params[10]

        MK = dki.mean_kurtosis(dki_params)
        MK_nm = np.mean(dki.apparent_kurtosis_coef(dki_params, sph))

        assert_almost_equal(MK, MK_nm, decimal=2)
def test_compare_RK_methods():
    # tests if analytical solution of RK is equal to the perpendicular kurtosis
    # relative to the first diffusion axis

    # DKI Model fitting
    dkiM = dki.DiffusionKurtosisModel(gtab_2s)
    dkiF = dkiM.fit(signal_cross)

    # MK analytical solution
    RK_as = dkiF.rk()

    # MK numerical method
    evecs = dkiF.evecs
    p_dir = perpendicular_directions(evecs[:, 0], num=30, half=True)
    ver = Sphere(xyz=p_dir)
    RK_nm = np.mean(dki.apparent_kurtosis_coef(dkiF.model_params, ver), axis=-1)

    assert_array_almost_equal(RK_as, RK_nm)
def test_compare_RK_methods():
    # tests if analytical solution of RK is equal to the perpendicular kurtosis
    # relative to the first diffusion axis

    # DKI Model fitting
    dkiM = dki.DiffusionKurtosisModel(gtab_2s)
    dkiF = dkiM.fit(signal_cross)

    # MK analytical solution
    RK_as = dkiF.rk()

    # MK numerical method
    evecs = dkiF.evecs
    p_dir = perpendicular_directions(evecs[:, 0], num=30, half=True)
    ver = Sphere(xyz=p_dir)
    RK_nm = np.mean(dki.apparent_kurtosis_coef(dkiF.model_params, ver),

    assert_array_almost_equal(RK_as, RK_nm)