def test_update_with_changed_hub_and_self(self): update_data = """<?xml version="1.0"?> <feed xmlns=""> <!-- Normally here would be source, title, etc ... --> <link rel="hub" href="" /> <link rel="self" href="" /> <updated>2008-08-11T02:15:01Z</updated> <entry> <title>Heathcliff</title> <link href="" /> <id></id> <updated>2008-08-11T02:15:01Z</updated> <content> What a happy cat. Full content goes here. </content> </entry> </feed> """ sub = Subscription.objects.create( hub="hub", topic="topic", + timedelta(days=1)) callback_data = [] updated.connect( lambda sender=None, update=None, **kwargs: callback_data.append( (sender, update)), weak=False) self.responses.append(MockResponse(204)) response ='pubsubhubbub_callback', args=(,)), update_data, 'application/atom+xml') self.assertEquals(response.status_code, 200) subscription = Subscription.objects.get( hub='', topic='') self.assertEquals(subscription.hub, '') self.assertEquals(subscription.topic, '') self.assertEquals(len(self.requests), 1) self.assertEquals(self.requests[0][0], '') self.assert_((self.requests[0][1]['lease_seconds'] - 86400) < 5)
def test_update(self): # this data comes from # update_data = """<?xml version="1.0"?> <feed xmlns=""> <!-- Normally here would be source, title, etc ... --> <link rel="hub" href="" /> <link rel="self" href="" /> <updated>2008-08-11T02:15:01Z</updated> <!-- Example of a full entry. --> <entry> <title>Heathcliff</title> <link href="" /> <id></id> <updated>2008-08-11T02:15:01Z</updated> <content> What a happy cat. Full content goes here. </content> </entry> <!-- Example of an entity that isn't full/is truncated. This is implied by the lack of a <content> element and a <summary> element instead. --> <entry > <title>Heathcliff</title> <link href="" /> <id></id> <updated>2008-08-11T02:15:01Z</updated> <summary> What a happy cat! </summary> </entry> <!-- Meta-data only; implied by the lack of <content> and <summary> elements. --> <entry> <title>Garfield</title> <link rel="alternate" href="" /> <id></id> <updated>2008-08-11T02:15:01Z</updated> </entry> <!-- Context entry that's meta-data only and not new. Implied because the update time on this entry is before the //atom:feed/updated time. --> <entry> <title>Nermal</title> <link rel="alternate" href="" /> <id></id> <updated>2008-07-10T12:28:13Z</updated> </entry> </feed> """ sub = Subscription.objects.create( hub="", topic="") callback_data = [] updated.connect( lambda sender=None, update=None, **kwargs: callback_data.append( (sender, update)), weak=False) response ='pubsubhubbub_callback', args=(,)), update_data, 'application/atom+xml') self.assertEquals(response.status_code, 200) self.assertEquals(len(callback_data), 1) sender, update = callback_data[0] self.assertEquals(sender, sub) self.assertEquals(len(update.entries), 4) self.assertEquals(update.entries[0].id, '') self.assertEquals(update.entries[1].id, '') self.assertEquals(update.entries[2].id, '') self.assertEquals(update.entries[3].id, '')