def updateSiteInfo(self, site, stype="", cache="", enabled=True, ssl=False, fs="", db=""): """updates site record in database""" try: q = SiteDB.query.filter(SiteDB.sitename == site).first() except Exception as e: Log.debug(self, "{0}".format(e)) Log.error(self, "Unable to query database for site info") if not q: Log.error(self, "{0} does not exist in database".format(site)) # Check if new record matches old if not then only update database if stype and q.site_type != stype: q.site_type = stype if cache and q.cache_type != cache: q.cache_type = cache if q.is_enabled != enabled: q.is_enabled = enabled if ssl and q.is_ssl != ssl: q.is_ssl = ssl try: q.created_on = db_session.commit() except Exception as e: Log.debug(self, "{0}".format(e)) Log.error(self, "Unable to update site info in application database.")
def addNewSite(self, site, stype, cache, path, enabled=True, ssl=False, fs='ext4', db='mysql', db_name=None, db_user=None, db_password=None, db_host='localhost', hhvm=0, pagespeed=0): """ Add New Site record information into ee database. """ try: newRec = SiteDB(site, stype, cache, path, enabled, ssl, fs, db, db_name, db_user, db_password, db_host, hhvm, pagespeed) db_session.add(newRec) db_session.commit() except Exception as e: Log.debug(self, "{0}".format(e)) Log.error(self, "Unable to add site to database")
def updateSiteInfo(self, site, stype='', cache='', webroot='', enabled=True, ssl=False, fs='', db='', db_name=None, db_user=None, db_password=None, db_host=None, hhvm=None, pagespeed=None, php_version=''): """updates site record in database""" try: q = SiteDB.query.filter(SiteDB.sitename == site).first() except Exception as e: Log.debug(self, "{0}".format(e)) Log.error(self, "Unable to query database for site info") if not q: Log.error(self, "{0} does not exist in database".format(site)) # Check if new record matches old if not then only update database if stype and q.site_type != stype: q.site_type = stype if cache and q.cache_type != cache: q.cache_type = cache if q.is_enabled != enabled: q.is_enabled = enabled if q.is_ssl != ssl: q.is_ssl = ssl if db_name and q.db_name != db_name: q.db_name = db_name if db_user and q.db_user != db_user: q.db_user = db_user if db_user and q.db_password != db_password: q.db_password = db_password if db_host and q.db_host != db_host: q.db_host = db_host if webroot and q.site_path != webroot: q.site_path = webroot if (hhvm is not None) and (q.is_hhvm is not hhvm): q.is_hhvm = hhvm if (pagespeed is not None) and (q.is_pagespeed is not pagespeed): q.is_pagespeed = pagespeed if php_version and q.php_version != php_version: q.php_version = php_version try: q.created_on = db_session.commit() except Exception as e: Log.debug(self, "{0}".format(e)) Log.error(self, "Unable to update site info in application database.")
def addNewSite(self, site, stype, cache, path, enabled=True, ssl=False, fs="ext4", db="mysql"): """ Add New Site record information into ee database. """ try: newRec = SiteDB(site, stype, cache, path, enabled, ssl, fs, db) db_session.add(newRec) db_session.commit() except Exception as e: Log.debug(self, "{0}".format(e)) Log.error(self, "Unable to add site to database")
def deleteSiteInfo(self, site): """Delete site record in database""" try: q = SiteDB.query.filter(SiteDB.sitename == site).first() except Exception as e: Log.debug(self, "{0}".format(e)) Log.error(self, "Unable to query database") if not q: Log.error(self, "{0} does not exist in database".format(site)) try: db_session.delete(q) db_session.commit() except Exception as e: Log.debug(self, "{0}".format(e)) Log.error(self, "Unable to delete site from application database.")
def addNewSite(self, site, stype, cache, path, enabled=True, ssl=False, fs='ext4', db='mysql'): """ Add New Site record information into ee database. """ try: newRec = SiteDB(site, stype, cache, path, enabled, ssl, fs, db) db_session.add(newRec) db_session.commit() except Exception as e: Log.debug(self, "{0}".format(e)) Log.error(self, "Unable to add site to database")
def updateSiteInfo(self, site, stype='', cache='', enabled=True, ssl=False, fs='', db=''): """updates site record in database""" try: q = SiteDB.query.filter(SiteDB.sitename == site).first() except Exception as e: Log.debug(self, "{0}".format(e)) Log.error(self, "Unable to query database for site info") if not q: Log.error(self, "{0} does not exist in database".format(site)) # Check if new record matches old if not then only update database if stype and q.site_type != stype: q.site_type = stype if cache and q.cache_type != cache: q.cache_type = cache if q.is_enabled != enabled: q.is_enabled = enabled if ssl and q.is_ssl != ssl: q.is_ssl = ssl try: q.created_on = db_session.commit() except Exception as e: Log.debug(self, "{0}".format(e)) Log.error(self, "Unable to update site info in application database.")