def state_estimation(): global dt_v_enc global v_meas, psi_meas # initialize node rospy.init_node('state_estimation', anonymous=True) # topic subscriptions / publications rospy.Subscriber('imu/data', Imu, imu_callback) rospy.Subscriber('encoder', Encoder, enc_callback) rospy.Subscriber('ecu', ECU, ecu_callback) state_pub = rospy.Publisher('state_estimate', Z_KinBkMdl, queue_size = 10) # get vehicle dimension parameters L_a = rospy.get_param("L_a") # distance from CoG to front axel L_b = rospy.get_param("L_b") # distance from CoG to rear axel vhMdl = (L_a, L_b) # get encoder parameters dt_v_enc = rospy.get_param("state_estimation/dt_v_enc") # time interval to compute v_x from encoders # get EKF observer properties q_std = rospy.get_param("state_estimation/q_std") # std of process noise r_std = rospy.get_param("state_estimation/r_std") # std of measurementnoise # set node rate loop_rate = 50 dt = 1.0 / loop_rate rate = rospy.Rate(loop_rate) t0 = time.time() # estimation variables for Luemberger observer z_EKF = zeros(4) # estimation variables for EKF P = eye(4) # initial dynamics coveriance matrix Q = (q_std**2)*eye(4) # process noise coveriance matrix R = (r_std**2)*eye(2) # measurement noise coveriance matrix while not rospy.is_shutdown(): # publish state estimate (x, y, psi, v) = z_EKF # publish information state_pub.publish( Z_KinBkMdl(x, y, psi, v) ) # collect measurements, inputs, system properties # collect inputs y = array([psi_meas, v_meas]) u = array([ d_f, acc ]) args = (u,vhMdl,dt) # apply EKF and get each state estimate (z_EKF,P) = ekf(f_KinBkMdl, z_EKF, P, h_KinBkMdl, y, Q, R, args ) # wait rate.sleep()
def task(prev_time, error_cov, count, x): x2 = window.winfo_rootx() + main_window.canvas.winfo_x() y2 = window.winfo_rooty() + main_window.canvas.winfo_y() x1 = x2 + main_window.canvas.winfo_width() + 170 y1 = y2 + main_window.canvas.winfo_height() + 150 N = 1000 X = np.linspace(x1, x2, N) Y = np.linspace(y1, y2, N) X, Y = np.meshgrid(X, Y) # Pack X and Y into a single 3-dimensional array pos = np.empty(X.shape + (4, )) pos[:, :, 0] = X pos[:, :, 1] = Y img = ImageGrab.grab((x2, y2, x1, y1)).save("test_kalman.png") frame = cv2.imread("test_kalman.png") # It converts the BGR color space of image to HSV color space hsv = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV) # preparing the mask to overlay mask_blue = cv2.inRange(hsv, lower_blue, upper_blue) mask_green = cv2.inRange(hsv, lower_green, upper_green) mask_yellow = cv2.inRange(hsv, lower_yellow, upper_yellow) # The black region in the mask has the value of 0, # so when multiplied with original image removes all non-blue regions result = cv2.bitwise_or(cv2.bitwise_or(mask_blue, mask_green), mask_yellow) masks = [mask_blue, mask_green, mask_yellow] colors = ["Blue", "Green", "Yellow"] for i in range(len(masks)): M = cv2.moments(masks[i]) if M["m00"] != 0: cX = int(M["m10"] / M["m00"]) cY = int(M["m01"] / M["m00"]) if i == 0: meas.append((cX, cY)) mp = [cX, cY] filterstep = time.time() - prev_time prev_time = time.time() x, error_cov = ekf(mp, x, filterstep, error_cov, count) pred.append((int(x[0]), int(x[1]))) paint() F = multivariate_normal(np.array([int(x[0]), int(x[1]), 0, 0]), error_cov) Z = F.pdf(pos) plt.contourf(X, Y, Z, cmap=cm.viridis) cv2.imshow("kalman", frame_kalman) count += 1 window.after(10, task, prev_time, error_cov, count, x) # reschedule event
def ekf_test(dt,tf,mux0,P0,YK,Qk,Rk): #Qk = np.array([[1.0*dt]]) #Rk = np.array([[1.0]]) # create EKF object EKF = ekf.ekf(2,0,eqom_ekf,eqom_jacobian_ekf,eqom_gk_ekf,Qk) nSteps = int(tf/dt)+1 ts = 0.0 # initialize EKF EKF.init_P(mux0,P0,ts) # initialize performance object simOut = trials_processing.simOutput() xf = np.zeros((nSteps,2)) Pf = np.zeros((nSteps,2,2)) tk = np.arange(0.0,tf,dt) xf[0,:] = EKF.xhat.copy() Pf[0,:,:] = EKF.Pk.copy() t1 = time.time() for k in range(1,nSteps): # get the new measurement ym = np.array([YK[k]]) ts = ts + dt # sync the EKF, with continuous-time integration EKF.propagateOde(dt) #EKF.propagateRK4(dt) EKF.update(ts,ym,measurement_ekf,measurement_gradient,Rk) # check that the eigenvalukes are reasonably bounded w = np.linalg.eigvalsh(EKF.Pk.copy()) for jj in range(len(w)): if math.fabs(w[jj]) > 1.0e6: simOut.fail_singular_covariance(k) print("Covariance eigenvalue too large, t = %f" % (ts)) return(xf,Pf,simOut) # copy xf[k,:] = EKF.xhat.copy() Pf[k,:,:] = EKF.Pk.copy() t2 = time.time() print("Elapsed time: %f sec" % (t2-t1)) simOut.complete(nSteps) return(xf,Pf,simOut)
def main(argin='./'): # output file FOUT = open('python_ekf_test.csv','w') FOUT.write('t,x1,x2,ymeas,x1hat,x2hat,P11,P22\n'); # initialize EKF #Qkin = np.array([[0.2]]) Qkin = np.array([[20.0]]) EKF = ekf.ekf(2,1,stateDerivativeEKF,stateGradient,stateProcessInfluence,Qk = Qkin) Rkin = np.array([ [0.0001] ]) dt = 0.01 tfin = 10.0 nSteps = int(tfin/dt) tsim = 0.0 xk = np.array([1.0,0.0]) yk = measFunction(xk,tsim) EKF.init(yk,initFunction,tsim) print(nSteps) for k in range(nSteps): # propagte EKF.propagate(dt) # simulate y = sp.odeint(stateDerivative,xk,np.array([tsim,tsim+dt]),args=([],) ) xk = y[-1,:].copy() # update time tsim = tsim + dt # measurement ymeas = simMeasurementFunction(xk,tsim) # update EKF EKF.update(tsim,ymeas,measFunction,measGradient,Rkin) # log to file FOUT.write('%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f\n' % (tsim,xk[0],xk[1],ymeas[0],EKF.xhat[0],EKF.xhat[1],EKF.Pk[0,0],EKF.Pk[1,1]) ) FOUT.close() return
def __init__(self,logDir=None): ## Lasst update time self.tLast = 0.0 ## gpsState object for holding the state of EMILY self.gpsState = gps_state() ## local copy of the EKF state: [x(m),y(m),V(m/s),heading(radians)] self.filterState = np.zeros(4) ## time of last message # # timeLastMsg[0] = the last message of any type # timeLastMsg[1] = the last heartbeat # timeLastMsg[2] = the last GPS message self.timeLastMsg = [0.0,0.0,0.0] ## Current rudder setting self.rudderCmd=0.0 ## Current throttle self.throttleCmd=0.0 ## HACK Throttle moving average used to see when we're fast enough to filter self.throttleAvg = 0.0 # process noise matrix for the zero-jerk filter Qkin = np.diag([math.pow(filter_dynamics.sigma_jerk,2.0),math.pow(filter_dynamics.sigma_jerk,2.0)]) ## EKF object self.EKF = ekf.ekf(6,0,filter_dynamics.propagate,filter_dynamics.propGradient,filter_dynamics.processMatrix,Qk=Qkin) ## control mode: 0 == teleoperation, 1 == pfields self.control_mode = 0 ## log object if logDir is not None: self.log = open(logDir+"bridgeStateLog.csv",'w+') # write the headers self.log.write('time(sec),raw x,raw y,raw V,raw hdg,X(m),Y(m),VX(m/s),VY(m/s),AX(m/s^2),AY(m/s^2),Xm(m),Ym(m),Vm(m),Hdgm(rad)') for k in range(6): for j in range(6): self.log.write(',P_%d%d' % (k+1,j+1)) self.log.write(',EKF time(sec),systime(sec)') self.log.write('\n') else: self.log = None return
def ekf_test(dt,tf,mux0,P0,YK,Qk,Rk): #Qk = np.array([[1.0*dt]]) #Rk = np.array([[1.0]]) # create EKF object EKF = ekf.ekf(2,0,eqom_ekf,eqom_jacobian_ekf,eqom_gk_ekf,Qk) nSteps = int(tf/dt)+1 ts = 0.0 # initialize EKF EKF.init_P(mux0,P0,ts) xf = np.zeros((nSteps,2)) Pf = np.zeros((nSteps,4)) tk = np.arange(0.0,tf,dt) xf[0,:] = EKF.xhat.copy() Pf[0,:] = EKF.Pk.reshape((4,)) t1 = time.time() for k in range(1,nSteps): # get the new measurement ym = np.array([YK[k]]) ts = ts + dt # sync the EKF, with continuous-time integration EKF.propagateOde(dt) #EKF.propagateRK4(dt) EKF.update(ts,ym,measurement_ekf,measurement_gradient,Rk) # copy xf[k,:] = EKF.xhat.copy() Pf[k,:] = EKF.Pk.reshape((4,)) t2 = time.time() print("Elapsed time: %f sec" % (t2-t1)) return(xf,Pf)
def state_estimation(): # initialize node rospy.init_node('state_estimation', anonymous=True) # topic subscriptions / publications rospy.Subscriber('imu/data', Imu, imu_callback) rospy.Subscriber('encoder', Encoder, enc_callback) rospy.Subscriber('ecu', ECU, ecu_callback) state_pub = rospy.Publisher('state_estimate', Vector3, queue_size=10) # get vehicle dimension parameters L_a = rospy.get_param("L_a") # distance from CoG to front axel L_b = rospy.get_param("L_b") # distance from CoG to rear axel m = rospy.get_param("m") # mass of vehicle I_z = rospy.get_param("I_z") # moment of inertia about z-axis vhMdl = (L_a, L_b, m, I_z) # get encoder parameters dt_vx = rospy.get_param( "state_estimation/dt_v_enc") # time interval to compute v_x # get tire model B = rospy.get_param("tire_model/B") C = rospy.get_param("tire_model/C") mu = rospy.get_param("tire_model/mu") TrMdl = ([B, C, mu], [B, C, mu]) # get external force model a0 = rospy.get_param("air_drag_coeff") Ff = rospy.get_param("friction") # get EKF observer properties q_std = rospy.get_param("state_estimation/q_std") # std of process noise r_std = rospy.get_param( "state_estimation/r_std") # std of measurementnoise v_x_min = rospy.get_param( "state_estimation/v_x_min") # minimum velociy before using EKF # set node rate loop_rate = 50 dt = 1.0 / loop_rate rate = rospy.Rate(loop_rate) t0 = time.time() # estimation variables for Luemberger observer z_EKF = array([1.0, 0.0, 0.0]) # estimation variables for EKF P = eye(3) # initial dynamics coveriance matrix Q = (q_std**2) * eye(3) # process noise coveriance matrix R = (r_std**2) * eye(2) # measurement noise coveriance matrix while not rospy.is_shutdown(): # publish state estimate (v_x, v_y, r) = z_EKF # note, r = EKF estimate yaw rate # publish information state_pub.publish(Vector3(v_x, v_y, r)) # apply EKF if v_x_enc > v_x_min: # get measurement y = array([v_x_enc, w_z]) # define input u = array([d_f, FxR]) # build extra arguments for non-linear function F_ext = array([a0, Ff]) args = (u, vhMdl, TrMdl, F_ext, dt) # apply EKF and get each state estimate (z_EKF, P) = ekf(f_3s, z_EKF, P, h_3s, y, Q, R, args) else: z_EKF[0] = float(v_x_enc) z_EKF[2] = float(w_z) # wait rate.sleep()
def state_estimation(): global Vx_meas, Yaw_meas, X_meas, Y_meas, delta_meas global Yaw_initialize, GPS_initialize, GPS_read global start_X, start_Y, pub_flag # initialize node rospy.init_node('state_estimation', anonymous=True) # topic subscriptions / publications rospy.Subscriber('/xsens/imu/data', Imu, IMUCallback) rospy.Subscriber('vehicle/steering_report', SteeringReport, SteeringReportCallback) rospy.Subscriber('current_pose_2D', Pose2D, CurrentPose2DCallback) rospy.Subscriber('relative_quaternion', Quaternion, RelativeOrientationCallback) state_pub = rospy.Publisher('state_estimate', state_Dynamic, queue_size=10) # set node rate loop_rate = 50 dt = 1.0 / loop_rate rate = rospy.Rate(loop_rate) # estimation variables for Luemberger observer z_EKF = array([0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.]) z_EKF_prev = array([0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.]) states_est = array([0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.]) state_initialize = 0 state_est_obj = state_Dynamic() # estimation variables for EKF var_gps = 1.0e-05 var_v = 1.0e-04 var_psi = 1.0e-04 var_ax = 1.0e-03 var_ay = 1.0e-03 var_delta = 1.0e-02 var_noise = 1.0e-01 P = eye(6) # initial dynamics coveriance matrix Q = diag( array([var_ax, var_delta, var_noise, var_noise, var_noise, var_noise])) # process noise coveriance matrix R2 = diag(array([var_v, var_gps, var_gps, var_psi])) # measurement noise coveriance matrix R1 = diag(array([var_v, var_psi, var_ay])) while (rospy.is_shutdown() != 1): #print((Yaw_initialize, GPS_initialize)) if Yaw_initialize == 0 or GPS_initialize == 0: rate.sleep() continue elif state_initialize == 0: z_EKF = array([Vx_meas, 0, X_meas, Y_meas, Yaw_meas, Yawrate_meas]) state_est = z_EKF state_initialize = 1 else: factor = 1.0 if abs(Vx_meas) < 0.01: factor = 0.0 u_ekf = array([ax_meas * factor, delta_meas * factor]) w_ekf = array([0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.]) args = (u_ekf, vhMdl, trMdl, dt) z_EKF_prev = z_EKF if GPS_read == 0: y_ekf = array([ Vx_meas * factor, Yaw_meas * factor + z_EKF[4] * (1. - factor), ay_meas * factor ]) v_ekf = array([0., 0., 0.]) (z_EKF, P) = ekf(f_BicycleModel, z_EKF, w_ekf, v_ekf, P, h_BicycleModel_withoutGPS, y_ekf, Q, R1, args) else: y_ekf = array([Vx_meas, X_meas, Y_meas, Yaw_meas]) v_ekf = array([0., 0., 0., 0.]) (z_EKF, P) = ekf(f_BicycleModel, z_EKF, w_ekf, v_ekf, P, h_BicycleModel_withGPS, y_ekf, Q, R2, args) GPS_read = 0 state_est = z_EKF state_est_obj.vx = state_est[0] state_est_obj.vy = state_est[1] state_est_obj.X = state_est[2] state_est_obj.Y = state_est[3] state_est_obj.psi = state_est[4] state_est_obj.wz = state_est[5] if Vx_meas == 0: state_est_obj.vx = 0 state_est_obj.vy = 0 state_pub.publish(state_est_obj) rate.sleep()
control = control[ci:,:] # GPS to X-Y position relative to home gpsXY = np.zeros((len(gps),2)) gpsXY[:,0] = (gps[:,3]-gpsHome[1])*111318.845 # X gpsXY[:,1] = (gps[:,2]-gpsHome[0])*111318.845 # Y # 1-sigma in the process noise for heading gain sigma_psi = 0.5 sigma_t = 0.5 sigma_gps = 0.5*3.0/3.0# meters, 1-sigma sigma_gps_v = 0.5/3.0#m/s sigma_gps_h = 0.5/3.0#rads Qkin = np.diag([sigma_psi*sigma_psi,sigma_t*sigma_t]) Rkin = np.diag([sigma_gps*sigma_gps,sigma_gps*sigma_gps,sigma_gps_v*sigma_gps_v,sigma_gps_h*sigma_gps_h]) EKF = ekf.ekf(6,2,propagate,propagateGradient,processNoiseMatrix,Qk=Qkin) # initialize filter xk0 = np.array([gpsXY[0,0],gpsXY[0,1],gps[0,4],gps[0,5],2.0,2.0]) Pk0 = np.diag([sigma_gps*sigma_gps,sigma_gps*sigma_gps,0.5,0.5,sigma_psi*sigma_psi,sigma_t*sigma_t]) EKF.init_P(xk0,Pk0,gps[0,0]) # previous value of GPS time, X, Y, speed, heading (rad) - used for outlier rejection stateLast = np.array([gps[0,0],gpsXY[0,0],gpsXY[0,1],gps[0,4],gps[0,5]]) # count bad GPS rejectCount = 0 # log the state LEN = 600 xLog = np.zeros((LEN,6)) xLog[0,:] = EKF.xhat.copy() Plog = np.zeros((LEN,6)) Plog[0,:] = np.diag(EKF.Pk.copy())
gps[:,0] = gps[:,0]-t0 # Time to start at tstart = 150.0 # truncate the input vectors gi = np.nonzero(gps[:,0]>=tstart)[0][0] ci = np.nonzero(control[:,0]>=tstart)[0][0] gps = gps[gi:,:] control = control[ci:,:] # GPS to X-Y position relative to home gpsXY = np.zeros((len(gps),2)) gpsXY[:,0] = (gps[:,3]-gpsHome[1])*111318.845 # X gpsXY[:,1] = (gps[:,2]-gpsHome[0])*111318.845 # Y Qkin = np.diag([math.pow(sigma_jerk,2.0),math.pow(sigma_jerk,2.0)]) Rkin = np.diag([math.pow(sigma_gps,2.0),math.pow(sigma_gps,2.0)]) EKF = ekf.ekf(6,0,propagate,propGradient,processMatrix,Qk=Qkin) # initialize filter xk0 = np.array([gpsXY[0,0],gpsXY[0,1],0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0]) Pk0 = np.diag([math.pow(sigma_gps,2.0),math.pow(sigma_gps,2.0),1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0]) EKF.init_P(xk0,Pk0,gps[0,0]) # previous value of GPS time, X, Y, speed, heading (rad) - used for outlier rejection stateLast = np.array([gps[0,0],gpsXY[0,0],gpsXY[0,1],gps[0,4],gps[0,5]]) # count bad GPS rejectCount = 0 # log the state LEN = 3000 xLog = np.zeros((LEN,6)) xLog[0,:] = EKF.xhat.copy() Plog = np.zeros((LEN,6)) Plog[0,:] = np.diag(EKF.Pk.copy())
def main(): # load data filename = '20160328172944.csv' dat = gpsParser.parseFile(filename) # shorten the data vector tst = 186 a0 = np.nonzero((dat[:,0] - dat[0,0]) > tst) dat = dat[a0[0][0]:,:] # time vector tsim = dat[:,0]-dat[0,0] # X-Y data Y = dat[:,6:8] # set the first point to the origin Y[:,0] = Y[:,0] - Y[0,0] Y[:,1] = Y[:,1] - Y[0,1] # measurement noise estimate Rk = np.diag(math.pow(5.0/3.0,2.0)*np.ones(2,))# metres # process noise estimate Qk = np.diag([10.0,10.0]) # measurement interval dt = 1.0 EKF = ekf.ekf(4,0,stateDerivative,stateGradient,processInfluence,Qk=Qk) # initialize estimate state #x0 = np.array([Y[0,0],Y[0,1],1.0,0.0]) x0 = np.array([Y[0,0],Y[0,1],dat[0,5],dat[0,4]*math.pi/180.0]) # initial covariance P0 = np.diag([Rk[0,0],Rk[1,1],1.0,1.0]) # initialize the EKF state EKF.init_P(x0,P0,0.0) # number of steps to propagate nSteps = 100 # log values xAll = np.zeros((2*nSteps-1,4)) tAll = np.zeros(2*nSteps-1,) # log posterior values xk = np.zeros((nSteps,4)) Pk = np.zeros((nSteps,4)) allCounter = 0 xAll[allCounter,:] = x0.copy() tAll[allCounter] = tsim[0] for k in range(0,nSteps): if k > 0: dt = tsim[k]-tsim[k-1] # propagate EKF.propagateOde(dt) # log allCounter = allCounter+1 xAll[allCounter,:] = EKF.xhat.copy() tAll[allCounter] = tsim[k] # update EKF.update(tsim[k],Y[k,:],measurementFunction,measurementGradient,Rk) # log all allCounter = allCounter+1 xAll[allCounter,:] = EKF.xhat.copy() tAll[allCounter] = tsim[k] print(allCounter) # log xk[k,:] = EKF.xhat.copy() Pk[k,:] = np.diag(EKF.Pk.copy()) # compute propagataion residuals # plot results fig1 = plt.figure() lbls = ['x(m)','y(m)','v(m/s)','hdg(rad)'] tplot = tsim[:nSteps] ax = [] for k in range(4): ax.append(fig1.add_subplot(2,2,k+1,ylabel=lbls[k])) #ax[k].plot(tplot,xk[:,k]) ax[k].plot(tAll,xAll[:,k]) if k < 2: ax[k].plot(tsim,Y[:,k],'r--') elif k == 2: ax[k].plot(tsim,dat[:,5],'r--') elif k == 3: ax[k].plot(tsim,dat[:,4]*math.pi/180.0,'r--') fig2 = plt.figure() lbls = ['x(m)','y(m)','v(m/s)','hdg(rad)'] tplot = tsim[:nSteps] # residuals e = np.zeros((nSteps,4)) e[:,0] = xk[:,0] - Y[:nSteps,0] e[:,1] = xk[:,1] - Y[:nSteps,1] e[:,2] = xk[:,2] - dat[:nSteps,5] e[:,3] = xk[:,3] - dat[:nSteps,4]*math.pi/180.0 ax = [] for k in range(4): ax.append(fig2.add_subplot(2,2,k+1,ylabel=lbls[k])) ax[k].plot(tplot,e[:,k]) ax[k].plot(tplot,3.0*np.sqrt(Pk[:,k]),'r--') ax[k].plot(tplot,-3.0*np.sqrt(Pk[:,k]),'r--') raw_input('Return to exit') plt.close(fig1)
# path_now.pose.position.x = xpos # path_now.pose.position.y = ypos # path_now.pose.position.z = 0 # travelPath.poses.append(path_now) # path.publish(travelPath) if __name__ == '__main__': #set up the node rospy.init_node('moveROVekf', anonymous=True) # tn = broadcaster = tf.TransformBroadcaster() listener = tf.TransformListener() ekffilter = ekf.ekf() dvl_callback.initialized = False mti_callback.initialized = False sonar_callback.initialized = False xpos = 0 ypos = 0 zpos = 0 yawpos = 0 xbuff = 0 ybuff = 0 zbuff = 0 yawbuff = 0 travelPath = Path()
rospy.init_node("ekf") sub_pos = rospy.Subscriber("/slam_out_pose", PoseStamped, newPos) sub_wheelEnc = rospy.Subscriber("/wheel_encoder", WheelEncoder, wheelEnc_callback) pub_ekf = rospy.Publisher("/ekf_estimate", PoseStamped, queue_size=1) h = 1 / 25.0 rate = rospy.Rate(1 / h) pose_point = PoseStamped() Q = np.diag([0.001, 0.001, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01]) #Qsq = h*sl.cholesky(Q) R = np.diag([0.01, 0.01, 1.0, 1.0]) #Rsq = sl.cholesky(R) # EKF STUFF my_ekf = ekf.ekf(Q, R) ## Run the estimation on the generated data #m = np.zeros((N,5,1)) #P = np.zeros((N,5,5)) m0 = np.zeros((5, 1)) + 1.0 P0 = 0.1 * np.eye(5) yk0 = np.zeros((4, 1)) yk = np.zeros((4, 1)) mk, Pk = my_ekf.filter_update(yk, m0, P0) # END EKF STUFF while not rospy.is_shutdown(): print("ekf'in")
def task(prev_time, error_cov, count, x): global distance_from_groundtruth x2=window.winfo_rootx()+main_window.canvas.winfo_x() y2=window.winfo_rooty()+main_window.canvas.winfo_y() x1=x2+main_window.canvas.winfo_width() y1=y2+main_window.canvas.winfo_height() N = 1000 X = np.linspace(x1, x2, N) Y = np.linspace(y1, y2, N) X, Y = np.meshgrid(X, Y) # Pack X and Y into a single 3-dimensional array pos = np.empty(X.shape + (4,)) pos[:, :, 0] = X pos[:, :, 1] = Y # It converts the RGB color space of image to HSV color space img=ImageGrab.grab((x2,y2,x1,y1)) frame = np.array(img) hsv = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_RGB2HSV) # preparing the mask to overlay mask_blue = cv2.inRange(hsv, lower_blue, upper_blue) mask_green = cv2.inRange(hsv, lower_green, upper_green) mask_yellow = cv2.inRange(hsv, lower_yellow, upper_yellow) mask_red = cv2.inRange(hsv, lower_red, upper_red) masks=[mask_blue, mask_green, mask_yellow, mask_red] for c in range(len(masks)): M=cv2.moments(masks[c]) contours,hierarchy = cv2.findContours(masks[c].copy(), 1, 2) if len(contours)!=0: covered[c]=4 area=cv2.contourArea(contours[0]) if M["m00"]!=0 and (area>1500 or area==0 or (area>100 and c==3)): cX[c] = int(M["m10"] / M["m00"]) cY[c] = int(M["m01"] / M["m00"]) meas[c].append((cX[c],cY[c])) filterstep[c]=time.time()-prev_time[c] prev_time[c]=time.time() prev_cov=error_cov[c].copy() x[c], error_cov[c] = ekf([cX[c],cY[c]], x[c], filterstep[c], error_cov[c], count) pred[c].append((int(x[c][0]),int(x[c][1]))) error[c].append(np.trace(error_cov[c])) error_kl[c].append(distance_kullback(prev_cov, error_cov[c])) data="{}: actual- {} \t predicted- {} \t error (trace)- {} \t error (kl)- {}".format(c, (cX[c],cY[c]), (int(x[c][0]),int(x[c][1])), error[c][-1], error_kl[c][-1]) outF.write(data) outF.write("\n") distance_from_groundtruth+=[math.hypot(int(x[c][0]-cX[c]), int(x[c][1]-cY[c]))] paint(c) # F = multivariate_normal(np.array(x[c]), error_cov[c]) # Z = F.pdf(pos) # plt.contourf(X, Y, Z, cmap=cm.viridis) # else: if covered[c]==4: distances=dict() for i in range(len(masks)): if i!=c: distances[i]=bhattacharyya(x[c], error_cov[c], x[i], error_cov[i]) covered[c]=min(distances, key=distances.get) prev_cov=error_cov[c].copy() error_cov[c]*=1.05 pred[c].append((int(x[covered[c]][0]),int(x[covered[c]][1]))) error[c].append(np.trace(error_cov[c])) error_kl[c].append(distance_kullback(prev_cov, error_cov[c])) data="{}: actual- {} \t predicted- {} \t error (trace)- {} \t error (kl)- {}".format(c, (cX[c],cY[c]), (int(x[c][0]),int(x[c][1])), error[c][-1], error_kl[c][-1]) outF.write(data) outF.write("\n") distance_from_groundtruth+=[math.hypot(int(x[c][0]-cX[c]), int(x[c][1]-cY[c]))] paint(c) cv2.imshow("kalman",frame_kalman) count+=1 window.after(10, task, prev_time, error_cov, count, x) # reschedule event
def state_estimation(): global Vx_meas, Yaw_meas, delta_meas global start_X, start_Y, pub_flag # initialize node rospy.init_node('state_estimation', anonymous=True) # topic subscriptions / publications rospy.Subscriber('/xsens/imu_data', Imu, IMUCallback) rospy.Subscriber('vehicle/steering_report', SteeringReport, SteeringReportCallback) state_pub = rospy.Publisher('state_estimate', state_Dynamic, queue_size=10) # set node rate loop_rate = 100 dt = 1.0 / loop_rate rate = rospy.Rate(loop_rate) # estimation variables for Luemberger observer z_EKF = array([0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.]) z_EKF_prev = array([0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.]) states_est = array([0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.]) state_initialize = 0 state_est_obj = state_Dynamic() # estimation variables for EKF var_v = 1.0e-04 var_psi = 1.0e-06 var_ax = 1.0e-04 var_delta = 1.0e-04 var_noise = 1.0e-04 P = eye(6) # initial dynamics coveriance matrix Q = diag( array([var_ax, var_delta, var_noise, var_noise, var_noise, var_noise])) # process noise coveriance matrix R1 = diag(array([var_v, var_psi])) while (rospy.is_shutdown() != 1): if state_initialize == 0: z_EKF = array([Vx_meas, 0, 0, 0, Yaw_meas, Yawrate_meas]) state_est = z_EKF state_initialize = 1 else: u_ekf = array([ax_meas, delta_meas]) w_ekf = array([0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.]) args = (u_ekf, vhMdl, trMdl, dt) z_EKF_prev = z_EKF y_ekf = array([Vx_meas, Yaw_meas]) v_ekf = array([0., 0.]) (z_EKF, P) = ekf(f_BicycleModel, z_EKF, w_ekf, v_ekf, P, h_BicycleModel_withoutGPS, y_ekf, Q, R1, args) state_est = z_EKF state_est_obj.vx = state_est[0] state_est_obj.vy = state_est[1] state_est_obj.X = state_est[2] state_est_obj.Y = state_est[3] state_est_obj.psi = state_est[4] state_est_obj.wz = state_est[5] state_pub.publish(state_est_obj) rate.sleep()
# path_now.pose.position.y = ypos # path_now.pose.position.z = 0 # travelPath.poses.append(path_now) # path.publish(travelPath) if __name__ == '__main__': #set up the node rospy.init_node('moveROVekf', anonymous=True) # tn = broadcaster = tf.TransformBroadcaster() listener = tf.TransformListener() ekffilter = ekf.ekf() dvl_callback.initialized = False mti_callback.initialized = False sonar_callback.initialized = False xpos = 0 ypos = 0 zpos = 0 yawpos = 0 xbuff = 0 ybuff = 0 zbuff = 0 yawbuff = 0 travelPath = Path()
def state_estimation(): global Vx_meas, Yaw_meas, delta_meas, ax_meas, ay_meas global start_X, start_Y, pub_flag, steering_received, imu_received # initialize node rospy.init_node('state_estimation', anonymous=True) # topic subscriptions / publications rospy.Subscriber('/xsens/imu/data', Imu, IMUCallback) rospy.Subscriber('vehicle/steering_report', SteeringReport, SteeringReportCallback) state_pub = rospy.Publisher('state_estimate', state_Dynamic, queue_size=1) # set node rate loop_rate = 50 dt = 1.0 / loop_rate rate = rospy.Rate(loop_rate) # estimation variables for Luemberger observer z_EKF = array([0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.]) z_EKF_prev = array([0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.]) states_est = array([0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.]) state_initialize = 0 state_est_obj = state_Dynamic() # estimation variables for EKF var_v = 1.0e-04 var_psi = 1.0e-03 var_ax = 1.0e-02 var_ay = 1.0e-02 var_delta = 1.0e-02 var_noise = 1.0e-01 P = eye(6) # initial dynamics coveriance matrix Q = diag( array([var_ax, var_delta, var_noise, var_noise, var_noise, var_noise])) # process noise coveriance matrix R1 = diag(array([var_v, var_psi, var_ay])) while (rospy.is_shutdown() != 1): if steering_received and imu_received: steering_received = False imu_received = False if state_initialize == 0: #z_EKF = array([Vx_meas, 0, 0, 0, Yaw_meas, Yawrate_meas]) z_EKF = array([0, 0, 0, 0, Yaw_meas, 0]) state_est = z_EKF state_initialize = 1 else: factor = 1.0 if abs(Vx_meas) < 0.01: factor = 0.0 while (Yaw_meas - state_est[4] > pi): Yaw_meas -= 2 * pi while (Yaw_meas - state_est[4] < -pi): Yaw_meas += 2 * pi u_ekf = array([ax_meas * factor, delta_meas * factor]) w_ekf = array([0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.]) args = (u_ekf, vhMdl, trMdl, dt) z_EKF_prev = z_EKF y_ekf = array([ Vx_meas * factor, Yaw_meas * factor + z_EKF[4] * (1. - factor), ay_meas * factor ]) v_ekf = array([0., 0., 0.]) (z_EKF, P) = ekf(f_BicycleModel, z_EKF, w_ekf, v_ekf, P, h_BicycleModel_withoutGPS, y_ekf, Q, R1, args) z_EKF[4] = z_EKF[4] % (2 * pi) if z_EKF[4] > pi: z_EKF[4] -= 2 * pi state_est = z_EKF state_est_obj.vx = state_est[0] state_est_obj.vy = state_est[1] state_est_obj.X = state_est[2] state_est_obj.Y = state_est[3] state_est_obj.psi = state_est[4] state_est_obj.wz = state_est[5] state_pub.publish(state_est_obj) rate.sleep()
for c in range(len(masks)): M = cv2.moments(masks[c]) contours, hierarchy = cv2.findContours(masks[c].copy(), 1, 2) if len(contours) != 0: covered[c] = 4 area = cv2.contourArea(contours[0]) if M["m00"] != 0 and (area > 1500 or area == 0 or (area > 100 and c == 3)): cX[c] = int(M["m10"] / M["m00"]) cY[c] = int(M["m01"] / M["m00"]) meas[c].append((cX[c], cY[c])) filterstep[c] = time.time() - prev_time[c] prev_time[c] = time.time() prev_cov = error_cov[c].copy() x[c], error_cov[c] = ekf([cX[c], cY[c]], x[c], filterstep[c], error_cov[c], count) pred[c].append((int(x[c][0]), int(x[c][1]))) error[c].append(np.trace(error_cov[c])) error_kl[c].append(distance_kullback(prev_cov, error_cov[c])) else: if covered[c] == 4: distances = dict() for i in range(len(masks)): if i != c and np.any(error_cov[i]): distances[i] = bhattacharyya( x[c], error_cov[c], x[i], error_cov[i]) covered[c] = min(distances, key=distances.get) meas[c].append(meas[covered[c]][-1]) cX[c] = meas[covered[c]][-1][0] cY[c] = meas[covered[c]][-1][1]
def main(argin='./'): # output file FOUT = open('python_benchmark.csv','w') FOUT.write('t,x1,x2,ymeas1,ymeas2,x1hat,x2hat,P11,P22\n'); # initialize EKF Qkin = np.array([[0.2]]) #Qkin = np.array([[20.0]]) EKF = ekf.ekf(2,1,stateDerivativeEKF,stateGradient,stateProcessInfluence,Qk = Qkin) Rkin = np.array([ [sigma_y1*sigma_y1] ]) dt = 0.01 tfin = 10.0 nSteps = int(tfin/dt) tsim = 0.0 xk = np.array([1.0,0.0]) yk = measFunction(xk,tsim) EKF.init(yk,initFunction,tsim) print(nSteps) xkl = np.zeros((nSteps,2)) xtl = np.zeros((nSteps,2)) Pkl = np.zeros((nSteps,2)) tl = np.zeros((nSteps,)) for k in range(nSteps): # propagte EKF.propagateRK4(dt) # simulate y = sp.odeint(stateDerivative,xk,np.array([tsim,tsim+dt]),args=([],) ) xk = y[-1,:].copy() # update time tsim = tsim + dt # measurement ymeas = simMeasurementFunction(xk,tsim) # update EKF EKF.update(tsim,ymeas,measFunction,measGradient,Rkin) # log to file FOUT.write('%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f\n' % (tsim,xk[0],xk[1],ymeas[0],EKF.xhat[0],EKF.xhat[1],EKF.Pk[0,0],EKF.Pk[1,1]) ) # log to data xkl[k,0] = EKF.xhat[0] xkl[k,1] = EKF.xhat[1] xtl[k,0] = xk[0] xtl[k,1] = xk[1] Pkl[k,0] = EKF.Pk[0,0] Pkl[k,1] = EKF.Pk[1,1] tl[k] = tsim print("Completed sim") fig = plt.figure() ax = [] for k in range(2): nam = 'e'+str(k+1) ax.append(fig.add_subplot(2,1,k+1,ylabel=nam)) ax[k].plot(tl,xkl[:,k]-xtl[:,k]) ax[k].plot(tl,3*np.sqrt(Pkl[:,k]),'r--') ax[k].plot(tl,-3*np.sqrt(Pkl[:,k]),'r--') ax[k].grid() raw_input("Return to continue") FOUT.close() return