def toyEllipticalBeam6D(opts):
    Generate a toy costing beam with fixed elliptical Hamiltonian and returns the particle array.
    Coordinates are chosen with fixed random number generator seed, so that they should always produce the same initial distribution
    for a given emittance.

    # Beam parameters
    gamma0 = 2.
    speciesMass = consts.m_p
    dgammaOgamma = 1.e-3
    #We want dpop no dE/E
    dpop = opts.dpop
    #Assume Gaussian longitudinal profile - put bunch length in m
    sigmaz = opts.stdz
    numMacroParticles = opts.macro_particles

    t = opts.t #0.4 fixed for IOTA 6-6 for now
    c = opts.c #0.01 fixed for IOTA 6-6 for now
    #calculate beta at injection - center of NL element
    #beta = lf0.beta_x
    #betaPrime = -2*lf0.alpha_x
    #beta = 6.1246858201346921
    #alpha = 3.0776835371752562
    #betaPrime = 2 * alpha 
    #Calculate bunch coordinates at entrance to NL magnet section
    beta = opts.betae
    alpha = -1*opts.alphae
    betaPrime = 2 * alpha

    xOffset = 0. #m
    yOffset = 0. #m
    fileName = opts.bunch_file

    # Do not modify below this line
    E0 = gamma0 * consts.m_p * consts.c**2 * 6.24150934e9 #GeV/J
    ESpread = E0 * dgammaOgamma

    #EArray = [0.]*numMacroParticles
    pArray = [0.]*numMacroParticles
    #tArray = [0.]*numMacroParticles
    cdtArray = [0.]*numMacroParticles

    #fix a random seed!

    bunch = []
    #innerBunch = np.zeros(numMacroParticles)

    for index,emit in enumerate(opts.emits):
        innerBunch = np.zeros(numMacroParticles) #bunch at this emittance
        transverseEmittance = emit

        myBunchGenerator = ellipticBeam.ellipticBeam(t, c, beta, betaPrime)
        #coords is an array of 4-vectors containing coordinate space information
        coords = myBunchGenerator.generateFixedBunch(transverseEmittance, numMacroParticles, opts.seed)
        for idx in range(len(coords)):
            #EArray[idx] = random.gauss(E0, ESpread)
            pArray[idx] = random.gauss(0, dpop)
            #tArray[idx] = random.gauss(0., bunchLength)
            cdtArray[idx] = random.gauss(0, sigmaz)
            #assign unique index value to each particle
            ID = index*len(coords) + idx
            coords[idx] = np.append(coords[idx],[cdtArray[idx],pArray[idx],ID])
        #coords2 = np.asarray(coords)
        #coords3 = coords2.flatten()

    toFile = None
    if toFile:

        if os.path.isfile(fileName):
            newFileName = fileName+str(int(time.time()))
            print ' !Warning -- '
            print 'File '+fileName+' already exists. Renaming the old file to '+newFileName
            os.rename('./'+fileName, './'+newFileName)
        bunchFile = open(fileName, 'w')
        for idx in range(0,numMacroParticles):
            ptclString = str(bunch[idx][0])+' '+str(bunch[idx][1])+' '+str(bunch[idx][2])+' '+str(bunch[idx][3])+' '+str(cdtArray[idx])+' '+str(pArray[idx])+'\n'

    return np.asarray(bunch)
def EllipticalBeam6D(opts):
    '''Generate a coasting beam with elliptical transverse distribution and saves it to a txt file'''
# Generates a coasting beam of Gaussian longitudinal distribution

    # Beam parameters
    gamma0 = 2.
    speciesMass = consts.m_p
    dgammaOgamma = 1.e-3
    #We want dpop no dE/E
    dpop = opts.dpop
    #Assume Gaussian longitudinal profile - put bunch length in m
    sigmaz = opts.stdz
    #bunchLength = sigmaz #sec
    #transverseEmittance = 1.e-5 #m-rad
    transverseEmittance = opts.emit_transverse
    numMacroParticles = opts.macro_particles

    #lattice = opts.lattice

    #t = 0.45
    #c = 0.0095
    t = 0.4 #fixed for IOTA 6-6 for now
    c = 0.01 #fixed for IOTA 6-6 for now
    #beta = 0.7
    #betaPrime = 0.
    #calculate beta at injection - center of NL element
    #beta = lf0.beta_x
    #betaPrime = -2*lf0.alpha_x
    beta = 0.6538
    #betaPrime = 0.0002
    betaPrime = 0.0
    #fixed for 2x tune injection @ start of magnet
    beta = 6.1246858201346921
    alpha = 3.0776835371752562
    betaPrime = 2 * alpha 

    xOffset = 0. #m
    yOffset = 0. #m
    fileName = opts.bunch_file

    # Do not modify below this line
    E0 = gamma0 * consts.m_p * consts.c**2 * 6.24150934e9 #GeV/J
    ESpread = E0 * dgammaOgamma

    #EArray = [0.]*numMacroParticles
    pArray = [0.]*numMacroParticles
    #tArray = [0.]*numMacroParticles
    cdtArray = [0.]*numMacroParticles

    for idx in range(0,numMacroParticles):
        #EArray[idx] = random.gauss(E0, ESpread)
        pArray[idx] = random.gauss(0, dpop)
        #tArray[idx] = random.gauss(0., bunchLength)
        cdtArray[idx] = random.gauss(0, sigmaz)

    myBunchGenerator = ellipticBeam.ellipticBeam(t, c, beta, betaPrime)
    bunch = myBunchGenerator.generateBunch(transverseEmittance, numMacroParticles)

    if os.path.isfile(fileName):
        newFileName = fileName+str(int(time.time()))
        print ' !Warning -- '
        print 'File '+fileName+' already exists. Renaming the old file to '+newFileName
        os.rename('./'+fileName, './'+newFileName)
    bunchFile = open(fileName, 'w')
    for idx in range(0,numMacroParticles):
        ptclString = str(bunch[idx][0])+' '+str(bunch[idx][1])+' '+str(bunch[idx][2])+' '+str(bunch[idx][3])+' '+str(cdtArray[idx])+' '+str(pArray[idx])+'\n'
