    def test_place_actor(self):
        vals = (
            ([DummyActor(1000, 1000, 50, 50)], pygame.Rect(1000, 1000, 50, 50), pygame.Rect(900, 950, 50, 50)),
                [DummyActor(1000, 1000, 50, 50), DummyActor(900, 1000, 50, 50)],
                pygame.Rect(1000, 1000, 50, 50),
                pygame.Rect(900, 1150, 50, 50),
                    DummyActor(1879, 1879, 41, 50),
                    DummyActor(1779, 1816, 41, 50),
                    DummyActor(1679, 1716, 41, 50),
                    DummyActor(1779, 1816, 41, 50),
                pygame.Rect(1700, 1800, 50, 50),
                pygame.Rect(1600, 1650, 50, 50),

        for actor_list, new_rect, expected in vals:
            self.assertEqual(expected, ai_lib.place_actor(actor_list, new_rect, distance=100))
    def test_place_actor(self):
        vals = (
            ([DummyActor(1000, 1000, 50,
                         50)], pygame.Rect(1000, 1000, 50,
                                           50), pygame.Rect(900, 950, 50, 50)),
                DummyActor(1000, 1000, 50, 50),
                DummyActor(900, 1000, 50, 50),
            ], pygame.Rect(1000, 1000, 50, 50), pygame.Rect(900, 1150, 50,
                DummyActor(1879, 1879, 41, 50),
                DummyActor(1779, 1816, 41, 50),
                DummyActor(1679, 1716, 41, 50),
                DummyActor(1779, 1816, 41, 50),
            ], pygame.Rect(1700, 1800, 50,
                           50), pygame.Rect(1600, 1650, 50, 50)),

        for actor_list, new_rect, expected in vals:
                expected, ai_lib.place_actor(actor_list,
 def logic_cycle(self):
     """The core function of the sim, this is where the 'magic happens'"""
     if int(time.time()) != self.cycle_count[1]:
         self.cycle_count = [0, int(time.time())]
     self.next_ai_update -= 1
     if self.next_ai_update <= 0:
         self.next_ai_update = 30
     self.tick += 1
     self.orders[self.tick + self.tick_jump] = []
     self.q_orders[self.tick + self.tick_jump] = []
     # This will warn us if the sim is lagging behind how fast it's meant to be
     time_over = time.time() - self.next_cycle
     if time_over > 0.25:
         print("Logic lag of %ss" % time_over)
     # Update the AIs
     for t, a in self.autotargeters.items():
     # Update the actors themselves
     to_remove = []
     to_add = []
     for i, a in enumerate(self.actors):
         # First we need to check to see if it's got a build order
         # it'd have one because the AI can't directly tell us
         # to build something and instantly be told what the building
         # item is, thus we place it here and automatically tell
         # the actor to go build it
         if a.current_order[0] == "build" and a.completion >= 100:
             cmd, pos, type_name = a.current_order
             # Should this be done via a build queue instead?
             if self.actor_types[a.actor_type]['uses_build_queue']:
                 a_type = self.actor_types[type_name]
                 new_rect = pygame.Rect(pos[0], pos[1], a_type['size'][0], a_type['size'][1])
                 building_rect = ai_lib.place_actor(self.actors, new_rect, [50, 100, 200], self.battlefield['size'])
                 if building_rect != None:
                     posx = building_rect.left + building_rect.width/2
                     posy = building_rect.top + building_rect.height/2
                     to_add.append((a, {
                         "type": type_name,
                         "pos":  [posx, posy, 0],
                         "team": a.team,
                         "order_queue": list(a.rally_orders),
         # Is the actor trying to place a new unit?
         # We only check as often as we check for collisions, this gives a cycle
         # for an already started actor to be given a position as it defaults to 0,0
         # and this has an impact on it's rect
         if self._collision_inverval_count < 2:
             if a.build_queue != [] and a.completion >= 100:
                 a_type = self.actor_types[a.build_queue[0]]
                 new_rect_pos = vectors.add_vectors(a.pos, a.build_offset)
                 new_rect = pygame.Rect(new_rect_pos[0], new_rect_pos[1], a_type['size'][0], a_type['size'][1])
                 if not sim_lib.test_possible_collision(self.actors, new_rect):
                     to_add.append((a, {
                         "type": a.build_queue[0],
                         "pos":  new_rect_pos,
                         "team": a.team,
                         "order_queue": list(a.rally_orders),
                     self.signal_menu_rebuild = True
         if a.hp <= 0: to_remove.insert(0, i)
     for i in to_remove: del(self.actors[i])
     for builder, new_actor in to_add:
         new_target = self.place_actor(new_actor)
         builder.issue_command("aid", target=new_target)
     # Bullets too
     to_delete = []
     for i, b in enumerate(self.bullets):
         if b.dead:
             new_effect = b.explode(self.actors)
             if new_effect != None:
             to_delete.insert(0, i)
     for i in to_delete:
     # And lastly effects
     to_delete = []
     for i, e in enumerate(self.effects):
         if e.dead:
             to_delete.insert(0, i)
     # Delete any uneeded effects
     for i in to_delete:
     # Check for collisions
     self._collision_inverval_count -= 1
     if self._collision_inverval_count < 1:
         self._collision_inverval_count = self._collision_interval
         collisions = sim_lib.get_collisions(self.actors)
         # We now have a list of all the collisions
         for obj1, obj2 in collisions:
             # We order them based on aid, this way we always deal with the same
             # actor in the same way and the order the collison was found is
             # irrelevant
             actor_lib.handle_pathing_collision(min(obj1, obj2), max(obj1, obj2))
     # Set next cycle time
     self.next_cycle = time.time() + self._cycle_delay
     self.cycle_count[0] += 1