def viewImg(img, spacing, contours): mlab.figure(bgcolor=(0, 0, 0), size=(400, 400)) src = mlab.pipeline.scalar_field(img) # Our data is not equally spaced in all directions: src.spacing = [1, 1, 1] src.update_image_data = True # Extract some inner structures: the ventricles and the inter-hemisphere # fibers. We define a volume of interest (VOI) that restricts the # iso-surfaces to the inner of the brain. We do this with the ExtractGrid # filter. blur = mlab.pipeline.user_defined(blur, filter='ImageGaussianSmooth') print("blur type is",type(blur),blur.max()) #voi = mlab.pipeline.extract_grid(blur) #voi.set(x_min=125, x_max=193, y_min=92, y_max=125, z_min=34, z_max=75) #mlab.pipeline.iso_surface(src, contours=[1,2], colormap='Spectral') mlab.pipeline.contour3d(blur) mlab.view(-125, 54, 'auto','auto') mlab.roll(-175)
def mesh_plot(X,T,eta): from enthought.mayavi import mlab X = 2000*X/np.abs(x.min()) eta = 1000*eta mlab.figure(1) mlab.clf() mlab.mesh(X,T,eta)
def newSurface(self): processes = self.plotter.getProcesses() if not self._cv_dlg: self._cv_dlg = daeChooseVariable(daeChooseVariable.plot3D) self._cv_dlg.updateProcessesList(processes) self._cv_dlg.setWindowTitle('Choose variable for 3D plot') if self._cv_dlg.exec_() != QtWidgets.QDialog.Accepted: return False variable, domainIndexes, domainPoints, xAxisLabel, yAxisLabel, zAxisLabel, xPoints, yPoints, zPoints, currentTime = self._cv_dlg.getPlot3DData( ) xPoints = numpy.array(xPoints) yPoints = numpy.array(yPoints) xmax = numpy.max(xPoints) ymax = numpy.max(yPoints) zmax = numpy.max(zPoints) xmin = numpy.min(xPoints) ymin = numpy.min(yPoints) zmin = numpy.min(zPoints) warp = 'auto' #if((xmax == xmin) or (ymax == ymin) or (zmax == zmin)): # warp = 'auto' #else: # warp = math.sqrt( (xmax-xmin)*(ymax-ymin) ) / (zmax-zmin) # colormap='gist_earth', 'RdBu' stype = 'surface' mlab.figure() if (stype == 'surface'): #print "warp=", warp #print "[xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax]=", [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax], yPoints, zPoints, warp_scale=warp, representation='surface') mlab.colorbar(orientation='vertical') #mlab.title('polar mesh') #mlab.outline() mlab.axes(ranges=[xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax], nb_labels=3) mlab.xlabel(xAxisLabel) mlab.ylabel(yAxisLabel) mlab.zlabel(zAxisLabel) elif (stype == 'map'): mlab.imshow(zPoints) mlab.colorbar(orientation='vertical') #mlab.title('polar mesh') #mlab.outline() mlab.axes(ranges=[xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax], nb_labels=3) mlab.xlabel(xAxisLabel) mlab.ylabel(yAxisLabel) mlab.zlabel(zAxisLabel)
def _plot_max_Value( self ): X = self.X_hf[:, 0] Y = self.Y_hf[:, 0] Z = self.Z_hf[:, 0] plot_col = getattr( self, self.plot_column )[:, 0] scale = 1 / max( plot_col ) # if self.plot_column == 'n_tex': # plot_col = where( plot_col < 0, 0, plot_col ) mlab.figure( figure = "SFB532Demo", bgcolor = ( 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 ), fgcolor = ( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ) ) mlab.points3d( X, Y, ( -1.0 ) * Z, plot_col, # colormap = "gist_rainbow", # colormap = "Reds", colormap = "copper", mode = "cube", scale_factor = scale ) mlab.outline() mlab.scalarbar( title = self.plot_column, orientation = 'vertical' )
def spin(fcm, idx0, idx1, idx2): """Plots 3D data as points in space.""" x = fcm[:, idx0] y = fcm[:, idx1] z = fcm[:, idx2] s = trilinear_interpolate(x, y, z) # bins = int(len(x)**(1/3.0)) # xfrac, xint = numpy.modf((x - numpy.min(x))/ # (numpy.max(x)-numpy.min(x))*(bins-1)) # yfrac, yint = numpy.modf((y - numpy.min(y))/ # (numpy.max(y)-numpy.min(y))*(bins-1)) # zfrac, zint = numpy.modf((z - numpy.min(z))/ # (numpy.max(z)-numpy.min(z))*(bins-1)) # xint = xint.astype('i') # yint = yint.astype('i') # zint = zint.astype('i') # not interpolated - kiv write trilinear_interpolate function # h, edges = numpy.histogramdd(fcm[:,[idx0, idx1, idx2]], bins=bins) # v = h[xint, yint, zint] mlab.figure() mlab.points3d(x, y, z, s, mode='point') mlab.xlabel(fcm.channels[idx0]) mlab.ylabel(fcm.channels[idx1]) mlab.zlabel(fcm.channels[idx2])
def m2screenshot(mayavi_fig=None, mpl_axes=None, autocrop=True): """ Capture a screeshot of the Mayavi figure and display it in the matplotlib axes. """ import pylab as pl # Late import to avoid triggering wx imports before needed. from enthought.mayavi import mlab if mayavi_fig is None: mayavi_fig = mlab.gcf() else: mlab.figure(mayavi_fig) if mpl_axes is not None: pl.axes(mpl_axes) filename = tempfile.mktemp(".png") mlab.savefig(filename, figure=mayavi_fig) image3d = pl.imread(filename) if autocrop: bg_color = mayavi_fig.scene.background image3d = autocrop_img(image3d, bg_color) pl.imshow(image3d) pl.axis("off") os.unlink(filename)
def run(): dp = DatasetProcessor("L2_22aug.dat") #dp = DatasetProcessor("L2_22aug.pickle") dp.D -= dp.D.min() mlab.figure(1, fgcolor=(0, 0, 0), bgcolor=(1, 1, 1)) mlab.clf() #dp.show_imgs() sigmas = [1.5, 3.0] sigmas2 = [0.0, 0.0] cms = ["bone", "Spectral"] for sigma, sigma2, cm in zip(sigmas, sigmas2, cms): gc.collect() if True: D = gaussian_filter(dp.D, sigma) l1, l2, l3 = get_ev(D, sigma2) save_lambdas([l1, l2, l3]) else: l1, l2, l3 = load_lambdas() dp.S = select_struct(l1, l2, l3, 0.25, 0.5, 0.5) gc.collect() dp.S -= dp.S.min() dp.show_found(cm)
def viewImgWithNodes(img, spacing, contours,g, title=''): mlab.figure(bgcolor=(0, 0, 0), size=(900, 900)) #src = mlab.pipeline.scalar_field(img) ## Our data is not equally spaced in all directions: #src.spacing = [1, 1, 1] #src.update_image_data = True # #mlab.pipeline.iso_surface(src, contours=contours, opacity=0.2) nodes = np.array(g.nodes()) dsize = 4*np.ones(nodes.shape[0],dtype='float32') print(dsize.shape,nodes.shape) #mlab.points3d(nodes[:,0],nodes[:,1],nodes[:,2],color=(0.0,1.0,0.0)) mlab.points3d(nodes[:,2],nodes[:,1],nodes[:,0],dsize,color=(0.0,0.0,1.0), scale_factor=0.25) for n1, n2, edge in g.edges(data=True): path = [n1]+edge['path']+[n2] pa = np.array(path) #print pa mlab.plot3d(pa[:,2],pa[:,1],pa[:,0],color=(0,1,0),tube_radius=0.25) mlab.view(-125, 54, 'auto','auto') mlab.roll(-175) mlab.title(title, height=0.1)
def test_close(self): """ Various tests for mlab.close(). """ f = mlab.figure() self.assert_(f.running) mlab.close(f) self.assertFalse(f.running) f = mlab.figure(314) self.assert_(f.running) mlab.close(314) self.assertFalse(f.running) f = mlab.figure('test_figure') self.assert_(f.running) mlab.close('test_figure') self.assertFalse(f.running) f = mlab.figure() self.assert_(f.running) mlab.close() self.assertFalse(f.running) figs = [mlab.figure() for i in range(5)] for f in figs: self.assert_(f.running) mlab.close(all=True) for f in figs: self.assertFalse(f.running)
def rotate(): mlab.figure(3) for tt in linspace(30,160,14): mlab.view(0,tt) mlab.draw() mlab.savefig('sphere-rotate%s.png' % str(int(tt)).zfill(3)) os.system("convert sphere-rotate*.png sphere.gif")
def plotSurface(surface): """plot a surface using mayavi""" # create a figure mlab.figure() # create a surface plot surfPlot = mlab.mesh(surface['x'], surface['y'], surface['value'])
def __call__(self, **options): my_options = dict(size=(400, 300), bgcolor=(1, 1, 1), fgcolor=(0, 0, 0), ) my_options.update(options) mlab.figure(self.n, **my_options) mlab.clf() self.n += 1
def run(): dp = DatasetProcessor("L2_22aug.dat") #dp = DatasetProcessor("L2_22aug.pickle") dp.D -= dp.D.min() mlab.figure(1, fgcolor=(0, 0, 0), bgcolor=(1, 1, 1)) mlab.clf() #dp.show_imgs() sigmas = [1.5, 3.0] sigmas2 = [0.0, 0.0] cms = ["bone", "Spectral"] for sigma, sigma2, cm in zip(sigmas,sigmas2,cms): gc.collect() if True: D = gaussian_filter(dp.D, sigma) l1,l2,l3 = get_ev(D, sigma2) save_lambdas([l1,l2,l3]) else: l1,l2,l3 = load_lambdas() dp.S = select_struct(l1,l2,l3,0.25,0.5,0.5) gc.collect() dp.S -= dp.S.min() dp.show_found(cm)
def viewImg2(img, spacing, contours): print("In viewImg2: (min,max)=(%f,%f)"%(img.min(),img.max())) print("contours=",contours) mlab.figure(bgcolor=(0, 0, 0), size=(400, 400)) src = mlab.pipeline.scalar_field(img) # Our data is not equally spaced in all directions: src.spacing = [1, 1, 1] src.update_image_data = True # Extract some inner structures: the ventricles and the inter-hemisphere # fibers. We define a volume of interest (VOI) that restricts the # iso-surfaces to the inner of the brain. We do this with the ExtractGrid # filter. blur = mlab.pipeline.user_defined(src, filter='ImageGaussianSmooth') #mlab.pipeline.volume(blur, vmin=0.2, vmax=0.8) mlab.pipeline.iso_surface(src, contours=contours) #mlab.pipeline.image_plane_widget(blur, # plane_orientation='z_axes', # slice_index=img.shape[0]/2, # ) #voi = mlab.pipeline.extract_grid(blur) #voi.set(x_min=125, x_max=193, y_min=92, y_max=125, z_min=34, z_max=75) #mlab.pipeline.iso_surface(src, contours=[1,2], colormap='Spectral') #mlab.pipeline.contour3d(blur) mlab.view(-125, 54, 'auto','auto') mlab.roll(-175)
def show_convection3(new_fig=True): x, y, z = np.mgrid[0:1:20j, 0:1:20j, 0:1:20j] u, v, w = convection_cell(x, y, z) if new_fig: mlab.figure(fgcolor=(0., 0., 0.), bgcolor=(0.5, 0.5, 0.5), size=(600,600)) src = mlab.pipeline.vector_field(u, v, w) magnitude = mlab.pipeline.extract_vector_norm(src) mlab.outline() # We apply the following modules on the magnitude object, in order to # be able to display the norm of the vectors, eg as the color. iso = mlab.pipeline.iso_surface(magnitude, contours=[1.9, ], opacity=0.3) vec = mlab.pipeline.vectors(magnitude, mask_points=40, line_width=1, color=(1, 1, 1), scale_factor=4.) flow = mlab.pipeline.streamline(magnitude, seedtype='plane', seed_visible=True, seed_scale=0.5, seed_resolution=1, linetype='ribbon',) vcp = mlab.pipeline.vector_cut_plane(magnitude, mask_points=2, scale_factor=4, colormap='jet', plane_orientation='x_axes')
def spin(fcm, idx0, idx1, idx2): """Plots 3D data as points in space.""" x = fcm[:, idx0] y = fcm[:, idx1] z = fcm[:, idx2] s = trilinear_interpolate(x, y, z) # bins = int(len(x)**(1/3.0)) # xfrac, xint = numpy.modf((x - numpy.min(x))/ # (numpy.max(x)-numpy.min(x))*(bins-1)) # yfrac, yint = numpy.modf((y - numpy.min(y))/ # (numpy.max(y)-numpy.min(y))*(bins-1)) # zfrac, zint = numpy.modf((z - numpy.min(z))/ # (numpy.max(z)-numpy.min(z))*(bins-1)) # xint = xint.astype('i') # yint = yint.astype('i') # zint = zint.astype('i') # # not interpolated - kiv write trilinear_interpolate function # h, edges = numpy.histogramdd(fcm[:,[idx0, idx1, idx2]], bins=bins) # v = h[xint, yint, zint] mlab.figure() mlab.points3d(x, y, z, s, mode='point') mlab.xlabel(fcm.channels[idx0]) mlab.ylabel(fcm.channels[idx1]) mlab.zlabel(fcm.channels[idx2])
def ChargeDensityFog3D(directory, save_file=None , DrawAtoms=True, DrawCell=True, opacity_range=[0,1]): # Get data from calculation files with jasp(directory) as calc: atoms = calc.get_atoms() x, y, z, cd = calc.get_charge_density() mlab.figure(bgcolor=(0,0,0), size=(640,480)) # Draw atoms if DrawAtoms == True: for atom in atoms: mlab.points3d(atom.x, atom.y, atom.z, scale_factor=vdw_radii[atom.number]/10., resolution=16, color=tuple(cpk_colors[atom.number]), scale_mode='none') # Draw unit cell if DrawCell == True: a1, a2, a3 = atoms.get_cell() origin = [0,0,0] cell_matrix = [[origin, a1], [origin, a2], [origin, a3], [a1, a1+a2], [a1, a1+a3], [a2, a2+a1], [a2, a2+a3], [a3, a1+a3], [a3, a2+a3], [a1+a2, a1+a2+a3], [a2+a3, a1+a2+a3], [a1+a3, a1+a3+a2]] # contains all points on the box for p1, p2 in cell_matrix: mlab.plot3d([p1[0], p2[0]], # x-coords of box [p1[1], p2[1]], # y-coords [p1[2], p2[2]]) # z-coords # Plot the charge density src = mlab.pipeline.scalar_field(x, y, z, cd) #Source data vmin = cd.min() #find minimum and maximum value of CD data vmax = cd.max() vol = mlab.pipeline.volume(src) # Make a volumetric representation of the data # Set opacity transfer function from tvtk.util.ctf import PiecewiseFunction otf = PiecewiseFunction() otf.add_point(vmin, opacity_range[0]) #Transparency at zero electron density otf.add_point(vmax*1, opacity_range[1]) #Transparency at max electron density vol._otf=otf vol._volume_property.set_scalar_opacity(otf) #Show a legend mlab.colorbar(title="e- density\n(e/Ang^3)", orientation="vertical", nb_labels=5, label_fmt='%.2f') mlab.view(azimuth=-90, elevation=90, distance='auto') # Set viewing angle if save_file != None: mlab.savefig(save_file)
def show_convection1(new_fig=True): x, y, z = np.mgrid[0:1:20j, 0:1:20j, 0:1:20j] u, v, w = convection_cell(x, y, z) if new_fig: mlab.figure(size=(600, 600)) mlab.quiver3d(u, v, w) mlab.outline()
def _show_button_fired( self ): p, r = mlab.figure( 'Continuous fibers' ) mlab.plot3d( p[:, 0], p[:, 1], p[:, 2], r, tube_radius=20, tube_sides=20, colormap='Spectral' )
def show_convection1(new_fig=True): x, y, z = np.mgrid[0:1:20j, 0:1:20j, 0:1:20j] u, v, w = convection_cell(x, y, z) if new_fig: mlab.figure(size=(600,600)) mlab.quiver3d(u, v, w) mlab.outline()
def show_convection2(new_fig=True): x, y, z = np.mgrid[0:1:20j, 0:1:20j, 0:1:20j] u, v, w = convection_cell(x, y, z) if new_fig: mlab.figure(size=(600,600)) src = mlab.pipeline.vector_field(u, v, w) mlab.pipeline.vectors(src, mask_points=20, scale_factor=3.) mlab.outline()
def show_convection2(new_fig=True): x, y, z = np.mgrid[0:1:20j, 0:1:20j, 0:1:20j] u, v, w = convection_cell(x, y, z) if new_fig: mlab.figure(size=(600, 600)) src = mlab.pipeline.vector_field(u, v, w) mlab.pipeline.vectors(src, mask_points=20, scale_factor=3.) mlab.outline()
def main(): mlab.figure(bgcolor=(1, 1, 1), fgcolor=(0, 0, 0), size=(400, 400)) print "Generating the mlab images..." illustrate_module(mlab) mayavi2.close() print "Done generating the mlab images" print "Generating the example pages" from render_examples import render_examples render_examples(render_images=True) print "Done generating the example pages"
def plotThisThing(state, proc): react = sData.getInitReactant(state) prod = sData.getInitReactant(proc) #react, prod = sData.getReacProd(state,proc) cn = ChangingNeighbors(react, prod, cutoffs) ln = cn.nrValues(cn.lostNeighbors) indxs = np.where(ln > 0) ln = ln[indxs] pos = react.get_positions()[indxs] t = react.get_atomic_numbers()[indxs] pts = mlab.quiver3d(pos[:,0], pos[:,1], pos[:,2],t,t,t,scalars=ln, mode='sphere') pts.glyph.color_mode = 'color_by_scalar' = [0,0,0] indx2 = np.setdiff1d(np.array(range(prod.get_number_of_atoms())),indxs[0]) p = react.get_positions()[indx2] t2 = react.get_atomic_numbers()[indx2] pt = mlab.quiver3d(p[:,0],p[:,1],p[:,2],t2,t2,t2, opacity=.06, mode='sphere') mlab.figure() ln = cn.nrValues(cn.newNeighbors) indxs = np.where(ln > 0) ln = ln[indxs] pos = react.get_positions()[indxs] t = react.get_atomic_numbers()[indxs] pts = mlab.quiver3d(pos[:,0], pos[:,1], pos[:,2],t,t,t,scalars=ln, mode='sphere') pts.glyph.color_mode = 'color_by_scalar' = [0,0,0] indx2 = np.setdiff1d(np.array(range(prod.get_number_of_atoms())),indxs[0]) p = react.get_positions()[indx2] t2 = react.get_atomic_numbers()[indx2] pt = mlab.quiver3d(p[:,0],p[:,1],p[:,2],t2,t2,t2, opacity=.06, mode='sphere') mlab.figure() ln = cn.nrValues(cn.lostNeighbors) + cn.nrValues(cn.newNeighbors) indxs = np.where(ln > 0) ln = ln[indxs] pos = react.get_positions()[indxs] t = react.get_atomic_numbers()[indxs] pts = mlab.quiver3d(pos[:,0], pos[:,1], pos[:,2],t,t,t,scalars=ln, mode='sphere') pts.glyph.color_mode = 'color_by_scalar' = [0,0,0] indx2 = np.setdiff1d(np.array(range(prod.get_number_of_atoms())),indxs[0]) p = react.get_positions()[indx2] t2 = react.get_atomic_numbers()[indx2] pt = mlab.quiver3d(p[:,0],p[:,1],p[:,2],t2,t2,t2, opacity=.06, mode='sphere')
def plotmask(self, region=None, resolution=20, slat=71, slon=-70, hemi="s"): """Plot the mask. """ try: import enthought.mayavi.mlab as ml mayavi = True print "using mayavi" except: import pylab as pl mayavi = False print "using matplotlib" if self.maskfile is None: print "error: plotmask: get mask file first:" print ">>> m = Mask()" print ">>> m.getmask('fname')" print "then you can do:" print ">>> m.plotmask(region='left/right/bottom/top', resolution=20)" sys.exit() m_mask = self.m_mask x_mask = self.x_mask y_mask = self.y_mask if region is not None: left, right, bottom, top = str.split(region, "/") left, bottom = self.mapll(left, bottom, slat=slat, slon=slon, hemi=hemi) right, top = self.mapll(right, top, slat=slat, slon=slon, hemi=hemi) jmin, = np.where(x_mask == np.rint(left)) jmax, = np.where(x_mask == np.rint(right)) imin, = np.where(y_mask == np.rint(bottom)) imax, = np.where(y_mask == np.rint(top)) # x_mask = x_mask[jmin:jmax+1:resolution] # y_mask = y_mask[imin:imax+1:resolution] m_mask = m_mask[imin : imax + 1 : resolution, jmin : jmax + 1 : resolution] else: # x_mask = x_mask[::resolution] # y_mask = y_mask[::resolution] m_mask = m_mask[::resolution, ::resolution] print "plotting mask ..." if mayavi: ml.figure() ml.imshow(m_mask) else: pl.figure() pl.imshow(m_mask, origin="lower", interpolation="nearest") print "done!"
def plotframe(frameno,level=1): plotdata = ClawPlotData() plotdata.outdir = "_output" print "Plotting solution from ",plotdata.outdir plotdata = setplot(plotdata) try: frame = plotdata.getframe(frameno) except: print "Unable to get frame" return mlab.figure(1,bgcolor=(1,1,1),size=(700,600)) mlab.clf() for grid in frame.grids: if grid.level <= level: y = grid.c_center[1] x = grid.c_center[0] q = grid.q eta = q[:,:,3] h = q[:,:,0] #return x,y,eta #eta = where(q[:,:,0] > 1.,eta,nan) #import pdb; pdb.set_trace() topo = eta - h cutoff = 0.5 #cutoff2 = -500. shift = 0. scale = 10. topo1 = scale*where(topo<cutoff, topo-shift, cutoff-shift) #topo1 = scale*where(topo>cutoff2, topo1, nan) eta1 = scale*where(eta<cutoff, eta-shift, cutoff-shift) water1 = where(h>=1.e-3, eta1, nan) mlab.mesh(x,y,topo1,colormap='Greens',vmin=-1.0, vmax=0.8) mlab.mesh(x,y,water1,colormap='Blues',vmin=-0.8, vmax=0.8),y,topo1,colormap='Greens',warp_scale=10,vmin=-0.8,vmax=0.5),y,water1,colormap='Blues',warp_scale=10,vmin=-0.8,vmax=0.5) V = (150.95115856920216,\ 80.12676623482308,\ 13.359093592227218,\ array([ 2.744 , 1.70099999, -0.04745156])) V = (-108.612973405259,\ 62.96905073871072,\ 13.359093592227456,\ array([ 2.744 , 1.70099999, -0.04745156])) mlab.view(*V) t = frame.t mlab.title('Time = %5.2f' % t,color=(0,0,0),height=0.1,size=0.5)
def plotframe(frameno, level=1): plotdata = ClawPlotData() plotdata.outdir = "_output" print "Plotting solution from ", plotdata.outdir plotdata = setplot(plotdata) try: frame = plotdata.getframe(frameno) except: print "Unable to get frame" return mlab.figure(1, bgcolor=(1, 1, 1), size=(700, 600)) mlab.clf() for grid in frame.grids: if grid.level <= level: y = grid.c_center[1] x = grid.c_center[0] q = grid.q eta = q[:, :, 3] h = q[:, :, 0] #return x,y,eta #eta = where(q[:,:,0] > 1.,eta,nan) #import pdb; pdb.set_trace() topo = eta - h cutoff = 0.5 #cutoff2 = -500. shift = 0. scale = 10. topo1 = scale * where(topo < cutoff, topo - shift, cutoff - shift) #topo1 = scale*where(topo>cutoff2, topo1, nan) eta1 = scale * where(eta < cutoff, eta - shift, cutoff - shift) water1 = where(h >= 1.e-3, eta1, nan) mlab.mesh(x, y, topo1, colormap='Greens', vmin=-1.0, vmax=0.8) mlab.mesh(x, y, water1, colormap='Blues', vmin=-0.8, vmax=0.8),y,topo1,colormap='Greens',warp_scale=10,vmin=-0.8,vmax=0.5),y,water1,colormap='Blues',warp_scale=10,vmin=-0.8,vmax=0.5) V = (150.95115856920216,\ 80.12676623482308,\ 13.359093592227218,\ array([ 2.744 , 1.70099999, -0.04745156])) V = (-108.612973405259,\ 62.96905073871072,\ 13.359093592227456,\ array([ 2.744 , 1.70099999, -0.04745156])) mlab.view(*V) t = frame.t mlab.title('Time = %5.2f' % t, color=(0, 0, 0), height=0.1, size=0.5)
def plotsquare3d(us): from enthought.mayavi.mlab import surf, show, colorbar, xlabel, ylabel, figure for u in us: figure() Np = 60 points = uniformsquarepoints(Np) x = points[:,0].reshape(Np,Np) y = points[:,1].reshape(Np,Np) up = np.real(u(points)) surf(x,y, up.reshape(Np,Np)) colorbar() xlabel('x') ylabel('y') show()
def plotmask(self, region=None, resolution=20, slat=71, slon=-70, hemi='s'): """Plot the mask. """ try: import enthought.mayavi.mlab as ml mayavi = True print 'using mayavi' except: import pylab as pl mayavi = False print 'using matplotlib' if self.maskfile is None: print 'error: plotmask: get mask file first:' print '>>> m = Mask()' print ">>> m.getmask('fname')" print 'then you can do:' print ">>> m.plotmask(region='left/right/bottom/top', resolution=20)" sys.exit() m_mask = self.m_mask x_mask = self.x_mask y_mask = self.y_mask if region is not None: left, right, bottom, top = str.split(region, '/') left, bottom = self.mapll(left, bottom, slat=slat, slon=slon, hemi=hemi) right, top = self.mapll(right, top, slat=slat, slon=slon, hemi=hemi) jmin, = np.where(x_mask == np.rint(left)) jmax, = np.where(x_mask == np.rint(right)) imin, = np.where(y_mask == np.rint(bottom)) imax, = np.where(y_mask == np.rint(top)) #x_mask = x_mask[jmin:jmax+1:resolution] #y_mask = y_mask[imin:imax+1:resolution] m_mask = m_mask[imin:imax+1:resolution, jmin:jmax+1:resolution] else: #x_mask = x_mask[::resolution] #y_mask = y_mask[::resolution] m_mask = m_mask[::resolution,::resolution] print 'plotting mask ...' if mayavi: ml.figure() ml.imshow(m_mask) else: pl.figure() pl.imshow(m_mask, origin='lower', interpolation='nearest') print 'done!'
def render_vol(data, new_window = True): """ Renders simple volume data such as ROI """ from enthought.mayavi import mlab import numpy as np if new_window: mlab.figure(1,fgcolor=(0, 0, 0), bgcolor=(1, 1, 1)) mlab.clf() src = mlab.pipeline.scalar_field(data) src.image_data.update_data() volume = mlab.pipeline.contour(src) volume_surf = mlab.pipeline.surface(volume)
def surface(fcm, idx0, idx1): """Plots a surface plot for 2D data.""" x = fcm[:, idx0] y = fcm[:, idx1] bins = int(numpy.sqrt(len(x))) z, xedge, yedge = numpy.histogram2d(y, x, bins=[bins, bins], range=[(numpy.min(y), numpy.max(y)), (numpy.min(x), numpy.max(x))] ) mlab.figure(), yedge, z, warp_scale='auto') mlab.xlabel(fcm.channels[idx0]) mlab.ylabel(fcm.channels[idx1]) mlab.zlabel('Density')
def plotframe(frameno,level=1, water_opacity=1.): plotdata = ClawPlotData() plotdata.outdir = outdir print "Plotting solution from ",plotdata.outdir plotdata = setplot(plotdata) try: frame = plotdata.getframe(frameno) except: print "Unable to get frame" return mlab.figure(1,bgcolor=(1,1,1),size=(700,600)) mlab.clf() for grid in frame.grids: if grid.level == level: y = grid.c_center[1] x = grid.c_center[0] q = grid.q eta = q[:,:,3] h = q[:,:,0] topo = eta - h cutoff = 0.5 #cutoff2 = -500. shift = 0. scale = 1. topo1 = scale*where(topo<cutoff, topo-shift, cutoff-shift) #topo1 = scale*where(topo>cutoff2, topo1, nan) eta1 = scale*where(eta<cutoff, eta-shift, cutoff-shift) water1 = where(h>=1.e-3, eta1, nan) scale = 12. #mlab.mesh(x,y,topo1,colormap='Greens',vmin=-1.0, vmax=0.8) #mlab.mesh(x,y,water1,colormap='Blues',vmin=-0.8, vmax=0.8),y,topo1,colormap='YlGn',warp_scale=scale,\ vmin=-0.3,vmax=0.3),y,water1,colormap='Blues',warp_scale=scale,\ vmin=-0.2,vmax=0.3, opacity=water_opacity) # set the view: (Do V = view() to figure out the current view) V = (29.157490879985176,\ 67.560491214404507,\ 79.798910042690324,\ array([ 0. , 1. , -0.07500005])) mlab.view(*V) t = frame.t mlab.title('Time = %5.2f' % t,color=(0,0,0),height=0.1,size=0.5)
def show_3d(self): """SHOW_3D - Use mayavi2 to visualize point cloud. Usage: obj.show_3d() """ from enthought.mayavi import mlab # I want at most 50K points stride = 1 + len(self) / 50000 pts = self[:, ::stride] colors = np.ones(pts.shape[1], dtype=np.uint8) # Draw clusters in point cloud fig = mlab.figure() mlab.points3d( pts[0, :], pts[1, :], pts[2, :], colors, colormap="spectral", figure=fig, scale_mode="none", scale_factor=0.02, ) mlab.view(180, 180)
def __init__(self, objects, objectsOverlay, objectInputOverlay, outputdir): self.objects = objects self.objectsOverlay = objectsOverlay self.objectsInputOverlay = objectInputOverlay self.outputdir = outputdir self.counter = 0 self.max_spread_x = 0 self.max_spread_y = 0 self.max_spread_z = 0 for iobj in self.objects.values(): spread_x = max(iobj[0]) - min(iobj[0]) if self.max_spread_x < spread_x: self.max_spread_x = spread_x spread_y = max(iobj[1]) - min(iobj[1]) if self.max_spread_y < spread_y: self.max_spread_y = spread_y spread_z = max(iobj[2]) - min(iobj[2]) if self.max_spread_z < spread_z: self.max_spread_z = spread_z self.max_spread_x = self.max_spread_x / 2 + 10 self.max_spread_y = self.max_spread_y / 2 + 10 self.max_spread_z = self.max_spread_z / 2 from enthought.mayavi import mlab # Returns the current scene. self.scene = mlab.figure(size=(2 * self.max_spread_x, 2 * self.max_spread_y), bgcolor=(1., 1., 1.)) self.engine = mlab.get_engine()
def surface(fcm, idx0, idx1): """Plots a surface plot for 2D data.""" x = fcm[:, idx0] y = fcm[:, idx1] bins = int(numpy.sqrt(len(x))) z, xedge, yedge = numpy.histogram2d(y, x, bins=[bins, bins], range=[(numpy.min(y), numpy.max(y)), (numpy.min(x), numpy.max(x))]) mlab.figure(), yedge, z, warp_scale='auto') mlab.xlabel(fcm.channels[idx0]) mlab.ylabel(fcm.channels[idx1]) mlab.zlabel('Density')
def getData(self, data_D, data_H, name): """ plot passed in data as a surface """ #plotting fig = mlab.figure(size=(512, 512)) cl.enqueue_read_buffer(lbm.queue, data_D, data_H).wait() # retrieve mid cell points from cell node data Nx = lbm.X.size - 1 Ny = lbm.Y.size - 1 x = np.zeros((Nx)) y = np.zeros((Ny)) for i in range(1, lbm.X.size): x[i - 1] = (lbm.X[i] - lbm.X[i - 1]) / 2.0 + lbm.X[i - 1] for i in range(1, lbm.Y.size): y[i - 1] = (lbm.Y[i] - lbm.Y[i - 1]) / 2.0 + lbm.Y[i - 1] s =, y, data_H, warp_scale='auto', colormap="jet") mlab.axes(s) sb = mlab.scalarbar(s, title=name) self.s = s self.data_D = data_D self.data_H = data_H
def animateVTKFiles_2D(folder): if not os.path.isdir(folder): return vtkFiles = [] for f in sorted(os.listdir(folder)): if f.endswith(".vtk"): vtkFiles.append(os.path.join(folder, f)) if len(vtkFiles) == 0: return figure = mlab.figure(size=(800, 600)) figure.scene.disable_render = True vtkSource = VTKFileReader() vtk_file = vtkFiles[0] vtkSource.initialize(vtk_file) surface = mlab.pipeline.surface(vtkSource) axes = mlab.axes() colorbar = mlab.colorbar(object=surface, orientation='horizontal') mlab.view(0, 0) figure.scene.disable_render = False mlab.draw() a = animateVTKFiles(figure, vtkSource, vtkFiles)
def test_den(): P = np.random.random((10,10)) #P=np.load(r'c:\') #myfilestr=r'c:\structfactors_density.dat' #x,y,z=np.loadtxt(myfilestr).T #P=z.reshape((101,101)) #print P.shape fig=mlab.figure() x,y,z=gen_as() #view along z-axis pts_as=mlab.points3d(x,y,z-.125,color=(1,0,0),colormap='gist_rainbow',figure=fig,scale_factor=.1) x,y,z=gen_fe() print 'x',x print 'y',y print 'z',z pts_fe=mlab.points3d(x,y,z-.125,color=(0,1,0),colormap='gist_rainbow',figure=fig,scale_factor=.02) x,y,z=gen_sr() pts_sr=mlab.points3d(x,y,z-.125,color=(0,0,1),colormap='gist_rainbow',figure=fig) outline=mlab.outline(figure=fig,extent=[0,1,0,1,-1,0]) mlab.orientation_axes(figure=fig,xlabel='a',ylabel='b',zlabel='c') print 'shape',P.shape P = P[:,:, np.newaxis] print 'after',P.shape src = mlab.pipeline.scalar_field(P) #src = mlab.pipeline.array2d_source(P) surf = mlab.pipeline.surface(src,figure=fig,extent=[0,1,0,1,-1,0],name='surf2',opacity=0.4) #surf.transform.GetTransform().RotateX(90) print 'done'
def showCell(self, number, firstFrame=True): """ Show cell with label 'number', its surrounding, descendants, etc. The second argument specifies whether the given cell label corresponds to a cell from the first of the two time frames (default) or to a cell from the second frame """ # set the bounding box of the volume to be displayed if firstFrame: bbox = self.file1["features"][str(number)]["bbox"][:] else: bbox = self.file2["features"][str(number)]["bbox"][:] bbox[0] = bbox[0] - min(self.borderSize, bbox[0]) # make sure that bbox[0] >= 0 (no array bound violation) bbox[1] = bbox[1] - min(self.borderSize, bbox[1]) bbox[2] = bbox[2] - min(self.borderSize, bbox[2]) bbox[3] = bbox[3] + min(self.borderSize, self.shape[2]-bbox[3]) # make sure that bbox[3] <= self.shape[0] (no array bound violation) bbox[4] = bbox[4] + min(self.borderSize, self.shape[1]-bbox[4]) bbox[5] = bbox[5] + min(self.borderSize, self.shape[0]-bbox[5]) if firstFrame: partner = self.findDescendent(number) number1 = number number2 = partner partnerStr = "descendent(s) " else: partner = self.findAncestor(number) number1 = partner number2 = number partnerStr = "ancestor " # load the data seg1 = self.file1["segmentation"]["labels"][bbox[2]:bbox[5],bbox[1]:bbox[4],bbox[0]:bbox[3]] seg2 = self.file2["segmentation"]["labels"][bbox[2]:bbox[5],bbox[1]:bbox[4],bbox[0]:bbox[3]] raw1 = self.file1["raw"]["volume"][bbox[2]:bbox[5],bbox[1]:bbox[4],bbox[0]:bbox[3]] raw2 = self.file2["raw"]["volume"][bbox[2]:bbox[5],bbox[1]:bbox[4],bbox[0]:bbox[3]] print "Drawing cell number ",number," and its ", partnerStr ,partner t0 = time.time() #draw everything fig1 = mlab.figure(1, size=(500,450)) mlab.clf(fig1) self.drawImagePlane(fig1, raw1, 'gray') self.drawImagePlane(fig1, raw2, 'copper', 'y_axes') self.drawVolumeWithoutReferenceCell(fig1, seg1, number1, (0,0,1),0.2) self.drawVolumeWithoutReferenceCell(fig1, seg2, number2, (0.2,0,0.8),0.2) self.drawReferenceCell(fig1, seg1, number1, (0.5,1,0), 0.4) self.drawReferenceCell(fig1, seg2, number2, (0.8,0.8,0),0.3) self.drawArrows(fig1, bbox, number1, number2) if firstFrame: allneighbors = self.getNeighbors(seg1, number1) for i in allneighbors: p = self.findDescendent(i) self.drawArrows(fig1, bbox, i, p) else: allneighbors = self.getNeighbors(seg2, number2) for i in allneighbors: p = self.findAncestor(i) self.drawArrows(fig1, bbox, p, i) t = time.time() - t0 print "Time for drawing:",t
def __init__(self, stim_xml_filename=None, num_points=5, scale_factor=0.01, ghost_length=20, resolution=4): # initialize the viewer window self.f = mlab.figure(size=(800, 600)) self.f.scene.anti_aliasing_frames = 1 visual.set_viewer(self.f) ################# moving fly objects ################ self.num_points = num_points self.plot_objects = [ Object(ghost_length=ghost_length, scale_factor=scale_factor, resolution=resolution) for i in range(self.num_points) ] ###################################################### self.objects = None self.speed = np.zeros(self.num_points) ################### stimulus xml ##################### if stim_xml_filename is not None: actors = [] stim_xml = xml_stimulus.xml_stimulus_from_filename(stim_xml_filename) actors.extend(stim_xml.get_tvtk_actors()) for a in actors: visual.show_actor(a) ###################################################### # ROS stuff rospy.Subscriber("flydra_mainbrain_super_packets", flydra_mainbrain_super_packet, self.callback) rospy.init_node("listener", anonymous=True) # run the animation self.animate()
def __init__(self,channels, thresholds, pixelsize = (1., 1., 1.)): self.f = mlab.figure() self.isos = [] self.projs = [] for im, th, i in zip(channels, thresholds, range(len(channels))): c = mlab.contour3d(im, contours=[th], color =[:3]) c.mlab_source.dataset.spacing = pixelsize self.isos.append(c) ps = [] thf = th*1.5 pr = im.mean(2) #f = im.max()/pr.max() #pr *= im.max()/pr.max() ps.append(self.drawProjection((255*pylab.minimum(pr/(1.*thf), 1)).astype('uint8'), 'z', c)) pr = im.mean(0) #pr *= im.max()/pr.max() ps.append(self.drawProjection((255*pylab.minimum(pr/(.6*thf), 1)).astype('uint8'), 'x', c)) pr = im.mean(1) #pr *= im.max()/pr.max() ps.append(self.drawProjection((255*pylab.minimum(pr/(.8*thf), 1)).astype('uint8'), 'y', c)) self.projs.append(ps)
def draw_struct(): fig = mlab.figure() r = gen_fe() s = gen_spins() #view along z-axis x = r[:, 0] y = r[:, 1] z = r[:, 2] u = s[:, 0] v = s[:, 1] w = s[:, 2] #print x.shape #print y.shape #print z.shape pts_as = mlab.points3d(x, y, z, color=(0, 0, 1), colormap='gist_rainbow', figure=fig, scale_factor=.1) mlab.quiver3d(x, y, z, u, v, w, line_width=3, scale_factor=.3, figure=fig) outline = mlab.outline(figure=fig, extent=[0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1]) mlab.orientation_axes(figure=fig, xlabel='a', ylabel='b', zlabel='c') print 'done'
def CreateReducedModel(self,bandwidth=0.04,bandthresh=0.01,neighthresh=0.01,showdata=False,savefile=None): self.measurements,indices = self.Prune(self.rawmeasurements,100,neighthresh**2,1) uniformpoints,dists,pointscale = self.UniformlySampleSpace(bandwidth,bandthresh) if showdata: from enthought.mayavi import mlab mlab.figure(1,fgcolor=(0,0,0), bgcolor=(1,1,1)) src = mlab.pipeline.scalar_field(dists) mlab.pipeline.iso_surface(src,contours=[0.01],opacity=0.1) mlab.pipeline.volume(mlab.pipeline.scalar_field(dists*500)) v = pointscale[0]*self.trimesh.vertices+pointscale[1] mlab.triangular_mesh(v[:,0],v[:,1],v[:,2],self.trimesh.indices,color=(0,0,0.5)) if savefile is None: savefile = self.getfilename() print 'saving measurements to %s'%savefile mkdir_recursive(os.path.split(savefile)[0]) savetxt(savefile,uniformpoints,'%f')
def showVTKFile_2D(filename): figure = mlab.figure(size=(800, 600)) vtkSource = VTKFileReader() vtkSource.initialize(filename) surface = mlab.pipeline.surface(vtkSource) axes = mlab.axes() colorbar = mlab.colorbar(object=surface, orientation='horizontal') mlab.view(0, 0)
def test_den(): #P = np.random.random((10,10)) #P=np.load(r'c:\') #myfilestr=r'c:\structfactors_density.dat' #x,y,z=np.loadtxt(myfilestr).T #P=z.reshape((101,101)) #print P.shape fig = mlab.figure(fgcolor=(0, 0, 0), bgcolor=(1, 1, 1)) x, y, z = np.array([[1, 0, 1], [0, -1, 1], [-1, 0, -1], [0, 1, -1], [1, 1, 0], [-1, -1, 0]], 'float64').T #view along z-axis pts_as = mlab.points3d(x, y, z, color=(1, 0, 0), colormap='gist_rainbow', figure=fig, scale_factor=.3) #x,y,z=gen_fe() print 'x', x, x.shape print 'y', y, y.shape print 'z', z, z.shape x, y, z = np.array([ [0, 1, 1], [0, -1, -1], ], 'float64').T pts_FE = mlab.points3d(x, y, z, color=(0, 1, 0), colormap='gist_rainbow', figure=fig, scale_factor=.3) mlab.text3d(0, 1, 1, '011', scale=.2, color=(1, 1, 0)) mlab.text3d(1, 1, 0, '110', scale=.2) mlab.text3d(-1, -1, 0, '-1-10', scale=.2) mlab.text3d(1, 0, 1, '101', scale=.2) mlab.text3d(0, -1, 1, '0-11', scale=.2) mlab.text3d(-1, 0, -1, '-10-1', scale=.2) mlab.text3d(0, 1, -1, '01-1', scale=.2) #pts_fe=mlab.points3d(x,y,z-.125,color=(0,1,0),colormap='gist_rainbow',figure=fig,scale_factor=.02) #x,y,z=gen_sr() #print 'x',x,x.shape #pts_sr=mlab.points3d(x,y,z-.125,color=(0,0,1),colormap='gist_rainbow',figure=fig) #outline=mlab.outline(figure=fig,extent=[0,1,0,1,-1,0]) outline = mlab.outline(figure=fig) mlab.orientation_axes(figure=fig, xlabel='a', ylabel='b', zlabel='c') #print 'shape',P.shape #P = P[:,:, np.newaxis] #print 'after',P.shape #src = mlab.pipeline.scalar_field(P) #src = mlab.pipeline.array2d_source(P) #surf = mlab.pipeline.surface(src,figure=fig,extent=[0,1,0,1,-1,0],name='surf2',opacity=0.4) #surf.transform.GetTransform().RotateX(90) print 'done'
def disp_odf(sph_map, theta_res=64, phi_res=32, colormap='RGB', colors=256): pi = np.pi sin = np.sin cos = np.cos theta, phi = np.mgrid[0:2 * pi:theta_res * 1j, 0:pi:phi_res * 1j] x = sin(phi) * cos(theta) y = sin(phi) * sin(theta) z = cos(phi) nvox = x_cen, y_cen, z_cen = _3grid(sph_map.shape) odf_values = sph_map.evaluate_at(theta, phi) max_value = odf_values.max() mlab.figure() for ii in range(nvox): odf_ii = odf_values.reshape(nvox, theta_res, phi_res)[ii, :, :] odf_ii /= max_value * 2 if colormap == 'RGB': rgb = np.r_['-1,3,0', x * odf_ii, y * odf_ii, z * odf_ii] rgb = np.abs(rgb * 255 / rgb.max()).astype('uint8') odf_im = Image.fromarray(rgb, mode='RGB') odf_im = odf_im.convert('P', palette=Image.ADAPTIVE, colors=colors) lut = np.empty((colors, 4), 'uint8') lut[:, 3] = 255 lut[:, 0:3] = np.reshape(odf_im.getpalette(), (colors, 3)) oo = mlab.mesh(x * odf_ii + x_cen.flat[ii], y * odf_ii + y_cen.flat[ii], z * odf_ii + z_cen.flat[ii], scalars=np.int16(odf_im)) oo.module_manager.scalar_lut_manager.lut.table = lut else: mlab.mesh(x * odf_ii + x_cen.flat[ii], y * odf_ii + y_cen.flat[ii], z * odf_ii + z_cen.flat[ii], scalars=odf_ii, colormap=colormap)
def plot_connections(data_file, min, max, bins, params=None, output=''): print("Creating connection profile graphs.") # Read data points from file f = open(data_file, 'r') # Ignore first line f.readline() data = [] for line in f: temp = line.split(' ') if params != None: if check_node([int(temp[1])], params): data.append([float(temp[4]), float(temp[5])]) else: data.append([float(temp[4]), float(temp[5])]) # Create histogram data based on the retrieved data. histogram_data = histogram2d(data, min, max, bins) # Open a new Mayavi2 figure f = mlab.figure() # Convert histogram bin count to relative densities. m = np.max(histogram_data[2].max(axis=0)) histogram_data[2] = histogram_data[2] / float(m) # Plot histogram data mlab.mesh(histogram_data[0], histogram_data[1], histogram_data[2]) #surf(histogram_data[0], histogram_data[1], histogram_data[2]) # Create and save various viewpoints of histogram figure mlab.axes(z_axis_visibility=False) mlab.view(azimuth=0, elevation=90) # X mlab.savefig(output + "xaxis.eps", size=[600, 400]) mlab.view(azimuth=90, elevation=270) # Y mlab.savefig(output + "yaxis.eps", size=[600, 400]) mlab.view(azimuth=45, elevation=45) # Perspective mlab.savefig(output + "perspective.eps", size=[600, 400]) mlab.colorbar(orientation="vertical") mlab.view(azimuth=0, elevation=0) # Z mlab.savefig(output + "above.eps", size=[600, 400])
def view(dataset): """ Open up a mayavi scene and display the dataset in it. """ fig = mlab.figure(bgcolor=(1, 1, 1), fgcolor=(0, 0, 0), figure=dataset.class_name[3:]) surf = mlab.pipeline.surface(dataset, opacity=0.1) mlab.pipeline.surface( mlab.pipeline.extract_edges(surf), color=(0, 0, 0), )
def show_lorenz(new_fig=True): x, y, z = np.mgrid[-50:50:100j, -50:50:100j, -10:60:70j] u, v, w = lorenz(x, y, z) if new_fig: fig = mlab.figure(size=(600, 600), bgcolor=(0, 0, 0)) # Plot the flow of trajectories with suitable parameters. f = mlab.flow(x, y, z, u, v, w, line_width=3, colormap='Paired') f.module_manager.scalar_lut_manager.reverse_lut = True f.stream_tracer.integration_direction = 'both' f.stream_tracer.maximum_propagation = 200
def On3DVolume(self, event): try: from enthought.mayavi import mlab except ImportError: from mayavi import mlab self.dsviewer.f3d = mlab.figure() self.dsviewer.f3d.scene.stereo = True for i in range([3]): #c = mlab.contour3d(im.img, contours=[pylab.mean(ivp.clim)], color =[:3]) v = mlab.pipeline.volume(mlab.pipeline.scalar_field(numpy.minimum(255*([:,:,:,i][i])*[i], 254).astype('uint8')))
def feature_plot(unit,size,delta_xyz): ''' A three dimensional plot the the voxilized feature. Does what spy_on but does a three dimensional plot rather then z slices. feature (type: Lego_Model): contains all of the information required to calculate the scattering off the feature ''' from enthought.mayavi import mlab dumbie_unit = roll(unit,1,axis = 0) dumbie_unit = roll(dumbie_unit,1,axis = 1) dumbie_unit[:,0,:] = 0.0 dumbie_unit[:,-1,:] = 0.0 dumbie_unit[0,:,:] = 0.0 dumbie_unit[-1,:,:] = 0.0 xyz = indices((unit.shape), 'd') xyz[0] *= delta_xyz[0] xyz[1] *= delta_xyz[1] xyz[2] *= delta_xyz[2] feature_size = shape(unit) mlab.figure(0) s = mlab.contour3d(xyz[0],xyz[1],xyz[2],dumbie_unit,opacity=.07,contours = 20) mlab.figure(1) t = mlab.contour3d(xyz[0],xyz[1],xyz[2]*10,dumbie_unit,opacity=.07,contours = 20) mlab.figure(2) u = mlab.contour3d(dumbie_unit,opacity=.05,contours = 20) return
def plot_sln_mayavi(sln, offscreen=False, show_scale=True): """ Plots the Solution() instance sln using Linearizer() and matplotlib. It takes the vertices from linearizer and interpolates them. """ lin = Linearizer() lin.process_solution(sln) vert = lin.get_vertices() triangles = lin.get_triangles() from numpy import zeros from enthought.mayavi import mlab x = vert[:, 0] y = vert[:, 1] z = zeros(len(y)) t = vert[:, 2] if offscreen: # the off screen rendering properly works only with VTK-5.2 or above: mlab.options.offscreen = True mlab.clf() mlab.figure(bgcolor=(1, 1, 1), fgcolor=(0, 0, 0)) s = mlab.triangular_mesh(x, y, z, triangles, scalars=t) mlab.view(0, 0) mlab.view(distance=4) mlab.view(focalpoint=(.35, 0, 0)) mlab.colorbar(title="Solution", orientation="vertical") #mlab.move(right=-1.0, up=-10.0) # Below is a code that does exactly what the "View along the +Z axis" # button does: #scene = mlab.get_engine().current_scene.scene = [0, 0, 0] = [0, 0, 1] = [0, 1, 0] #scene.renderer.reset_camera() #scene.render() # the above looks ok, but there is still quite a large margin, so we prefer # to just call .view(0, 0), which seems to be working fine. return mlab
def On3DIsosurf(self, event): try: from enthought.mayavi import mlab except ImportError: from mayavi import mlab self.dsviewer.f3d = mlab.figure() self.dsviewer.f3d.scene.stereo = True for i in range([3]): c = mlab.contour3d([:,:,:,i].squeeze().astype('f'), contours=[[i] + .5/[i]], color =[3])[:3]) self.lastSurf = c c.mlab_source.dataset.spacing = self.image.voxelsize