def test_valid_passport_format():
    Tests passport format validation is being done properly

    assert valid_passport_format("JMZ0S-89IA9-OTCLY-MQILJ-P7CTY") is True
    assert valid_passport_format("JMZ-89I-OTC-MQI-P7C") is False
    assert valid_passport_format("") is False
    assert valid_passport_format("jmz0s-89ia9-otcly-moilj-p7cty") is True
def test_valid_passport():
    s1 = "6P294-42HR2-95PSF-93NFF-2TEWF"
    assert valid_passport_format(s1) is True
    s2 = "TJq2R-25stx-Fyc52-02rm0-420DS"
    assert valid_passport_format(s2) is True
    s3 = "33T0R-8T3T2-W_C77-243GE-42O_D"
    assert valid_passport_format(s3) is False
    s4 = "T2EW5-WT255-019RW-2RWS4-42FFX-TNX2R"
    assert valid_passport_format(s4) is False
def test_valid_passport():
    s1 = "6P294-42HR2-95PSF-93NFF-2TEWF"
    assert valid_passport_format(s1) is True
    s2 = "TJq2R-25stx-Fyc52-02rm0-420DS"
    assert valid_passport_format(s2) is True
    s3 = "33T0R-8T3T2-W_C77-243GE-42O_D"
    assert valid_passport_format(s3) is False
    s4 = "T2EW5-WT255-019RW-2RWS4-42FFX-TNX2R"
    assert valid_passport_format(s4) is False
def test_valid_passport_format():
    Tests to see if Invalid formats are accepted
    assert valid_passport_format("FWO9A-B8MDF-TGXW5-H49SO-HI5VE") == True

        assert valid_passport_format(9083 - 9876 - 4659 - 3845 - 9345 - 3845)
    except TypeError:
        return True

        assert valid_passport_format("asdfadsf")
    except AssertionError:
        return True
def valid_file_contents(file_contents):
    This function checks to see that the file contents are valid: no required fields are missing, location
    information is complete, birth_date and passport/visa number is valid.

    :param file_contents: a list of dictionaries denoting returning citizens
    :return: True if the file contents are valid, False otherwise
    valid_file = True
    for person in file_contents:
        for item in REQUIRED_FIELDS:
            if item not in person:
                valid_file = False
        for item in person:
            if item in LOCATION_FIELDS:
                if not valid_location_field(person[item]):
                    valid_file = False
            elif item is "passport":
                if not valid_passport_format(person[item]):
                    valid_file = False
            elif item is "visa":
                if not valid_date_format(person["visa"]["date"]):
                    valid_file = False
                if not valid_visa_format(person["visa"]["code"]):
                    valid_file = False
            elif item is "entry_reason":
                if person[item] not in REASON_FOR_ENTRY:
                    valid_file = False
            elif item is "birth_date":
                if not valid_date_format(person[item]):
                    valid_file = False
        if unknown_location_exists(person, COUNTRIES):
            valid_file = False
    return valid_file
def valid_file_contents(file_contents):
    This function checks to see that the file contents are valid: no required fields are missing, location
    information is complete, birth_date and passport/visa number is valid.

    :param file_contents: a list of dictionaries denoting returning citizens
    :return: True if the file contents are valid, False otherwise
    valid_file = True
    for person in file_contents:
        for item in REQUIRED_FIELDS:
            if item not in person:
                valid_file = False
        for item in person:
            if item in LOCATION_FIELDS:
                if not valid_location_field(person[item]):
                    valid_file = False
            elif item is "passport":
                if not valid_passport_format(person[item]):
                    valid_file = False
            elif item is "visa":
                if not valid_date_format(person["visa"]["date"]):
                    valid_file = False
                if not valid_visa_format(person["visa"]["code"]):
                    valid_file = False
            elif item is "entry_reason":
                if person[item] not in REASON_FOR_ENTRY:
                    valid_file = False
            elif item is "birth_date":
                if not valid_date_format(person[item]):
                    valid_file = False
        if unknown_location_exists(person, COUNTRIES):
            valid_file = False
    return valid_file
def test_valid_passport_format():
    Passport is valid.
    assert(valid_passport_format("12A34-56B78-98C76-54D32-12E34")) is True
    assert(valid_passport_format("12345-67890-09876-54321-13579")) is True
    assert(valid_passport_format("1BCDE-2GHIJ-3LMNO-4QRST-5VWXY")) is True
    assert(valid_passport_format("12a34-56b78-98c76-54d32-12e34")) is True
    assert(valid_passport_format("ABCDE-FGHIJ-KLMNO-PQRST-UVWXY")) is True

    assert(valid_passport_format("JAHDL-JKW-KJDJK")) is False
    assert(valid_passport_format("12A-98C7")) is False
def test_decide_missing_required_information_file():
    Ensure that the file contains citizens with missing information fields.
    with open("test_decide_missing_required_information.json", "r") as citizen_file:
        citizen_content = citizen_file.read()
    citizen_json = json.loads(citizen_content)

    assert valid_file_contents(citizen_json) is False

    for person in citizen_json:
        required_fields_included = True
        for item in REQUIRED_FIELDS:
            if item not in person:
                required_fields_included = False
            if item is "passport" and "passport" in person:
                assert valid_passport_format(person[item]) is True
        for item in LOCATION_FIELDS:
            if item in person:
                if not valid_location_field(person[item]):
                    required_fields_included = False
        assert required_fields_included is False
def test_decide_missing_required_information_file():
    Ensure that the file contains citizens with missing information fields.
    with open("test_decide_missing_required_information.json",
              "r") as citizen_file:
        citizen_content = citizen_file.read()
    citizen_json = json.loads(citizen_content)

    assert valid_file_contents(citizen_json) is False

    for person in citizen_json:
        required_fields_included = True
        for item in REQUIRED_FIELDS:
            if item not in person:
                required_fields_included = False
            if item is "passport" and "passport" in person:
                assert valid_passport_format(person[item]) is True
        for item in LOCATION_FIELDS:
            if item in person:
                if not valid_location_field(person[item]):
                    required_fields_included = False
        assert required_fields_included is False
def test_passport_validity():
    assert valid_passport_format(test_traveler1["passport"]) == True
    assert valid_passport_format(test_traveler2["passport"]) == False
def test_invalid_passport_format_2():
   Testing invalid passport format due to the inclusion of symbols rather than numbers or letters
    assert valid_passport_format("gdg7w-w8djw-wjskd-837ed-!!!!!") == False
def test_invalid_passport_format_1():
   Testing invalid passport format due to missing characters
    assert valid_passport_format("gdg7w-w8djw-wjskd-837ed-") == False
def test_valid_passport_format():
    assert valid_passport_format("gdg7w-w8djw-wjskd-837ed-9wj9d") == True