class DiffuseModelManager(object):
    """ Small helper class to keep track of diffuse component templates

    This keeps track of the 'diffuse component infomation' dictionary

    This keyed by: key = {source_name}_{source_ver}
    {source_name} is something like 'loopI'
    {source_ver} is somthinng like v00

    The dictioary is
    diffuse_comp_info_dict[key] - > `model_component.ModelComponentInfo`

    Note that some components ( those that represent moving sources or are selection depedent )
    will have a sub-dictionary of diffuse_comp_info_dict object for each sub-component

    The compoents are defined in a file called
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        """ C'tor

        Keyword arguments

        name_policy : str
            Name of yaml file contain file naming policy definitions
        basedir : str
            Top level directory for finding files
        self._name_factory = NameFactory(basedir=kwargs.get('basedir'))
        self._diffuse_comp_info_dict = {}

    def read_diffuse_component_yaml(yamlfile):
        """ Read the yaml file for the diffuse components
        diffuse_components = yaml.safe_load(open(yamlfile))
        return diffuse_components

    def sourcekeys(self):
        """Return the list of source keys"""
        return sorted(self._diffuse_comp_info_dict.keys())

    def diffuse_comp_info(self, sourcekey):
        """Return the Component info associated to a particular key
        return self._diffuse_comp_info_dict[sourcekey]

    def make_template_name(self, model_type, sourcekey):
        """ Make the name of a template file for particular component


        model_type : str
            Type of model to use for this component
        sourcekey : str
            Key to identify this component

        Returns filename or None if component does not require a template file
        format_dict = self.__dict__.copy()
        format_dict['sourcekey'] = sourcekey
        if model_type == 'IsoSource':
            return self._name_factory.spectral_template(**format_dict)
        elif model_type == 'MapCubeSource':
            return self._name_factory.diffuse_template(**format_dict)
            raise ValueError("Unexpected model_type %s" % model_type)

    def make_xml_name(self, sourcekey):
        """ Make the name of an xml file for a model definition of a single component


        sourcekey : str
            Key to identify this component
        format_dict = self.__dict__.copy()
        format_dict['sourcekey'] = sourcekey
        return self._name_factory.srcmdl_xml(**format_dict)

    def make_diffuse_comp_info(self,
        """ Make a dictionary mapping the merged component names to list of template files


        source_name : str
           Name of the source
        source_ver : str
           Key identifying the version of the source
        diffuse_dict : dict
           Information about this component
        comp_key : str
           Used when we need to keep track of sub-components, i.e.,
           for moving and selection dependent sources.

        Returns `model_component.ModelComponentInfo` or
        model_type = diffuse_dict['model_type']
        sourcekey = '%s_%s' % (source_name, source_ver)
        if comp_key is None:
            template_name = self.make_template_name(model_type, sourcekey)
            srcmdl_name = self.make_xml_name(sourcekey)
            template_name = self.make_template_name(
                model_type, "%s_%s" % (sourcekey, comp_key))
            srcmdl_name = self.make_xml_name("%s_%s" % (sourcekey, comp_key))

        template_name = self._name_factory.fullpath(localpath=template_name)
        srcmdl_name = self._name_factory.fullpath(localpath=srcmdl_name)

        kwargs = dict(source_name=source_name,
        if model_type == 'IsoSource':
            kwargs['Spectral_Filename'] = template_name
            return IsoComponentInfo(**kwargs)
        elif model_type == 'MapCubeSource':
            kwargs['Spatial_Filename'] = template_name
            return MapCubeComponentInfo(**kwargs)
            raise ValueError("Unexpected model type %s" % model_type)

    def make_diffuse_comp_info_dict(self, diffuse_sources, components):
        """ Make a dictionary maping from diffuse component to information about that component


        diffuse_sources : dict
            Dictionary with diffuse source defintions
        components : dict
            Dictionary with event selection defintions,
            needed for selection depenedent diffuse components


        ret_dict : dict
            Dictionary mapping sourcekey to `model_component.ModelComponentInfo`
        ret_dict = {}
        for key, value in diffuse_sources.items():
            model_type = value.get('model_type', 'mapcube')
            if model_type == 'galprop_rings':
            selection_dependent = value.get('selection_dependent', False)
            moving = value.get('moving', False)
            versions = value.get('versions', [])
            for version in versions:
                #sourcekey = self._name_factory.sourcekey(source_name=key,
                #                                         source_ver=version)
                comp_dict = None
                if selection_dependent:
                    # For selection dependent diffuse sources we need to split
                    # by binning component
                    comp_dict = {}
                    for comp in components:
                        comp_key = comp.make_key('{ebin_name}_{evtype_name}')
                        comp_dict[comp_key] = self.make_diffuse_comp_info(
                            key, version, value, None, comp_key)
                elif moving:
                    # For moving diffuse sources we need to split by zmax cut
                    comp_dict = {}
                    zmax_dict = {}
                    for comp in components:
                        zmax_dict[int(comp.zmax)] = True
                    zmax_list = sorted(zmax_dict.keys())
                    for zmax in zmax_list:
                        comp_key = "zmax%i" % (zmax)
                        comp_dict[comp_key] = self.make_diffuse_comp_info(
                            key, version, value, None, comp_key)

                comp_info = self.make_diffuse_comp_info(
                    key, version, value, comp_dict)
                ret_dict[comp_info.sourcekey] = comp_info

        return ret_dict
class GalpropMapManager(object):
    """ Small helper class to keep track of Galprop gasmaps

    This keeps track of two types of dictionaries.
    Both are keyed by: key = {source_name}_{ring}_{galkey}

    {source_name} is something like 'merged_C0'
    {ring} is the ring index
    {galkey} is a key specifying which version of galprop rings to use.

    The two dictionaries are:
    ring_dict[key] = `model_component.GalpropMergedRingInfo`
    diffuse_comp_info_dict[key] ] `model_component.ModelComponentInfo`

    The dictionaries are defined in files called.
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        """ C'tor

        Keyword arguments

        maptype : str [newGasMaps_ST]
            Used to define path to gasmap files
        projtype : str [healpix]
            Used to define path to gasmap files
        basedir : str
            Top level directory for finding files
        self.maptype = kwargs.get('maptype', 'newGasMaps_ST')
        self.projtype = kwargs.get('projtype', 'healpix')
        self._name_factory = NameFactory(basedir=kwargs.get('basedir'))
        self._ring_dicts = {}
        self._diffuse_comp_info_dicts = {}

    def read_galprop_rings_yaml(self, galkey):
        """ Read the yaml file for a partiuclar galprop key
        galprop_rings_yaml = self._name_factory.galprop_rings_yaml(
            galkey=galkey, fullpath=True)
        galprop_rings = yaml.safe_load(open(galprop_rings_yaml))
        return galprop_rings

    def galkeys(self):
        """ Return the list of galprop keys used """
        return sorted(self._ring_dicts.keys())

    def ring_dict(self, galkey):
        """ Return the ring dictionary for a particular galprop key
        return self._ring_dicts[galkey]

    def diffuse_comp_info_dicts(self, galkey):
        """ Return the components info dictionary for a particular galprop key
        return self._diffuse_comp_info_dicts[galkey]

    def merged_components(self, galkey):
        """ Return the set of merged components for a particular galprop key
        return sorted(self._diffuse_comp_info_dicts[galkey].keys())

    def make_ring_filename(self, source_name, ring, galprop_run):
        """ Make the name of a gasmap file for a single ring


        source_name : str
            The galprop component, used to define path to gasmap files
        ring : int
            The ring index
        galprop_run : str
            String identifying the galprop parameters
        format_dict = self.__dict__.copy()
        format_dict['sourcekey'] = self._name_factory.galprop_ringkey(
            source_name=source_name, ringkey="ring_%i" % ring)
        format_dict['galprop_run'] = galprop_run
        return self._name_factory.galprop_gasmap(**format_dict)

    def make_merged_name(self, source_name, galkey, fullpath):
        """ Make the name of a gasmap file for a set of merged rings


        source_name : str
            The galprop component, used to define path to gasmap files
        galkey : str
            A short key identifying the galprop parameters
        fullpath : bool
            Return the full path name
        format_dict = self.__dict__.copy()
        format_dict['sourcekey'] = self._name_factory.galprop_sourcekey(
            source_name=source_name, galpropkey=galkey)
        format_dict['fullpath'] = fullpath
        return self._name_factory.merged_gasmap(**format_dict)

    def make_xml_name(self, source_name, galkey, fullpath):
        """ Make the name of an xml file for a model definition for a set of merged rings


        source_name : str
            The galprop component, used to define path to gasmap files
        galkey : str
            A short key identifying the galprop parameters
        fullpath : bool
            Return the full path name
        format_dict = self.__dict__.copy()
        format_dict['sourcekey'] = self._name_factory.galprop_sourcekey(
            source_name=source_name, galpropkey=galkey)
        format_dict['fullpath'] = fullpath
        return self._name_factory.srcmdl_xml(**format_dict)

    def make_ring_filelist(self, sourcekeys, rings, galprop_run):
        """ Make a list of all the template files for a merged component


        sourcekeys : list-like of str
            The names of the componenents to merge
        rings : list-like of int
            The indices of the rings to merge
        galprop_run : str
            String identifying the galprop parameters
        flist = []
        for sourcekey in sourcekeys:
            for ring in rings:
                flist += [
                    self.make_ring_filename(sourcekey, ring, galprop_run)
        return flist

    def make_ring_dict(self, galkey):
        """ Make a dictionary mapping the merged component names to list of template files


        galkey : str
            Unique key for this ring dictionary

        Returns `model_component.GalpropMergedRingInfo`
        galprop_rings = self.read_galprop_rings_yaml(galkey)
        galprop_run = galprop_rings['galprop_run']
        ring_limits = galprop_rings['ring_limits']
        comp_dict = galprop_rings['diffuse_comp_dict']
        ring_dict = {}
        nring = len(ring_limits) - 1
        for source_name, source_value in comp_dict.items():
            base_dict = dict(source_name=source_name,
            for iring in range(nring):
                sourcekey = "%s_%i" % (source_name, iring)
                full_key = "%s_%s" % (sourcekey, galkey)
                rings = range(ring_limits[iring], ring_limits[iring + 1])
                         files=self.make_ring_filelist(source_value, rings,
                             sourcekey, galkey, False)))
                ring_dict[full_key] = GalpropMergedRingInfo(**base_dict)
        self._ring_dicts[galkey] = ring_dict
        return ring_dict

    def make_diffuse_comp_info(self, merged_name, galkey):
        """ Make the information about a single merged component


        merged_name : str
            The name of the merged component
        galkey : str
            A short key identifying the galprop parameters

        Returns `odel_component.ModelComponentInfo`
        kwargs = dict(source_name=merged_name,
        return MapCubeComponentInfo(**kwargs)

    def make_diffuse_comp_info_dict(self, galkey):
        """ Make a dictionary maping from merged component to information about that component


        galkey : str
            A short key identifying the galprop parameters
        galprop_rings = self.read_galprop_rings_yaml(galkey)
        ring_limits = galprop_rings.get('ring_limits')
        comp_dict = galprop_rings.get('diffuse_comp_dict')
        diffuse_comp_info_dict = {}
        nring = len(ring_limits) - 1
        for source_key in sorted(comp_dict.keys()):
            for iring in range(nring):
                source_name = "%s_%i" % (source_key, iring)
                full_key = "%s_%s" % (source_name, galkey)
                diffuse_comp_info_dict[full_key] =\
                    self.make_diffuse_comp_info(source_name, galkey)
        self._diffuse_comp_info_dicts[galkey] = diffuse_comp_info_dict
        return diffuse_comp_info_dict
class CatalogSourceManager(object):
    """ Small helper class to keep track of how we deal with catalog sources

    This keeps track of two dictionaries

    One of the dictionaries is keyed by catalog name, and contains information
    about complete catalogs
    catalog_comp_info_dicts[catalog_name] : `model_component.CatalogInfo`

    The other dictionary is keyed by [{catalog_name}_{split_ver}][{split_key}]
    {catalog_name} is something like '3FGL'
    {split_ver} is somthing like 'v00' and specifes how to divide sources in the catalog
    {split_key} refers to a specific sub-selection of sources

    split_comp_info_dicts[splitkey] : `model_component.ModelComponentInfo`
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        """ C'tor

        Keyword arguments

        basedir : str
            Top level directory for finding files
        self._name_factory = NameFactory(**kwargs)
        self._catalog_comp_info_dicts = {}
        self._split_comp_info_dicts = {}

    def read_catalog_info_yaml(self, splitkey):
        """ Read the yaml file for a particular split key
        catalog_info_yaml = self._name_factory.catalog_split_yaml(
            sourcekey=splitkey, fullpath=True)
        yaml_dict = yaml.safe_load(open(catalog_info_yaml))
        # resolve env vars
        yaml_dict['catalog_file'] = os.path.expandvars(
        yaml_dict['catalog_extdir'] = os.path.expandvars(
        return yaml_dict

    def build_catalog_info(self, catalog_info):
        """ Build a CatalogInfo object """
        cat = SourceFactory.build_catalog(**catalog_info)
        catalog_info['catalog'] = cat
        # catalog_info['catalog_table'] =
        #    Table.read(catalog_info['catalog_file'])
        catalog_info['catalog_table'] = cat.table
        catalog_info['roi_model'] =\
        catalog_info['srcmdl_name'] =\
        return CatalogInfo(**catalog_info)

    def catalogs(self):
        """ Return the list of full catalogs used """
        return sorted(self._catalog_comp_info_dicts.keys())

    def splitkeys(self):
        """ Return the list of catalog split keys used """
        return sorted(self._split_comp_info_dicts.keys())

    def catalog_comp_info_dict(self, catkey):
        """ Return the roi_model for an entire catalog """
        return self._catalog_comp_info_dicts[catkey]

    def split_comp_info_dict(self, catalog_name, split_ver):
        """ Return the information about a particular scheme for how to handle catalog sources """
        return self._split_comp_info_dicts["%s_%s" % (catalog_name, split_ver)]

    def catalog_components(self, catalog_name, split_ver):
        """ Return the set of merged components for a particular split key """
        return sorted(
            self._split_comp_info_dicts["%s_%s" %
                                        (catalog_name, split_ver)].keys())

    def split_comp_info(self, catalog_name, split_ver, split_key):
        """ Return the info for a particular split key """
        return self._split_comp_info_dicts["%s_%s" % (catalog_name,

    def make_catalog_comp_info(self, full_cat_info, split_key, rule_key,
                               rule_val, sources):
        """ Make the information about a single merged component


        full_cat_info : `_model_component.CatalogInfo`
            Information about the full catalog
        split_key : str
            Key identifying the version of the spliting used
        rule_key : str
            Key identifying the specific rule for this component
        rule_val : list
            List of the cuts used to define this component
        sources : list
            List of the names of the sources in this component

        Returns `CompositeSourceInfo` or `CatalogSourcesInfo`
        merge = rule_val.get('merge', True)
        sourcekey = "%s_%s_%s" % (full_cat_info.catalog_name, split_key,
        srcmdl_name = self._name_factory.srcmdl_xml(sourcekey=sourcekey)
        srcmdl_name = self._name_factory.fullpath(localpath=srcmdl_name)
        kwargs = dict(source_name="%s_%s" %
                      (full_cat_info.catalog_name, rule_key),
                          full_cat_info.roi_model, sources))
        if merge:
            return CompositeSourceInfo(**kwargs)
        return CatalogSourcesInfo(**kwargs)

    def make_catalog_comp_info_dict(self, catalog_sources):
        """ Make the information about the catalog components


        catalog_sources : dict
            Dictionary with catalog source defintions


        catalog_ret_dict : dict
            Dictionary mapping catalog_name to `model_component.CatalogInfo`
        split_ret_dict : dict
            Dictionary mapping sourcekey to `model_component.ModelComponentInfo`
        catalog_ret_dict = {}
        split_ret_dict = {}
        for key, value in catalog_sources.items():
            if value is None:
            if value['model_type'] != 'catalog':
            versions = value['versions']
            for version in versions:
                ver_key = "%s_%s" % (key, version)
                source_dict = self.read_catalog_info_yaml(ver_key)
                    full_cat_info = catalog_ret_dict[key]
                except KeyError:
                    full_cat_info = self.build_catalog_info(source_dict)
                    catalog_ret_dict[key] = full_cat_info

                    all_sources = [
                        x.strip() for x in full_cat_info.
                except KeyError:
                used_sources = []
                rules_dict = source_dict['rules_dict']
                if rules_dict is None:
                    rules_dict = {}
                split_dict = {}
                for rule_key, rule_val in rules_dict.items():
                    # full_key =\
                    #    self._name_factory.merged_sourcekey(catalog=ver_key,
                    #                                        rulekey=rule_key)
                    sources = select_sources(full_cat_info.catalog_table,
                    split_dict[rule_key] = self.make_catalog_comp_info(
                        full_cat_info, version, rule_key, rule_val, sources)

                # Now deal with the remainder
                for source in used_sources:
                    except ValueError:
                rule_val = dict(cuts=[],
                                    'merge', False))
                split_dict['remain'] = self.make_catalog_comp_info(
                    full_cat_info, version, 'remain', rule_val, all_sources)

                # Merge in the info for this version of splits
                split_ret_dict[ver_key] = split_dict

        return (catalog_ret_dict, split_ret_dict)
class DiffuseModelManager(object):
    """ Small helper class to keep track of diffuse component templates

    This keeps track of the 'diffuse component infomation' dictionary

    This keyed by: key = {source_name}_{source_ver}
    {source_name} is something like 'loopI'
    {source_ver} is somthinng like v00

    The dictioary is
    diffuse_comp_info_dict[key] - > `model_component.ModelComponentInfo`

    Note that some components ( those that represent moving sources or are selection depedent )
    will have a sub-dictionary of diffuse_comp_info_dict object for each sub-component

    The compoents are defined in a file called

    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        """ C'tor

        Keyword arguments

        name_policy : str
            Name of yaml file contain file naming policy definitions
        basedir : str
            Top level directory for finding files
        self._name_factory = NameFactory(basedir=kwargs.get('basedir'))
        self._diffuse_comp_info_dict = {}

    def read_diffuse_component_yaml(yamlfile):
        """ Read the yaml file for the diffuse components
        diffuse_components = yaml.safe_load(open(yamlfile))
        return diffuse_components

    def sourcekeys(self):
        """Return the list of source keys"""
        return sorted(self._diffuse_comp_info_dict.keys())

    def diffuse_comp_info(self, sourcekey):
        """Return the Component info associated to a particular key
        return self._diffuse_comp_info_dict[sourcekey]

    def make_template_name(self, model_type, sourcekey):
        """ Make the name of a template file for particular component


        model_type : str
            Type of model to use for this component
        sourcekey : str
            Key to identify this component

        Returns filename or None if component does not require a template file
        format_dict = self.__dict__.copy()
        format_dict['sourcekey'] = sourcekey
        if model_type == 'IsoSource':
            return self._name_factory.spectral_template(**format_dict)
        elif model_type == 'MapCubeSource':
            return self._name_factory.diffuse_template(**format_dict)
            raise ValueError("Unexpected model_type %s" % model_type)

    def make_xml_name(self, sourcekey):
        """ Make the name of an xml file for a model definition of a single component


        sourcekey : str
            Key to identify this component
        format_dict = self.__dict__.copy()
        format_dict['sourcekey'] = sourcekey
        return self._name_factory.srcmdl_xml(**format_dict)

    def make_diffuse_comp_info(self, source_name, source_ver, diffuse_dict,
                               components=None, comp_key=None):
        """ Make a dictionary mapping the merged component names to list of template files


        source_name : str
           Name of the source
        source_ver : str
           Key identifying the version of the source
        diffuse_dict : dict
           Information about this component
        comp_key : str
           Used when we need to keep track of sub-components, i.e.,
           for moving and selection dependent sources.

        Returns `model_component.ModelComponentInfo` or
        model_type = diffuse_dict['model_type']
        sourcekey = '%s_%s' % (source_name, source_ver)
        if comp_key is None:
            template_name = self.make_template_name(model_type, sourcekey)
            srcmdl_name = self.make_xml_name(sourcekey)
            template_name = self.make_template_name(
                model_type, "%s_%s" % (sourcekey, comp_key))
            srcmdl_name = self.make_xml_name("%s_%s" % (sourcekey, comp_key))

        template_name = self._name_factory.fullpath(localpath=template_name)
        srcmdl_name = self._name_factory.fullpath(localpath=srcmdl_name)

        kwargs = dict(source_name=source_name,
        if model_type == 'IsoSource':
            kwargs['Spectral_Filename'] = template_name
            return IsoComponentInfo(**kwargs)
        elif model_type == 'MapCubeSource':
            kwargs['Spatial_Filename'] = template_name
            return MapCubeComponentInfo(**kwargs)
            raise ValueError("Unexpected model type %s" % model_type)

    def make_diffuse_comp_info_dict(self, diffuse_sources, components):
        """ Make a dictionary maping from diffuse component to information about that component


        diffuse_sources : dict
            Dictionary with diffuse source defintions
        components : dict
            Dictionary with event selection defintions,
            needed for selection depenedent diffuse components


        ret_dict : dict
            Dictionary mapping sourcekey to `model_component.ModelComponentInfo`
        ret_dict = {}
        for key, value in diffuse_sources.items():
            model_type = value.get('model_type', 'mapcube')
            if model_type == 'galprop_rings':
            selection_dependent = value.get('selection_dependent', False)
            moving = value.get('moving', False)
            versions = value.get('versions', [])
            for version in versions:
                #sourcekey = self._name_factory.sourcekey(source_name=key,
                #                                         source_ver=version)
                comp_dict = None
                if selection_dependent:
                    # For selection dependent diffuse sources we need to split
                    # by binning component
                    comp_dict = {}
                    for comp in components:
                        comp_key = comp.make_key('{ebin_name}_{evtype_name}')
                        comp_dict[comp_key] = self.make_diffuse_comp_info(
                            key, version, value, None, comp_key)
                elif moving:
                    # For moving diffuse sources we need to split by zmax cut
                    comp_dict = {}
                    zmax_dict = {}
                    for comp in components:
                        zmax_dict[int(comp.zmax)] = True
                    zmax_list = sorted(zmax_dict.keys())
                    for zmax in zmax_list:
                        comp_key = "zmax%i" % (zmax)
                        comp_dict[comp_key] = self.make_diffuse_comp_info(
                            key, version, value, None, comp_key)

                comp_info = self.make_diffuse_comp_info(
                    key, version, value, comp_dict)
                ret_dict[comp_info.sourcekey] = comp_info

        return ret_dict
class GalpropMapManager(object):
    """ Small helper class to keep track of Galprop gasmaps

    This keeps track of two types of dictionaries.
    Both are keyed by: key = {source_name}_{ring}_{galkey}

    {source_name} is something like 'merged_C0'
    {ring} is the ring index
    {galkey} is a key specifying which version of galprop rings to use.

    The two dictionaries are:
    ring_dict[key] = `model_component.GalpropMergedRingInfo`
    diffuse_comp_info_dict[key] ] `model_component.ModelComponentInfo`

    The dictionaries are defined in files called.

    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        """ C'tor

        Keyword arguments

        maptype : str [newGasMaps_ST]
            Used to define path to gasmap files
        projtype : str [healpix]
            Used to define path to gasmap files
        basedir : str
            Top level directory for finding files
        self.maptype = kwargs.get('maptype', 'newGasMaps_ST')
        self.projtype = kwargs.get('projtype', 'healpix')
        self._name_factory = NameFactory(basedir=kwargs.get('basedir'))
        self._ring_dicts = {}
        self._diffuse_comp_info_dicts = {}

    def read_galprop_rings_yaml(self, galkey):
        """ Read the yaml file for a partiuclar galprop key
        galprop_rings_yaml = self._name_factory.galprop_rings_yaml(galkey=galkey,
        galprop_rings = yaml.safe_load(open(galprop_rings_yaml))
        return galprop_rings

    def galkeys(self):
        """ Return the list of galprop keys used """
        return sorted(self._ring_dicts.keys())

    def ring_dict(self, galkey):
        """ Return the ring dictionary for a particular galprop key
        return self._ring_dicts[galkey]

    def diffuse_comp_info_dicts(self, galkey):
        """ Return the components info dictionary for a particular galprop key
        return self._diffuse_comp_info_dicts[galkey]

    def merged_components(self, galkey):
        """ Return the set of merged components for a particular galprop key
        return sorted(self._diffuse_comp_info_dicts[galkey].keys())

    def make_ring_filename(self, source_name, ring, galprop_run):
        """ Make the name of a gasmap file for a single ring


        source_name : str
            The galprop component, used to define path to gasmap files
        ring : int
            The ring index
        galprop_run : str
            String identifying the galprop parameters
        format_dict = self.__dict__.copy()
        format_dict['sourcekey'] = self._name_factory.galprop_ringkey(source_name=source_name,
                                                                      ringkey="ring_%i" % ring)
        format_dict['galprop_run'] = galprop_run
        return self._name_factory.galprop_gasmap(**format_dict)

    def make_merged_name(self, source_name, galkey, fullpath):
        """ Make the name of a gasmap file for a set of merged rings


        source_name : str
            The galprop component, used to define path to gasmap files
        galkey : str
            A short key identifying the galprop parameters
        fullpath : bool
            Return the full path name
        format_dict = self.__dict__.copy()
        format_dict['sourcekey'] = self._name_factory.galprop_sourcekey(source_name=source_name,
        format_dict['fullpath'] = fullpath
        return self._name_factory.merged_gasmap(**format_dict)

    def make_xml_name(self, source_name, galkey, fullpath):
        """ Make the name of an xml file for a model definition for a set of merged rings


        source_name : str
            The galprop component, used to define path to gasmap files
        galkey : str
            A short key identifying the galprop parameters
        fullpath : bool
            Return the full path name
        format_dict = self.__dict__.copy()
        format_dict['sourcekey'] = self._name_factory.galprop_sourcekey(source_name=source_name,
        format_dict['fullpath'] = fullpath
        return self._name_factory.srcmdl_xml(**format_dict)

    def make_ring_filelist(self, sourcekeys, rings, galprop_run):
        """ Make a list of all the template files for a merged component


        sourcekeys : list-like of str
            The names of the componenents to merge
        rings : list-like of int
            The indices of the rings to merge
        galprop_run : str
            String identifying the galprop parameters
        flist = []
        for sourcekey in sourcekeys:
            for ring in rings:
                flist += [self.make_ring_filename(sourcekey,
                                                  ring, galprop_run)]
        return flist

    def make_ring_dict(self, galkey):
        """ Make a dictionary mapping the merged component names to list of template files


        galkey : str
            Unique key for this ring dictionary

        Returns `model_component.GalpropMergedRingInfo`
        galprop_rings = self.read_galprop_rings_yaml(galkey)
        galprop_run = galprop_rings['galprop_run']
        ring_limits = galprop_rings['ring_limits']
        comp_dict = galprop_rings['diffuse_comp_dict']
        ring_dict = {}
        nring = len(ring_limits) - 1
        for source_name, source_value in comp_dict.items():
            base_dict = dict(source_name=source_name,
            for iring in range(nring):
                sourcekey = "%s_%i" % (source_name, iring)
                full_key = "%s_%s" % (sourcekey, galkey)
                rings = range(ring_limits[iring], ring_limits[iring + 1])
                                                                    rings, galprop_run),
                                                                          galkey, False)))
                ring_dict[full_key] = GalpropMergedRingInfo(**base_dict)
        self._ring_dicts[galkey] = ring_dict
        return ring_dict

    def make_diffuse_comp_info(self, merged_name, galkey):
        """ Make the information about a single merged component


        merged_name : str
            The name of the merged component
        galkey : str
            A short key identifying the galprop parameters

        Returns `odel_component.ModelComponentInfo`
        kwargs = dict(source_name=merged_name,
                          merged_name, galkey, fullpath=True),
                      srcmdl_name=self.make_xml_name(merged_name, galkey, fullpath=True))
        return MapCubeComponentInfo(**kwargs)

    def make_diffuse_comp_info_dict(self, galkey):
        """ Make a dictionary maping from merged component to information about that component


        galkey : str
            A short key identifying the galprop parameters
        galprop_rings = self.read_galprop_rings_yaml(galkey)
        ring_limits = galprop_rings.get('ring_limits')
        comp_dict = galprop_rings.get('diffuse_comp_dict')
        diffuse_comp_info_dict = {}
        nring = len(ring_limits) - 1
        for source_key in sorted(comp_dict.keys()):
            for iring in range(nring):
                source_name = "%s_%i" % (source_key, iring)
                full_key = "%s_%s" % (source_name, galkey)
                diffuse_comp_info_dict[full_key] =\
                    self.make_diffuse_comp_info(source_name, galkey)
        self._diffuse_comp_info_dicts[galkey] = diffuse_comp_info_dict
        return diffuse_comp_info_dict
class CatalogSourceManager(object):
    """ Small helper class to keep track of how we deal with catalog sources

    This keeps track of two dictionaries

    One of the dictionaries is keyed by catalog name, and contains information
    about complete catalogs
    catalog_comp_info_dicts[catalog_name] : `model_component.CatalogInfo`

    The other dictionary is keyed by [{catalog_name}_{split_ver}][{split_key}]
    {catalog_name} is something like '3FGL'
    {split_ver} is somthing like 'v00' and specifes how to divide sources in the catalog
    {split_key} refers to a specific sub-selection of sources

    split_comp_info_dicts[splitkey] : `model_component.ModelComponentInfo`

    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        """ C'tor

        Keyword arguments

        basedir : str
            Top level directory for finding files
        self._name_factory = NameFactory(**kwargs)
        self._catalog_comp_info_dicts = {}
        self._split_comp_info_dicts = {}

    def read_catalog_info_yaml(self, splitkey):
        """ Read the yaml file for a particular split key
        catalog_info_yaml = self._name_factory.catalog_split_yaml(sourcekey=splitkey,
        yaml_dict = yaml.safe_load(open(catalog_info_yaml))
        # resolve env vars
        yaml_dict['catalog_file'] = os.path.expandvars(yaml_dict['catalog_file'])
        yaml_dict['catalog_extdir'] = os.path.expandvars(yaml_dict['catalog_extdir'])
        return yaml_dict

    def build_catalog_info(self, catalog_info):
        """ Build a CatalogInfo object """        
        cat = SourceFactory.build_catalog(**catalog_info)
        catalog_info['catalog'] = cat
        #catalog_info['catalog_table'] = 
        #    Table.read(catalog_info['catalog_file'])
        catalog_info['catalog_table'] = cat.table
        catalog_info['roi_model'] =\
        catalog_info['srcmdl_name'] =\
        return CatalogInfo(**catalog_info)

    def catalogs(self):
        """ Return the list of full catalogs used """
        return sorted(self._catalog_comp_info_dicts.keys())

    def splitkeys(self):
        """ Return the list of catalog split keys used """
        return sorted(self._split_comp_info_dicts.keys())

    def catalog_comp_info_dict(self, catkey):
        """ Return the roi_model for an entire catalog """
        return self._catalog_comp_info_dicts[catkey]

    def split_comp_info_dict(self, catalog_name, split_ver):
        """ Return the information about a particular scheme for how to handle catalog sources """
        return self._split_comp_info_dicts["%s_%s" % (catalog_name, split_ver)]

    def catalog_components(self, catalog_name, split_ver):
        """ Return the set of merged components for a particular split key """
        return sorted(self._split_comp_info_dicts["%s_%s" % (catalog_name, split_ver)].keys())

    def split_comp_info(self, catalog_name, split_ver, split_key):
        """ Return the info for a particular split key """
        return self._split_comp_info_dicts["%s_%s" % (catalog_name, split_ver)][split_key]

    def make_catalog_comp_info(self, full_cat_info, split_key, rule_key, rule_val, sources):
        """ Make the information about a single merged component


        full_cat_info : `_model_component.CatalogInfo`
            Information about the full catalog
        split_key : str
            Key identifying the version of the spliting used
        rule_key : str
            Key identifying the specific rule for this component
        rule_val : list
            List of the cuts used to define this component
        sources : list
            List of the names of the sources in this component

        Returns `CompositeSourceInfo` or `CatalogSourcesInfo`
        merge = rule_val.get('merge', True)
        sourcekey = "%s_%s_%s" % (
            full_cat_info.catalog_name, split_key, rule_key)
        srcmdl_name = self._name_factory.srcmdl_xml(sourcekey=sourcekey)
        srcmdl_name = self._name_factory.fullpath(localpath=srcmdl_name)
        kwargs = dict(source_name="%s_%s" % (full_cat_info.catalog_name, rule_key),
                          SourceFactory.copy_selected_sources(full_cat_info.roi_model, sources))
        if merge:
            return CompositeSourceInfo(**kwargs)
            return CatalogSourcesInfo(**kwargs)

    def make_catalog_comp_info_dict(self, catalog_sources):
        """ Make the information about the catalog components


        catalog_sources : dict
            Dictionary with catalog source defintions


        catalog_ret_dict : dict
            Dictionary mapping catalog_name to `model_component.CatalogInfo`
        split_ret_dict : dict
            Dictionary mapping sourcekey to `model_component.ModelComponentInfo`
        catalog_ret_dict = {}
        split_ret_dict = {}
        for key, value in catalog_sources.items():
            #model_type = value['model_type']
            versions = value['versions']
            for version in versions:
                ver_key = "%s_%s" % (key, version)
                source_dict = self.read_catalog_info_yaml(ver_key)
                    full_cat_info = catalog_ret_dict[key]
                except KeyError:
                    full_cat_info = self.build_catalog_info(source_dict)
                    catalog_ret_dict[key] = full_cat_info

                    all_sources = [x.strip() for x in full_cat_info.catalog_table[
                except KeyError:
                    print (full_cat_info.catalog_table.colnames)
                used_sources = []
                rules_dict = source_dict['rules_dict']
                split_dict = {}
                for rule_key, rule_val in rules_dict.items():
                    #full_key =\
                    #    self._name_factory.merged_sourcekey(catalog=ver_key,
                    #                                        rulekey=rule_key)
                    sources = select_sources(
                        full_cat_info.catalog_table, rule_val['cuts'])
                    split_dict[rule_key] = self.make_catalog_comp_info(
                        full_cat_info, version, rule_key, rule_val, sources)

                # Now deal with the remainder
                for source in used_sources:
                    except ValueError:
                rule_val = dict(cuts=[],
                                merge=source_dict['remainder'].get('merge', False))
                split_dict['remain'] = self.make_catalog_comp_info(
                    full_cat_info, version, 'remain', rule_val, all_sources)

                # Merge in the info for this version of splits
                split_ret_dict[ver_key] = split_dict

        return (catalog_ret_dict, split_ret_dict)