from fileinfo import FileInfo
import re

file_info = FileInfo()

filename_regex           = r"^gapps-jb43-[0-9]+-dmd151\.zip$"
file_info.patch          = 'Google_Apps/gapps-doomed151.dualboot.patch'
file_info.has_boot_image = False

def matches(filename):
  if, filename):
    return True
    return False

def print_message():
  print("Detected doomed151's Google Apps zip")

def get_file_info():
  return file_info
# Filename:
# Pattern: ^UPDATE-SuperSU-v[0-9\.]+\.zip$
# So, when we go patch a file, if we see "UPDATE-SuperSU-v" at the beginning,
# followed by 1 or more of either numbers or a period and then ".zip", then we
# know it's a SuperSU zip. Of course, a simpler pattern like ^.*SuperSU.*\.zip$
# would work just as well.
filename_regex           = r"^.*SuperSU.*\.zip$"

# This is the type of ramdisk. Run the 'list-ramdisks' file in the useful/
# folder to see what choices are available. (It's pretty obvious, you'll see)
file_info.ramdisk        = 'jflte/AOSP/AOSP.def'

# If the zip file you're patching does not have a kernel, set this to false.
file_info.has_boot_image = True

# If the boot image has a different name or is in a subfolder, change this.
file_info.bootimg        = 'boot.img'

# These two lines enable the autopatcher. In most cases, this is sufficient.
file_info.patch          = autopatcher.auto_patch
file_info.extract        = autopatcher.files_to_auto_patch
# If, for whatever reason, the autopatcher doesn't work, uncomment this line,
# copy your patch to patches/ and put the patch here.
#file_info.patch          = 'jflte/AOSP/YourROM.patch'

def print_message():
  # This is the message that is shown if the file to be patched is this one.
  print("Detected The Name of Some ROM")