def sendSuccess(self, resp, command, data, prepend=None): logger.debug("SUCCESS! "+command+":"+data) #logger.debug("response: '%s'" % (resp,)) if prepend: w = "%s:%s %s:%s\r\n" % (prepend, command, fencode(resp), data) else: w = "%s:%s:%s\r\n" % (command, fencode(resp), data) self.transport.write(w) self.commands[command][CONCURR] -= 1 try: self.serviceQueue(command) except: print sys.exec_info() return resp
def expireChallenge(challenge, expired=False): try: challenge = fdecode(challenge) except: pass if outstandingChallenges.has_key(challenge): del outstandingChallenges[challenge] if expired: # XXX: should put these in an expired challenge list so that we # can send a more useful message on failure (must then do # expirations on expired list -- maybe better to just make # these expirations really liberal). loggerauth.debug("expired challenge %s" % fencode(challenge)) else: loggerauth.debug("deleted challenge %s" % fencode(challenge))
def __init__(self, nKu, node, host, port, filename, offset, length, meta=None): """ Try to verify a file. If meta is present, it should be a (metakey, filelikeobj) pair. """ host = getCanonicalIP(host) REQUEST.__init__(self, host, port, node) filekey = os.path.basename(filename) # XXX: filekey should be hash"sending VERIFY request to %s:%s" % (host, str(port))) Ku = self.node.config.Ku.exportPublicKey() url = 'http://'+host+':'+str(port)+'/hash/'+filekey+'?' url += 'nodeID='+str(self.node.config.nodeID) url += '&port='+str(self.node.config.port) url += "&Ku_e="+str(Ku['e']) url += "&Ku_n="+str(Ku['n']) url += "&offset="+str(offset) url += "&length="+str(length) if meta: url += "&metakey="+str(meta[0]) url += "&meta="+fencode(meta[1].read()) self.timeoutcount = 0 if not isinstance(nKu, FludRSA): raise ValueError("must pass in a FludRSA as nKu to SENDVERIFY") self.deferred = defer.Deferred() ConnectionQueue.enqueue((self, self.headers, nKu, host, port, url))
def syncMasterMeta(self): """ sync in-mem fname->sK mappings to disk """ master = fencode(self.master) fmaster = open(os.path.join(self.metadir, self.metamaster), 'w') fmaster.write(master) fmaster.close()
def sendCRED(self, passphrase, email): logger.debug("sendCRED") key = fencode((self.config.Ku.encrypt(passphrase)[0], email)) if not self.pending['CRED'].has_key(key): d = defer.Deferred() self.pending['CRED'][key] = d self._sendMessage("CRED?"+key) return d else: return self.pending['CRED'][key]
def close(self): if not self._file.closed: # XXX if (self.mode[0] != 'r' or self.mode.find('+') > 0) \ and (self._changed or crc32(str(self._accounting)) != self._accountingcrc): saved = self._file.tell() self._file.write(fencode(self._accounting)) self._file.truncate() self._file.close()
def roundDone(self, responses, key, x): #print "done %d:" % x #print "roundDone: %s" % responses if len(self.pending) != 0 or len(self.outstanding) != 0: # should only get here for nodes that don't accept connections # XXX: updatenode -- decrease trust for i in self.pending: logger.debug("FN: %s couldn't contact node %s (%s:%d)" % (self.abbrv, fencode(i[2]), i[0], i[1])) self.debugpath.append( "FN: %s couldn't contact node %s (%s:%d)" % (self.abbrv, fencode(i[2]), i[0], i[1])) for n in self.kclosest: if (n[0],n[1],n[2]) == i: self.kclosest.remove(n)"kFindNode %s terminated successfully after %d queries." % (self.abbrv, len(self.queried))) self.debugpath.append("FN: %s terminated successfully after %d queries." % (self.abbrv, len(self.queried))) self.kclosest.sort( lambda a, b: FludkRouting.kCompare(a[2], b[2], key)) result = {} if FludkRouting.k > len(self.kclosest): k = len(self.kclosest) else: k = FludkRouting.k result['k'] = self.kclosest[:k] #print "result: %s" % result #if len(result['k']) > 1: # # if the results (aggregated from multiple responses) contains the # # exact key, just return the correct answer (successful node # # lookup done). # #print "len(result): %d" % len(result['k']) # #print "result[0][2]: %s %d" % (type(result['k'][0][2]), # # result['k'][0][2]) # #print " key: %s %d" % (type(key), key) # if result['k'][0][2] == key: # #print "key matched!" # result['k'] = (result['k'][0],) return result
def validMasterCAS(key, data, nodeID): # returns true if the data fits the characteristics of a master # metadata CAS key, i.e., if key==nodeID and the data is the right # length. nodeID = fencode(long(nodeID,16)) if key != nodeID: return False # XXX: need to do challange/response on nodeID (just as in the # regular primitives) here, or else imposters can store/replace # this very important data!!! # XXX: do some length stuff - should only be as long as a CAS key return True
def generateTestData(minSize): fname = tempfile.mktemp() f = open(fname, 'w') data = FludCrypto.generateRandom(minSize/50) for i in range(0, 51+random.randrange(50)): f.write(data) f.close() filekey = FludCrypto.hashfile(fname) filekey = fencode(int(filekey, 16)) filename = os.path.join("/tmp",filekey) os.rename(fname,filename) return (filename, filekey)
def __init__(self, node, host, port, key, val):"sending kSTORE to %s:%d" % (host, port)) REQUEST.__init__(self, host, port, node) Ku = node.config.Ku.exportPublicKey() url = 'http://'+host+':'+str(port)+'/meta/' url += fencode(key)+"/"+fencode(val) url += '?nodeID='+str(node.config.nodeID) url += "&Ku_e="+str(Ku['e']) url += "&Ku_n="+str(Ku['n']) url += '&port='+str(node.config.port) # XXX: instead of a single key/val, protocol will take a series of # vals representing the blocks of the coded file and their # locations (by nodeID). The entire thing will be stored under # the given key. Also may need things like signature[s] from # storing node[s], etc. #print "in SENDkSTORE.__init__, len(val)=%d" % len(str(val)) #print "in SENDkSTORE.__init__, len(enc(val))=%d" % len(fencode(val)) #print "in SENDkSTORE.__init__, len(url)=%d" % len(url) self.timeoutcount = 0 self.deferred = defer.Deferred() ConnectionQueue.enqueue((self, host, port, url))
def createFakeData(dir="/tmp", num=CONCURRENT): randsrc = open("/dev/urandom", 'rb') files = [] for i in range(num): randdata = filekey = fencode(int(flud.FludCrypto.hashstring(randdata), 16)) filename = dir+'/'+filekey f = open(filename, 'wb') f.write(randdata) f.close() files.append(filename) randsrc.close() return files
def generateFiles(minsize): fname = tempfile.mktemp() f = open(fname, 'w') f.write('\0'*minsize) f.write(generateRandom(random.randrange(256)+1)) f.close() filekey = hashfile(fname) filekey = fencode(int(filekey, 16)) filename = os.path.join("/tmp",filekey) os.rename(fname,filename) filenamebad = os.path.join("/tmp/","bad"+filekey[3:]) shutil.copy(filename, filenamebad) return (filekey, filename, filenamebad)
def sendChallenge(request, reqKu, id): challenge = generateRandom(challengelength) while challenge[0] == '\x00': # make sure we have at least challengelength bytes challenge = generateRandom(challengelength) addChallenge(challenge) loggerauth.debug("unencrypted challenge is %s" % fencode(binascii.unhexlify(id)+challenge)) echallenge = reqKu.encrypt(binascii.unhexlify(id)+challenge)[0] echallenge = fencode(echallenge) loggerauth.debug("echallenge = %s" % echallenge) # since challenges will result in a new req/resp pair being generated, # these could take much longer than the primitive_to. Expire in # 15*primitive_to reactor.callLater(primitive_to*15, expireChallenge, challenge, True) resp = 'challenge = %s' % echallenge loggerauth.debug("resp = %s" % resp) request.setResponseCode(http.UNAUTHORIZED, echallenge) request.setHeader('Connection', 'close') request.setHeader('WWW-Authenticate', 'Basic realm="%s"' % 'default') request.setHeader('Content-Length', str(len(resp))) request.setHeader('Content-Type', 'text/html') request.setHeader('Pragma','claimreserve=5555') # XXX: this doesn't work return resp
def __init__(self, node, host, port, key, commandName="nodes"): """ """"sending %s (findnode) for %s... to %s:%d" % (commandName, ("%x" % key)[:10], host, port)) self.commandName = commandName host = getCanonicalIP(host) REQUEST.__init__(self, host, port, node) Ku = self.node.config.Ku.exportPublicKey() url = 'http://'+host+':'+str(port)+'/'+self.commandName+'/' url += fencode(key) url += '?nodeID='+str(self.node.config.nodeID) url += "&Ku_e="+str(Ku['e']) url += "&Ku_n="+str(Ku['n']) url += '&port='+str(self.node.config.port) self.timeoutcount = 0 self.deferred = defer.Deferred() ConnectionQueue.enqueue((self, node, host, port, key, url))
def verifyHashes(tarball, ignoreExt=None): # return all the names of files in this tarball if hash checksum passes, # otherwise return False digests = [] done = False if tarball[-7:] == ".tar.gz": f = gzip.GzipFile(tarball, 'r:gz') else: f = open(tarball, 'r') empty = tarfile.BLOCKSIZE * '\0' while not done: bytes = if bytes == "": done = True elif bytes == empty: pass else: if bytes[0] == '\0' and bytes[124] == '\0': print "WARNING: read nulls when expecting file header" break name = bytes[0:99] name = name[:name.find(chr(0))] size = int(bytes[124:135], 8) blocks = size / tarfile.BLOCKSIZE if ignoreExt and name[-len(ignoreExt):] == ignoreExt: # gzip doesn't support, 1) else: digest = hashstream(f, size) digest = fencode(int(digest,16)) if name == digest: #print "%s == %s" % (name, digest) digests.append(name) else: #print "%s != %s" % (name, digest) f.close() return [] if (size % tarfile.BLOCKSIZE) > 0: blocks += 1 * tarfile.BLOCKSIZE) - size + f.tell()) f.close() return digests
def maketarball(numfiles, avgsize, hashnames=False, addmetas=False): tarballname = tempfile.mktemp()+".tar" tarball =, 'w') if addmetas: metafname = tempfile.mktemp() metaf = file(metafname, 'w') metaf.write('m'*48) metaf.close() for i in xrange(numfiles): fname = tempfile.mktemp() f = file(fname, 'wb') size = int(avgsize * (random.random()+0.5)) blocksize = 65*1024 if hashnames: sha256 = for j in range(0, size, blocksize): if j+blocksize > size: block = 'a'*(size-j) else: block = 'a'*blocksize if hashnames: sha256.update(block) f.write(block) f.close() arcname = fname if hashnames: arcname = fencode(int(sha256.hexdigest(),16)) tarball.add(fname, arcname) if addmetas: tarball.add(metafname, arcname+".343434.meta") os.remove(fname) if addmetas: os.remove(metafname) contents = tarball.getnames() tarball.close() return tarballname, contents
def convert(fname, nodeIDandMeta=None): """ Convert a non-BlockFile to a BlockFile, with an optional nodeID/metadata pair to add. The file represented by fname will be a BlockFile upon successful return. nodeIdAndMeta should be a tuple. The first element is the nodeID, the second the metadata. Metadata should be a dict (client can send arbitrary dict, but the purpose is to have a key/value pair where the key is the crc32 checksum of the full metadata, and the value is the chunk of metadata being stored with this BlockFile) """ tname = tempfile.mktemp() f1 =, 'rb') f2 =, 'wb') size = os.stat(fname)[stat.ST_SIZE] f2.write(struct.pack('=Q',size)) while 1: buf = if buf == "": break f2.write(buf) if nodeIDandMeta == None: l = {} else: if len(nodeIDandMeta) != 2: raise IOError("invalid nodeID/metadata pair") nodeID = nodeIDandMeta[0] meta = nodeIDandMeta[1] if not isinstance(meta, dict): raise IOError("invalid metadata (should be a dict)") l = {} l[nodeID] = meta f2.write(fencode(l)) f2.close() f1.close() os.rename(tname, fname)
def answerChallenge(challenge, Kr, groupIDu, sID, headers={}): loggerauth.debug("got challenge: '%s'" % challenge) sID = binascii.unhexlify(sID) challenge = (fdecode(challenge),) response = fencode(Kr.decrypt(challenge)) # XXX: RSA.decrypt won't restore leading 0's. This causes # some challenges to fail when they shouldn't -- solved for now # on the server side by generating non-0 leading challenges. loggerauth.debug("decrypted challenge to %s" % response) responseID = fdecode(response)[:len(sID)] loggerauth.debug(" response id: %s" % fencode(responseID)) if responseID != sID: # fail the op. # If we don't do this, we may be allowing the server to build a # dictionary useful for attack. The attack is as follows: node A # (server) collects a bunch of un-IDed challenge/response pairs by # issuing challenges to node B (client). Then node A uses those # responses to pose as B to some other server C. This sounds # farfetched, in that such a database would need to be huge, but in # reality, such an attack can happen in real-time, with node A # simultaneously serving requests from B, relaying challenges from C to # B, and then responding with B's responses to C to gain resources # there as an imposter. The ID string prevents this attack. # XXX: trust-- (must go by ip:port, since ID could be innocent) raise ImposterException("node %s is issuing invalid challenges --" " claims to have id=%s" % (fencode(sID), fencode(responseID))) response = fdecode(response)[len(sID):] loggerauth.debug(" challenge response: '%s'" % fencode(response)) response = fencode(response)+":"+groupIDu loggerauth.debug("response:groupIDu=%s" % response) response = binascii.b2a_base64(response) loggerauth.debug("b64(response:groupIDu)=%s" % response) response = "Basic %s" % response headers['Authorization'] = response return headers
def promptUser(self): helpDict = {} command = raw_input("%s> " % time.ctime()) commands = command.split(' ') # XXX: should tokenize on any whitespace commandkey = commands[0][:4] # core client operations helpDict['exit'] = "exit from the client" helpDict['help'] = "display this help message" helpDict['ping'] = "send a GETID() message: 'ping host port'" helpDict['putf'] = "store a file: 'putf canonicalfilepath'" helpDict['getf'] = "retrieve a file: 'getf canonicalfilepath'" helpDict['geti'] = "retrieve a file by CAS key: 'geti fencodedCASkey'" helpDict['fndn'] = "send a FINDNODE() message: 'fndn hexIDstring'" helpDict['list'] = "list stored files (read from local metadata)" helpDict['putm'] = "store master metadata" helpDict['getm'] = "retrieve master metadata" helpDict['cred'] = "send encrypted private credentials: cred"\ " passphrase emailaddress" helpDict['node'] = "list known nodes" helpDict['buck'] = "print k buckets" helpDict['stat'] = "show pending actions" helpDict['stor'] = "store a block to a given node:"\ " 'stor host:port,fname'" helpDict['rtrv'] = "retrieve a block from a given node:"\ " 'rtrv host:port,fname'" helpDict['vrfy'] = "verify a block on a given node:"\ " 'vrfy host:port:offset-length,fname'" helpDict['fndv'] = "retrieve a value from the DHT: 'fndv hexkey'" helpDict['dlet'] = "delete from the stor: '[XXX]'" if commandkey == 'exit' or commandkey == 'quit': self.quit = True elif commandkey == 'help': self.printHelp(helpDict) elif commandkey == 'ping': # ping a host # format: 'ping host port' func = lambda: self.sendPING(commands[1], commands[2]) self.callFactory(func, commands, self.msgs) elif commandkey == 'putf': # store a file # format: 'putf canonicalfilepath' func = lambda: self.sendPUTF(commands[1]) self.callFactory(func, commands, self.msgs) elif commandkey == 'getf': # retrieve a file # format: 'getf canonicalfilepath' func = lambda: self.sendGETF(commands[1]) self.callFactory(func, commands, self.msgs) elif commandkey == 'geti': # retrieve a file by CAS ID # format: 'geti fencoded_CAS_ID' func = lambda: self.sendGETI(commands[1]) self.callFactory(func, commands, self.msgs) elif commandkey == 'fndn': # find a node (or the k-closest nodes) # format: 'fndn hexIDstring' func = lambda: self.sendFNDN(commands[1]) self.callFactory(func, commands, self.msgs) elif commandkey == 'list': # list stored files self.callFactory(self.sendLIST, commands, self.msgs) elif commandkey == 'putm': # store master metadata self.callFactory(self.sendPUTM, commands, self.msgs) elif commandkey == 'getm': # retrieve master metadata self.callFactory(self.sendGETM, commands, self.msgs) elif commandkey == 'cred': # send encrypted private credentials to an email address # format: 'cred passphrase emailaddress' func = lambda: self.sendCRED( command[len(commands[0])+1:-len(commands[-1])-1], commands[-1]) self.callFactory(func, commands, self.msgs) # the following are diagnostic operations, debug-only utility elif commandkey == 'node': # list known nodes self.callFactory(self.sendDIAGNODE, commands, self.msgs) elif commandkey == 'buck': # show k-buckets self.callFactory(self.sendDIAGBKTS, commands, self.msgs) elif commandkey == 'stat': # show pending actions print self.pending elif commandkey == 'stor': # stor a block to a given node. format: 'stor host:port,fname' storcommands = commands[1].split(',') try: fileid = int(storcommands[1], 16) except: linkfile = fencode(long(hashfile(storcommands[1]),16)) if (os.path.islink(linkfile)): os.remove(linkfile) os.symlink(storcommands[1], linkfile) storcommands[1] = linkfile # XXX: delete this file when the command finishes commands[1] = "%s,%s" % (storcommands[0], storcommands[1]) func = lambda: self.sendDIAGSTOR(commands[1]) self.callFactory(func, commands, self.msgs) elif commandkey == 'rtrv': # retrive a block from a given node. format: 'rtrv host:port,fname' func = lambda: self.sendDIAGRTRV(commands[1]) self.callFactory(func, commands, self.msgs) elif commandkey == 'vrfy': # verify a block on a given node. # format: 'vrfy host:port:offset-length,fname' logger.debug("vrfy(%s)" % commands[1]) func = lambda: self.sendDIAGVRFY(commands[1]) self.callFactory(func, commands, self.msgs) elif commandkey == 'dlet': print "not yet implemented" elif commandkey == 'fndv': # try to retrieve a value from the DHT # format: 'fndv key' func = lambda: self.sendDIAGFNDV(commands[1]) self.callFactory(func, commands, self.msgs) elif command != "": reactor.callFromThread(self.queueError, None, self.msgs, "illegal command '%s'" % command)
def _storeFile(self, request, filekey, reqKu, nodeID): # [XXX: memory management is not happy here. might want to look at # request.registerProducer(). Otherwise, might have to scrap # using the STORE(ROOT(RESOURCE)) deal in favor of # producer/consumer model for STORE ops # ( # Another option might include subclassing web.resource.Resource # and making this derive from that... Or might be web.Site that # needs to be subclassed... Or maybe - # Request seems doubly-bad: perhaps a # copy is made somewhere, because memory mushrooms to 2x big # upload, then goes back down to around 1x. # [update: This should be fixable in twisted.web2, but I am informed # that in the current version, there is no workaround] # get the data to a tmp file loggerstor.debug("writing store data to tmpfile") tmpfile = tempfile.mktemp(dir=self.config.storedir) tarball = os.path.join(self.config.storedir,".tar") # rename and/or prepend the data appropriately tmpTarMode = None if filekey[-4:] == ".tar": tmpfile = tmpfile+".tar" tmpTarMode = 'r' targetTar = tarball elif filekey[-7:] == ".tar.gz": tmpfile = tmpfile+".tar.gz" tmpTarMode = 'r:gz' targetTar = tarball+".gz" loggerstor.debug("tmpfile is %s" % tmpfile) # XXX: if the server supports both .tar and tar.gz, this is wrong; we'd # need to check *both* for already existing dudes instead of just # choosing one if os.path.exists(tarball+'.gz'): tarball = (tarball+'.gz', 'r:gz') elif os.path.exists(tarball): tarball = (tarball, 'r') else: tarball = None loggerstor.debug("tarball is %s" % str(tarball)) data = request.args.get('filename')[0] # XXX: file in mem! need web2. # XXX: bad blocking stuff here f = open(tmpfile, 'wb') f.write(data) f.close() ftype = os.popen('file %s' % tmpfile) loggerstor.debug("ftype of %s is %s" % (tmpfile, ftype.close() if tmpTarMode: # client sent a tarball loggerstor.debug("about to chksum %s" % tmpfile) digests = TarfileUtils.verifyHashes(tmpfile, '.meta') loggerstor.debug("chksum returned %s" % digests) ftype = os.popen('file %s' % tmpfile) loggerstor.debug("ftype of %s is %s" % (tmpfile, ftype.close() if not digests: msg = "Attempted to use non-CAS storage key(s) for" \ " STORE tarball" loggerstor.debug(msg) os.remove(tmpfile) request.setResponseCode(http.CONFLICT, msg) return msg # XXX: add digests to a db of already stored files (for quick # lookup) if tarball: tarname, tarnameMode = tarball loggerstor.debug("concatenating tarfiles %s and %s" % (tarname, tmpfile)) f1 =, tarnameMode) f2 =, tmpTarMode) f1names = f1.getnames() f2names = f2.getnames() f1.close() f2.close() dupes = [f for f in f1names if f in f2names] TarfileUtils.delete(tmpfile, dupes) ftype = os.popen('file %s' % tarname) loggerstor.debug("ftype of %s is %s" % (tarname, ftype.close() TarfileUtils.concatenate(tarname, tmpfile) ftype = os.popen('file %s' % tarname) loggerstor.debug("ftype of %s is %s" % (tarname, ftype.close() else: loggerstor.debug("saving %s as tarfile %s" % (tmpfile, targetTar)) os.rename(tmpfile, targetTar) else: # client sent regular file h = hashfile(tmpfile) if request.args.has_key('meta') and request.args.has_key('metakey'): metakey = request.args.get('metakey')[0] meta = request.args.get('meta')[0] # XXX: file in mem! else: metakey = None meta = None if fencode(long(h, 16)) != filekey: msg = "Attempted to use non-CAS storage key for STORE data " msg += "(%s != %s)" % (filekey, fencode(long(h, 16))) os.remove(tmpfile) request.setResponseCode(http.CONFLICT, msg) return msg fname = os.path.join(self.config.storedir, filekey) if os.path.exists(fname): loggerstor.debug("adding metadata to %s" % fname) f =,'rb+') if not f.hasNode(nodeID): f.addNode(int(nodeID,16), {metakey: meta}) f.close() os.remove(tmpfile) else: if os.path.exists(nodeID+".tar"): # XXX: need to do something with metadata! print "XXX: need to do something with metadata for tar!" tarball =, 'r') if fname in tarball.getnames(): loggerstor.debug("%s already stored in tarball" % fname) # if the file is already in the corresponding tarball, # update its timestamp and return success. loggerstor.debug("%s already stored" % filekey) # XXX: update timestamp for filekey in tarball return "Successful STORE" else: loggerstor.debug("tarball for %s, but %s not in tarball" % (nodeID,fname)) if len(data) < 8192 and fname != tarname: #XXX: magic # (blk sz) # If the file is small, move it into the appropriate # tarball. Note that this code is unlikely to ever be # executed if the client is an official flud client, as # they do the tarball aggregation thing already, and all # tarballs will be > 8192. This is, then, really just # defensive coding -- clients aren't required to implement # that tarball aggregation strategy. And it is really only # useful for filesystems with inefficient small file # storage. loggerstor.debug("moving small file '%s' into tarball" % fname) if not os.path.exists(tarname): tarball =, 'w') else: tarball =, 'a') # XXX: more bad blocking stuff tarball.add(tmpfile, os.path.basename(fname)) if meta: metafilename = "%s.%s.meta" % (os.path.basename(fname), metakey) loggerstor.debug("adding metadata file to tarball %s" % metafilename) metaio = StringIO(meta) tinfo = tarfile.TarInfo(metafilename) tinfo.size = len(meta) tarball.addfile(tinfo, metaio) tarball.close() os.remove(tmpfile) else: # store the file loggerstor.debug("storing %s" % fname) os.rename(tmpfile, fname) BlockFile.convert(fname, (int(nodeID,16), {metakey: meta})) loggerstor.debug("successful STORE for %s" % filekey) return "Successful STORE"
def sendChallenge(self): self.challenge = fencode(generateRandom( ServerPrimitives.challengelength)) echallenge = self.config.Ku.encrypt(self.challenge)[0] echallenge = fencode(echallenge) return echallenge
def lineReceived(self, line): logger.debug("lineReceived: '%s'" % line) # commands: AUTH, PUTF, GETF, VRFY # status: ? = request, : = successful response, ! = failed response command = line[0:4] status = line[4] data = line[5:] #print "data is '%s'" % data if not self.authenticated and command == "AUTH": if status == '?': # asked for AUTH challenge to be sent. send it logger.debug("AUTH challenge requested, sending") echallenge = self.factory.sendChallenge() self.transport.write("AUTH?"+echallenge+"\r\n") elif status == ':' and self.factory.challengeAnswered(data): # sent AUTH response and it passed logger.debug("AUTH challenge successful") self.authenticated = True self.transport.write("AUTH:\r\n") elif status == ':': logger.debug("AUTH challenge failed") self.transport.write("AUTH!\r\n") elif command == "DIAG": if data == "NODE": logger.debug("DIAG NODE") nodetups = self.factory.config.routing.knownExternalNodes() nodes = [] for n in nodetups: node = list(n) if n[2] in self.factory.config.reputations: node.append(self.factory.config.reputations[n[2]]) else: node.append(0) if n[2] in self.factory.config.throttled: node.append(self.factory.config.throttled[n[2]]) else: node.append(0) nodes.append(tuple(node)) self.transport.write("DIAG:NODE%s\r\n" % fencode(nodes)) elif data == "BKTS": logger.debug("DIAG BKTS") bucks = eval("%s" % self.factory.config.routing.kBuckets) self.transport.write("DIAG:BKTS%s\r\n" % fencode(bucks)) else: dcommand = data[:4] ddata = data[5:] logger.debug("DIAG %s %s" % (dcommand, ddata)) self.commands[dcommand][CONCURR] += 1 d = self.doOp(dcommand, ddata) d.addCallback(self.sendSuccess, dcommand, ddata, "DIAG") d.addErrback(self.sendFailure, dcommand, ddata, "DIAG") elif status == '?': # requested an operation to be performed. If we are below our # maximum concurrent ops, do the operation. Otherwise, put it on # the queue to be serviced when current ops finish. Response is # sent back to client when deferreds fire. if self.commands[command][CONCURR] >= self.commands[command][MAX]: #print "putting %s on the queue" % line"received %s request, enqueuing" % command) self.commands[command][QUEUE].insert(0, data) else: #print "doing %s" % line"received %s request, executing" % command) print self.commands[command] self.commands[command][CONCURR] += 1 d = self.doOp(command, data) d.addCallback(self.sendSuccess, command, data) d.addErrback(self.sendFailure, command, data)
return msg # XXX: see if there isn't already a 'val' for 'key' present # - if so, compare to val. Metadata can differ. Blocks # shouldn't. However, if blocks do differ, just add the # new values in, up to N (3?) records per key. Flag these # (all N) as ones we want to verify (to storer and storee). # Expunge any blocks that fail verify, and punish storer's # trust."storing dht data to %s" % fname) if os.path.exists(fname) and isinstance(md, dict): f = open(fname, "rb") edata = f.close() md = self.mergeMetadata(md, fdecode(edata)) f = open(fname, "wb") f.write(fencode(md)) f.close() return "" # XXX: return a VERIFY reverse request: segname, offset def dataAllowed(self, key, data, nodeID): # ensures that 'data' is in [one of] the right format[s] (helps prevent # DHT abuse) def validValue(val): if not isinstance(val, long) and not isinstance(val, int): return False # not a valid key/nodeid if val > 2**256 or val < 0: # XXX: magic 2**256, use fludkrouting return False # not a valid key/nodeid return True def validMetadata(blockdata, nodeID):
sys.path.append(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname( os.path.abspath(__file__))))) from flud.FludNode import FludNode from flud.protocol.FludClient import FludClient import flud.FludCrypto as FludCrypto from flud.fencode import fencode, fdecode from flud.protocol.FludCommUtil import * from flud.FludDefer import ErrDeferredList """ Test code for primitive operations. These ops include all of the descendents of ROOT and REQUEST in FludProtocol. """ # metadatablock: (block#,n,k,blockdata) metadatablock = fencode((1,20,40,'adfdsfdffffffddddddddddddddd')) fake_mkey_offset = 111111 def testerror(failure, message, node): """ error handler for test errbacks """ print "testerror message: %s" % message print "testerror: %s" % str(failure) print "At least 1 test FAILED" return failure def allGood(_, nKu): print "all tests PASSED" return nKu
def doOp(self, command, fname): #print "got command '%s'" % command if command == "PUTF": logger.debug("PUTF %s", fname); return FileOps.StoreFile(self.factory.node, fname).deferred elif command == "GETI": logger.debug("GETI %s", fname); return FileOps.RetrieveFile(self.factory.node, fname).deferred elif command == "GETF": logger.debug("GETF %s", fname); return FileOps.RetrieveFilename(self.factory.node, fname).deferred elif command == "FNDN": logger.debug("FNDN %s" % fname); try: intval = long(fname, 16) except: return"fname was not hex") return self.factory.node.client.kFindNode(intval) # The following is for testing aggregation of kFindNode on same key #dl = [] #for i in [1,2,3,4,5]: # d = self.factory.node.client.kFindNode(intval) # dl.append(d) #dlist = defer.DeferredList(dl) #return dlist elif command == "FNDV": logger.debug("FNDV %s", fname); try: intval = long(fname, 16) except: return"fname was not hex") return self.factory.node.client.kFindValue(intval) elif command == "CRED": passphrase, email = fdecode(fname) # XXX: allow an optional passphrase hint to be sent in email. passphrase = self.factory.node.config.Kr.decrypt(passphrase) logger.debug("CRED %s to %s", passphrase, email); Kr = self.factory.node.config.Kr.exportPrivateKey() Kr['g'] = self.factory.node.config.groupIDr fKr = fencode(Kr) key = fKr = '\x00'*(16-(len(fKr)%16))+fKr efKr = fencode(key.encrypt(fKr)) logger.debug("efKr = %s " % efKr) d = smtp.sendmail('localhost', "your_flud_client@localhost", email, "Subject: Your encrypted flud credentials\n\n" "Hopefully, you'll never need to use this email. Its " "sole purpose is to help you recover your data after a " "catastrophic and complete loss of the original computer " "or hard drive.\n\n" "In that unlucky event, you'll need a copy of your flud " "credentials, which I've included below, sitting between " "the \"---+++---\" markers. These credentials were " "encrypted with a passphrase of your choosing when you " "installed the flud software. I'll only say this " "once:\n\n" "YOU MUST REMEMBER THAT PASSWORD IN ORDER TO RECOVER YOUR " "CREDENTIALS. If you are unable to remember the " "passphrase and your computer fails catastrophically " "(losing its local copy of these credentials), you will " "not be able to recover your data." "\n\n" "Luckily, that's all you should ever need in order to " "recover all your data: your passphrase and these " "credentials." "\n\n" "Please save this email. You may want to print out hard " "copies and store them safely, forward this email to " "other email accounts, etc. Since the credentials are " "encrypted, others won't be able to steal them " "without guessing your passphrase. " "\n\n" "---+++---\n"+efKr+"\n---+++---\n") return d # to decode this email, we search for the '---+++---' markers, make # sure the intervening data is all in one piece (remove any line # breaks \r or \n inserted by email clients) and call this 'cred', # reconstruct the AES key with the H(passphrase) (as above), and # then use the key to .decrypt(fdecode(cred)) and call this dcred, # then fdecode(dcred[dcred.find('d'):]) and call this ddcred, and # finally importPrivateKey(ddcred) and set groupIDr to ddcred['g']. elif command == "LIST": logger.debug("LIST") return defer.succeed(self.factory.config.master) elif command == "GETM": logger.debug("GETM") return FileOps.RetrieveMasterIndex(self.factory.node).deferred elif command == "PUTM": logger.debug("PUTM") return FileOps.UpdateMasterIndex(self.factory.node).deferred else: #print "fname is '%s'" % fname host = fname[:fname.find(':')] port = fname[fname.find(':')+1:fname.find(',')] fname = fname[fname.find(',')+1:] print "%s: %s : %s , %s" % (command, host, port, fname) if command == "STOR": logger.debug("STOR"); return self.factory.node.client.sendStore(fname, None, host, int(port)) elif command == "RTRV": logger.debug("RTRV"); return self.factory.node.client.sendRetrieve(fname, host, int(port)) elif command == "VRFY": logger.debug("VRFY"); offset = port[port.find(':')+1:port.find('-')] length = port[port.find('-')+1:] port = port[:port.find(':')] print "%s: %s : %s %s - %s , %s" % (command, host, port, offset, length, fname) return self.factory.node.client.sendVerify(fname, int(offset), int(length), host, int(port)) else: logger.debug("bad op"); return"bad op")
def addChallenge(challenge): outstandingChallenges[challenge] = True loggerauth.debug("added challenge %s" % fencode(challenge))