def parse_txt_queries(p_pol_size, u_pol_size): """Parses textual policies files to a set of queries""" root_path = "./conf/workloads/policies/" queries_str = [] for i in range(1, p_pol_size + 1): with open(root_path + 'p' + str(i) + '.rq', 'r') as f: queries_str.append( for i in range(1, u_pol_size + 1): with open(root_path + 'u' + str(i) + '.rq', 'r') as f: queries_str.append( queries = [] for q_str in queries_str: q = Query([], []) fyzz_q = fyzz.parse(q_str) for sel in fyzz_q.selected:'?' + for wh in fyzz_q.where: wh_str = "" for wh_part in range(0, 3): if type(wh[wh_part]) is fyzz.ast.SparqlVar: wh_str += '?' + wh[wh_part].name + ' ' elif type(wh[wh_part]) is fyzz.ast.SparqlLiteral: wh_str += wh[wh_part].value + ' ' elif type(wh[wh_part]) is tuple: #for IRIs wh_str += wh[wh_part][0] + wh[wh_part][1] + ' ' elif type(wh[wh_part]) is str: #for expanded URIs wh_str += wh[wh_part][1:-1] + ' ' wh_str += "." q.where.append(wh_str) queries.append(q) return queries
def getVars (query): vrs=[] ast = fyzz.parse(query) if ast.selected == ['*']: varNDXs = [i for i in range(len(query)) if query.startswith('?', i)] for v in varNDXs: var = query[v+1:v+2] if var not in vrs: vrs.append(var) else: for v in ast.selected: vrs.append( return vrs
def handle(self,added, removed): """M3 handler """ # May arrive more requests at the same time! for index in added:"New request:") # Query to obtain the sparql query to subscribe to #query = theNode.CreateQueryTransaction(theSmartSpace) q = "select ?sparql where {<%s> <%s> ?sparql .}" %(index[2], HAS_SPARQL) result = self.m3.load_query_sparql(q) #result = query.sparql_query(q) if len(result): sparqlToSubscribeTo = str(result[0][0][2]) # If SPARQL is not good remove the request and continue the loop parsed = fyzz.parse(sparqlToSubscribeTo) # Subscribe to SPARQL query issued by the history request #subscription = theNode.CreateSubscribeTransaction(theSmartSpace) subscription = self.M3.load_subscribe_sparql(sparqlToSubscribeTo, HistorySparqlHandler(parsed.where)) #results = subscription.subscribe_sparql(sparqlToSubscribeTo, # HistorySparqlHandler(parsed.where))"Subscribed to: %s" % sparqlToSubscribeTo) # Serve the history request with existing data, otherwise when # the read request gets an error (table not found) HistorySparqlHandler(parsed.where).handle(self.m3.result_sparql_first_sub, []) # Track all the subscriptions in an array global sparqlSubscriptions sparqlSubscriptions.append(subscription) else: logger.warning('Request has no sparql query to subscribe to') for index in removed:"Removed record:")
def subscribe_sparql(self, query_text, handlerClass): """Performs a SPARQL query""" # check if it is a select - currently the only supported for subscriptions # pay attention: fyzz is not reliable! -- see SP2B try: fyzz_parsed = parse(query_text) if fyzz_parsed.type.lower() != "select": return False, None, None except: pass # build a message msg_dict = { "tt" : "SUBSCRIBE", "mt" : "REQUEST", "tid" : self.transaction_id, "sid" : self.space_id, "nid" : self.node_id, "enc" : "sparql", "qt" : query_text } # increment the transaction_id self.transaction_id += 1 # send the request s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) s.connect((self.sib_host, self.sib_port)) s.send(json.dumps(msg_dict)) s.send("\n") # wait for the reply complete_reply = "" complete = False while not complete: reply = s.recv(4096) complete_reply = complete_reply + reply try: # parse the reply reply_dict = json.loads(complete_reply) complete = True except Exception as e: # uncomplete message pass res_list = [reply_dict["results"]] # return if reply_dict["code"].lower() == "m3:success": # spawn a thread t = threading.Thread(target = self.indication_handler, args = (s, handlerClass,)) t.start() # add the thread to a proper structure self.subscriptions[reply_dict["subid"]] = {} self.subscriptions[reply_dict["subid"]]["thread"] = t self.subscriptions[reply_dict["subid"]]["socket"] = s # return return True, reply_dict["subid"], res_list else: return False, None, None
def query_sparql(self, query_text): """Performs a SPARQL query""" # check if it is a select / ask - currently the only supported # pay attention: fyzz is not reliable! -- see SP2B try: fyzz_parsed = parse(query_text) if not(fyzz_parsed.type.lower() in ["select", "ask"]): return False, None except: pass # build a message msg_dict = { "tt" : "QUERY", "mt" : "REQUEST", "tid" : self.transaction_id, "sid" : self.space_id, "nid" : self.node_id, "enc" : "sparql", "qt" : query_text } # increment the transaction_id self.transaction_id += 1 # send the request s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) s.connect((self.sib_host, self.sib_port)) s.send(json.dumps(msg_dict)) s.send("\n") # wait for the reply reply = "" msg_check = False while not msg_check: # receive a chunk reply = reply + s.recv(4096) # parse the reply try: reply_dict = json.loads(reply) msg_check = True except: # message incomplete pass # close the connection s.close() # if it is a select if reply_dict["qt"].lower() == "select": res_list = reply_dict["results"] # if it is an ask elif reply_dict["qt"].lower() == "ask": res_list = [reply_dict["results"]] # return if reply_dict["code"].lower() == "m3:success": return True, res_list else: return False, None
def readHistoryData(self, sparql, read_request_uri): """Make a SPARQL query in a SQL DB """ # Parse SPARQL query # parsed.selected => selected vars # parsed.variables => all vars parsed = fyzz.parse(sparql) # Incoming and outgoing connection to and from a node # {'car': [(user1, 'hasCar', None), # => Incoming # (None, 'hasTire', tire10)] } # => Outgoing adjacency_list = {} # Select clause is given by selected vars (parsed.selected) # NULL AS car, NULL AS tire select_clause_sql = [] # Contains the selected vars prepared for being injected into the SQL # select clause selected_vars_sql = [] for var in parsed.selected: selected_vars_sql.append({'name':, 'uri': None}) # used for joining to property table, use array to save some IF join_on = ('SubjectID', None, 'Object') # Creation of the adjacencies list # ================================ for triple in parsed.where: _s ,_p, _o = triple if _s.__class__.__name__ == 'SparqlVar': _s = if _o.__class__.__name__ == 'SparqlVar': _o = # Init incoming and outgoing adjacencies for a node, if not exist if not _s in adjacency_list: adjacency_list[_s] = [] if not _o in adjacency_list: adjacency_list[_o] = [] # Insert both connections adjacency_list[_s].append( (None,_p,_o) ) adjacency_list[_o].append( (_s,_p,None) ) # Main cycle. Yield 1 union each cycle # ==================================== # The number of UNIONs is the number of triples that contain selected # variables unions = [] for triple in parsed.where: _s ,_p, _o = triple if ( _s not in parsed.selected ) and\ ( _o not in parsed.selected ): continue if _s.__class__.__name__ == 'SparqlVar': _s = if _o.__class__.__name__ == 'SparqlVar': _o = # Table name of the property of the current triple table_name = self.db.getPropertyTableName(_p) if table_name: table_name = table_name[0] else: logger.critical('Table "%s" not found, but must be there!' % _p) return None # The first element after the timestamps is the removed flag select = [] select.append('`%s`.%s AS removed' % (table_name, 'Removed')) for var in selected_vars_sql: var_name = var['name'] if var_name == _s: # Get table name. If this handler has been called, the table # must exist! If it doesn't it's a big problem!!! table_name = self.db.getPropertyTableName(_p) if table_name: table_name = table_name[0] else: logger.critical('Table "%s" not found, but must be there!' % _p) return None select.append('`%s`.%s AS %s' % (table_name, 'SubjectID', var_name)) # This is a subj so for sure is an URI var['uri'] = True elif var_name == _o: table_name = self.db.getPropertyTableName(_p) if table_name: table_name, _t = table_name else: logger.critical('Table "%s" not found, but must be there!' % _p) return None select.append('`%s`.%s AS %s' % (table_name, 'Object', var_name)) # Property type from table var['uri'] = _t else: select.append('NULL AS %s' % var_name) # 'NULL AS .., NULL AS ..., smth AS asdf' select_clause_sql.append(','.join(select)) # Need table name, not the property name table_name = self.db.getPropertyTableName(_p) if table_name: table_name = table_name[0] else: logger.warning('Table "%s" not found, but handler has been called!' % _p) return None join = " JOIN `%(p)s` ON r.ID = `%(p)s`.RecordID" % ({'p':table_name}) if _s.__class__.__name__ == 'SparqlVar': _s = if _o.__class__.__name__ == 'SparqlVar': _o = # Contains the nodes where to start the adjacencies walk and also # the path you come from, to reach that node: you don't want to walk # back on the same path! nodes = {_s: (None,_p,_o), _o: (_s,_p,None)} # Iterate till the stack is not empty while len(nodes): # Randomly pop a key-value pair. Order doesn't matter! node, relFrom = nodes.popitem() for rel in adjacency_list[node]: if not rel == relFrom: _s,_p,_o = rel # Found a new node on the adjacencies walk. The # returning path has the verse which is opposite to the # adjacency p = self.db.getPropertyTableName(_p) p_from = self.db.getPropertyTableName(relFrom[1]) if p and p_from: p = p[0] p_from = p_from[0] else: logger.warning('Tables "%s" or "%s" not found, but handler has been called!' % (_p,relFrom[1])) return None # The JOIN on subj/obj depends on the positions # of the None in 'rel' and 'relFrom' # j_on/_from are set to 'SubjectID' or 'Object' # This trick handle properties chaining in both direction # and parallel properties j_on = join_on[ rel.index(None) ] j_on_from = join_on[ relFrom.index(None) ] join_properties = {'p': p, 'p_from': p_from, 'j_on': j_on, 'j_on_from': j_on_from} join_properties_debug = {'p': _p, 'p_from': relFrom[1], 'j_on': j_on, 'j_on_from': j_on_from} # Add the path to the query with a JOIN clause join += """ JOIN `%(p)s` ON `%(p_from)s`.%(j_on_from)s = `%(p)s`.%(j_on)s""" % ( join_properties) _join = """ JOIN `%(p)s` ON `%(p_from)s`.%(j_on)s = `%(p)s`.%(j_on_from)s""" % ( join_properties_debug) # Incoming adjacency if _o == None: nodes[_s] = (None, _p, node) # Outgoing adjacency elif _s == None: nodes[_o] = (node, _p, None) unions.append('SELECT r.ID AS rec, unix_timestamp(r.Timestamp), ' + select_clause_sql.pop(0) + ' FROM `Records` AS r' + join ) sql_query = ' UNION '.join(unions) sql_query+= ' ORDER BY rec ASC' cur = self.db.connection.cursor() cur.execute(sql_query) # SPARQL response: root sparql_response = ET.Element('sparql', {'xmlns':""}) # SPARQL response: head sparql_response_head = ET.SubElement(sparql_response, 'head') ET.SubElement(sparql_response_head, 'variable', {'name': 'HistoryServiceTimestamp'}) for var in parsed.variables: ET.SubElement(sparql_response_head, 'variable', {'name': var}) # SPARQL response: results sparql_response_results = ET.SubElement(sparql_response, 'results') # row is something like: # # (2L, datetime.datetime(2013, 4, 17, 15, 7, 13), removed # None, None, 2L, 1L, None, None, None, None) # # (RecordID, date, your_data, lot of NULL/None) # row = cur.fetchone() while row: sparql_response_result = ET.SubElement(sparql_response_results, 'result') for i,col in enumerate(row): # RecordID if i == 0: continue # Record Timestamp elif i == 1: sparql_response_result_binding = ET.SubElement( sparql_response_result, 'binding', {'name': 'HistoryServiceTimestamp'}) sparql_response_result_binding_type = ET.SubElement( sparql_response_result_binding, 'literal') sparql_response_result_binding_type.text = str(col) # Removed elif i == 2: sparql_response_result_binding = ET.SubElement( sparql_response_result, 'binding', {'name': 'HistoryServiceRemoved'}) sparql_response_result_binding_type = ET.SubElement( sparql_response_result_binding, 'literal') sparql_response_result_binding_type.text = str(col) # Variables else: if col == None: continue sparql_response_result_binding = ET.SubElement( sparql_response_result, 'binding', { 'name': selected_vars_sql[i-3]['name'] } ) if selected_vars_sql[i-3]['uri']: type = 'uri' var_value = str( self.db.getInstanceURI(int(col))[0] ) else: type = 'literal' var_value = str(col) sparql_response_binding_type = ET.SubElement( sparql_response_result_binding, type) sparql_response_binding_type.text = var_value row = cur.fetchone() # Alert, ET.dump() is a print, use ET.tostring() to save in variable result = ET.tostring(sparql_response) insert = theNode.CreateInsertTransaction(theSmartSpace) insert.insert([ Triple( URI(read_request_uri), URI(HAS_HISTORY_READ_RESPONSE), Literal(result) ) ]) theNode.CloseQueryTransaction(insert)
a=[] for line in inp:"PREFIX(.)*",line) if m!=None: a.append(str( out.write("\n") print """ g=[16, 30, 37, 65, 78, 84, 98, 99, 114, 121, 131, 135, 136, 139, 140, 143, 149, 150, 152, 162, 168, 169, 170, 173, 175, 182, 186] i=1 with open ("./requetes.txt", "r") as inp: with open("./res.txt",'w') as out: for elmt in inp: #if"^#",elmt)==None: if i not in g : #print "ligne "+ str(i) out.write(str(parse(str(elmt)).where)+'\n') else : g.append(i) i+=1 with open ("./res.txt", "r+") as file: old = file.write(str(g)+'\n'+old) with open ("./res.txt", "r+") as file: print str(
def subscribe_sparql(self, query_text, handlerClass): """Performs a SPARQL query""" # check if it is a select - currently the only supported for subscriptions # pay attention: fyzz is not reliable! -- see SP2B try: fyzz_parsed = parse(query_text) if fyzz_parsed.type.lower() != "select": return False, None, None except: pass # build a message msg_dict = { "tt": "SUBSCRIBE", "mt": "REQUEST", "tid": self.transaction_id, "sid": self.space_id, "nid": self.node_id, "enc": "sparql", "qt": query_text, } # increment the transaction_id self.transaction_id += 1 # send the request s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) s.connect((self.sib_host, self.sib_port)) s.send(json.dumps(msg_dict)) s.send("\n") # wait for the reply complete_reply = "" complete = False while not complete: reply = s.recv(4096) complete_reply = complete_reply + reply try: # parse the reply reply_dict = json.loads(complete_reply) complete = True except Exception as e: # uncomplete message pass res_list = [reply_dict["results"]] # return if reply_dict["code"].lower() == "m3:success": # spawn a thread t = threading.Thread(target=self.indication_handler, args=(s, handlerClass)) t.start() # add the thread to a proper structure self.subscriptions[reply_dict["subid"]] = {} self.subscriptions[reply_dict["subid"]]["thread"] = t self.subscriptions[reply_dict["subid"]]["socket"] = s # return return True, reply_dict["subid"], res_list else: return False, None, None
def query_sparql(self, query_text): """Performs a SPARQL query""" # check if it is a select / ask - currently the only supported # pay attention: fyzz is not reliable! -- see SP2B try: fyzz_parsed = parse(query_text) if not (fyzz_parsed.type.lower() in ["select", "ask"]): return False, None except: pass # build a message msg_dict = { "tt": "QUERY", "mt": "REQUEST", "tid": self.transaction_id, "sid": self.space_id, "nid": self.node_id, "enc": "sparql", "qt": query_text, } # increment the transaction_id self.transaction_id += 1 # send the request s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) s.connect((self.sib_host, self.sib_port)) s.send(json.dumps(msg_dict)) s.send("\n") # wait for the reply reply = "" msg_check = False while not msg_check: # receive a chunk reply = reply + s.recv(4096) # parse the reply try: reply_dict = json.loads(reply) msg_check = True except: # message incomplete pass # close the connection s.close() # if it is a select if reply_dict["qt"].lower() == "select": res_list = reply_dict["results"] # if it is an ask elif reply_dict["qt"].lower() == "ask": res_list = [reply_dict["results"]] # return if reply_dict["code"].lower() == "m3:success": return True, res_list else: return False, None