 def generate_repository_info_elem(self,
     """Create and return an ElementTree repository info Element."""
     if parent_elem is None:
         elem = etree.Element('tool_shed_repository')
         elem = etree.SubElement(parent_elem, 'tool_shed_repository')
     tool_shed_elem = etree.SubElement(elem, 'tool_shed')
     tool_shed_elem.text = tool_shed
     repository_name_elem = etree.SubElement(elem, 'repository_name')
     repository_name_elem.text = repository_name
     repository_owner_elem = etree.SubElement(elem, 'repository_owner')
     repository_owner_elem.text = owner
     changeset_revision_elem = etree.SubElement(
         elem, 'installed_changeset_revision')
     changeset_revision_elem.text = changeset_revision
     # add additional values
     # TODO: enhance additional values to allow e.g. use of dict values that will recurse
     for key, value in kwd.items():
         new_elem = etree.SubElement(elem, key)
         new_elem.text = value
     return elem
 def generate_tool_elem(self, tool_shed, repository_name,
                        changeset_revision, owner, tool_file_path, tool,
     """Create and return an ElementTree tool Element."""
     if tool_section is not None:
         tool_elem = etree.SubElement(tool_section, 'tool')
         tool_elem = etree.Element('tool')
     tool_elem.attrib['file'] = tool_file_path
     if not tool.guid:
         raise ValueError("tool has no guid")
     tool_elem.attrib['guid'] = tool.guid
     tool_shed_elem = etree.SubElement(tool_elem, 'tool_shed')
     tool_shed_elem.text = tool_shed
     repository_name_elem = etree.SubElement(tool_elem, 'repository_name')
     repository_name_elem.text = repository_name
     repository_owner_elem = etree.SubElement(tool_elem, 'repository_owner')
     repository_owner_elem.text = owner
     changeset_revision_elem = etree.SubElement(
         tool_elem, 'installed_changeset_revision')
     changeset_revision_elem.text = changeset_revision
     id_elem = etree.SubElement(tool_elem, 'id')
     id_elem.text = tool.id
     version_elem = etree.SubElement(tool_elem, 'version')
     version_elem.text = tool.version
     return tool_elem
 def generate_tool_section_element_from_dict(self, tool_section_dict):
     # The value of tool_section_dict looks like the following.
     # { id: <ToolSection id>, version : <ToolSection version>, name : <TooSection name>}
     if tool_section_dict['id']:
         # Create a new tool section.
         tool_section = etree.Element('section')
         tool_section.attrib['id'] = tool_section_dict['id']
         tool_section.attrib['name'] = tool_section_dict['name']
         tool_section.attrib['version'] = tool_section_dict['version']
         tool_section = None
     return tool_section
def test_tool_section():
    elem = etree.Element('section')
    elem.attrib['name'] = "Cool Tools"
    elem.attrib['id'] = "cool1"

    section = ToolSection(elem)
    assert section.id == "cool1"
    assert section.name == "Cool Tools"
    assert section.version == ""

    section = ToolSection(dict(id="cool1", name="Cool Tools"))
    assert section.id == "cool1"
    assert section.name == "Cool Tools"
    assert section.version == ""

    section = ToolSection()
    assert section.id == ""
    assert section.name == ""
    assert section.version == ""
def create_element(tag, attributes=None, sub_elements=None):
    Create a new element whose tag is the value of the received tag, and whose attributes are all
    key / value pairs in the received attributes and sub_elements.
    if tag:
        elem = etree.Element(tag)
        if attributes:
            # The received attributes is an odict to preserve ordering.
            for k, v in attributes.items():
                elem.set(k, v)
        if sub_elements:
            # The received attributes is an odict.  These handle information that tends to be
            # long text including paragraphs (e.g., description and long_description.
            for k, v in sub_elements.items():
                # Don't include fields that are blank.
                if v:
                    if k == 'packages':
                        # The received sub_elements is an odict whose key is 'packages' and whose
                        # value is a list of ( name, version ) tuples.
                        for v_tuple in v:
                            sub_elem = etree.SubElement(elem, 'package')
                            sub_elem_name, sub_elem_version = v_tuple
                            sub_elem.set('name', sub_elem_name)
                            sub_elem.set('version', sub_elem_version)
                    elif isinstance(v, list):
                        sub_elem = etree.SubElement(elem, k)
                        # If v is a list, then it must be a list of tuples where the first
                        # item is the tag and the second item is the text value.
                        for v_tuple in v:
                            if len(v_tuple) == 2:
                                v_tag = v_tuple[0]
                                v_text = v_tuple[1]
                                # Don't include fields that are blank.
                                if v_text:
                                    v_elem = etree.SubElement(sub_elem, v_tag)
                                    v_elem.text = v_text
                        sub_elem = etree.SubElement(elem, k)
                        sub_elem.text = v
        return elem
    return None