    def updatePhysics(self, game):
        # self.f += game.gravity * self.gravityFactor * self.m
        middleOfScreen = V3(game.screenw / 2.0, game.screenh / 2.0)
        pullStrength = con.BLACK_HOLE_GRAVITY_STRENGTH * self.gravityFactor ** 2
        f = (middleOfScreen - self.pos) * pullStrength

        if hasattr(self.owner, "favoriteFruit") and self.owner.id == 1:
            # print "vectoMiddle:", game.vectorToMiddle(self.pos).len()

        if game.vectorToMiddle(self.pos).len() < con.EVENT_HORIZON_RADIUS:
            self.f += f
            self.f += f * 0.25

        # self.v += f * 1e-4 * (self.gravityFactor)**2
        if hasattr(self.owner, "type"):
            po = self.owner.po
            # print "", po.v

        self.v += V3()

        self.a = self.f / self.m
        self.f = V3()
        self.v += self.a * game.dt
        self.pos += self.v * game.dt

        if self.owner and self.owner.id == 0 and False:
            print "f  :", self.f
            print "v  :", self.v
            print "a  :", self.a
            print "pos:", self.pos
文件: bullet.py 项目: Ran4/comgud
    def update(self, game, key):
        if self.po:
            pos = self.po.pos
            if (
                pos.x < -con.BULLET_REMOVE_BORDER
                or pos.x > game.screenw + con.BULLET_REMOVE_BORDER
                or pos.y < -con.BULLET_REMOVE_BORDER
                or pos.y > game.screenh + con.BULLET_REMOVE_BORDER
                or self.ttl is not None
                and self.ttl <= 0
                self.markedForRemoval = True

            if game.vectorToMiddle(pos).len() < game.blackHoleSize:
                game.blackHoleSize += con.BLACK_HOLE_INCREASE_BY_BULLET
                self.markedForRemoval = True

            # Collision detection with players
            for player in game.players:
                if self.owner != player.id and player.po and (self.po.pos - player.po.pos).len() < con.COLLISION_DIST:
                    # print "player %s was hit!" % player.id

                    if player.id == 1:  # HANDICAP FOR P2
                        # player.po.hp -= self.damage / 2.0
                        player.po.hp -= self.damage
                        player.po.hp -= self.damage

                    # p=mv => m1 v1 = m2 v2 => v1 = m2 v2 / v1
                    vDiff = (self.po.m * self.BULLET_SPEED) / player.po.m
                    player.po.v += self.po.v.normalize() * vDiff
                    player.po.gravityFactor += self.damage / 100.0
                    # check for player dying
                    if player.po.hp <= 11.0:  # random value since we're not
                        # drawing from the top
                        player.po.hp = player.po.maxHp
                        print "player with id=%s died!" % player.id

                    self.markedForRemoval = True

            if self.ttl is not None:
                self.ttl -= 1
文件: player.py 项目: Ran4/comgud
    def update(self, game, key):
        if self.po:

	    if game.vectorToMiddle(self.po.pos + V3(self.hw, self.hh)).len() \
                    < game.blackHoleSize:
                self.livesLeft -= 1
                game.blackHoleSize += con.BLACK_HOLE_INCREASE_BY_PLAYER
            #move player to other side if outside
            pos = self.po.pos
            if pos.x + self.w < 0:
                pos.x = game.screenw
            elif pos.x >= game.screenw:
                pos.x = 0 - self.w
            if pos.y + self.h < 0:
                pos.y = game.screenh
            elif pos.y >= game.screenh:
                pos.y = 0 - self.h
            #bouncy walls
            pos = self.po.pos
            if pos.x < 0 and self.po.v.x < 0:
                self.po.v.x *= con.BOUNCE_FACTOR_ON_WALLS
            elif pos.x + self.w >= game.screenw and self.po.v.x > 0:
                self.po.v.x *= con.BOUNCE_FACTOR_ON_WALLS
            if pos.y < 0 and self.po.v.y < 0:
                self.po.v.y *= con.BOUNCE_FACTOR_ON_WALLS
            elif pos.y + self.h >= game.screenh and self.po.v.y > 0:
                self.po.v.y *= con.BOUNCE_FACTOR_ON_WALLS
            pos = self.po.pos
            if pos.x < 0 and self.po.v.x < 0:
                self.po.v.x *= -0.9
            elif pos.x + self.w >= game.screenw and self.po.v.x > 0:
                self.po.v.x *= -0.9
            elif pos.y < con.TOP_GLUE_START and self.po.v.y < 5:
                if pos.y < 0:
                    self.po.v.y += 2.1
                    self.po.pos.y += 0.5
                self.po.v.y *= 0.6 + 0.2*max(0,pos.y)/float(con.TOP_GLUE_START)
            elif pos.y + self.h >= game.screenh - con.BOTTOM_HEIGHT \
                    and self.po.v.y > 0:
                #print "abs(self.po.v.y): ", abs(self.po.v.y)
                if abs(self.po.v.y) < con.STOP_BOUNCE_LIMIT:
                    self.po.v.y = 0
                    pos.y = game.screenh - con.BOTTOM_HEIGHT - self.h
                    self.po.v.x *= 0.9
                    self.po.v.y *= con.BOUNCE_FACTOR_ON_FLOOR

                if pos.y + self.h >= game.screenh - con.BOTTOM_HEIGHT:
                    pos.y = game.screenh - con.BOTTOM_HEIGHT - self.h
                    self.po.v.x *= 0.7
            self.po.v *= con.PLAYER_DRAG
        self.updateControls(game, key)