def drawBitmap(self): if self.boostedImage is None: print "Boosting the image" self.boostedImage = generalUtils.percentiles(numpy.copy(self.originalImageData), 20, 99) matplotlib.pyplot.ion() # mplFrame = numpy.rot90(self.boostedImage) mplFrame = self.boostedImage mplFrame = numpy.flipud(mplFrame) self.figure = matplotlib.pyplot.figure(self.filename, figsize=(self.figSize/1.618, self.figSize)) self.figure.frameon = False self.figure.set_tight_layout(True) axes = matplotlib.pyplot.gca() axes.set_axis_off() self.figure.add_axes(axes) imgplot = matplotlib.pyplot.imshow(mplFrame, cmap="gray_r", interpolation='nearest') verts = [] for b in self.boundingBox: print b y, x = self.wcsSolution.all_world2pix(b[0], b[1], 1, ra_dec_order=True) coord = (float(x), float(y)) print coord verts.append(coord) verts.append((0, 0)) print verts codes = [Path.MOVETO, Path.LINETO, Path.LINETO, Path.LINETO, Path.CLOSEPOLY, ] path = Path(verts, codes) patch = matplotlib.patches.PathPatch(path, fill=None, lw=2) axes.add_patch(patch) matplotlib.pyplot.draw() matplotlib.pyplot.draw() matplotlib.pyplot.pause(0.01)
(height, width) = numpy.shape(imageData) aspectRatio = float(height) / float(width) print(aspectRatio) """ Set up the PGPLOT windows """ imagePlot = {} imagePlot['pgplotHandle'] = ppgplot.pgopen('/xs') ppgplot.pgpap(paperSize, aspectRatio) ppgplot.pgsvp(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0) ppgplot.pgswin(0, width, 0, height) # ppgplot.pgenv(0., width,0., height, 1, -2) imagePlot['pgPlotTransform'] = [0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1] boostedImage = generalUtils.percentiles(imageData, 20, 99) ppgplot.pggray(boostedImage, 0, width - 1, 0, height - 1, 0, 255, imagePlot['pgPlotTransform']) # Determine the RA, DEC of the centre of the image, using the WCS solution found in the FITS header imageCentre = [width / 2, height / 2] ra, dec = wcsSolution.all_pix2world([imageCentre], 1)[0] positionString = generalUtils.toSexagesimal((ra, dec)) print("RA, DEC of image centre is: ", positionString, ra, dec) margins = wcsSolution.all_pix2world([[0, 0], [width, height]], 1) margins = checkMargins(margins) print("ra, dec limits:", margins) print("Looking for bright stars")
(height, width) = numpy.shape(imageData) aspectRatio = float(height) / float(width) print aspectRatio """ Set up the PGPLOT windows """ imagePlot = {} imagePlot['pgplotHandle'] = ppgplot.pgopen('/xs') ppgplot.pgpap(paperSize, aspectRatio) ppgplot.pgsvp(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0) ppgplot.pgswin(0, width, 0, height) # ppgplot.pgenv(0., width,0., height, 1, -2) imagePlot['pgPlotTransform'] = [0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1] boostedImage = generalUtils.percentiles(imageData, 20, 99) ppgplot.pggray(boostedImage, 0, width - 1, 0, height - 1, 0, 255, imagePlot['pgPlotTransform']) # Determine the RA, DEC of the centre of the image, using the WCS solution found in the FITS header imageCentre = [width / 2, height / 2] ra, dec = wcsSolution.all_pix2world([imageCentre], 1)[0] positionString = generalUtils.toSexagesimal((ra, dec)) print "RA, DEC of image centre is: ", positionString, ra, dec margins = wcsSolution.all_pix2world([[0, 0], [width, height]], 1) margins = checkMargins(margins) print "ra, dec limits:", margins xlimits = (0, width)
mainPGPlotWindow = ppgplot.pgopen(arg.device) ppgplot.pgask(True) ppgplot.pgpap(3.0, 1.8) # pgPlotTransform = [0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1] spectrum = spectra[0] xScale = (max(spectrum.wavelengths) - min(spectrum.wavelengths)) / xSize if hasEphemeris: yScale = numPhaseBins else: yScale = len(spectra) pgPlotTransform = [min(spectrum.wavelengths), xScale, 0, 0, 0, 1/float(yScale)] lowerWavelength = min(spectrum.wavelengths) upperWavelength = max(spectrum.wavelengths) ppgplot.pgenv( min(spectrum.wavelengths), max(spectrum.wavelengths), 0, 2, 0, 0) ppgplot.pggray(generalUtils.percentiles(trailBitmap, 20, 99), 0, xSize-1 , 0, ySize-1 , 255, 0, pgPlotTransform) # ppgplot.pggray(trailBitmap, 0, xSize-1 , 0, ySize-1 , numpy.max(trailBitmap), numpy.min(trailBitmap), pgPlotTransform) epochs = [s.HJD for s in spectra] startHJD = min(epochs) endHJD = max(epochs) if arg.title is None: title = "" else: title = arg.title if hasEphemeris: # ppgplot.pglab("wavelength [%s]"%spectrum.wavelengthUnits, "Phase", "%s - %s"%(str(startHJD), str(endHJD))) ppgplot.pglab("wavelength [%s]"%spectrum.wavelengthUnits, "Phase", title) else: #ppgplot.pglab("wavelength [%s]"%spectrum.wavelengthUnits, "Spectrum number", "%s - %s"%(str(spectra[0].HJD), str(spectra[-1].HJD))) ppgplot.pglab("wavelength [%s]"%spectrum.wavelengthUnits, "Spectrum number", title)
(height, width) = numpy.shape(imageData) aspectRatio = float(height)/float(width) print aspectRatio """ Set up the PGPLOT windows """ imagePlot = {} imagePlot['pgplotHandle'] = ppgplot.pgopen('/xs') ppgplot.pgpap(paperSize, aspectRatio) ppgplot.pgsvp(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0) ppgplot.pgswin(0, width, 0, height) # ppgplot.pgenv(0., width,0., height, 1, -2) imagePlot['pgPlotTransform'] = [0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1] boostedImage = generalUtils.percentiles(imageData, 20, 99) ppgplot.pggray(boostedImage, 0, width-1, 0, height-1, 0, 255, imagePlot['pgPlotTransform']) # Determine the RA, DEC of the centre of the image, using the WCS solution found in the FITS header imageCentre = [ width/2, height/2] ra, dec = wcsSolution.all_pix2world([imageCentre], 1)[0] positionString = generalUtils.toSexagesimal((ra, dec)) print "RA, DEC of image centre is: ", positionString, ra, dec margins = wcsSolution.all_pix2world([[0, 0], [width, height]], 1) margins = checkMargins(margins) print "ra, dec limits:", margins
(height, width) = numpy.shape(imageData) aspectRatio = float(height) / float(width) print (aspectRatio) """ Set up the PGPLOT windows """ imagePlot = {} imagePlot["pgplotHandle"] = ppgplot.pgopen("/xs") ppgplot.pgpap(paperSize, aspectRatio) ppgplot.pgsvp(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0) ppgplot.pgswin(0, width, 0, height) # ppgplot.pgenv(0., width,0., height, 1, -2) imagePlot["pgPlotTransform"] = [0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1] boostedImage = generalUtils.percentiles(imageData, 20, 99) ppgplot.pggray(boostedImage, 0, width - 1, 0, height - 1, 0, 255, imagePlot["pgPlotTransform"]) # Determine the RA, DEC of the centre of the image, using the WCS solution found in the FITS header imageCentre = [width / 2, height / 2] ra, dec = wcsSolution.all_pix2world([imageCentre], 1)[0] positionString = generalUtils.toSexagesimal((ra, dec)) print ("RA, DEC of image centre is: ", positionString, ra, dec) margins = wcsSolution.all_pix2world([[0, 0], [width, height]], 1) margins = checkMargins(margins) print ("ra, dec limits:", margins) print ("Looking for bright stars") brightStars = getBrightStars(ra, dec, 0.5)