# diff test.out ~/Lataukset/vv* | grep '>.*[+][?]' | gawk '{print $2}' |flookup -i sukija.fst | gawk 'length($0) > 0'
# cp test.out ~/Lataukset/vvfst-sukija-testi.out

# Style- ja usage-lippujen arvot suoraan Joukahaisesta:
# grep -A1 '<style>' ../vocabulary/joukahainen.xml|grep flag|sort -u|gawk '{printf "%s,", substr($1,7,length($1)-13)}'
# grep -A1 '<usage>' ../vocabulary/joukahainen.xml|grep flag|sort -u|gawk '{printf "%s,", substr($1,7,length($1)-13)}'

import codecs
import getopt
import re
import sys
from types import *
import generate_lex_common

OPTIONS = generate_lex_common.get_options()

infile = codecs.open(OPTIONS["destdir"] + u"/all.lexc", "r", "UTF-8")
outfile = codecs.open(OPTIONS["destdir"] + u"/all-sukija.lexc", 'w', 'UTF-8')
sukijafile = codecs.open(OPTIONS["destdir"] + u"/poikkeavat-sukija.lexc", 'r',

C = u"[qwrtpsšdfghjklzžxcvbnm]"  # Kerakkeet.
K = u"[qwrtpsšdfghjklzžxcvbnmaiou]"  # Kerakkeet + ääntiöitä.
V = u"[aeiouüyåäö]"  # Ääntiöt.
A = u"[aä]"
U = u"[uy]"

def makeRePattern(wordClass, word):
    u = u"^\\[%s\\](\\[I..\\])?\\[Xp\\].*%s\\[X\\]" % (wordClass, word)
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA

import sys
import hfconv
import generate_lex_common
import voikkoutils
import xml.dom.minidom
import codecs

flag_attributes = voikkoutils.readFlagAttributes(generate_lex_common.VOCABULARY_DATA + "/flags.txt")

# Get command line options
OPTIONS = generate_lex_common.get_options()

# Inflection class map
CLASSMAP = hfconv.compileClassmapREs(hfconv.modern_classmap)

# No special vocabularies are built for Voikko
generate_lex_common.SPECIAL_VOCABULARY = []

main_vocabulary = generate_lex_common.open_lex(OPTIONS["destdir"], "joukahainen.lex")

def frequency(word):
	fclass = word.getElementsByTagName("fclass")
	if len(fclass) == 0: return 7
	return int(generate_lex_common.tValue(fclass[0]))

# Check the style flags of the word according to current options.