    def _set_status_channels(self):
        """Compiles all status channels for the status compiler process

        status_inst = pc.StatusCompiler(template="status_compiler")

        # Compile status channels from pipeline process
        status_channels = []
        for p in [p for p in self.processes]:
            if not any([isinstance(p, x) for x in self.skip_class]):

        if not status_channels:
            logger.debug("No status channels found. Skipping status compiler"

        logger.debug("Setting status channels: {}".format(status_channels))

        # Check for duplicate channels. Raise exception if found.
        if len(status_channels) != len(set(status_channels)):
            raise eh.ProcessError(
                "Duplicate status channels detected. Please ensure that "
                "the 'status_channels' attributes of each process are "
                "unique. Here are the status channels:\n\n{}".format(
                    ", ".join(status_channels)))

    def update_attributes(self, attr_dict):
        """Updates the directives attribute from a dictionary object.

        This will only update the directives for processes that have been
        defined in the subclass.

        attr_dict : dict
            Dictionary containing the attributes that will be used to update
            the process attributes and/or directives.


        # Update directives
        valid_directives = ["cpus", "memory", "container", "version", "queue"]

        for attribute, val in attr_dict.items():

            # If the attribute has a valid directive key, update that
            # directive
            if attribute in valid_directives:

                for p in self.directives:
                    self.directives[p][attribute] = val

            # If attribute is present in the class, update that attribute
            elif hasattr(self, attribute):
                setattr(self, attribute, val)

                raise eh.ProcessError(
                    "Invalid attribute '{}'".format(attribute))
    def set_compiler_channels(self, channel_list, operator="mix"):
        """General method for setting the input channels for the status process

        Given a list of status channels that are gathered during the pipeline
        construction, this method will automatically set the input channel
        for the status process. This makes use of the ``mix`` channel operator
        of nextflow for multiple channels::


        This will set the ``status_channels`` key for the ``_context``
        attribute of the process.

        channel_list : list
            List of strings with the final name of the status channels
        operator : str
            Specifies the operator used to join the compiler channels.
            Available options are 'mix'and 'join'.

        if not channel_list:
            raise eh.ProcessError("At least one status channel must be "
                                  "provided to include this process in the "

        if len(channel_list) == 1:
            logger.debug("Setting only one status channel: {}".format(
            self._context = {"compile_channels": channel_list[0]}


            first_status = channel_list[0]

            if operator == "mix":
                lst = ",".join(channel_list[1:])

                s = "{}.mix({})".format(first_status, lst)

            elif operator == "join":

                s = first_status
                for ch in channel_list[1:]:
                    s += ".join({})".format(ch)

                s += ".map{ ot -> [ ot[0], ot[1..-1] ] }"

            logger.debug("Status channel string: {}".format(s))

            self._context = {"compile_channels": s}
    def _parse_process_name(name_str):
        """Parses the process string and returns the process name and its

        Process strings my contain directive information with the following


        This method parses this string and returns the process name as a
        string and the directives information as a dictionary.

        name_str : str
            Raw string with process name and, potentially, directive

            Process name
        dict or None
            Process directives

        directives = None

        fields = name_str.split("=")
        process_name = fields[0]

        if len(fields) == 2:
            _directives = fields[1].replace("'", '"')
                directives = json.loads(_directives)
            except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError:
                raise eh.ProcessError(
                    "Could not parse directives for process '{}'. The raw"
                    " string is: {}\n"
                    "Possible causes include:\n"
                    "\t1. Spaces inside directives\n"
                    "\t2. Missing '=' symbol before directives\n"
                    "\t3. Missing quotes (' or \") around directives\n"
                    "A valid example: process_name={{'cpus':'2'}}".format(
                        process_name, name_str))

        return process_name, directives
    def update_attributes(self, attr_dict):
        """Updates the directives attribute from a dictionary object.

        This will only update the directives for processes that have been
        defined in the subclass.

        attr_dict : dict
            Dictionary containing the attributes that will be used to update
            the process attributes and/or directives.


        # Update directives
        # Allowed attributes to write
        valid_directives = [
            "pid", "ignore_type", "ignore_pid", "extra_input", "group",

        for attribute, val in attr_dict.items():

            # If the attribute has a valid directive key, update that
            # directive
            if attribute in valid_directives and hasattr(self, attribute):
                setattr(self, attribute, val)

            # The params attribute is special, in the sense that it provides
            # information for the self.params attribute.
            elif attribute == "params":
                for name, value in val.items():
                    if name in self.params:
                        self.params[name]["default"] = value
                        raise eh.ProcessError(
                            "The parameter name '{}' does not exist for "
                            "component '{}'".format(name, self.template))

                for p in self.directives:
                    self.directives[p][attribute] = val
    def _set_template(self, template):
        """Sets the path to the appropriate jinja template file

        When a Process instance is initialized, this method will fetch
        the location of the appropriate template file, based on the
        ``template`` argument. It will raise an exception is the template
        file is not found. Otherwise, it will set the
        :py:attr:`Process.template_path` attribute.

        # Set template directory
        tpl_dir = join(dirname(abspath(__file__)), "templates")

        # Set template file path
        tpl_path = join(tpl_dir, template + ".nf")

        if not os.path.exists(tpl_path):
            raise eh.ProcessError(
                "Template {} does not exist".format(tpl_path))

        self._template_path = join(tpl_dir, template + ".nf")
    def template_str(self):
        """Class property that returns a populated template string

        This property allows the template of a particular process to be
        dynamically generated and returned when doing ``Process.template_str``.

        x : str
            String with the complete and populated process template


        if not self._context:
            raise eh.ProcessError("Channels must be setup first using the "
                                  "set_channels method")

        logger.debug("Setting context for template {}: {}".format(
            self.template, self._context))

        x = self.render(self._template_path, self._context)
        return x
    def set_status_channels(self, channel_list):
        """General method for setting the input channels for the status process

        Given a list of status channels that are gathered during the pipeline
        construction, this method will automatically set the input channel
        for the status process. This makes use of the ``mix`` channel operator
        of nextflow for multiple channels::


        This will set the ``status_channels`` key for the ``_context``
        attribute of the process.

        channel_list : list
            List of strings with the final name of the status channels

        if not channel_list:
            raise eh.ProcessError("At least one status channel must be "
                                  "provided to include this process in the "

        if len(channel_list) == 1:
            logger.debug("Setting only one status channel: {}".format(
            self._context = {"status_channels": channel_list[0]}

            first_status = channel_list[0]
            lst = ",".join(channel_list[1:])

            s = "{}.mix({})".format(first_status, lst)

            logger.debug("Status channel string: {}".format(s))

            self._context = {"status_channels": s}