class TestPopulation(unittest.TestCase):

    def setUp(self):
        self.population = Population()
        self.population.fitness(lambda c: sum([g.value for g in c.genes]))

    def test_init(self):
        self.assertIsInstance(self.population, Population)

    def test_evolve_failure(self):
        with self.assertRaises(PopulationException):
            for g in self.population.evolve(10):

    def test_evolve(self):
        blueprint = {'test': range(10)}
        self.population.populate(10, blueprint)

        results = list(self.population.evolve(10))
        self.assertTrue(len(results), 10)

    def test_populate(self):
        blueprint = {'test': range(10)}
        self.population.populate(10, blueprint)

        self.assertTrue(self.population.size == 10)
        self.assertTrue(len(self.population.chromosomes) == 10)

    def test_select(self):
        blueprint = {'test': range(100)}
        self.population.populate(100, blueprint)



    def test_multiply(self):
        # Populate
        blueprint = {'test': range(10)}
        self.population.populate(10, blueprint)

        # Reduce the population down to 2
        self.population.chromosomes = self.population.chromosomes[:2]

        # Call multiply and make sure we're back to the right population size.
        self.assertTrue(len(self.population.chromosomes) == 10)

    def test_fitness(self):
        self.population.fitness(lambda: 0)
        self.assertIsInstance(self.population.fitness_function, types.FunctionType)
# Create a population.
population = Population(selection_rate=0.4, crossover_rate=1.0, mutation_rate=0.12)

# Set the population size and a blueprint for the chromosome.
# Note that each item in the dictionary represents a named Gene, which can have
# any possibility based on a provided range, or list.
values = string.letters + ",! "
population.populate(2500, {
  0:  values,
  1:  values,
  2:  values,
  3:  values,
  4:  values,
  5:  values,
  6:  values,
  7:  values,
  8:  values,
  9:  values,
  10: values,
  11: values,
  12: values

# Decorate a function to use test fitness.
def max(chromosome):
    string = "".join([g.value for g in chromosome.genes])
    target = "Hello, World!"

    # Use fuzzywuzzy to return the % match of the string to the target string.