def compute_import(msg_context, package, type_):
    Compute python import statement for specified message type implementation.

    :param package: package that type is being imported into, ``str``
    :param type_: message type (package resource name), ``str``
    :returns: list of import statements (no newline) required to use type_ from package, ``[str]``
    # orig_base_type is the unresolved type
    orig_base_type = genmsg.msgs.bare_msg_type(type_)  # strip array-suffix
    # resolve orig_base_type based on the current package context.
    # base_type is the resolved type stripped of any package name.
    # pkg is the actual package of type_.
    pkg, base_type = compute_pkg_type(package, orig_base_type)
    full_msg_type = '%s/%s' % (pkg, base_type)  # compute fully-qualified type
    # important: have to do is_builtin check first. We do this check
    # against the unresolved type builtins/specials are never
    # relative. This requires some special handling for Header, which has
    # two names (Header and std_msgs/Header).
    if genmsg.msgs.is_builtin(orig_base_type) or \
        # of the builtin types, only special types require import
        # handling. we switch to base_type as special types do not
        # include package names.
        if is_special(base_type):
            retval = [get_special(base_type).import_str]
            retval = []
    elif not msg_context.is_registered(full_msg_type):
        retval = []
        retval = ['import %s.msg' % pkg]
        iter_types = get_registered_ex(msg_context, full_msg_type).types
        for t in iter_types:
            assert t != full_msg_type, 'msg [%s] has circular self-dependencies' % (
            full_sub_type = '%s/%s' % (package, t)
            log('compute_import', full_msg_type, package, t)
            sub = compute_import(msg_context, package, t)
            retval.extend([x for x in sub if x not in retval])
    return retval
def compute_import(msg_context, package, type_):
    Compute python import statement for specified message type implementation
    :param package: package that type is being imported into, ``str``
    :param type_: message type (package resource name), ``str``
    :returns: list of import statements (no newline) required to use type_ from package, ``[str]``
    # orig_base_type is the unresolved type
    orig_base_type = genmsg.msgs.bare_msg_type(type_) # strip array-suffix
    # resolve orig_base_type based on the current package context.
    # base_type is the resolved type stripped of any package name.
    # pkg is the actual package of type_.
    pkg, base_type = compute_pkg_type(package, orig_base_type)
    full_msg_type = "%s/%s"%(pkg, base_type) # compute fully-qualified type
    # important: have to do is_builtin check first. We do this check
    # against the unresolved type builtins/specials are never
    # relative. This requires some special handling for Header, which has
    # two names (Header and std_msgs/Header).
    if genmsg.msgs.is_builtin(orig_base_type) or \
        # of the builtin types, only special types require import
        # handling. we switch to base_type as special types do not
        # include package names.
        if is_special(base_type):
            retval = [get_special(base_type).import_str]
            retval = []
    elif not msg_context.is_registered(full_msg_type):
        retval = []
        retval = ['import %s.msg'%pkg]
        iter_types = get_registered_ex(msg_context, full_msg_type).types
        for t in iter_types:
            assert t != full_msg_type, "msg [%s] has circular self-dependencies"%(full_msg_type)
            full_sub_type = "%s/%s"%(package, t)
            log("compute_import", full_msg_type, package, t)
            sub = compute_import(msg_context, package, t)
            retval.extend([x for x in sub if not x in retval])
    return retval
def test_log():
    from genmsg.base import log
    log("hello", "there")
def test_log():
    from genmsg.base import log
    log("hello", "there")