    def writepov(self, file, dispdef):
        if self.hidden:
        if self.is_disabled():
            return  #bruce 050421

        hw = self.width / 2.0
        wo = self.image_offset
        eo = self.edge_offset
        corners_pos = [
            V(-hw, hw, 0.0),
            V(-hw, -hw, 0.0),
            V(hw, -hw, 0.0),
            V(hw, hw, 0.0)
        povPlaneCorners = []
        for v in corners_pos:
            povPlaneCorners += [self.quat.rot(v) + self.center]
        strPts = ' %s, %s, %s, %s ' % tuple(map(povpoint, povPlaneCorners))
        if self.image_obj:
            imgName = os.path.basename(self.espimage_file)
            imgPath = os.path.dirname(self.espimage_file)
                '\n // Before you render, please set this command option: Library_Path="%s"\n\n'
                % (imgPath, ))
            file.write('esp_plane_texture(' + strPts + ', "' + imgName +
                       '") \n')
            color = '%s %f>' % (povStrVec(self.fill_color), self.opacity)
            file.write('esp_plane_color(' + strPts + ', ' + color + ') \n')
    def __init__(self, command):
        Constructor for the Build DNA property manager.

        self.endPoint1 = V(0, 0, 0)
        self.endPoint2 = V(0, 0, 0)

        self._numberOfBases = 0
        self._conformation = 'B-DNA'
        self.duplexRise = 3.18
        self.basesPerTurn = 10
        self.dnaModel = 'PAM3'

        _superclass.__init__(self, command)

        self.showTopRowButtons( PM_DONE_BUTTON | \
                                PM_CANCEL_BUTTON | \
                                PM_PREVIEW_BUTTON | \

        msg = "Use resize handles to resize the segment. Drag any axis or sugar"\
            " atom for translation or rotation about axis respectively. Dragging"\
            " any bond will freely move the whole segment."
    def getParameters(self):
        Return the parameters from this property manager
        to be used to create the DNA duplex.
        @return: A tuple containing the parameters
        @rtype: tuple
        @see: L{InsertDna_EditCommand._gatherParameters} where this is used
        numberOfBases = self.numberOfBasePairsSpinBox.value()
        dnaForm = str(self.conformationComboBox.currentText())
        basesPerTurn = self.basesPerTurnDoubleSpinBox.value()
        duplexRise = self.duplexRiseDoubleSpinBox.value()

        dnaModel = str(self.dnaModelComboBox.currentText())

        # First endpoint (origin) of DNA duplex
        x1 = self.x1SpinBox.value()
        y1 = self.y1SpinBox.value()
        z1 = self.z1SpinBox.value()

        # Second endpoint (direction vector/axis) of DNA duplex.
        x2 = self.x2SpinBox.value()
        y2 = self.y2SpinBox.value()
        z2 = self.z2SpinBox.value()

        if not self.endPoint1:
            self.endPoint1 = V(x1, y1, z1)
        if not self.endPoint2:
            self.endPoint2 = V(x2, y2, z2)

        return (numberOfBases, dnaForm, dnaModel, basesPerTurn, duplexRise,
                self.endPoint1, self.endPoint2)
    def setup_quat_center(self, atomList=None):
        Setup the plane's quat using a list of atoms.

        If no atom list is supplied, the plane is centered in the glpane
        and parallel to the screen.

        @param atomList: A list of atoms.
        @type  atomList: list

        if atomList:
            self.atomPos = []
            for a in atomList:
                self.atomPos += [a.posn()]
            planeNorm = self._getPlaneOrientation(self.atomPos)
            if dot(planeNorm, self.glpane.lineOfSight) < 0:
                planeNorm = -planeNorm
            self.center = add.reduce(self.atomPos) / len(self.atomPos)
            self.quat = Q(V(0.0, 0.0, 1.0), planeNorm)
            self.center = V(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
            # Following makes sure that Plane edges are parallel to
            # the 3D workspace borders. Fixes bug 2448
            x, y, z = self.glpane.right, self.glpane.up, self.glpane.out
            self.quat = Q(x, y, z)
            self.quat += Q(self.glpane.right, pi)
    def __init__(self, win, editCommand):
        Constructor for the Build DNA property manager.

        #For model changed signal
        #@see: self.model_changed() and self._current_model_changed_params
        #for example use
        self._previous_model_changed_params = None

        #see self.connect_or_disconnect_signals for comment about this flag
        self.isAlreadyConnected = False
        self.isAlreadyDisconnected = False

        self.endPoint1 = V(0, 0, 0)
        self.endPoint2 = V(0, 0, 0)

        self._numberOfBases = 0
        self._conformation = 'B-DNA'
        self.duplexRise = 3.18
        self.basesPerTurn = 10
        self.dnaModel = 'PAM3'

        _superclass.__init__(self, win, editCommand)

        self.showTopRowButtons( PM_DONE_BUTTON | \
                                PM_CANCEL_BUTTON | \
                                PM_PREVIEW_BUTTON | \

        msg = "Use resize handles to resize the segment. Drag any axis or sugar"\
            " atom for translation or rotation about axis respectively. Dragging"\
            " any bond will freely move the whole segment."
    def sameAsCurrentView(self, view = None):
        Tests if self is the same as I{view}, or the current view if I{view}
        is None (the default).

        @param view: A named view to compare with self. If None (the default),
                     self is compared to the current view (i.e. the 3D graphics
        @type  view: L{NamedView}

        @return: True if they are the same. Otherwise, returns False.
        @rtype:  boolean
        # Note: I'm guessing this could be rewritten to be more
        # efficient/concise. For example, it seems possible to implement
        # this using a simple conditional like this:
        # if self == view:
        #    return True
        # else:
        #    return False
        # It occurs to me that the GPLane class should use a NamedView attr
        # along with (or in place of) quat, scale, pov and zoomFactor attrs.
        # That would make this method (and possibly other code) easier to
        # write and understand.
        # Ask Bruce about all this.
        # BTW, this code was originally copied/borrowed from
        # GLPane.animateToView(). Mark 2008-02-03.

        # Make copies of self parameters.
        q1 = Q(self.quat)
        s1 = self.scale
        p1 = V(self.pov[0], self.pov[1], self.pov[2])
        z1 = self.zoomFactor

        if view is None:
            # use the graphics area in which self is displayed
            # (usually the main 3D graphics area; code in this class
            #  has not been reviewed for working in other GLPane_minimal instances)
            view = self.assy.glpane

        # Copy the parameters of view for comparison
        q2 = Q(view.quat)
        s2 = view.scale
        p2 = V(view.pov[0], view.pov[1], view.pov[2])
        z2 = view.zoomFactor

        # Compute the deltas
        deltaq = q2 - q1
        deltap = vlen(p2 - p1)
        deltas = abs(s2 - s1)
        deltaz = abs(z2 - z1)

        if deltaq.angle + deltap + deltas + deltaz == 0:
            return True
            return False
    def __computeBBox(self):
        Compute the plane's current bounding box.

        # The move absolute method moveAbsolute() in Move_Command relies on a
        # 'bbox' attribute for the movables. This attribute is really useless
        # for Planes otherwise. Instead of modifying that method, I added the
        # attribute bbox here to fix BUG 2473.
        # -- ninad 2007-06-27.

        hw = self.width * 0.5
        hh = self.height * 0.5

        corners_pos = [
            V(-hw, hh, 0.0),
            V(-hw, -hh, 0.0),
            V(hw, -hh, 0.0),
            V(hw, hh, 0.0)
        abs_pos = []

        for pos in corners_pos:
            abs_pos += [self.quat.rot(pos) + self.center]

        return BBox(abs_pos)
    def __init__(self, 
                 editCommand = None,
                 atomlist = []):
        create a blank Rotary Motor not connected to anything
        # [note (bruce 071128): future copy-code cleanup will require either
        # that the atomlist argument comes before the editCommand argument,
        # or that _um_initargs is overridden.]
        assert atomlist == [] # whether from default arg value or from caller -- for now
        Motor.__init__(self, assy, atomlist)
        self.torque = 0.0 # in nN * nm
        self.initial_speed = 0.0 # in gHz
        self.speed = 0.0 # in gHz
        self.center = V(0,0,0)
        self.axis = V(0,0,0)
        self._initial_posns = None #bruce 050518
            # We need to reset _initial_posns to None whenever we recompute
            # self.axis from scratch or change the atom list in any way (even reordering it).
            # For now, we do this everywhere it's needed "by hand",
            # rather than in some (not yet existing) systematic and general way.
        # set default color of new rotary motor to gray
        self.color = gray # This is the "draw" color.  When selected, this will become highlighted red.
        self.normcolor = gray # This is the normal (unselected) color.

        self.length = 10.0 # default length of Rotary Motor cylinder
        self.radius = 1.0 # default cylinder radius
        self.sradius = 0.2 #default spoke radius
        # Should self.cancelled be in RotaryMotorProp.setup? - Mark 050109
        self.cancelled = True # We will assume the user will cancel

        self.editCommand = editCommand
    def __init__(self, assy, name, scale, pov, zoomFactor, wxyz):
        @param pov: the inverse of the "center of view" in model coordinates
        @type pov: position vector (Numeric.array of 3 ints or floats, as made
                   by V(x,y,z))

        @param wxyz: orientation of view
        @type wxyz: a Quaternion (class VQT.Q), or a sequence of 4 floats
                    which can be passed to that class to make one, e.g.
                    Q(W, x, y, z) is the quaternion with axis vector x,y,z
                    and sin(theta/2) = W
        self.const_pixmap = imagename_to_pixmap("modeltree/NamedView.png")
        if not name:
            name = gensym("%s" % self.sym, assy)
        Node.__init__(self, assy, name)
        self.scale = scale
        assert type(pov) is type(V(1, 0, 0))
        self.pov = V(pov[0], pov[1], pov[2])
        self.zoomFactor = zoomFactor
        self.quat = Q(wxyz)
            #bruce 050518/080303 comment: wxyz is passed as an array of 4 floats
            # (in same order as in mmp file's csys record), when parsing
            # csys mmp records, or with wxyz a quat in other places.
 def posn(
 ):  # stub - average posn of Ss neighbors (plus offset in case only one!)
     print "should use Pl_pos_from_neighbor_PAM3plus5_data for %r" % self  #####
     # note: average_value seems to work here
     res = average_value([n.posn() for n in self.neighbors()], V(0, 0, 0))
     return res + V(0, 2, 0)  # offset (kluge, wrong)
    def __init__(self, win, editCommand):
        Constructor for the Build DNA property manager.

        #For model changed signal
        #@see: self.model_changed() and self._current_model_changed_params
        #for example use
        self._previous_model_changed_params = None

        #see self.connect_or_disconnect_signals for comment about this flag
        self.isAlreadyConnected = False
        self.isAlreadyDisconnected = False

        self.endPoint1 = V(0, 0, 0)
        self.endPoint2 = V(0, 0, 0)

        self._numberOfBases = 0
        self._conformation = 'B-DNA'
        self.duplexRise = 3.18
        self.basesPerTurn = 10
        self.dnaModel = 'PAM3'

        _superclass.__init__(self, win, editCommand)


        self.showTopRowButtons( PM_DONE_BUTTON | \

        msg = "Use resize handles to resize the segments."
    def __init__(self, 
                 editCommand = None,
                 atomlist = []):
        create a blank Linear Motor not connected to anything
        # [note (bruce 071128): future copy-code cleanup will require either
        # that the atomlist argument comes before the editCommand argument,
        # or that _um_initargs is overridden.]
        assert atomlist == [] # whether from default arg value or from caller -- for now
        Motor.__init__(self, assy, atomlist)

        self.force = 0.0
        self.stiffness = 0.0
        self.center = V(0,0,0)
        self.axis = V(0,0,0)
        # set default color of new linear motor to gray
        self.color = gray # This is the "draw" color.  When selected, this will become highlighted red.
        self.normcolor = gray # This is the normal (unselected) color.

        self.length = 10.0 # default length of Linear Motor box
        self.width = 2.0 # default box width
        self.sradius = 0.2 #default spoke radius
        self.cancelled = True # We will assume the user will cancel
        self.editCommand = editCommand
    def gather_parameters(self):
        Return the parameters from the property manager UI.
        @return: All the parameters:
                 - numberOfBases
                 - dnaForm
                 - basesPerTurn
                 - endPoint1
                 - endPoint2
        @rtype:  tuple
        numberOfBases = self.numberOfBasesSpinBox.value()
        dnaForm = str(self.conformationComboBox.currentText())
        basesPerTurn = self.basesPerTurnDoubleSpinBox.value()

        # First endpoint (origin) of DNA duplex
        x1 = self.x1SpinBox.value()
        y1 = self.y1SpinBox.value()
        z1 = self.z1SpinBox.value()

        # Second endpoint (direction vector/axis) of DNA duplex.
        x2 = self.x2SpinBox.value()
        y2 = self.y2SpinBox.value()
        z2 = self.z2SpinBox.value()

        endPoint1 = V(x1, y1, z1)
        endPoint2 = V(x2, y2, z2)

        return (numberOfBases, dnaForm, basesPerTurn, endPoint1, endPoint2)
 def __init__(self, point1=None, point2=None, slab=None):
     # Huaicai 4/23/05: added some comments below to help understand the code.
     if slab:
         # convert from 2d (x, y) coordinates into its 3d world (x, y, 0)
         #coordinates(the lower-left and upper-right corner).
         #In another word, the 3d coordinates minus the z offset of the plane
         x = dot(A(point1), A(point2))
         # Get the vector from upper-right point to the lower-left point
         dx = subtract.reduce(x)
         # Get the upper-left and lower right corner points
         oc = x[1] + V(point2[0] * dot(dx, point2[0]),
                       point2[1] * dot(dx, point2[1]))
         # Get the four 3d cooridinates on the bottom crystal-cutting plane
         sq1 = cat(x, oc) + slab.normal * dot(slab.point, slab.normal)
         # transfer the above 4 3d coordinates in parallel to get that on
         #the top plane, put them together
         sq1 = cat(sq1, sq1 + slab.thickness * slab.normal)
         self.data = V(maximum.reduce(sq1), minimum.reduce(sq1))
     elif point2:
         # just 2 3d points
         self.data = V(maximum(point1, point2), minimum(point1, point2))
     elif point1:
         # list of points: could be 2d or 3d?  +/- 1.8 to make the bounding
         #box enclose the vDw ball of an atom?
         self.data = V(
             maximum.reduce(point1) + BBOX_MARGIN,
             minimum.reduce(point1) - BBOX_MARGIN)
         # a null bbox
         self.data = None
 def flush(self, newmotion=V(0, 0, 0)):
         self.use_motion + newmotion
     )  ###k ASSUMES ModelObject always supports move (even if it's a noop) ###IMPLEM
     # note, nothing wrong with modelobjects usually having one coordsys state which this affects
     # and storing the rest of their data relative to that, if they want to -- but only some do.
     ## self.motion = V(0,0,0)
     self.delta_stateref.value = V(0, 0, 0)
 def Draw_other(self):
     Do some custom drawing (in the model's abs coordsys),
     as well as whatever the superclass does.
     #print "start ExampleCommand2E Draw_other"
     super(ExampleCommand2E_GM, self).Draw_other()
     drawline(red, V(1, 0, 1), V(1, 1, 1), width=2)
 def Draw(self):
     Do some custom drawing (in the model's abs coordsys) after drawing the model.
     #print "start ExampleCommand2E Draw"
     glpane = self.glpane
     super(ExampleCommand2E_GM, self).Draw()
     drawline(red, V(1, 0, 1), V(1, 1, 1), width=2)
def drawsphere_worker_loop(params):
    (pos, radius, detailLevel) = params
    for x in range(100):  ## 500
        for y in range(100):
            newpos = pos + (x+x/10+x/100) * V(1, 0, 0) + \
                   (y+y/10+y/100) * V(0, 1, 0)
            drawsphere_worker((newpos, radius, detailLevel))
    def _orient(self, cntChunk, pt1, pt2):
        Orients the CNT I{cntChunk} based on two points. I{pt1} is
        the first endpoint (origin) of the nanotube. The vector I{pt1}, I{pt2}
        defines the direction and central axis of the nanotube.
        @param pt1: The starting endpoint (origin) of the nanotube.
        @type  pt1: L{V}
        @param pt2: The second point of a vector defining the direction
                    and central axis of the nanotube.
        @type  pt2: L{V}

        a = V(0.0, 0.0, -1.0)
        # <a> is the unit vector pointing down the center axis of the default
        # DNA structure which is aligned along the Z axis.
        bLine = pt2 - pt1
        bLength = vlen(bLine)
        b = bLine / bLength
        # <b> is the unit vector parallel to the line (i.e. pt1, pt2).
        axis = cross(a, b)
        # <axis> is the axis of rotation.
        theta = angleBetween(a, b)
        # <theta> is the angle (in degress) to rotate about <axis>.
        scalar = bLength * 0.5
        rawOffset = b * scalar

        if 0:  # Debugging code.
            print ""
            print "uVector  a = ", a
            print "uVector  b = ", b
            print "cross(a,b) =", axis
            print "theta      =", theta
            print "cntRise   =", self.getCntRise()
            print "# of cells =", self.getNumberOfCells()
            print "scalar     =", scalar
            print "rawOffset  =", rawOffset

        if theta == 0.0 or theta == 180.0:
            axis = V(0, 1, 0)
            # print "Now cross(a,b) =", axis

        rot = (pi / 180.0) * theta  # Convert to radians
        qrot = Q(axis, rot)  # Quat for rotation delta.

        # Move and rotate the nanotube into final orientation.
            qrot.rot(cntChunk.center) - cntChunk.center + rawOffset + pt1)

        # Bruce suggested I add this. It works here, but not if its
        # before move() and rot() above. Mark 2008-04-11
def displayLabelsAlongPlaneEdgesLowerLeft(h, w, hh, hw, uh, uw, text_offset,
                                          text_color, font_size, glpane):
    Display labels when origin is on the lower left corner.

    along all the plane edges
    @param h: height of the plane
    @type h: float
    @param w: width of the plane
    @type w: float
    @param hh: half the height of the plane
    @type hh: float
    @param hw: half the width of the plane
    @type hw: float
    @param uh: spacing along height of the plane
    @type uh: float
    @param uw: spacing along width of the plane
    @type uw: float
    @param text_offset: offset for label
    @type text_offset: float
    @param text_color: color of the text
    @type: text_colot: tuple
    @param font_size: size of the text font
    @type: font_size: float
    @param glpane: The 3D graphics area to draw it in.
    @type  glpane: L{GLPane}
    #Along the origin edges
    # Draw unit text labels for horizontal lines (nm)
    y1 = 0
    while y1 >= -h:
        drawtext("%g" % (-y1 / 10.0), text_color,
                 V(-hw - 3 * text_offset, y1 + hh, 0.0), font_size, glpane)
        y1 -= uh
    # Draw unit text labels for vertical lines (nm).
    x1 = 0
    while x1 <= w:
        drawtext("%g" % (x1 / 10.0), text_color,
                 V(x1 - hw, hh + 2 * text_offset, 0.0), font_size, glpane)
        x1 += uw
    #Along the non origin edges

    # Draw unit text labels for horizontal lines (nm)
    y1 = 0
    while y1 >= -h:
        drawtext("%g" % (-y1 / 10.0), text_color,
                 V(hw + 2 * text_offset, y1 + hh, 0.0), font_size, glpane)
        y1 -= uh
    # Draw unit text labels for vertical lines (nm).
    x1 = 0
    while x1 <= w:
        drawtext("%g" % (x1 / 10.0), text_color,
                 V(x1 - hw, -hh - text_offset, 0.0), font_size, glpane)
        x1 += uw
def drawsphere_worker_loop(params):
    (pos, radius, detailLevel, n) = params
    pos += V(-n / 2, -n / 2, 0)  # Centered on the origin.
    for x in range(n):
        for y in range(n):
            newpos = pos + (x+x/10+x/100) * V(1, 0, 0) + \
                   (y+y/10+y/100) * V(0, 1, 0)
            drawsphere_worker((newpos, radius, detailLevel, 1))
 def __getattr__(self, name):  # in class RectGadget
     if name == 'bbox':
         return self.__computeBBox()
     elif name == 'planeNorm':
         return self.quat.rot(V(0.0, 0.0, 1.0))
     elif name == 'right':
         return self.quat.rot(V(1.0, 0.0, 0.0))
     elif name == 'up':
         return self.quat.rot(V(0.0, 1.0, 0.0))
         raise AttributeError, 'RectGadget has no "%s"' % name
def arb_non_parallel_vector(vec):
    Given a nonzero vector, return an arbitrary vector not close to
    being parallel to it.
    x, y, z = vec
    if abs(z) < abs(x) > abs(y):
        # x is biggest, use y
        return V(0, 1, 0)
        return V(1, 0, 0)
    def _computeBBox(self):
        Construct the 3D bounding box for this volume.
        self.rad = vlen(self.ptlist[1] - self.ptlist[0])
        self.cirCenter = self.project_2d(self.ptlist[0])

        bbhi = self.cirCenter + V(self.rad, self.rad)
        bblo = self.cirCenter - V(self.rad, self.rad)

        x, y = self.right, self.up
        self.bbox = BBox(V(bblo, bbhi), V(x, y), self.slab)
 def _orientRawDnaGroup(self, rawDnaGroup, pt1, pt2):
     Orients the raw DNA group based on two endpoints.
     @param rawDnaGroup: The raw DNA group created by make().
     @type  rawDnaGroup: L{Group}
     @param pt1: The first endpoint of the DNA strand.
     @type  pt1: L{V}
     @param pt2: The second endpoint of the DNA strand.
     @type  pt2: L{V}
     @attention: Only works for PAM5 models.
     a = V(0.0, 0.0, -1.0)
     # <a> is the unit vector pointing down the center axis of the default
     # rawDnaGroup structure which is aligned along the Z axis.
     bLine = pt2 - pt1
     bLength = vlen(bLine)
     b = bLine/bLength
     # <b> is the unit vector parallel to the line (i.e. pt1, pt2).
     axis = cross(a, b)
     # <axis> is the axis of rotation.
     theta = angleBetween(a, b)
     # <theta> is the angle (in degress) to rotate about <axis>.
     scalar = self.dna.getBaseRise() * self.getSequenceLength() * 0.5
     rawOffset = b * scalar
     if 0: # Debugging code.
         print ""
         print "uVector  a = ", a
         print "uVector  b = ", b
         print "cross(a,b) =", axis
         print "theta      =", theta
         print "baserise   =", self.dna.getBaseRise()
         print "seqLength  =", self.getSequenceLength()
         print "scalar     =", scalar
         print "rawOffset  =", rawOffset
     if theta == 0.0 or theta == 180.0:
         axis = V(0, 1, 0)
         # print "Now cross(a,b) =", axis
     rot =  (pi / 180.0) * theta  # Convert to radians
     qrot = Q(axis, rot) # Quat for rotation delta.
     # Move and rotate the base chunks into final orientation.
     for m in rawDnaGroup.members:
         m.move(qrot.rot(m.center) - m.center + rawOffset + pt1)
    def gather_parameters(self):
        Return the parameters from the property manager UI.
        @return: All the parameters:
                 - dnaSequence
                 - dnaType
                 - basesPerTurn
                 - chunkOption
        @rtype:  tuple
        if not basepath_ok:
            raise PluginBug("The cad/plugins/DNA directory is missing.")
        dnaModel = str(self.modelComboBox.currentText())
        dnaType  = str(self.conformationComboBox.currentText())

        assert dnaType in ('B-DNA')

        # Get bases per turn.
        basesPerTurnString = str(self.basesPerTurnComboBox.currentText())
        basesPerTurn = float(basesPerTurnString)

        chunkOption = str(self.createComboBox.currentText())
        resolve_random = False
            # Later this flag may depend on a new checkbox in that case;
            # for now it doesn't matter, since sequence info is 
            # discarded for reduced bases anyway.

        (dnaSequence, allKnown) = \
            self._getSequence( resolve_random = resolve_random)
        x1 = self.x1SpinBox.value()
        y1 = self.y1SpinBox.value()
        z1 = self.z1SpinBox.value()
        x2 = self.x2SpinBox.value()
        y2 = self.y2SpinBox.value()
        z2 = self.z2SpinBox.value()
        endpoint1 = V(x1, y1, z1)
        endpoint2 = V(x2, y2, z2)

        return (dnaSequence, 
def animate_TCs():
    # Animate TCs, rotating them slowly.

    # Note: as of 090223 and before, this works in DL case but not in shader
    # case, because coordinate updates after TCs are modified are nim in
    # shader case (I think). [bruce 090223 comment]

    slow = 10.0  # Seconds.
    angle = 2 * pi * fmod(time.time(), slow) / slow
    # Leave the first one as identity, and rotate the others in
    # opposite directions around the X axis.
    TCs[1].setRotateTranslate(Q(V(1, 0, 0), angle * 2), V(0, 0, 0))
    TCs[2].setRotateTranslate(Q(V(1, 0, 0), -angle), V(0, 0, 0))
 def viewIsometric(self):
     This sets the view to isometric. For isometric view, it needs
     rotation around the vertical axis by pi/4 *followed* by rotation
     around horizontal axis by asin(tan(pi/6) - ninad060810
     # This is not yet called from the MainWindow. Need UI for this.
     # Also need code review -ninad060810
     cmd = greenmsg("Isometric View: ")
     info = 'Current view is Isometric View'
     env.history.message(cmd + info)
     self.quatX = Q(V(1,0,0), math.asin(math.tan(math.pi/6)))
     self.quatY = Q(V(0,1,0), -math.pi/4)
    def _orient(self, chunk, pt1, pt2):
        Orients the Peptide I{chunk} based on two points. I{pt1} is
        the first endpoint (origin) of the Peptide. The vector I{pt1}, I{pt2}
        defines the direction and central axis of the Peptide.

        piotr 080801: I copied this method from Nanotube Builder.

        @param pt1: The starting endpoint (origin) of the Peptide.
        @type  pt1: L{V}

        @param pt2: The second point of a vector defining the direction
                    and central axis of the Peptide.
        @type  pt2: L{V}

        a = V(0.0, 0.0, -1.0)
        # <a> is the unit vector pointing down the center axis of the default
        # structure which is aligned along the Z axis.
        bLine = pt2 - pt1
        bLength = vlen(bLine)
        if bLength == 0:
        b = bLine / bLength
        # <b> is the unit vector parallel to the line (i.e. pt1, pt2).
        axis = cross(a, b)
        # <axis> is the axis of rotation.
        theta = angleBetween(a, b)
        # <theta> is the angle (in degress) to rotate about <axis>.
        scalar = bLength * 0.5
        rawOffset = b * scalar

        if theta == 0.0 or theta == 180.0:
            axis = V(0, 1, 0)
            # print "Now cross(a,b) =", axis

        rot = (pi / 180.0) * theta  # Convert to radians
        qrot = Q(axis, rot)  # Quat for rotation delta.

        # Move and rotate the Peptide into final orientation.



        # Bruce suggested I add this. It works here, but not if its
        # before move() and rot() above. Mark 2008-04-11
    def _createStructure(self):
        Build a peptide from the parameters in the Property Manager.

        # self.name needed for done message
        if self.create_name_from_prefix:
            # create a new name
            name = self.name = gensym(self.prefix,
                                      self.win.assy)  # (in _build_struct)
            self._gensym_data_for_reusing_name = (self.prefix, name)
            # use externally created name
            self._gensym_data_for_reusing_name = None
            # (can't reuse name in this case -- not sure what prefix it was
            #  made with)
            name = self.name

        self.secondary, self.phi, self.psi, aa_type = self._gatherParameters()

        struct = self.structGenerator.make(self.win.assy,
        from geometry.VQT import V
        pos1 = V(self.mouseClickPoints[0][0], \
                 self.mouseClickPoints[0][1], \
        pos2 = V(self.mouseClickPoints[1][0], \
                 self.mouseClickPoints[1][1], \
        struct = self.structGenerator.make_aligned(self.win.assy,

        return struct