def copy_sch(sch,sub_sch,copies,prjPath,tmpPath): print "ouoeuauu" schFile = "%s%s" % (prjPath,sch) for cop in range(copies): prLn = False # controls when to print lines between regex matches # set after match, unset after not a match subFile = "%s%s%s" % (tmpPath,sub_sch,cop) print "sch file: %s" % schFile print "sub file: %s" % subFile pts = get_MinMax_xy_sch(schFile) print pts x_shift = int(pts[2]) - int(pts[0]) y_shift = int(pts[3]) - int(pts[1]) print "x_shift: ",x_shift print "y_shift: ",y_shift with open (schFile,"a") as wrFile: for line in fileinput.input([subFile],inplace=False): regBad = re.compile(r"C \d+ \d+ \d+ \d+ \d+ title") matBad = regBad.findall(line) if matBad: prLn = False else: reg = re.compile(r"N (\d+) (\d+) (\d+) (\d+) (\d+)") mat = reg.findall(line) if mat: prLn = True mat = mat[0] # get rid of the outer list x1 = int(mat[0])+x_shift y1 = int(mat[1])+y_shift x2 = int(mat[2])+x_shift y2 = int(mat[3])+y_shift col = mat[4] subs = "N %s %s %s %s %s" % (x1,y1,x2,y2,col) line = reg.sub(subs,line) wrFile.write(line) else: # only need to try to match one of the last 2 regexs reg = re.compile(r"([T C]) (\d+) (\d+) (.*)") mat = reg.findall(line) if mat: prLn = True mat = mat[0] des = mat[0] x = int(mat[1])+x_shift y = int(mat[2])+y_shift post = mat[3] subs = "%s %s %s %s" % (des,x,y,post) line = reg.sub(subs,line) wrFile.write(line) elif (prLn == True): wrFile.write(line) else: prLn = False wrFile.close()
def getCrnPtsSch__test(sch_file): pts = getCrnPts.get_MinMax_xy_sch(sch_file) print pts draw.drawBox_sch(sch_file,pts) openSch = """gschem %s""" % sch_file['sh','-c',openSch])