    def list_tokenize(self, instr):

        Returns a list of tokens, tokenized from given input.

        This method can be called by other classes (e.g. the
        ContainerToken class) when further input needs to be
        processed using the same parser.

        instr -- a string containing the input to tokenize.

        tlist = TokenList()
        self._unknown = ""

        while instr:
            (instr, container_found) = self._parse_containers(instr, tlist)

            if not container_found:
                (instr, token_found) = self._parse_tokens(instr, tlist)

                if not token_found:
                    self._unknown += instr[0]
                    instr = instr[1:]

        if self._unknown:
            self._unknown = ""

        return tlist
class ContainerToken(Token):

    Container token class.

    Allows a container (e.g. matched pair of parentheses,
    braces, brackets) to be represented by a single token
    in another list of tokens, and treated as such.

    Instance attributes:
    _tlist : a TokenList instance containing the contained tokens


    def __init__(self, value, parser):

        Class initializer.

        value -- the string to be tokenized.
        parser -- a reference to the parser which instantiated
        the instance, used to parse the contained tokens.

        Token.__init__(self, value)
        self._token_type_string = "Container"
        self._tlist = TokenList()

        # Push opening container token, parsed contained
        # tokens, and closing container token onto the list

        c_open, c_middle, c_close = value[0], value[1:-1], value[-1]

    def read(self, decorated=False, html=False, tree=False):

        Returns a string representing the unmodified or modified tokens.

        decorated -- set to True to decorate with dec_open and dec_close
        html -- set to True to HTML-escape the characters
        tree -- set to True to output in an indented tree view

        if tree:
            old_prefix = Token.prefix
            Token.prefix += "  "

        out_str = self._tlist.read(decorated=decorated, html=html, tree=tree)

        if tree:
            Token.prefix = old_prefix

        return out_str