    def _assert_object_writing(self, db):
        """General tests to verify object writing, compatible to ObjectDBW
        :note: requires write access to the database"""
        # start in 'dry-run' mode, using a simple sha1 writer
        ostreams = (ZippedStoreShaWriter, None)
        for ostreamcls in ostreams:
            for data in self.all_data:
                dry_run = ostreamcls is not None
                ostream = None
                if ostreamcls is not None:
                    ostream = ostreamcls()
                    assert isinstance(ostream, Sha1Writer)
                # END create ostream

                prev_ostream = db.set_ostream(ostream)
                assert type(
                    prev_ostream) in ostreams or prev_ostream in ostreams

                istream = IStream(str_blob_type, len(data), StringIO(data))

                # store returns same istream instance, with new sha set
                my_istream = db.store(istream)
                sha = istream.binsha
                assert my_istream is istream
                assert db.has_object(sha) != dry_run
                assert len(sha) == 20

                # verify data - the slow way, we want to run code
                if not dry_run:
                    info = db.info(sha)
                    assert str_blob_type == info.type
                    assert info.size == len(data)

                    ostream = db.stream(sha)
                    assert ostream.read() == data
                    assert ostream.type == str_blob_type
                    assert ostream.size == len(data)
                    self.failUnlessRaises(BadObject, db.info, sha)
                    self.failUnlessRaises(BadObject, db.stream, sha)

                    # DIRECT STREAM COPY
                    # our data hase been written in object format to the StringIO
                    # we pasesd as output stream. No physical database representation
                    # was created.
                    # Test direct stream copy of object streams, the result must be
                    # identical to what we fed in
                    istream.stream = ostream
                    assert istream.binsha is not None
                    prev_sha = istream.binsha

                    assert istream.binsha == prev_sha
                    new_ostream = db.ostream()

                    # note: only works as long our store write uses the same compression
                    # level, which is zip_best
                    assert ostream.getvalue() == new_ostream.getvalue()
文件: lib.py 项目: Gu5HC/GitPython
 def _assert_object_writing(self, db):
     """General tests to verify object writing, compatible to ObjectDBW
     :note: requires write access to the database"""
     # start in 'dry-run' mode, using a simple sha1 writer
     ostreams = (ZippedStoreShaWriter, None)
     for ostreamcls in ostreams:
         for data in self.all_data:
             dry_run = ostreamcls is not None
             ostream = None
             if ostreamcls is not None:
                 ostream = ostreamcls()
                 assert isinstance(ostream, Sha1Writer)
             # END create ostream
             prev_ostream = db.set_ostream(ostream)
             assert type(prev_ostream) in ostreams or prev_ostream in ostreams 
             istream = IStream(str_blob_type, len(data), StringIO(data))
             # store returns same istream instance, with new sha set
             my_istream = db.store(istream)
             sha = istream.binsha
             assert my_istream is istream
             assert db.has_object(sha) != dry_run
             assert len(sha) == 20   
             # verify data - the slow way, we want to run code
             if not dry_run:
                 info = db.info(sha)
                 assert str_blob_type == info.type
                 assert info.size == len(data)
                 ostream = db.stream(sha)
                 assert ostream.read() == data
                 assert ostream.type == str_blob_type
                 assert ostream.size == len(data)
                 self.failUnlessRaises(BadObject, db.info, sha)
                 self.failUnlessRaises(BadObject, db.stream, sha)
                 # DIRECT STREAM COPY
                 # our data hase been written in object format to the StringIO
                 # we pasesd as output stream. No physical database representation
                 # was created.
                 # Test direct stream copy of object streams, the result must be 
                 # identical to what we fed in
                 istream.stream = ostream
                 assert istream.binsha is not None
                 prev_sha = istream.binsha
                 assert istream.binsha == prev_sha
                 new_ostream = db.ostream()
                 # note: only works as long our store write uses the same compression
                 # level, which is zip_best
                 assert ostream.getvalue() == new_ostream.getvalue()
    def test_streams(self):
        # test info
        sha = NULL_BIN_SHA
        s = 20
        blob_id = 3

        info = OInfo(sha, str_blob_type, s)
        assert info.binsha == sha
        assert info.type == str_blob_type
        assert info.type_id == blob_id
        assert info.size == s

        # test pack info
        # provides type_id
        pinfo = OPackInfo(0, blob_id, s)
        assert pinfo.type == str_blob_type
        assert pinfo.type_id == blob_id
        assert pinfo.pack_offset == 0

        dpinfo = ODeltaPackInfo(0, blob_id, s, sha)
        assert dpinfo.type == str_blob_type
        assert dpinfo.type_id == blob_id
        assert dpinfo.delta_info == sha
        assert dpinfo.pack_offset == 0

        # test ostream
        stream = DummyStream()
        ostream = OStream(*(info + (stream, )))
        assert ostream.stream is stream
        assert stream.bytes == 15
        assert stream.bytes == 20

        # test packstream
        postream = OPackStream(*(pinfo + (stream, )))
        assert postream.stream is stream
        assert stream.bytes == 10

        # test deltapackstream
        dpostream = ODeltaPackStream(*(dpinfo + (stream, )))
        dpostream.stream is stream
        assert stream.bytes == 5

        # derive with own args
        DeriveTest(sha, str_blob_type, s, stream, 'mine', myarg=3)._assert()

        # test istream
        istream = IStream(str_blob_type, s, stream)
        assert istream.binsha == None
        istream.binsha = sha
        assert istream.binsha == sha

        assert len(istream.binsha) == 20
        assert len(istream.hexsha) == 40

        assert istream.size == s
        istream.size = s * 2
        istream.size == s * 2
        assert istream.type == str_blob_type
        istream.type = "something"
        assert istream.type == "something"
        assert istream.stream is stream
        istream.stream = None
        assert istream.stream is None

        assert istream.error is None
        istream.error = Exception()
        assert isinstance(istream.error, Exception)
    def test_streams(self):
        # test info
        sha = NULL_BIN_SHA
        s = 20
        blob_id = 3

        info = OInfo(sha, str_blob_type, s)
        assert info.binsha == sha
        assert info.type == str_blob_type
        assert info.type_id == blob_id
        assert info.size == s

        # test pack info
        # provides type_id
        pinfo = OPackInfo(0, blob_id, s)
        assert pinfo.type == str_blob_type
        assert pinfo.type_id == blob_id
        assert pinfo.pack_offset == 0

        dpinfo = ODeltaPackInfo(0, blob_id, s, sha)
        assert dpinfo.type == str_blob_type
        assert dpinfo.type_id == blob_id
        assert dpinfo.delta_info == sha
        assert dpinfo.pack_offset == 0

        # test ostream
        stream = DummyStream()
        ostream = OStream(*(info + (stream, )))
        assert ostream.stream is stream
        assert stream.bytes == 15
        assert stream.bytes == 20

        # test packstream
        postream = OPackStream(*(pinfo + (stream, )))
        assert postream.stream is stream
        assert stream.bytes == 10

        # test deltapackstream
        dpostream = ODeltaPackStream(*(dpinfo + (stream, )))
        dpostream.stream is stream
        assert stream.bytes == 5

        # derive with own args
        DeriveTest(sha, str_blob_type, s, stream, 'mine', myarg=3)._assert()

        # test istream
        istream = IStream(str_blob_type, s, stream)
        assert istream.binsha == None
        istream.binsha = sha
        assert istream.binsha == sha

        assert len(istream.binsha) == 20
        assert len(istream.hexsha) == 40

        assert istream.size == s
        istream.size = s * 2
        istream.size == s * 2
        assert istream.type == str_blob_type
        istream.type = "something"
        assert istream.type == "something"
        assert istream.stream is stream
        istream.stream = None
        assert istream.stream is None

        assert istream.error is None
        istream.error = Exception()
        assert isinstance(istream.error, Exception)