    def __init__(self, username=None, api_token=None, debug=False,
        requests_per_second=None, access_token=None, cache=None):
        An interface to GitHub's API:

        :param str username: your own GitHub username.
        :param str api_token: can be found at https://github.com/account
            (while logged in as that user):
        :param str access_token: can be used when no ``username`` and/or
            ``api_token`` is used.  The ``access_token`` is the OAuth access
            token that is received after successful OAuth authentication.
        :param float requests_per_second: indicate the API rate limit you're
            operating under (1 per second per GitHub at the moment),
            or None to disable delays.  The default is to disable delays (for
            backwards compatibility).
        :param str cache: a directory for caching GitHub responses.

        self.debug = debug
        self.request = GithubRequest(username=username, api_token=api_token,
                                     access_token=access_token, cache=cache)
        self.issues = Issues(self.request)
        self.users = Users(self.request)
        self.repos = Repositories(self.request)
        self.commits = Commits(self.request)
    def __init__(self, username=None, api_token=None, requests_per_second=None,
                 access_token=None, cache=None, proxy_host=None,
                 proxy_port=8080, github_url=None):
        """Setup GitHub API object.

        .. versionadded:: 0.2.0
           The ``requests_per_second`` parameter
        .. versionadded:: 0.3.0
           The ``cache`` and ``access_token`` parameters
        .. versionadded:: 0.4.0
           The ``proxy_host`` and ``proxy_port`` parameters
        .. versionadded:: 0.7.0
           The ``github_url`` parameter

        :param str username: your own GitHub username.
        :param str api_token: can be found at https://github.com/account
            (while logged in as that user):
        :param str access_token: can be used when no ``username`` and/or
            ``api_token`` is used.  The ``access_token`` is the OAuth access
            token that is received after successful OAuth authentication.
        :param float requests_per_second: indicate the API rate limit you're
            operating under (1 per second per GitHub at the moment),
            or None to disable delays.  The default is to disable delays (for
            backwards compatibility).
        :param str cache: a directory for caching GitHub responses.
        :param str proxy_host: the hostname for the HTTP proxy, if needed.
        :param str proxy_port: the hostname for the HTTP proxy, if needed (will
            default to 8080 if a proxy_host is set and no port is set).
        :param str github_url: the hostname to connect to, for GitHub
            Enterprise support


        self.request = GithubRequest(username=username, api_token=api_token,
                                     access_token=access_token, cache=cache,
        self.issues = Issues(self.request)
        self.users = Users(self.request)
        self.repos = Repositories(self.request)
        self.commits = Commits(self.request)
        self.organizations = Organizations(self.request)
        self.teams = Teams(self.request)
        self.pull_requests = PullRequests(self.request)