def satorb_prop_sp3(iX, iY, iZ, recv, Tp, ij):
    for satellite number prn
    and receiver coordinates rrec0
    find the x,y,z coordinates at time secweek

    sp3 has the orbit information in it
    # start wit 70 milliseconds as the guess for the transmission time
    nx = iX(Tp[ij] - 0.07)
    ny = iY(Tp[ij] - 0.07)
    nz = iZ(Tp[ij] - 0.07)
    oE = constants.omegaEarth
    c = constants.c
    # get initial deltaA
    SatOrb = np.array([nx, ny, nz]).T
    r = np.subtract(SatOrb, recv)
    tau = g.norm(r) / c

    error = 0
    k = 0
    while (k < 2):
        nx = iX(Tp[ij] - tau)
        ny = iY(Tp[ij] - tau)
        nz = iZ(Tp[ij] - tau)
        SatOrb = np.array([nx, ny, nz]).T
        Th = -oE * tau
        xs = SatOrb[0] * np.cos(Th) - SatOrb[1] * np.sin(Th)
        ys = SatOrb[0] * np.sin(Th) + SatOrb[1] * np.cos(Th)
        SatOrbn = np.array([xs, ys, SatOrb[2]]).T
        tau = g.norm(SatOrbn - recv) / c
        k += 1

    return SatOrbn
def satorb_prop(week, secweek, prn, rrec0, closest_ephem):
    Calculates and returns geometric range (in metres) given
    time (week and sec of week), prn, receiver coordinates (cartesian, meters)
    this assumes someone was nice enough to send you the closest ephemeris
    returns the satellite coordinates as well, so you can use htem
    in the A matrix
    Kristine Larson, April 2017
    error = 1

    # might as well start with 70 milliseconds
    SatOrb = satorb(week, secweek - 0.07, closest_ephem)
    # first estimate of the geometric range
    geo = g.norm(SatOrb - rrec0)

    deltaT = g.norm(SatOrb - rrec0) / constants.c
    k = 0
    #while (error > 1e-8) or (k < 2):
    # should not need more than two iterations, since i am
    #starting with 70 msec
    while (k < 2):
        SatOrb = satorb(week, secweek - deltaT, closest_ephem)
        Th = -constants.omegaEarth * deltaT
        xs = SatOrb[0] * np.cos(Th) - SatOrb[1] * np.sin(Th)
        ys = SatOrb[0] * np.sin(Th) + SatOrb[1] * np.cos(Th)
        SatOrbn = [xs, ys, SatOrb[2]]
        # try this ???
        geo = g.norm(SatOrbn - rrec0)
        deltaT_new = g.norm(SatOrbn - rrec0) / constants.c
        error = np.abs(deltaT - deltaT_new)
        deltaT = deltaT_new
        k += 1
    return SatOrbn