def _getTrackView(self, region):
        from gold.util.RandomUtil import random  # To initialize random generators if not done previously

        #if self._cachedTV is None:
        rawData = RawDataStat(region, self._origTrack, self._trackFormatReq)
        origTV = rawData.getResult()

        assert(not origTV.allowOverlaps)
        assert(origTV.borderHandling == 'crop')
        assert region == origTV.genomeAnchor

        starts, ends, vals, strands, ids, edges, weights, extras = \
            self._createRandomizedNumpyArrays(len(origTV.genomeAnchor), origTV.startsAsNumpyArray(), \
                                              origTV.endsAsNumpyArray(), origTV.valsAsNumpyArray(), \
                                              origTV.strandsAsNumpyArray(), origTV.idsAsNumpyArray(), \
                                              origTV.edgesAsNumpyArray(), origTV.weightsAsNumpyArray(), \
                                              origTV.allExtrasAsDictOfNumpyArrays(), region)

        starts, ends, vals, strands, ids, edges, weights, extras = \
            self._undoTrackViewChanges(starts, ends, vals, strands, ids, edges, weights, extras, origTV)

        from gold.util.CommonFunctions import getClassName
        self._cachedTV = TrackView(origTV.genomeAnchor, starts, ends, vals, strands, ids, edges, weights, \
                                   origTV.borderHandling, origTV.allowOverlaps, extraLists=extras)

        assert self._trackFormatReq.isCompatibleWith(self._cachedTV.trackFormat), 'Incompatible track-format: '\
               + str(self._trackFormatReq) + ' VS ' + str(self._cachedTV.trackFormat)
        return self._cachedTV
    def getTrackView(self, region):
        assert self._origRegion == region
        allChrArmRegs = GenomeInfo.getContainingChrArms(region)
        if len(allChrArmRegs) != 1:
            raise CentromerError
        chrArm = allChrArmRegs[0]
        buffer = self._getIndepencyBufferSize(region)
        sourceRegs = chrArm.exclude( copy(region).extend(-buffer).extend(buffer) )
        assert len(sourceRegs) in [1,2]
        if not any(len(sourceReg) >= self.MIN_SOURCE_TO_SAMPLE_SIZE_RATIO * len(region) for sourceReg in sourceRegs):
            raise TooLargeBinError('Source region lengths of ' + str([len(x) for x in sourceRegs]) +
                                   ' are too small compared to region length of ' + str(len(region)) +
                                   ' according to MIN_SOURCE_TO_SAMPLE_SIZE_RATIO: ' + str(self.MIN_SOURCE_TO_SAMPLE_SIZE_RATIO))
        if len(sourceRegs) == 1:
            sourceReg = sourceRegs[0]
            firstSourceProportion = (len(sourceRegs[0])-len(region)) / sum(len(sourceRegs[i])-len(region) for i in range(2))
            sourceReg = sourceRegs[0] if random.random() < firstSourceProportion else sourceRegs[1]

        randOffset = random.randint( 0, len(sourceReg) - len(region) )
        start = sourceReg.start + randOffset
        end = start + len(region)
        randRegion = GenomeRegion(region.genome, region.chr, start, end)

        rawData = RawDataStat(randRegion, self._origTrack, self._trackFormatReq)
        tv = rawData.getResult()
        assert region != tv.genomeAnchor        
        return tv
 def getTrackView(self, region):
     #print 'get tv for reg: ',region
     #print str(type(self._origRegion)) + " and " + str(type(region))
     assert (not isIter(self._origRegion) and self._origRegion  == region) or (isIter(self._origRegion) and region in self._origRegion) 
     #if self._cachedTV is None:
     rawData = RawDataStat(region, self._origTrack, self._trackFormatReq)
     origTV = rawData.getResult()
     assert(not origTV.allowOverlaps)
     assert(origTV.borderHandling == 'crop')
     assert region == origTV.genomeAnchor
     starts, ends, vals, strands, ids, edges, weights, extras = \
         self._createRandomizedNumpyArrays(len(origTV.genomeAnchor), origTV.startsAsNumpyArray(), \
                                           origTV.endsAsNumpyArray(), origTV.valsAsNumpyArray(), \
                                           origTV.strandsAsNumpyArray(), origTV.idsAsNumpyArray(), \
                                           origTV.edgesAsNumpyArray(), origTV.weightsAsNumpyArray(), \
                                           origTV.allExtrasAsDictOfNumpyArrays(), origTV.trackFormat, region)
     from gold.util.CommonFunctions import getClassName
     self._cachedTV = TrackView(origTV.genomeAnchor, \
                                (starts + origTV.genomeAnchor.start if starts is not None else None), \
                                (ends + origTV.genomeAnchor.start if ends is not None else None), \
                                vals, strands, ids, edges, weights, origTV.borderHandling, origTV.allowOverlaps, extraLists=extras)
     assert self._trackFormatReq.isCompatibleWith(self._cachedTV.trackFormat), 'Incompatible track-format: '\
            + str(self._trackFormatReq) + ' VS ' + str(self._cachedTV.trackFormat)
     return self._cachedTV
    def getTrackView(self, region):
        # To make sure that the origTrack is only read once across randomizations
        rawData = RawDataStat(region, self._origTrack, NeutralTrackFormatReq())
        origTv = rawData.getResult()

        if not self._trackRandomizer.supportsTrackFormat(origTv.trackFormat):
            raise NotSupportedError(
                'The original track "{}" has format "{}", '
                'which is not supported by "{}".'.format(

        if not self._trackRandomizer.supportsOverlapMode(origTv.allowOverlaps):
            raise NotSupportedError(
                'The original track "{}" has "allowOverlaps={}", '
                'which is not supported by "{}".'.format(
                    prettyPrintTrackName(self.trackName), origTv.allowOverlaps,

        assert origTv.borderHandling == 'crop'

        return origTv